School's almost out, it's 60+ degrees at 5:30 a.m. & hurricane season has begun. Summer's just around the corner!
Warning: This site is chock full of rumors, innuendo, personal opinions & downright lies. Prolonged visits here could be detrimental to your health. If this happens, you're taking life way too seriously. There is a language barrier on this site - comments containing language that cannot be used on prime time network television will be removed. Try to play nice and act like you've got some sense (even if you have to fake it).
The beauty of small town living...

- Bomont, West Virginia, United States
- When you have no idea what you're doing, somebody else will ... or at least make something up & run with it.
Tuesday, June 02, 2009
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Anybody gonna rush out & buy a GM vehicle now that they're trying to sell them all off cheap? Me, neither. Looks like they'd give us all one free, considering we own the majority of the company now.
If you see my mother-in-law today, wish her a big, fat HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!
Happy B-day Mother-in-law of Ms Rose.
I don't blame GM for filing for bank ruptcy as they wipe out over 160 billion in debt. Just think of all the tax payers the government is letting the feel the screw of victory. It sux that our government leaders are so up for giving them billions of tax dollars and they got the nerve to ask you to buy their crappy vehicles CHEAP!!! All the American Car builders have priced themselves out of businessand yes that includes Ford, Chrysler and Toyota. They will be the next ones to squawk and get more dollars to waste.
And whats with the Freaking gas stations raising Gas another dime again today? Heard on the news the value of the dollar has dropped and thats causing it. You hear every excuse in the book for ripping us off. Why don't the government force them to lower the prices? Because they (government) double dip with interest in Gas, Coal and Oil companys? They are running out of excuses.
Also saw where they had found some rubble from the Air France plane that went down and also saw where the US is coming to the aid of France once again. Of course they are an alli now that they need help again.
more gang signs appearing in clay, down by telfords.
Whats up with the guy in braxton county having all the bodies on his property? Of course, dead men tell no tales, he committed suicide. Ever wonder what is on your neighbors property?
Buy a Hummer, get a pu-pu platter free!
Of course we're sending our resources to help with the recovery effort of an AirFrance plane. What if there's an aggressive dolphin or something? We can't just sit back & let the French deal with that kind of violence alone.
Didn't they say the guy with all the bodies left a 2-hour video confession for the police? Or did I make that up? What a bizarro story.
Well you can get ready and bend over as NoBama is in Saudi Arabia getting a boost in OIL prices again. Gas jumped another 10 cents yesterday due to loss of value of the $. Is there any other excuse left to raise the price?
buy natural health foods. get healthy and don't worry. buy a mule.
There's going to be a meeting tomorrow - Thursday, June 4 @ 7:00 p.m. - at H.E. White Elemantary school to see how many people in the community would be interested in having a fire truck stationed in the Bomont area. The truck would be part of the Lizemore fleet & if it was already in our area, response time over this way would be greatly improved.
Pass the word! See ya at H.E. White tomorrow @ 7!
For those of you having trouble figuring out how to post your comment here - just type what you want to say in the box under "Leave you comment," then down where it says "Chose an identity," click on the button beside "Anonymous." Or, if you want to leave your name, click on the button beside "Name/URL" & type your John Hancock where it says "Name."
Let me know if you still have problems ... :)
Good morning, all you rays of sunshine!
If you were thinking of going to California to get in on the Gold Rush or make your millions in Hollywood, don't bother. They're broker than we are. I wonder if Arnold would've let that happen if he was eligible to run for President?
good morning Rose;fine day, we're alive, able to cuss, quarrel and insult each other. but better yet let's all rush out and do some progress. now you take me, I bought 5o,ooo shrs of a natural food co. yesterday, did it without money, on margin, guess my credit is still good. oh, and by golly only paid about a nickel a share. gonna make a fortune if I score. gonna go out and play with the kitty cats. ho ho ho
ls I hope your cat likes water.
where has everyone gone? no one has anything to add to this conversation? Strange.
No one cares that Aryan Nation symbols have been showing up around our sleepy little town?
No one cares that bodies are turning up in our neighboring county?
I think what we have here is a lack of concern about anything but self.
Maybe what we actually have is a lack of information. Not all of us are knotted up in the grapevine so maybe we just don't know what the heck your talking about.
Ms Rose its called Governmental Glut or in other words government spending more then they can take in.Happens right here in Clayberry also.
Now back in the day the county ran along just fine with more people paying in to the county then even live here now.
