As I type this, another American Hero is on his way home for the last time. There won't be any welcome home parties, there won't be any celebrating, there won't be tears of joy. There will be a lot of sorrow, a lot of pomp and circumstance, a lot of media coverage, a lot of opportunity lost as yet another young life is given for The Cause.
What price, this Cause? Are we, as a country, better off for the loss of this young man? Absolutely. Would his parents agree that the price was worth the cost? Is their pride in him enough to fill the void his loss has left behind? In the darkest hours of tonight, in the coming days and weeks, in the years ahead without him, will that pride sustain them? I sincerely hope it at least brings them comfort.
I sat down here to talk about what a beautiful day it is & how flinging open my windows & letting in the fresh, clean air immediately takes me back to 1970 something & memories of being a carefree kid. It's funny how something as simple as the smell of Fall can do that.
Somehow, though, I got off on a tangent (as I'm apt to do). Sgt. Nicholas isn't the first to die for his country; he won't be the last. The question is, how many is enough? How many men and women have to die before we say, "No more"? World peace isn't attainable; inner peace is. What's it going to take for us to let that be enough?
What price, this Cause? Are we, as a country, better off for the loss of this young man? Absolutely. Would his parents agree that the price was worth the cost? Is their pride in him enough to fill the void his loss has left behind? In the darkest hours of tonight, in the coming days and weeks, in the years ahead without him, will that pride sustain them? I sincerely hope it at least brings them comfort.
I sat down here to talk about what a beautiful day it is & how flinging open my windows & letting in the fresh, clean air immediately takes me back to 1970 something & memories of being a carefree kid. It's funny how something as simple as the smell of Fall can do that.
Somehow, though, I got off on a tangent (as I'm apt to do). Sgt. Nicholas isn't the first to die for his country; he won't be the last. The question is, how many is enough? How many men and women have to die before we say, "No more"? World peace isn't attainable; inner peace is. What's it going to take for us to let that be enough?
Deepest condolences to the family of Jamie Nicholas. Thank you for your sacrifice.
Thanks for the pics AW. Clay County did itself proud today.
Remembering Sgt. Nicholas
Top o' the mornin' to y'all!
I missed last night's debate - did I miss anything good? At this point, they all just seem to be repeating what they've been saying for months. Pfffft.
Break out the umbrellas - it might actually rain today!
No school for high schoolers today, but no "official" notice. Nothing on the school's website, nothing out of AW, nothing on the state's website.
I was very proud ( for the first time in years) all of our elected officials went to the funeral together on a school bus and sat together at the ceremony. Except Poopy and Jim Samples. Poopy had to twist around like he was somebody important and Jim Samples did not show his face. Even Slink was one of the boys today and showed respect.
Maybe he gets his social skills advice from this blog & realized he didn't make the best impression at the candlelight vigil ...
My middle schooler was quite impressed by the outpouring of patriotism Clay County showed today.
Is it unpatriotic (selfish?) of me to suggest other careers besides the military? We need more pie bakers in the world, right?
Poopy shouldn't be re-elected for health reasons. Another four years of living the good life will cause him to explode.
Conversely, maybe his job is all that keeps him from sitting home binging on RC Cola & Moon Pies.
Has everybody gotten their stimulus checks? The deadline is fast approaching & there's still millions of dollars out there, unclaimed. Seems like if they know about all these people who haven't yet applied, they'd just cut them a check & be done with it.
gotta keep track of you Rose, cause they'll probably ask for double back if you ever go to work.
Well if I would have received a permission slip asking if they could have my kid out in the rain all day for a drama funeral, my answer would have been NO.
I liked Jamie and I am sad that he is gone BUT if you do this for one, you do it for all and that isn't how this county works.
It's a good thing for you that when Sgt. Nicholas & his brothers in arms received their permission slips asking them if they were willing to die so your child *could* stand out in the rain & watch his funeral procession go by, he said YES. Drama? Damn right. If you think he deserved any less, perhaps you should invest in a passport & a 1-way ticket to Afghanistan.
