1) Gettysburg, PA. By far, one of my favorite places on the planet. Gettysburg City Council has voted to allow slot machines within city limits to boost the economy. The national battlefields will still be protected, but for how long?
2) Illegal immigrants. Have you seen the questions you'd have to answer if you wanted to become a US citizen? Could you pass the test?
3) Fried chicken. Extra crispy or original recipe?
4) Hair transplant or paint your bald spot?
Warning: This site is chock full of rumors, innuendo, personal opinions & downright lies. Prolonged visits here could be detrimental to your health. If this happens, you're taking life way too seriously. There is a language barrier on this site - comments containing language that cannot be used on prime time network television will be removed. Try to play nice and act like you've got some sense (even if you have to fake it).
The beauty of small town living...

- Bomont, West Virginia, United States
- When you have no idea what you're doing, somebody else will ... or at least make something up & run with it.
Tuesday, April 11, 2006
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Regular or menthol?
HAHAHAHA I just wanted to be first for once!!
I think every one should take there kids to see Gettysburg, and did you know all power lines and phone lines are to be buried there if not all ready. Hair is like a good woman,sure is nice to have around but when it's gone it's gone!
Like a good woman, though, it can be replaced. BAHAHAHAHA
Shaken or stirred?
LOL It was very inconsiderate of AW not to post more pictures of the damage ...
That would be a first since (good woman) Bahahahahahaha
YIKES!! LOL One lawman in the family is plenty, thankyouverymuch!!
Buford Pusser or Joe Arpaio?
An Asian guy was trying to exchange yen for dollars and asked the teller, "Why it change? Yestoday I get two hunat dollar fo yen and today only get a hunat eighty?"
The bank teller said, "Fluctuations."
The Asian guy says "Fluc you Amelicans too."
Hey Rose! Had lunch with CB today, she seems to be a pretty down to earth type of person. I can see why she is such a good friend. dje
DJE ~ I'm just sorry lunch had to be from the drive thru at the Burger King. If I had known you were with me we could have run over to some place nicer and had a real sit down meal. (You would have paid though right? I'm really a tightwad...I mean old fashioned!)And I'm sorry to say the only reason I'm down to earth is because I fall on the ground every so often. I am a good friend though and fun to boot!!!
P.S. Wait....when you said CB did you mean me??
Well it all boils down to this, there must be two CB's and both friends of Rose! Sorry to affend the wrong one. dje
I'm not offended. I'm just sorry I missed lunch!!!!
Hmmm.....I wonder who the other one is.
CB (the wrong one?)
Real or Memorex?
Born with it or Maybelline?
Sure sorry I missed that lunch! LOL CB ... CB ... CB ... which one was your lunch companion, DJE? More importantly, did you have the chicken livers from GoMart & did you save me any???
Ha! This sure is a fun place...
real or implants?
real or implant
big or small
it don't matter
I love 'em all
In the words of comedian Ron White
"If you've seen one woman nekkid...you want to see the rest of 'em nekkid!"
Definitely a conversation I'd hate to see lead to MP.
GAWD! You just had to go THERE didn't you?
LOL Um ... yikes?
Here's a little ditty to ponder:
Today was the Easter dinner at Clay Middle. My mom went up & had lunch with my 6th grader, then went to the office & said she wanted to take him with her. She was told to sign him out & off they went.
Before I go any further, let me say that this is perfectly acceptable to me. HOWEVER, SHE IS NOT ON THE LIST OF PEOPLE APPROVED TO SIGN HIM OUT. The list that's just 1 of about a million forms that the school demanded we fill out & return at the beginning of the school year. The list that plainly states that under no circumstances will a child be released to anybody who isn't on it.
What if I had a restraining order against her? What if she was a drunken drug addict who I didn't want within 7 miles of my children? What if she was somebody he'd met online & she'd promised him great & wonderful things if he'd go along with her brilliant little scheme? What if she signed somebody else's name to buy herself some extra time?