We had one court clerk, one county clerk, one assessor a sheriff and two deputies and each of these offices had a secretay to do the work. Now we have six or seven in each office and all doing absolutely zelch, notta, or nothing at all that you can see. We have less people paying into the system and getting lesser everyday. But watch the budjets for these offices and also that of our state. We are paying around 52 cents tax on a gallon of fuel to repair roads and I would love for someone intellegent to explain where all that money goes to. Evidently they fill potholes with it and it blows away as you can't see any results of it on the roads anywhere. You can see them sleeping beside the road with Men Working signs out. Saw that myself down at Dixie yesterday. An we the taxpayer foot the bill on that. I can just imagine California's Medicaid bills each month with all the Mexicans coming here for healthcare at tax payers expense.
Good mornin Rose and everyone
I forgot my password to log in =P
so Anonymous it is this morning~
I hope you dont mind Rose if i leave my email and phone# on here to help pass off some little kitties...
FREE!! everyone loves free things dont they?
Free: 4 baby female kitties
2 beautiful siamese (sp), 1 gray tabby, and 1 very unique tortise shell (very mixed up orange on face) They are all to cute to pass up!!
All kitties are at my Moms house left by a neighborhood stray calico, very friendly kittens and ready to go, take one or take them all!! LOL
contact me at or call 304-587-2287
(serious calls only please )
Thank you!
(and again Rose i appologize for advertising on your blog, but this is where the action is *wink*)
Knotted up in the grapevine? I am hardly knotted up in anything! lol
One only needs to drive thru town to see the symbols of Aryan Nation down by telfords old place. Look at the road signs too.
The only other thing I mentioned was the murders in Braxton county and unless you don't watch tv and have no communciations with anyone in this world you should have heard even a little something about this one. Seeing that you do have access to a computer I'm guessing it's just an oversight or you don't watch the news.
LS likes kittens maybe he'll take em'.
LOL Good luck with those kittens!
I wouldn't know an Aryan Nation sign if I saw one. I don't really understand people who feel the need to invest in a can of paint & mark their territory (so to speak). In fact, some of those people would be better served to skip the paint, invest in a bar of soap & take a dip in the river.
Just came from the (new?) ClayCounty911 website. If Miles would add a "get to know your local law enforcement" so we'd know who was who, that'd be nice.
Looks like there's no more rain in our immediate forecast. I don't think I'm going to miss it!
Not sure I understand the purpoes of that blog.
They don't have to have rain in the forecast Ms Rose everyone knows rain is the thing for the day already. I even worked in the rain yesterday because its such a rare thing to do in this area lately.
Forecasting rain is easy to do around here as we always have a 50% chance daily and about as likely as the sun and has been moreso this month and last. Some days it like pouring out of a cup but most are like pouring out of a bucket. But we must need it as it will be gone in a week or so until about October but you can't help wanting a little moderation in it.
Anyone have a Morris type female kitten? After 19 yrs and a month mine died from poison catfood from Walmart.
that was slow acting poisin cat food.
Time release type.
While I'm sorry for the loss of your cat, there comes a time when old age takes us all, if we're lucky. Or not, depending on who's taking care of you in your old age, I guess.
Anybody go to the meeting last night at H.E. White? We had company & I missed it. Are we getting a fire truck?
and ...
I'm no longer the parent of a 7th grader & a 9th grader. I've now got an 8th grader & a 10th grader. Hard to believe.
And the beat goes on
And the beat goes on!
who recked 4 wheeler last nite?
TY Rose for lettin me post, two little kitties have a new home now, now if i could just get the other two a home!
You shoulda tied 'em together together in pairs & made 'em be a package deal! LOL
I hope everybody has taken a moment to stop this weekend & remember D-Day.
just came from the clayberry site, its sad to say we have to see pics of tiffany i only wish i was talented cadle all darn summer
think my lunch is coming back up
Food costs too much to waste - I hope you held that down.
Have you ever taken a "See WV Day Trip"? I strongly suggest it! We left around 9:30 yesterday morning & by the time we rolled back in after 10 last night, we'd seen all of Buchannon, most of Elkins, discovered Audra State Park, stopped at several awesome junk shops (I don't have the proper appreciation for "antiques," but I love old junk!) & been totally awed by Blackwater Falls. Did you know there's a Kingsford charcoal manufacturing plant in WV? By the time this summer's over, there won't be a mile in WV we haven't covered!
I still get a chuckle from the group that uses the name "Buffalo Gals". I wonder if they have ever researched the origin of that name?