It is, however, very sad that so many other vets participated in & watched yesterday's outpouring of respect, yet they're still waiting for any sort of grateful recognition.
I never said he deserved less, I said if you do it for one, then you do it for ALL.
What about the two from our county that died as a result of the last war? Just because they didn't die in the battle field, did they deserve less?
I have family serving. Some has been over there and some are waiting to go. I support our troops 100% and I am in favor of the war, something which even AW can't even claim.
It's nothing against Jamie, I too say he was a hero, however I still say if one deserves it then they ALL do.
Name two that died in the last war? How did they die?
You go Rose! More like your feisty mom ever day.
Yea her mom was a bitch and so is she.
what is the last war you're talking about? we're still at war how do you separate one from the other.
That takes a big person to say that about someone that has passed, Oh by the she was by no means a Bitch. She was a very nice woman and would do anything for anyone. So I think you need to take a look at yourself and think about what you said, Do you really like yourself, I don't think so.....I sure don't like you and I am sure no one else does either. Ha Ha
LOL Normally, I'd delete comments like that simply because of their language factor. This time, I'm letting them slide. Why? Well, first & foremost, it's my blog. I can do anything I want to here.
My mom's been gone over 2 years & prior to that, she hadn't lived anywhere near Clay County for 10. She must have made a serious impact on someone's life for that someone to still feel the need to call her names over 12 years after the fact.
Frankly, if my mom was here, she'd laugh her head off. She had an uncanny ability to tolerate all kinds of people, despite their deficiencies.
Me become more like my mom? We should all be so lucky.
"It is better to let people think you an idiot than to open your mouth and remove all doubt".
there's a lot of people in clay co who never heard of confusisms.
Just wanted to add my two cents today, for what it's worth.
I for one would have pulled my three children out of school to attend the "drama funeral" had the school system not decided to have them attend.
Respect, honor & gratitude! That is what all of those that have served, whether during war or peace time deserve.
My dad was a Vietnam Vet, my husband is a Marine, countless uncles and cousins have served this country and we have a nephew that leaves in January for Afganistan .
Some by choice, some were drafted. Either way they went and did their part so idiotic people can still have their freedom of speech.
So we can worship the way we want. So we can freely stand on the street and PROUDLY hold OUR American Flag to honor one soldier that gave his all.
I disagree that if it's done for one it should be done for all. If they are killed during a war they deserve the honor and respect that Jamie just recieved.
If they served during war and made it home alive there should be a welcome home ceremony for them. Unlike what my father recieved when he returned home from Vietnam.
But to just honor, let's say my husband for instance, he was never in a war and if heaven forbid he would die now does he deserve the whole "drama funeral" just because he was in the service?
My answer is no. He didn't pay the ultimate price for our freedom. Jamie did!!
My husband was a part of it, but he did not give his life. (for which I am very grateful)
And as for comment about must lead a very pitiful life!
You go Rose, Your mother was a wonderful person.
Carolene is not a b****, nor has she ever been a b****. She was however a loving grandmother to my two little girls, a kind caring mother, loved to sew and converse about anything; and she made the best chex mix ever!
LOL Anon, looks like you've taken on the wrong family. See, my mom may have only had 4 biological children, but she was "mom" to many & I'd guess right about now, any one of them would be perfectly willing to shut yer pie hole for ya!
Nice to see ya, MillerGirl!
Yes Rose, I for one would love to shut the bitches pie hole for he/she, You see he/she isn't letting anyone know who they are because they know that fact, They know that Caroline wasn't a Bitch...Anyone that knew her knew that. Keep up the good work Girl. I will talk to you later. ")
Are we still talking about the same women who left her family for a piece of ass she met on the internet?
LOL I'm gonna leave that one, too, 'cause that would *really* crack my mom up. Plus, it's a fine example to my children of how stupid people thrive on anonymity.
