Drive 6 hours to Reisterstown, MD, spend the night, get up before the crack of dawn, hop a plane, fly to Albuquerque, NM, drive to Aztec, spend 6 days touring 4 states, fly back to Baltimore, spend the night, drive 6 hours home & you've got yourself a FANTASTIC GOOD TIME!!!
OH! & if you have a birthday while you're on vacation, you get to celebrate it EVERY SINGLE DAY & then come home to cake & presents with the ones who didn't vacation with you!
It's so grand to be me!
I am worn out just thinking about that so I guess I will hit the couch and rest some.
Honey, I'm home!
that must have been some car wash.
... car wash ... car wash ... oh, yeah, the car wash! LOL Seems like that was 100 years ago.
LS, we went through Arizona, but I didn't meet up with any of your friends. We did see the massive smoke from the fires in Flagstaff, though.
Definitely an area of the world I highly recommend if you've got some time on your hands that you're looking for something to do with!
Interesting Rose, don't know how many friends I have in AZ, but I have made several acquaintenances over the years. Try; www/waybill, an acquaintance of mine.
Make any soap on a rope friends in lock up?
can't say that I did, but I met several goats on the boats in the MM while engaged in suppling the US troops in Viet Nam.
But not sure?
Working on a MM boat was asking for the rope and the soap.
an odd fellow and a freemason are always looking for a person to soap with.
It's so grand to have you back Rose. been awfully dull around here. nothing but moores and morrises and horses patooties. I hear a suit might be brewing around the sheriff. something about intimidating children into plea bargains. I thought the sheriff was doing, but everyone makes mistakes. Hi YO Silver awayyyyyyyy
New subject, got a real gold fight going up in Canada. Anaconda mining trying to buy New Island. branches out into NT mining ad Chile things getting hot, whoooeeeeeee Chile peppers and green tomatoes.
Henry Stutler skates on all charges.
Nothing new.
Do you think that if we ever lose a busload of kids on the hartland bridge pierson lumber and the law enforcement of this county will be held responsible.Those are humongous loads of logs on a frail 16ton weight limit bridge.
IF it can hold a log truck, it can hold a school bus.
Not to worry about that bridge at Hartland as rt 16 is Clay's lifeline to the rest of the state. The bridge don't need anything to make it safe for kids or anyone else to travel, after all it was more important to build new bridges every where in the county before it got fixed anyway. Dundon,Pisgah and Villinova all needed the bridges worse then the southern half of Clay county. No wonder Clay withers away and dies daily. Nobody lives on the south side of Elk River and there is no businesses down that way either.
More than there is in Pisgah and VillaNova
I wonder, where does the sheriff get the money to settle his suits. What ever happened to the "stump" Morton suit? I hear H. Stutlers pappy knows a lot about Clay co. backgrounds. had a state job till he got his retirement. had a housekeeper furnished by the welfare. H. Stutlers wife works for the post office. FEDs probably got him off.
For a man so smart? The answer is as close as the nose on your face, ask LS.
Whats the point in having power or cennections if ya cant use em?
I see that Sen. Byrd got 1/4 mil. dollars for the acquisition of the BC & G railroad for tourism. Now that Sen. Byrd is gone, who owns the railroad?
No matter how you felt about Senator Byrd, you have to admit we did ourselves proud today with his memorial. We laughed, we cried, we didn't shoot anybody. We done good.
I gotta say, though, there's a hint of morbidity in parading a dead guy all over the country & not having his funeral until a week after he dies.
Didn't George Washington lay in state in his parlor for 3 months or more before his burial?
Anybody know why this war is going on over there and so many are dying for their country? Have they declared war on us? Is it the Taliban or Alquida or The Muslim religion? What are they fighting for? What's it all about Ralphie? Inquiring minds want to know. Why are they dieing for OUR country?
"You dont win a war by dying for your country.
You win a war by letting the other son of a bitch die for his."
General George S. Patton
what country are you talking about? what we have is groups of rich people , each trying to rule the world. power, greed are their goals. the damage to the environment or the lower class is of no consideration as long as their every whim is taken care of, but all cannot rule and so we have war. who, who, who will it be said the wise old owl.
A million dollars a day is putting this country on it's knees. Humans will never learn war is hell. In addition to the lives snuffed out.
The U. S. of A. of course. What country are you in?
Wars are not won by armchair conductors but by those fighting on the front lines and putting their lives in danger so you can sit in your chair and direct how "to do it".
We are in wars because we have those in office who are power hungry along with being money starved. Their stock is down on the market and they are losing money. So we get into a war somewhere around the globe because our buddy decides we are not paying enough to that little sheethole they are in. Every war is started the same ole way for the same ole reason, we try to convince them that democracy is best when we here in America are living under dictatorship form a bunch of thugs, Chicago style at present. When our buddy in that little country decides he doesn't want to play ball any longer and trys to take his ball and go home then we dream up some reason to whip him back in line. The only sad part is our children are sent off to battle a war that has to be fought by rules that noone plays by except the USA. They cut off our kids heads and mutilate their bodies and if we interrogate them we are the bad guys.
We try our soldiers and imprison them for doing what we send them to do, (win a war). We can't shoot them because they are women and children with bombs attached to their body but its ok for them to set the bomb off and kill a few Americans. News cameras show all the bad things we do so as to turn the public against the soldiers (war). They do not show the good our kids are doing but if there is a mistake made on the front line then they beat you to death with how bad it was. Wars are won and wars are lost but don't blame our kids for killing off a few of them "little sheetheads" riding camels and killing our troops.
