The beauty of small town living...

My photo
Bomont, West Virginia, United States
When you have no idea what you're doing, somebody else will ... or at least make something up & run with it.

Thursday, October 23, 2008


OK, so it's not so really for our area, but still ...

Less than 2 weeks to go before all the campaign commercials give way to Christmas ads.

And the world goes 'round & 'round & 'round ...

Wednesday, October 15, 2008


For a brief moment (or 90), gas was $2.25 yesterday in Elkview.

Last week, Clay County was on the news for honoring a fallen soldier. This week, we were back in the news for our new Peppy Le'Pew school. Halloween's right around the corner - maybe enough soap on the windows will help.

Another few weeks & the campaigns commercials will be over. What commercials get bumped so those can take their place?

Peak season for fall colors is upon us - the temperature is supposed to be in the 80s again today. Reckon we'll get snow this year?

Tuesday, October 07, 2008

Some Gave All

As I type this, another American Hero is on his way home for the last time. There won't be any welcome home parties, there won't be any celebrating, there won't be tears of joy. There will be a lot of sorrow, a lot of pomp and circumstance, a lot of media coverage, a lot of opportunity lost as yet another young life is given for The Cause.

What price, this Cause? Are we, as a country, better off for the loss of this young man? Absolutely. Would his parents agree that the price was worth the cost? Is their pride in him enough to fill the void his loss has left behind? In the darkest hours of tonight, in the coming days and weeks, in the years ahead without him, will that pride sustain them? I sincerely hope it at least brings them comfort.

I sat down here to talk about what a beautiful day it is & how flinging open my windows & letting in the fresh, clean air immediately takes me back to 1970 something & memories of being a carefree kid. It's funny how something as simple as the smell of Fall can do that.

Somehow, though, I got off on a tangent (as I'm apt to do). Sgt. Nicholas isn't the first to die for his country; he won't be the last. The question is, how many is enough? How many men and women have to die before we say, "No more"? World peace isn't attainable; inner peace is. What's it going to take for us to let that be enough?

Deepest condolences to the family of Jamie Nicholas. Thank you for your sacrifice.