"Left her family" ?? LOL Oh, us poor, poor orphans! We were ... what ... lessee ... my baby brother was ... 25 or so at the time. How dare she "leave us" to fend for our poor, poor, grown-up selves!! How dare she take cruises & trips & hobknob with celebrities while we were left all alone to fend for ourselves! How dare she only visit 2-3 times a year & make us raise our children all by our ignorant selves! How dare she only move to North Carolina from California (where that "piece of a**" sold everything he owned just so she could be closer to her children) instead of smack dab in our front yards!! How dare she!!!
You are truly the retardest of the retards.
Sounds like somebodys jealous a 60 year old woman did what she can't.
Hello Rose, my dear unfortunate orphan. It must be rough on you? Just wonder how long it will be before Ls blames this crap on me?
it is your style. isn't it?
thanks for the ID. I had been a little puzzeled.
So tell us something Ls, you still in the habit of answering your front door naked from the waist down, not 8 to 10 feet from the main road? Sorry behavior for a 70 some year old man. Or maybe you grew up a little since last year? By the way, i'd be glad to take a polygraph on that issue. Remember a wash cloth don't cover that much on a 250+ pound man. You got a itch huh? Itch on that one.
Oh i'm sorry, didn't want the whole world to know that. Can you forgive me?
8i only do that when a queer is at the door.
I'm no queer, Chump, and you admit you do it. Don't you know thats not normal behavior, unless you are a ?
what is it i admitted i done? I ALSO TOOK A SH*T along the road one night when i couldn't make it to the outhouse.
you see i don't have the luxury of a social security disability. you got a payoff and then remodeled your whole home yourself although you swore to social security you were disabled and unable to work and so you have an in door sh*thouse. i don't.
How true How true, I did work on my house, with a hell of a lot of help, Chump. Miss Barbara called that shameful, you standing there like that. How many kids have passed by and saw you like that? You can turn this subject around to fit yourself, but the fact remains it's a pervert that answers their front door,naked.
Silence, folks he's think. This might take awhile.
it does take a little while to answer a jack a**. miss barbara didn't see me like that. only you a queer person who keeps a mule for company. thanks for the info. tells me who you associate with besides the goaties. talk with a few people myself occasionally. you should know , you follow me around with your nose in my a** so you can tell all and suck up to the goaties, hatchet man.
just learned that help you got on your house was from Joey Holcomb. you was paying him 3 dollars an hour and then tried to charge him for coming and getting him for work. even the birds are crying cheep cheep. I hear the eagles aerie is about to slip off its mount. my heart bleeds for you. shame that you didn't fall in one of them holes, when they had you in prison in Texas, so they could have buried you. But no , let me see ,prison, bordello and drugs. down Texas way, now , hatchet man for the freemason mob.
Why dont you two take this outside?
Now ain't that a bunch of crap, but remember,it's your naked hindend were talking about. Cover that nasty thing up, ain't you got no decency left?
Don't worry anon. Rose will probably cut the water off on this issue sooner or later. Just thought this perverted thing should be brought to light.
he's absolutely right, when a man likes a mules company he's perverted ,seems to me he used to hang with David Mansfield and a fellow by the name of Amati, both sexual offenders. bragged to me about Gypsy masturbating him under the counter while customers were in her place of business.
the public should be interested in the charcter of the people who are helping the BOE and the freemason people accomplish their nefarious purposes. I say let's let it all hang out. we're just getting started.
OK baby, lets see now,one of the last things ls spoke of was getting some Gypsy and I don't mean moth, before he went to prison. Can you-all see how Ls tries to change the subject away from his naked hindend. By the way, Randy White gave me an Obama hat pin the other day, guess that makes me a terrorist too?
My, my, my. How we do digress.
This thread started out as a loose tribute to a fallen soldier with the hope that we'd all take a moment to reflect on all the things we should be thankful for.
We've gone from that to hacking on my deceased mother to verbal sparring between 2 presumably grown men indulging themselves in a little petty "Did not! Did too!" one-upmanship. All in the span of 5 short days.
No wonder our country is in the shape it's in today.