What the hell is the point of locking the school doors if all anybody has to do is come in & sign a kid out?
With all the hoopla about online predators, it seems as though somebody would at least be pretending to be looking out for the security & well-being of our children.
What's really ironic here is that both of my children have come home with massive amounts of knowledge about online predators & talked about how "aware" their teachers have taught them to be when they're on the internet.
I'm sure whoever told her to sign him out was just being helpful & that's to be appreciated. However, anybody on the up & up isn't going to mind waiting a minute while the list is checked or asked to in some way confirm they are who they say they are.
(Incidentally, none of those "what ifs" apply & I will be adding her to the list.)
Hey Rose! Took Pop up to the nursing home today to visit with the folks staying there. Always stop in and see Miss Jenny Drake{a very dear person} and just visit with folks in general. Always leave that place feeling much better. Ofcourse talked a bit with CB CATHY BUTCHER and she got a kick out of the BURGER KING thing. By the way, how you been today{CB the wrong one} One never knows ,You just might be the right one. dje
Hey I'm doing just fine DJE!! Thanks! Yourself?? Sounds like you had a fine visit with friends today! That's always good for the soul. I think you're right though I might be the right one. Not sure for what just yet though!
So...Rose...did you call the school and inquire about their lapse in enforcing their own stringent policies? That's pretty scary if you ask me. The only thing we can hope is that our kids know better or aren't frightened into heading out with some they shouldn't.
67 more days : D
After going to the PSC meeting at the CCC office this morning I have only one thing to say so here goes. After being presented with programmed Lawyers for the town of Clay and PSC before a PSC judge some reps from PSD also it was like being in a room full of robots. Needless to say anything further Clay County Bend over grab your ankles and KISS your Arse (oops) MONEY goodby cause you are in for a prime rate increase in your water bills. After all there was two Gentlemen (public) spoke out again yet another increase for the town thugs to SQUANDER.
Hey Rose! I hear strange noise's from out in the darkness way way off in the distance. You don't think it is you know who doing you know what? And it's not even mid night yet! Sound's like some kind of HOWLING sort of sound!
Hey there CB! Please tell me more about this falling down thing, and is it possible you might need a shoulder to lean on? {but of course only in the old fashion way} dje
teeheehee It's almost midnight - have you gandered at that moon yet? It might get a whole lot louder!! HOOOWWWWLLLL!!!
Nope, CB, I didn't call the school. By the time I got home, it was 3:45 & I've learned not to bother calling after 3:15, especially right before the weekend.
Had she been a real predator, I wouldn't have found out about it until he didn't get off the bus at 4:00. Assuming they left right after lunch, that'd give a real predator at least a 3 hour head start.
All you parents of rebellious teenage girls take note here. All she has to do is meet some guy on the internet who's willing to say he's her uncle/grandpa/stepdad & POOF! she's 3 hours away before you even know she's gone. Boys, too, I guess, though I doubt they'd put that much planning into it.
It could be argued that it was a chaotic day & perhaps the person who said "just sign him out" wasn't authorized to do so - she might've just been a student herself. If that's the case, she should in no way be held accountable for trying to be helpful.
It's up to the adults to protect the kids & there are far too many adults there for anybody to even attempt to defend/explain/excuse/ignore/deny such a screw-up.
LOL That, SB, is the suggested fodder for conversations at the faculty senate meetings currently taking place all across Clay County ....
You must be joking. All faculty senate participants will be far too busy exchanging recipes of the pot luck dishes they all brought to their "meeting". Once they've all filled their bellies, they will dispurse any leftover morsels amongst themselves. Grab up their respective crockpots and head out the door to begin enjoying their spring vacation. By the way, who or what exactly, is the "senate" part of that meeting?
How come no one is posting on this guys site?
Stuck in the Woods RURAL WV said...
How many Bogarts does it take to knock out a newspaperman?
