Spring. A time of rebirth. Renewal. Reflection. Seasons come and seasons go. The world goes 'round and 'round, oblivious to the trials, triumphs and tragedies of those who inhabit it.
Today's one of those days lonely people dread and busy people covet. Not much going on, beautiful blue sky, the smell of clean in the air. One of those days that totally blindsides you with memories of days gone by.
Somewhere, there's a life ending and another beginning. A heart breaking and another giving itself up to the glories of new love. Somewhere, a soul seeking peace is finding it.
Somewhere, there's a festering cesspool of sewage sucking evil, waiting for you to go see the new Simpsons movie so the scene of Bart's cartoon, 10-year-old full frontal nudity can burn your eyes out and damn your soul to eternal hellfire.