Does it refer to their size or their smell?
did you happen to see any of the fish hatcheries? Those are pretty cool.
I love the fish hatcheries! We didn't hit any yesterday, but you know what we did see that was pretty cool? Those miles & miles of windmills. There's a place ... somewhere (I have no idea where we were) ... where you can park & stand right under them if you want to. & we did. You're standing there, completely amazed by their sheer size (& lack of noise) & then you notice they're changing direction. One minute, they were pointed away from us, the next, it was like they'd put a bead right on us. Then you start thinking about how if one of them came down, you'd be gouged through the center of the Earth. Then you start imagining they're evil & they've got their evil little eyes right on you. Then you hightail it to your car, get the heck outta there & don't stop for any more ice cream. LOL
I see a lot of Wv when out mud racing each weekend. Usually the county fairs have a mud race that brings in thousands of people and dollars for the economy. Most of them pay a good buck when you win also. Its a shame Clayberry don't have a mud bog. Of course if they did someone would be pocketing a bunch of money instead of where it was intended to go.
I know we spend quite some bit of money when we go to Doddridge Co for the mudbog & fair. They've usually got great concerts, too. It's all in who does the planning, I guess.
Are y'all getting these huge thunder BOOMERS?? Loudest clap of thunder I ever heard, then a huge streak of lightning & it was lights out at our house.
Nuthin' quite like surfin' the internet by candlelight ... LOL
you'll see the picture of that mystery kitty cat, caught in a live trap. location Bear fork of steer creek, Gilmer co. I think. odd, they found the owner but the cat had already been released back into the wild. owner, a woman said it was a one woman cat. apparently hates everyone else so if you see it, don't try to pet it. picture in HUR-HEARLD.
The story says the cat hissed & showed it's fangs. Would you have that kind of "pet" around your kids, knowing full well it hated everybody but you? That ranks right up there with people who own pit bulls & think that just because they appear to be loving pets, they're never gonna follow their instincts & tear somebody to shreds.
More severe storms possible for this evening. I hope our power doesn't get zapped again. Originally, AEP estimated it'd be back on by 11:30 last night. It flickered on & off around 10, but that last flicker was off & off it stayed until after 4 this morning.
It was actually great for sleeping - total darkness, total silence. Not so great when all the lights we thought we'd switched off came back on just in time to make it too late for me to go back to sleep. LOL
Well Ms Rose usually go to Doddridge Co. so just come by the pits and meet Clay Countys finest Mud Boggers or about any of the other county bogs. I don't think any of the group will be going to Braxton or Putnam again though. They charge to much to run and the pits sux as they dig them with an excavator and too many trucks are torn up by leaps and bounds literally.
WVMRA has just about stopped paying enough to even participate in their race for points.
Ms Rose you can read some about the mud bogs in Calhoun last week to get an idea of how things suppliment the county fairs. Over 200 mud vehicles at Grantsville last weekend and even more came to Gap Mills to race. Ohio, Kentucky, Virginia and Wv were represented. I think a few trucks from Pa were in Grantsville also.
I read that the County Commission voted all in favor of putting Jim Knotts back on BDA. What a shame and even Fran voted for it and she up for reelection next year that will lose her some votes for sure. She never said a word about it or anything she goes along with the whatever Jerry wants what a shame the county has no voice no more
maybe that's why Fran voted for KNOTTS. them there freemason votes count up. and since mr. knotts is one of the clan, the clan gotta make look good. like unanimous. that gets the BOE too.
and pierson got 50 workers. if she got them locked up she'll get more votes than ron sirk. and the rick shays go rolling along as the yellow men take over. git along, ah so dad gummit. hahahahehehehe
"rick shays" -- what the heck? is that a person?
or could you possibly mean "ricochets"?
if so, do you own a dictionary?
hey boy you never ride a rick shay pulled by a twolegged ricky man. I RODE FROm SHIN JU KU TO CHOFU ONE NIGHT. took till 2 o'clock in the morning. cows were ready to be milked. worked on 55 acre farm raising veggies for the troops.
Who is Rick Shay? Is he from Clay?
probably better known as a rick shaw. just seeing if anyone was familiar with Japan. spent 2 1/2 years there myself. been back coupla times since. seems there's not many Japanese visitors unless they're politicians on junkets. oh well not much too talk about.
Once again, I'm not sure what's going on here, but no commissioner who voted for Jim Knotts for *any* appointed position will get my vote in the next election.