Find out the answer by calling WYAP The Voice of Clay County
Tue Apr 11, 08:46:16 PM
If you have looked at the administration at the middle school, you might realize some of the problems. The pricipal has moved up and will continue to move up, even though she has treated students in a disrepectful matter for years. The VP there, well now there's a real winner. Mr. Showboat who wants to strut wealth and power but carries the personality of a paper bag. That's not exactly the winning combination a school needs.
Health Net flying Murder Mountian 18 year old. Self inflicted gunshot wound to the head. At least 5 cops had to secure the seen before ambulance would go up. Think the gun was properly registered?
was there a shooting on murder mountain? self infllected, bet they can't find the gun.
Even if they do find it, it's probably stolen and some one else put it there. There's alot of roads up to Murder Mountain you know. Coulda been anybody.
Coulda been, but Channel 13 just said it was Justin Young, age 18.
Heard on the scanner there was a 14 year old boy in the creek up reed Fork. Think they said he was snuffing gas or something. dispatch came back & said it was a relative of the shooting victim yesterday. Little later, the EMT was heard requesting the police STAT. The ambualnce was already at Valley Fork bythen. Said there were 2 males aboard & one was family member.
I hate to think of somebody really needing an ambulance while it was being wasted on trash like this.
remember the principal at CMS and her husband the VP at CCHS think the school system is good enough for employment but NOT good enough to send their own kids to. Their kids were sent to private school
Just wanted to stop by and wish everyone a Happy Easter! :)
anyone else notice Smiley/td and Southern Boy disappeared and reappeared at essentially the same time.
hey Rose; am working on area 51. at present just a muddy piece of ground polluted with garbage and trash. must be people from bomont and bickmore areas slipping in here and dumping. locals would never do something like that. we're law abiding people. we don't have no murder mt. either mostly just down home folks.
That's because I've been keeping him busy, Sherlock. hahaha :P
My, what a diverse conversation we have going on here. LOL
What's been going on out Ovapa way? I heard a blurb on the news, but ...
Smiley & SB showing up & disappearing together? Hmm. Perhaps neither of them really exists & they're both just figments of our imagination & we've all just conjured them up at the same time. Maybe? BAHAHAHA
C'mon, LoneStranger, surely you don't think Bomont people would drive alllll the way out there just to dump their dumpings when there's still plenty of roadside right here at home that hasn't been trashed over yet!
HAPPY EASTER!! Remember, just because the eggs have been boiled, that does NOT mean they won't rot by June. LOLOLOL
Did anybody go to the Meet the Candidates thing yesterday?? Who even knew it was taking place??
Hi Rose ????????? You little sweetie
teeheehee The baboons don't like it when you say nice things about me, ya know. Of course, they're convinced I delete everything else, so ...
Do baboons really think??
Morning Rose; i apologize, seems we have squatters who have moved into, what has always been in the past, a party house. it appears they are dropping trash and garbage off at the dump location as they go to the party house. it is located across the river at the mouth of a holler called STANDING ROCK. when i was in school there was a large rock that stood in the middle of the river at this location. i assume this is where the name came from. it's gone now. seems to be down river couple a hundred feet. or maybe only one. didn't measure it. anyway it appears that we have some locals who are dumping at area 51. an appeatance by an enforcer might help. can't tell, might even find a meth lab. HELLO RANDY! drained some more water off the swamp yesterday. didn't find no alligators though. few water toads noted few days ago. hope y'all had a good EASTER.
I just looked at pics of convicts on AW's photo page and got converted. Links got a poor man's shirt on so I am voting Link now. Don't know where he rented it from or who he borrowed it from but its a first ever. Vote Link now.Sure fired reason to.
Murder Mountian Update
Justin Young, 18, was pronounced dead around 2 a.m. today. He was shot in the head at his uncle's residence in Ovapa.
Self inflicted? Any arrests? Investigation?
