The beauty of small town living...

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Bomont, West Virginia, United States
When you have no idea what you're doing, somebody else will ... or at least make something up & run with it.

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Halfway Through August ...

Thirty-one years ago today, Elvis died.

Fifty years ago today, Madonna was born.

Sixty-five years ago today, Maycle Samples gave birth to a bouncing baby boy.
He's still bouncing strong today.



ROSE said...

Is anybody following the Michael Phelps Olympic phenomenon?

Anonymous said...

They found Bigfoot in Georgia >:}

Anonymous said...

why follow phelps. im chasing butterflys in WV.

ROSE said...

Too bad Uncle Steve doesn't turn 65 every day. Good times, man, good times! Who knew the family was so huge?? WOOOO HOOOOO!!

Anonymous said...

Denver had a summer snow yesterday. Wonder if that's a harbinger of things to come?

ROSE said...

There's currently an effort underway to have voting rights restored to convicted felons. The dude on Fox News is arguing that without reinstating a felon's right to vote, that felon is a second class citizen, ineligble for public assistance, public housing, the ability to get a loan ...

Whaddaya think? Do you think that someone who's preyed upon society & been caught, tried & convicted by due process should be allowed to vote? Do you think that reinstating their voting rights would then lead to reinstating other rights you lose when you go to prison? Like the right to own a firearm?

Anonymous said...

i believe that a convicted felon cannot own a gun they have the right to vote and other benefits.

Anonymous said...

been reading the obits. sounds like Hattie Salisbury might have been the aunt of Tommy young jr.

ROSE said...

This morning, I was watching little blurbs of the recent "meeting" between McCain & Obama. When asked when they thought an unborn child ... had rights to life or whatever the question was, Obama skirted the issue & gave some vague answer that didn't really answer the question at all. McCain simply said, "At the moment of conception."

I like that kind of direct answer, so I think there's a short answer to the question I posed earlier.

Anonymous said...

How so?

Anonymous said...

what was the question? i musta been asleep.

Anonymous said...

Todays national support your local police day, anyone got a rope?

ROSE said...

The American Civil Liberties Union recently filed a suit to make it possible for convicted felons to register to reinstate their voting privileges. In Ohio, the NAACP planned a huge voter-registration day at the Justice Center in Cleveland to register "people caught up in the criminal justice system." Just 2 examples of what's going on in the world today.

The question is, do you think convicted felons should be allowed to vote?

Anonymous said...

i'm a convicted felon. i voted last election.

Anonymous said...

Who'd you vote for?

Anonymous said...

Do you think convicted felons should still have to pay taxes?

Anonymous said...

Thru the a*s!!

ROSE said...


Of course they should have to pay taxes. Paying taxes is an obligation. Voting is a right.

Anonymous said...

anyone seen Bob Weese. where abouts unknown since friday, week ago. suspicious circumstances.

Anonymous said...

LOL! I wish I didn't have to pay taxes! Seems like I have some kind of different tax due all the time.
Okay, so if a convicted felon has gone to jail and served his (or her) jail term and completed their community service hours and paid the restitution in full, they still should be denied the right to vote? Why or why not? Clearly, the gun, alcohol and drug posession rights (or whatever) shouldn't be returned to some felons for safety reasons.

Anonymous said...

Too much gray area. Either yes or no. No splitting hairs. That's what's wrong with this country today. Too much "case by case". Forget that.

Anonymous said...

7:52 anonymous I bet you work for the public school system don't you? That's about how they operate.

Anonymous said...

Wonder what Mother Goose thinks about this subject? How bout a little rhyme for doing the time.

ROSE said...

Anon @ 7:33, let's say I'm a convicted felon. My crime was involuntary manslaughter & my victims were your innocent children. I was drunk, having a great time, until your car got in my way. I knew I was drunk, I knew I was breaking the law, I made a conscious decision to drink & then get behind the wheel of my car. I've served my time, I've paid my restitution, I'm just as sorry as I can be. Give me back my right to vote.

While you're at it, my crime wasn't "violent" or anything - just an unfortunate accident - so why shouldn't I also have my right to own a gun reinstated? I didn't shoot anybody. The Constitution says I can have a gun & I've paid the price they said your children were worth.

Why not wipe my slate clean altogether & reinstate all my rights? I've paid my debt to society. I'm calling the ACLU & getting Jesse Jackson to take on my case ...

Anonymous said...

Losing your rights IS part of your debt to society.

Anonymous said...

I say hang the low life's.

Anonymous said...

what about those people who are not guilty that were and are convicted by corrupt courts?
under the patriot act you no longer have any rights.

didn't have rightrs in WV either time I was convicted, before the patriot act. corruption was rampant in Clay co. and WV. The gov. will be corrupt as long as there is a secret, tax exempt,
lodge to control it. ask the native amercans, can the US gov. be trusted or are they two-faced and forked tongued.

Anonymous said...