Y'all have a nice d*mn day.
getting too hot baby. who's changing the subject. we all remember Gypsy who had the business beside Wayne King when his office burned. never did find how his office caught on fire did they. Come to think of it wasn't that Johnny Morris who used to hang out at Waynes office. The fellow they caught with 4lbs grass on the kings highway from Princeton and must have squealed his way out of it since he was never prosecuted. old gypsy who sold pictures of her a** for ten dollars. surely you remember her. she was Mansfields girl friend at the same time as you, hatchet man.
good morning Rose, just having a little warm up for the main course. doesn't pay too try to fool mother nature. twasn't me who started it. I apologize but Imust defend myself, didnb't get this far by lying down.
Ls, you forgot to tell us you are the one who payed to have all or part of her utilitys turned on in the shop by Wayne King. And she was no girl friend, just a hand in need, one day. Everyone needs a tune up once in awhile, like my dear Dad used to say. Now won't you start talking about him too. You wouldn't if he was still here!
well we do hve a hard time finding something wrong, don't we. not too hard for me though. remember those phony letters you used to send me, purporting to be from Rose's mother. fun back in those days wasn't it but things are gettig serious now. prison time is not to bad. depends on whether the other inmates like you or not but you know that, don't you. you did 6 mos in CRJ didn't you. how much are they paying you for this hatchet job or are you traveling alone. I doubt if you're alone, I'm sure you're getting protection by the clique.
Nobody really gives a sh*t.
37 days, chump. And don't bring Roses mom into this. If your gona tell lies on someone , tell'm on me. And now I'm tired of your foolish crap, so if you post any more on the subject, you'll be playing with your putter all by your lonesome. I got better things to do!
ha ha ha got your goat
Jackie and the Stranger,
standin' by a tree
Jackie pees first,
then shakes his little willy
Stranger lets 'er rip,
lettin' loose a dilly.
Jackie lets 'er fly,
what he thinks is a zinger
Stranger comes back
with his own humdinger.
tossin' around insults
under ficticious names
hidin' behind a keyboard
to play their stupid games.
Two little boys,
weenies in their hands,
both talkin' smack
nobody understands.
neither one willing
to give the other the last word
both keep on typin',
wavin' their little birds.
back & forth,
these two boys go.
will they ever shut up?
we can only hope so.
Are we talking about Lefty Summers?
we're akin to Randy only we didn't catch no bank robber. got special doors at the court house now sos Randy can get in and out. wonder if they were paid for outen Randys home run fund.
Who is LS? I want to see under the wash cloth?
Thank God the baboons have taken a respite.
Seems there's a spiteful, petty little somebody whose sole goal appears to be riling me via my mother. Yet another little goal you won't achieve in your hateful little life. I'm sure it's just one of many failures for you.
Meanwhile, my ability to delete you is just another instance where someone else's success overpowers your failure.
Rose, I hate it that people are talking about Carolene, It takes a really big person to talk about someone after the have passed. Carolene was a Great person and was loved by so many. But it it good that she left a mark on someone so great that they remember her this long........LOL I love it, Don't you!!!! because we all know that she was GREAT and I for one LOVED her. Keep up the good work Girl.
It is odd that somebody's so determined to keep trying to hack on her, doesn't it? Actually, it's more like pathetic.
Did everybody have a great 3-day weekend?
Rose, I would like to thank you for your blog. I don't live in Clay County any longer and your blog keeps me updated on what's going on back home. I read your blog daily. I appreciate what you're doing. Please don't let a couple of do-nothings ruin a good thing.
We're coming up on the 3-year mark here - it's gonna take a lot more than a coupla babbling baboons to make us go away!
If you see Todd Samples today, wish him a big, fat happy birthday!!
well well you big baboon has always been a term of endearment around me. don't know about the other fellow. horses patootie more nearly fits him. someones gotta liven the dead a**es up around here or the goats [freemasons] will control everything. even now i'll bet they're hatcheting something else up for the hatchet man to do. who will be next or will they try me again.
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