Regardless of what the outcome is, he's already admitted that he did it, when his lawyer said that action should've been taken years ago.
Anybody planning on running for county commission next election?
Ms Rose if the boss says it's your job are you still going independant or would you vote for the man?
Well ... if I was an elected official, my "boss" would be the people who put me in office. I personally would be a bit more inclined to tell my CO-WORKERS to put their normal playthings away & play with their brains for a change.
In this world, there are leaders & there are followers. Both are crucial to the overall well-being of life in general. By definition, elected officials are leaders. If you're just in it to follow the one with the most perceived influence, you're nothing but an elected follower.
As voters, we need to elect more leaders.
well Ms Rose you've the gift of gab why don't you run. waste your money. try to beat a stacked deck. but these people who are giving you the shaft are such nice people to your face.
Have you heard that Fran broke her nose? Seems Jerry turned the corner to fast and almost broke her nose off. Fran knows that her neck is in the noose for the next election so she don't care what happens between now and then. She also knows she is one term Frannie and not near the man Pete was.
Sorry you can't run this time around Ms Rose it has to be filled from that district. Don't know why anyone would want to be a CCC now as they are the three blind mice anyway. Its a known fact that the terms are split up the way they are so that a non loss of control can be kept.
LOL I definitely have the gift of gab! What I don't have is the ability to deal well with stupidity. To be a good politician, you either have to be an idiot or be able to tolerate them. I'm simply not qualified to go into politics.
But if y'all wanna send me a buck to help with my campaign, go ahead & put it in the mail. If everybody here sent just $1, I'd have enough to buy my way into any office in the county!
see that the cop previously mentioned was convicted as a felon but was was listed as being from Braxton co. check calpatty press maybe we can find what he did.
See Ms Rose you are a true Politician after all. Knowing with a few bucks you can buy your way in is half the game. Now all you have to do is learn how to say "I can check into that for you and see what I can do." Don't forget you can always say "I don't recall" cause that the democratic way and learn how to lie like a rug you'll have the race won in notime. In Clayberry or Wv just learn how to say "lets do it for the children and the roads need improvement" will get you into office every time. It must work because thats the first line of BS they learn how to say. Have a goodern rainy day.
oh, and we need more education. the teachers need a raise too.
Ok, how about this for a draft campaign speech ....
I guarantee smooth, pot-hole free roads for newly wealthy - getting wealthier every day - teachers to drive their county-subsidized luxury cars to the newly improved, upgraded, state-of-the-art schools. I also guarantee Quantico-trained, round-the-clock, fully equipped law enforcement to patrol every corner of the county, which will become a national tourist attraction without any of the drawbacks of being a tourist attraction. Further, I guarantee everybody who wants a job will have one, everybody who doesn't deserve or qualify for welfare will be put to work, everybody who does deserve and qualify for welfare will receive it (& then some). On top of all that, I guarantee free medical coverage and transportation to all who served in our armed forces. I will personally guarantee free hot meals delivered daily to every Clay County citizen over the age of 65 who has either held a full-time job or raised a productive member of society.
Have I just about covered all the bases? Oh, wait. Free cheese & peanut butter for everybody 'cause man, I loved that Reagan cheese!!
Today, the U.S. Army is 234 years old. Today is also Flag Day.
Most importantly, today my baby becomes a teenager. I now officially have 2 teenage sons. I just don't see how this is possible.
Yep you covered everything but lost most of Clay Countys votes on the part about putting everybody to work and off welfare. That statement alone would lose you 45% of the vote because people here depend onone persons tax $$ to take care of the other nine leaches on welfare. Don't never use the dirty word "work" around them as most are fourth generation scammers of the system.
Humans should be like honeybees, the ones that don't work are put out of their misery and dumped from the hive. No Work No Eat NO Live!!! sounds good to me. If only the working man could drink beer the brewerys would go bust.
well guess i'm officially a welfarer. got food stamps. had a part time housekeeper but, reckon someone had a longer nose, hai't got no housekeeper no more. got 50,000 shrs stock,think iff'n that would go to $5.00. whooooooooe. look out gay paree[pig alle]. already been to pig alle, wound up with a beautiful pig, fat and sloppy. whoooooooooe but sexy. took in the folies bergere and the awful tower. checked out the left bank, left me blank. was di dah man there. hey i been around.
See, I'm just not cut out for politics.