-----------Poor Baby-----------

Anonymous said...

"didn't have rightrs in WV either time I was convicted ..." If you were too stupid to avoid being convicted twice, you might not deserve rights.

ROSE said...

There are definitely innocent people in jail & prison. To get to that point, though, you have to be arrested, indicted & tried. There has to be evidence, due diligence & all sorts of crazy stuff going on in a courtroom. Sometimes, you do, indeed, get an idiot lawyer or a corrupt judge.

The majority of people who currently can't own a gun, vote, run for office, etc., though, have lost those rights fair & square.

Anonymous said...

now we've have the attitude of the corrupt freemasons who i believe run the corrupt system. what happened that the BOE owed theIRS 2.6 MIL. WHERE DID TH 100 THOU GO FOR THE iVYDALE SCHOOL. WHY DOES THE AUTO OWNERS HAVE TO PAY THE school teachers pension fund. who got the filcon swindle money. who got the payoff in the USDA housing swindle. whos running the protection racket in WV. as my attorney told me. when the corrupt system was rampant. once charged you're guilty till proven innocent. corrupt !!!!!! when they issue search warrants three hours after the search.

Anonymous said...

oh, I forgot, a search warrant was issued but the state police, Cpl Douglas Ratliff later swore he didn't see any violation of the law and nothing illegal was found in the search. prosecutor Hunter Smith even offered , through James Douglas, my attorney at that time, to give the property back that wasmn't listed on the itemized search sheet if I would just plead guilty to asomething. no dice, so the jury was fixed. DONALD Ferrebee, a freemason, was put in as jury foreman and led the charge.
Donald Ferrebee, Carl Wilsons son in law, much much more where that came from.

Anonymous said...

read the appeal to the supreme court.

Anonymous said...

Mother Goose, where are you in our time of need?

Anonymous said...

Clay Roane Water at its best I cannot wait until the CCC combines all three water companies and we at least all have to drink the same water.

Anonymous said...

them dirty judges, them crooked cops
them garsh-dawg dirty goats!
they framed my a*s & feloned me
& now won't let me vote!

cain't own a gun, cain't run for office
cain't even get a job.
I didn't do nuthin, but they ruint my life
they're worse'n the flippin' mob!

I did my time, jail and parole,
I paid my debt to y'all.
yet I'm still considered 2nd class
... or maybe no class a'tall.

give me back the rights you stole
I'm rehab'ed, don'ja know!
all I did was cook some meth
& sell some kids some blow.

or maybe I embezzled a bit
or stole some pension funds
us white collar felons ain't so bad,
give us back our guns!

this is America, the land of the FREE
not land of the reinstated.
rights are privileges and laws aren't made
just to be desecrated.

you do the crime, you do the time,
the debt you pay is high.
maybe months, maybe years,
maybe 'til you die.

don't expect some bleedin' hearts
to reinflate your bubble.
you blew your chance when you broke the law
sorry for your trouble.

ROSE said...

According to "the most recent study," WV is the 2nd fattest state in the nation! Y'all double up on those cheez doodles so we can beat out Mississippi next year!

Anonymous said...

Wonder when Miss Rose will start pile'n on the pounds, again?

Anonymous said...

Again? Did that ever happen the first time?

ROSE said...

Sure it did! Don't you remember when I was a 2-ton Lucy? But then I went on the Late Night Nutter Butter Diet & turned my life around!

Anonymous said...

fellow came up to me tother day, said, I work for the Pinkertons.
to back track, recently I was looking for some history on old train robberies, I tried to access the Pinkerton web page. nothing doing, you must have a code word to even access their web page. all i got was that they do intelligence work for the US gov. as an independent agency. interesting that one of their agents would show up here. wonder whats going on in this area?

Anonymous said...

Have to laugh, almost every convisted felon I have seen in Clay carry guns, knives and swords. Hell we have conicted child molesters living near Clay Elem. School and the green shirts know it and do NOTHING! The wives even lie and make up stories because they don't want to believe their husbands molested other family memebers and look at Knotts, the Mason's have kept him free and on the streets for years. Randy shot some woman a bunch of times, stole from the dead and keeps his meth making sons out of trouble. Bet he still has his pot growing, his body shows he still does the late night munchies feast he did when he was in school. One magistraigt ran drugs and booze and the other is a secret queer. Facemire breaks the law by trying people from the bench and Alsop feels he is GOD. Jim Samples ran Primary Care into the ground all while he was screwing co workers wives or girlfriends and paying for the hotels with company funds. Jeff Davis is a druggie who kidnapped his wife and lost his job due to wrong doings. Jerome Novobilski is a drunk and his sidekick Lynn covered for HT so many times that he was able to kill AGAIN but at least he finally got caught in Florida. Kevin Duffy and Wayne King know how to throw a bonfire and lose key evidence. Barbara Shamberger is getting fat and lazy and won't do what little work she has. No one in the courthouse actually wants to do the job they are paid for but sure will sling the bs at others to make themselfs look better and the water company has been working on illegal monies for years but haven't had to account for any of it, until now and now we pay through the nose for unhealthy water from the river. But hey, its Clay its different here.