Ambulance called to the Pistolwhip address 6yr old child with bee sting Epipen on location. Ambulance refused at scene. Who pays for this???? Do they charge for running out there or is it a freebie?? What if someone had a real emergency and the ambulance was off to a refusal residence like a heart attack or stroke. elderly person falling and breaking a leg. Its no wonder it still takes over an hour to get an ambulance over to Lizemore area. They are out being refused by someone who didn't need the service to start with.
YOU pay for it, Mr. Public. That's why it's called Public Ass-Is-Tance.
Let me tell you something anonymous @ 8:14, my nephew is highly allergic to bee stings. He could die from just one sting.
I am glad the Epipen wasn't needed and the paramedic said he was ok. I am glad that he will not be in the hospital tonight for observation.
So you should shut the hell up when you don't know what the hell you are talking about.
LMAO, SB!!!! Please pass the tissues. The laughter from that one brought the tears to my eyes. :P hahaha
Maybe MP should study to be a nurse instead of a lawyer.
Do YOU pay for it all, Aunt "Anonymous"?
woooohoooooooo now that hit the nerve didn't it. and I know more about it then you think. Ride the system rite into the ground. pistolwhips
maybe MP could study to be anything at all would be an improvement wouldn't it.
Oh, the leaps & bounds these blogs take! LOL
Yeah, I deleted that last comment. I did find it interesting, though, that somebody who'd spew forth both the "F" word and the "S" word would call someone "pond scum" ... there's a bit of vocabularic discrepancy there somehow. It's like potty mouth that actually flushes periodically.
hahahah Ms Rose theywould make a nnnice public official don't you think. At least they would fit in with the BOE
Afternoon all; Appears Rose and DJE have one thing in common. Neither one suffers from the disease of vocabularic deficency. we may have a metamorphosis here in Clay Co. People with an IQ higher than stupid.
hey SB you been seeing a lot of STD lately? I hear you can't miss her.
Hmm...I'm glad that I can be the source of entertainment your conversations, anonymous.
Before I say anything else, let me just say this ... SB, YOU BAWDY MAN-WENCH!! ROFL
Smiley? Does "you can't miss her" mean something? Did you paint your car OSHA yellow or something??
An IQ higher than stupid?? OH, NO! Don't tell me I let mine show in public again!! I hate it when that happens! It attracts the baboons & sends them into a frenzy ....
Who was at the court house today? I seen that three people ws sent to jail felony. was was a lady and older gentlement. Who knows bout it????
I wasn't at the courthouse, but I did look up some mugshots on the Regional Jail website (www.wvrja.com), then searched AW's site & VIOLA! found this. Are these your winners??
Nov. 2005 - Past News
And the winners from the Nov. Grand Jury are: Ira Richard Bryant, failure to register as a sex offender;
Nov. 10 am Remember the church house thieves? The smart ones that took their own pictures with a stolen camera? Ashley N Graham was also indicted with 4 counts. 2 for busting into People's Baptist and Lick Fork Churches and 2 counts of receiving and transferring stolen goods.
Hi Rose! I sat in court on Ashley Graham's trial. She pled guilty and was sentenced on 3 felony count's, 1 to 10 years on each count. gota do a min. of 3 years+. Matter a fact , it did'nt go to trial cause she pled guilty. Hey, was that an honorable compliment bestowed apon you or was it? dje
LOL DJE, looks like it's us vocabularicly blessed ones AGAINST THE WORLD, huh?
Perhaps anon was talking about my funky hair color, Rose. ;)
Thanks Rosa and 3Fingers for answer my question.
just goes to show you, any unknown can make a complimentary comment about an egotistical person and that person immediately assumes they are a direct relative of GOD. at the same time they'd never admit they are, more than likely, wearing dirty underwear.
Well said!
hahaha Its your funky hair smiley so long as you like it what does it matter. Just like opinions its different but its yours.
I'll second that "WTF?", SB.
And thank you, anon (at 8:21). That is fitting in many aspects of life, not only regarding me and my hair color.
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