My first order of business would be getting those fat, lazy 20 & 30 something, perfectly healthy, over-fertile deadbeats off their dead lazy welfare-sucking butts & putting them to work. At a minimum, they could be put to work helping out those who need a little assistance. Mowing lawns, cleaning houses, picking up trash. Doesn't seem like rocket science to me & I honestly don't understand why we just continue to give them money for free.
I'm just too politically incorrect to ever be a politician.
hey Rose you sound good to me. are you fat and sloppy? promise a newer truck and a dish washer and you got my vote. you're in the wrong district, it was mentioned i believe. I know the hatchet man, a man experienced in lying and false promises. a man ,always with a lie on his lips about his neighbors. a man who was working for that Summersville used car dealer when Randy was set up. a man who helped set up trp. Brown with a 15 yr old. very experienced.
i vote for the hatchet man.
I believe the some people need to read the law. You are innocent until proved quily. If the commission had voted to throw him off they would have been sued for descrimination and then you would be complaining about our tax dollars being spend on a lawsuit, They know he is quilt but their hands are tied think about it this is a sue happy state,
I agree. Some times hnds are tied and u vote to save a lawsuit. We all been in these shooes. That not what they believe but best of 2 evils.
and now we,ve nearly reached the point of look what i done as we dance the two step towards the glory hole. that is two steps forward and three steps back. glory glory glory somebody shoved me. and round and round we go.
Good morning little rays of sunshine!
Innocent until proven guilty ... such a relative phrase.
'Innocent until proven guilty' is only for conviction. He admitted he did it. Just because nobody had the guts to do anything about it when it happened don't mean he's innocent.
Just think back at the prosecutor we had in office then. Drawing a salary, loosing case after case and the dopers set free to continue doing what they do best.
As for voting to save face (lawsuit) is just another way to the whimpy attitude our CCC has now. Just because somebody jumps off the bridge don't mean everybody has to follow. Stupid is what stupid does. Voting to keep JK on the board is just another way to say "I give in to criminals" and there is no excuse for that. Support your local coke head, Pave your driveway!!!
our state is controlled by the freemason lodge. JK belongs as did RJ I predict the charges will bedropped eventually on a technicality if nothing else. one problem RF is a catholic and so does not belong to the goat mob[freemasons]. he'll have to go.
I wish someone on here (who can write in complete sentences) would explain why "freemasons" always come into the topic. What the heck is a freemason and who says they have any power? Whoever brings it up on there always makes it sound like they are so jealous not to be one. I don't even know what it is or who they are or what they do or why someone wants to be one.
boy you are dumb. you still got cow poop between your toes.
well, that didnt answer the persons question. why is someone dumb if they ask a legitimate question that many of us want to know the answer to?
Free Mason Society was started so that certain people were able to travel and not be taxed or ordered to pay tariffs. They were at one time a society that had many famous minds that were the cornerstone of our and other's government or more to the point controling government. As a Free Mason, there are handshakes, pins, rings, jewelry that made them stand out to other Mason's. Their "creed" is to help other Free Mason's whenever, however and by any means necessary to keep the Society alive. They get the "bid" jobs around here, contracts, land and other opportunities that is their minds would "bring up the lower class" which they (Mason's) feel we can not manage or govern due to the fact we are uneducated. You have to be related to get into the Mason's and be invited. They have secret rituals and meetings that as they see it make them "better" than the rest of us. No one in the society is to speak of what happens in their meetings or they could be "black balled" and forced out of the Mason's and also in doing so, dooming their future relatives a place in the Society. The females are not called Free Mason's they are the Eastern Stars and J G is in charge I believe. Again you have to be born into this Society and in many small towns, and in government the Mason's run the show.
J K is a Mason and has been "protected" by them for many years. If I were a Mason, personally I would take him to Widen for what he has done to several young women in our county. He has only brought shame to the Society and they KNOW it. But like all secret Societies, they never stay secret. And this time I feel there is too many "good" people he has hurt to keep him in good standing. So I ask you Mason's and Eastern Stars, black ball J K and be done with him so that justice can be done!
We're all anonymous friends here, name names. Not initials because we don't know who you're talking about. Give us names. First, middle, last. If they're so proud of themselves they won't mind the publicity.
I believe Rose laid down the rules on full names and initials way back yonder. might help if she would restate them.
Well ... my blog, my rules. I reckon I can allow a few names now & then.
Ya know, secret societies, secret handshakes ... sounds like the Crips & the Bloods. Or junior high school. Actually, that kind of thing isn't allowed in junior high school. It's considered to be "gang activity."
