The beauty of small town living...

My photo
Bomont, West Virginia, United States
When you have no idea what you're doing, somebody else will ... or at least make something up & run with it.

Thursday, September 28, 2006

'scuse me?

Robert C. Byrd is running a commercial on TV, touting the fact that he's going to make silent prayer in school legal. 'scuse me? Isn't that already legal? I haven't heard of any parent suing the school system, so it must be.

A lone gunman in Colorado was able to get himself into a high school, hold several students hostage & managed to kill both himself and a female student. 'scuse me? How do people continue to manage to get guns into schools?

Bill Clinton totally lost his cultured cool during an interview with Chris Wallace. {teeheehee} (His hair looked good, though.) Hillary once again finds herself publicly defending her husband, who sincerely tried to catch & kill Osama. 'scuse me?

Patricia K. Nicholson of Mount Airy, MD, was found living in a house with 184 dead cats and 119 live ones. She faces a maximum penalty of 11 years and four months behind bars plus a $46,000 fine. Venus Critchfield of Grafton, WV, pleaded guilty to two counts of felonly child neglect with injury for forcing her 2 stepchildren to gorge themselves on food, then wallow in it and eat their own vomit. Critchfield faces up to six years in prison. 'scuse me??

Friday, September 22, 2006


In the wee hours between tonight & tomorrow morning, Summer ends and Fall begins. Days get shorter, moons get brighter, men disappear. Yards fill up with pumpkins and hay bales, sweater season comes back & everybody's favorite - the ladybugs take over.
Best of all, though, it's the return of hearty eating. Soup ... stew ... chili ...

Sunday, September 17, 2006

Hypothetically Speaking ...

Say there's this bully. And say this bully's last name is a popular one in the town where you live. You know the type - one of those names that never seems to get in trouble or get caught doing anything wrong. He's everything his parents were when they were the same age & still continue to be, just on a different level.
Now, say this bully - in the way of bullies everywhere - chooses much smaller kids(just "regular" kids, not ones in his exclusive little clique) as his targets. Say, too, that this bully has friends who are just like him, who always seem to be close by to collaborate his story and/or make sure that when it's 5 against 1, the 1 can't possibly win.
How do you deal with the bully?

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

An Apple A Day ...

Anderson Mullins was an apple-loving farmer who lived on his family's farm in Odessa - right next door to Bomont, on the fringes of Porters Creek.

In the fall of 1905, Anderson noticed a crop of yellow apples on a tree that he hadn't been planted, which must have grown from seed. He sent samples to Stark Brothers Nursery in April 1914, calling the fruit "Mullins Yellow Seedling."

Paul Stark traveled by train and horse & buggy from Louisiana, Missouri to the Mullins farm. He was so impressed by the apple - which he renamed the GOLDEN DELICIOUS - that he bought the tree & the surrounding 900 acres of land for $5,000. He then paid $100/year to the Mullins family for the next 30 years or so to make sure it was properly maintained & nurtured.

The tree survived until 1958. The sign that marks the spot still stands.

Monday, September 11, 2006

SEPTEMBER 11, 2006 - 5 years later

Where were you when the world stopped turning?

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Little Ditties

There are 55 counties in West Virginia. Here's where Clay ranks in select areas:

CAUSE OF DEATH (1992 - 2001):
Lung cancer: Rank - 4
Motor vehicle: Rank - 1
Homicide & legal intervention: Rank - 8
Our #1 cause of death in Clay County is heart disease

Physical Inactivity: Rank - 2
Smokeless Tobacco Use: Rank - 2
No Health Insurance (age 18-64): Rank - 1

White - 98.5%
Black - 0.1%
American Indian/Alaska Native - 0.7%
Persons reporting two or more races - 0.7%
Hispanic or Latino origin - 0.4%
Average age at death - 74.7
Average number of births, mother age 15-19 - 54.8

Friday, September 01, 2006


"Please, make welcome ... the best friend a song ever had ...
CONWAY TWITTY !!" (September 1, 1933 - June 5, 1993)

Other September 1st trivia to amaze your friends with ...
1975 Gunsmoke goes off the air
1979 LA Court orders Clayton Moore to stop wearing Lone Ranger mask
1970 - The last episode of "I Dream of Jeannie" aired on NBC-TV. The show premiered on September 18, 1965.