Anonymous said...

well I'll be damned. some one else got the bitchies today. hey you ain't suppose to tell all that. them's secrets.

Anonymous said...

Hey! Being fat and lazy isn't a felony!

Anonymous said...

Better watch them Pinkertons. They might be watching y'alls new excursion railroad for holdups.

Anonymous said...

hey railroads ain't the only thing that gets held up,
judge looked down his nose at me , says that'll be a thousand dollars sonny. next time you don't like federal officers harrassing you don't send them corn starch. now hold up your right hand, you swear you'll stay away from the VA in huntington and not harrass the federal officials. you don't have that right you hain't got no rights. a year and a day will do you.

Anonymous said...

So your saying, you got off with just a smack on the wrist, right?

Anonymous said...

a smack for not committing a crime the crime was committed by the federal officials. DISCRIMANATION PLUS AN fbi agent said that when questioned they fell over themselves to tell they were selling service connected disabilitys. go fish

Anonymous said...

And it's a fool that don't admit they have big feet, when there size 14.

Anonymous said...

So what your saying is if the shoe fits, ware it.

Anonymous said...

well, it seems that this one person must have a personal interest in this conversation. to me that means he is a freemason or a policeman or both. and will admit the guilt of the police and the judicial system and the politicians in trying to set up a police state.

Anonymous said...

"and will not admit the guilt"

Anonymous said...

Remember, Big Brother is always watching!

Anonymous said...

remember there's sherlock, pinkerton and sasquatch now. and don't forget Randy

Anonymous said...

------------Go Fish-------------

Anonymous said...

Good morning Rosey!

Anonymous said...

good morning Rose, gonna be a fine day.

ROSE said...

Good morning, all you little rays of sunshine!! The sun's shining, the birds are singing, the house is clean. If life gets any better than this, I don't even want to know about it!

The Farmers Almanac is predicting a "colder than normal" & "wet & snowy" winter ... just in time for the gas & electric rate increases to take effect.

Enjoy the sunshine while ya can!!

Anonymous said...

They're gonna get ya!
From "Frontier Communications Corp., is one of several Internet service providers that are moving to curb the growth of traffic on their networks, or at least make the subscribers who download the most pay more. The company quietly updated its policies to say it would limit Internet activity each month. Frontier says it plans to start enforcing its 5-gigabyte cap next year." No more unlimited music and movie downloads!

Anonymous said...

Good evening, Miss Rosey.

Anonymous said...

found it interesting that RB would attack the communicator. of course he can't just fire Andys relatives now. that would be an awfully obvious political move.

Bet RB could tell us where that 100,000 of Ivydale school money went to if'n he had a mind to. that 2.6 mil to the IRS also could use a little explaining. o' course being a freemason and being lodge brothers with the other stonewallers in Clay who don't like the public to know too much, HE AIN'T GONNA SAY NOTHING.

Anonymous said...

R B Legg is the man!

Anonymous said...

why does clay county let the big sh%% run everything makes no sense clay should be part of charlston sorry folks

Anonymous said...

Because idiots keep voting them in.

Anonymous said...

because they run the BOE and DEPT. OF HIGHWAYS where the majority of the their relatives and family members work and so control the majority of the peoples income. no vote right no workee, no income.

Anonymous said...

have a nice day Ms Rose. Did you know we have a monarch butterfly ranch in Brooke co. WV. Have a show going on at snowshoe mountain 22 to 24 . ends today I guess. Nice looking rancher. woo0-woooooo.

Anonymous said...

A butterfly ranch?? How do you keep those little boogers at home?

Anonymous said...

don't know. not many men can keep teir wives home either.

Anonymous said...

On that note, many women can't keep their men at home either.

ROSE said...

Well, when I leave home, my man goes with me. So do the kids & the dog. & sheweee!! These long weekends outta town wear us all out!

What'd His Royal Hiney, RB, do this time?

Anonymous said...

Is that Jokwin Schoonover that's in CRJ the son of the school teacher Jokwin Schoonover??

ROSE said...

I don't know either of them, Jokwin's not exactly a common name. What are odds they're unrelated?

Anybody 'bout ready for a new thread? Anything specific anybody wants to talk about?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Hawker bill killer bees seen in southern WV. Keep them tadpoles in the house, though Hawker bills usually only sting at night, unlike the Amizion Zucie flie, close kin to the Hawker bill. They seem to blow in due to Fay.

Anonymous said...

wonder what they said

Anonymous said...

They said that in a language we have never heard of!

Anonymous said...

i think he said that storm fay is blowing mesquiters into southern WV so keep your kids a**es inside fore a mesquiter bites them.