True, I did play by the rules, no names but we have a lot of Mason's and most of them work in the courthouse or for the courthouse, the men where their Mason ring so that others know who is who, there is 32 degrees of a Mason which makes you a Master Mason, then next step is to own/start your own lodge. The Mason's do at times let others know, look for the symbols on their cars(compass/square) and the Eastern Stars wear the upside down 5 pointed star with symbols in each part of the star, along with different colors, one means loyalty, compassion, and the Mason's can be "found" but you have to look for them....
well i am pretty sure that you don't have to be "born" into this group or be related to get in. invited maybe, but that's the way with every club in the world. anywy, so if you didn't get invited to join then just start your own gang, or frat group, or he-man woman hater's club (remember the little rascals?) heeeheeee
i also agree that initials mean nothing. i have no idea who y'all are talking about.
Oh just name names. Name so many Rose can't keep up with deleting them all.
Here's an interesting site. You can track the swine flu globally here:
Good morning, little rays of sunshine!
Is anybody really worried about the swine flu? The "regular" flu kills over 30,000 people every year, yet most of us still don't bother with the vaccine. Then some mutant comes along & the whole world panics.
I predict the swine flu is going to mate with the bird flu & the result - the flying pig flu - will mutate with the regular flu. THAT's going to be the time to worry.
Apparently, picking up the remote to change the channel is just too strenuous for some. Next year, Hitachi will be offering a new "hands free" remote with their new TVs. Just wave your hand around scroll through the options, point to choose, clap to turn the TV off. To make it even easier for those who already spend too much time in front of the boob tube, they've based the technology on video game controllers.
It's one thing to be too stinkin lazy to get up to change the channels. But if you're too stinkin lazy to pick up the remote ... you're probably too stinkin lazy.
and that's a normal welfare citizen.
Worry about our children getting the swine flu. It's hitting our young ones the hardest and the second round in the fall will be the worst.
Hey' someone here got a gripe about cows? What would this world be with out cows? Some countries worship cows. And what would dinner be like with out cows? So leave the flippin cows out of this!
hey did you not know we feed those cow worshipers for years. it was called lend-lease aid but as it turned out it was all give aid. now look at us the cow lovers are our opponents. ain't that a lot of bull.
hey read the news, move up in the world become a queer.
Queers, steers, gays and strays or is that lesbians have the only rights left in this country.
Have you seen the news where 8000 veterans have been infected by aids, hepititus and hard to say what else killing disease. Tell me thats not a way to say Thanks for your service. Hard to say how many more they infected and haven't told them yet.
hey man quit bitching. that's your karma. to go and die for the rich and the deadbeats, if you make it through that you'll get kicked for the help you have been forced to give. the diseases and misieries you have picked up along the way are your problem. but the suckers will apply the pry bar to you trying to get more money out of you. bail 'em out, bail 'em out the rich, the queer, and the lout[politicians].
Sounds like somebody needs a hug. Or maybe somebody just needs to evolve.
Actually, it sounds like it's about time for a whole new thread!
things look a little more Rosey today. home home on the range, where the cook and the dishwasher play. d--n these hot plates and lawn mowers.
I would like to comment on the Jim Knotts comments. He admitted he did it. The victims mother knew about it, the prosecutor knew about it and Jim hisself admitted it. He bragged about it for years. Afer eveything he did to the victim, now everybody else is slapping her in the face. Clay County is a joke. A very bad sick one.
sent AW and some other people in county a story about a bigfoot [called a bear] being kiled in the early 1800s in Calhoun co. guess he ain't going to mention it. the item was taken from the Hur-Hearld dated 6/21/1898. whoooooooeeeeee picked up an sow hog like it was a baby. that's what the woman said. walked on two legs too. killed 3 days later.
Maybe the bigfoot/bear is in his family tree & he hasn't mentioned it because they've been trying to forget it for generations.
Gonna start a new blog as soon as BlogSpot lets me. Seems to be a little fickle lately...
looks like, maybe, you did a no no Rose. that is you allowed the freemasons to be discussed on your blog. now you must face their wrath through censor ship and every other petty thing they can think of. i'm sorry but might as well be all as only me while they live high on the hog. nothing is to petty or so bad that they will not do. publicity , they hate.
Bigfoots, moths, are both in the Masonic lodge. Jim Knotts is one of Clays finest citizens when he wears the ring and thats why theres nothing being done about him molesting children, they can't prosecute one of their own but maybe we could elect LS as judge. Then he would have to wear the ring also.
would that make ls a fine citizen also?
Would have to evolve first.
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