No matter what they do support our troops with everything you have to do with for very soon like the Viet Nam vets the government will turn its back on the illness brought on by these two wars we are now in. And for you soldiers reading this from Afganistan and Iraq, kill a dune coon or two for me I don't care as the more you wipe out now the less we have to deal with later.
Happy Independence Day one and ALL
No war has ever been fought for our freedom.
They have been fought to protect corporate interests.
Plain and simple.
Our poor young men and women have been fighting and dieing for greed, since before we were even a nation.
Nothing more, nothing less.
It's the propaganda that the powers that be spread that says otherwise.
How are you supporting our troops?
Oh yeah, you have a ribbon on your car, and your call anyone who questions war, a traitor.
I bet they can feel the warmth all the way over in Afghanistan.
I love my country.
It's the idiots that spew this trash, hate and lies to keep us acting like good little sheeple, that I can't stomach.
Like I said, crawl back under the rock you came from.
At least until you know how to act like a human being again.
Sun Jul 04, 03:31:00 PM
What you realy love is that welfare card that buys your beer each month, pays your rent, keeps your kids clothes paid for with a voucher and the list of the free stuff goes on and on. Well its not free, the taxpayer has to give up every extra penny they make so we have to keep ten leaches sucking beer cans going. Thats all you know about FREEDOM and how it came about. Another leach born this year at your hole in the wall? You can't even own a rock because it don't come free.
Everbody knows welfare leeches are against to war.
Sorry, wrong again.
Worked my whole life.
Never collected welfare or ssi.
Signed up for unemployment once, 15 years ago, but got another job before benefits kicked in.
I think my wife got WIC for our first child due to us just starting out.
We payed for the other 3 ourselves lock stock and barrel, raised up and out the house.
What now a$$hole?
Next time you think you know something.
Do us all a favor and keep it to yourself.
Like my grandpappy used to say, "If you ain't got nothin nice to say, shut yer f*ckin mouth for I slap it off yer face."
think of that nice cold winter we just went through.
Get that fire wood stacked early' it's a comin soon.
the 4th is over, Bob Byrd is gone, the oil in the gulf is still flowing, they say the war in aftghanistan is over, the boys are coming home. we're having a heat wave and the Danube river is flooding, Hilary is still talking, the stock market is still ticking, AW is still barking about the pretty pictures, all this and I still don't know who owns the BC&G railroad, reckon Senator Byrd took the deed with him?
Bill Bright
It's so hot down here on the river,
the chickens went a swimmin.
It's so cool up here on the mountain the deer are layin out.
Connie Lupardus
it seems so normal to be among the dazed and bewildered.
I love Summer Daze
It's normal for you to feel strange.
It's good that you recognize the dazed and bewildered. Now you can tell what normal is.
Hmmm what is normal?
I thinks we have missed the point. this is dog daze according to AW.
noticed that Jeanie has that old rustic hotel for sale. price is a little high for me. oughter be a little money there. pay off the right people. set up a still downstairs. get a few dogs to work the touristas. now back to the good old daze. free homebrew for everones.
And rent the stools!
put meters on the stools. colored cornhole paper extra.
Dog days started July 3rd and end August 11th.
Named after the appearance of the dog star Sirus during this period.
Ever since the Egyption times.
why is it a dog star? is it ugly?
well ,now that the dogs are all in a daze, where do we go from here? has the exodus begun? the town has reached its destiny, its fate is uncertain but wait, this may not be the final curtain.
It's been 26 hour's and he hasn't talked to him self all that time. Some one do a wellness check.
No, eat more pasta?
just cut and pasta it.
goat lover
aint life grand and Rose makes two.
global warming?
Nah this is a global warning. It's going to get better.
would hotter be better?
You will be able to grow palm trees here pretty soon.
if someone would cross my palm with a little green i'd have a better family tree.
wonder if anyone ever tried crossing a chestnut with a date palm?
That sounds like it might be good for you. A date that's a little nutty.
see some progress is being made towards improvment. a meeting has been set for a brownfields meeting and discussion. hooray hooray someone finally realized there was/is a problem. wonder who has been dragging their heels?
WTF are you people talking about??
there's always a few nuts hanging around;
problem; they always have an opinion and a comment.
seen in the hur-hearld that Jesse and Frank James robbed the Huntington bank and then headed for pine tree mt. in KY. same place that JOHNATHON SWIFT stored a cavern rom full of silver.
You suppose there's a connection.
go look see you wont be missed bout dead anyways
well at least i've been heard from. not like you. no one has the least idea who you are or cares. unless you stink like a goat.
mmmmmmmm goats
I wonder. was that Rose returned from a vacation or a left-over. something wrong with that woman , she's not talking. oh well, what's next.
Nothing wrong. It's just to difficult to leave that lounge chair by the pool with a margarita in her hand.
LOL I hate to ruin that image, but I don't have a pool, the dog's ruined my lounge chair & OMG,I haven't been able to drink margaritas since ... 1989.
Have I told y'all about my vacation?? Not one pool involved - just the glorious "dry heat" of the Southwest!! If I thought for 2 seconds I could pass myself off as Navajo, I'd be reservation bound, making jewelry all day!!
did you know that the mexicans hid 17 ton of gold on the Navajo indian reservation. never been found.
Do you have a gypsy fortune teller advising you of all these secret stashes of precious metals?
Let us know so we can make the gypsy rich too.
no. I get lost treasure magazine.
Actually, there really was a plane crash that left tons & tons of gold on top of a mesa somewhere in AZ (or NM?) that's never been found. Because the land is protected, planes can't fly over & hikers can't pilfer.
Someday ... SOMEDAY ... I'm gonna find that gold. I'll send y'all a postcard. >;)
Now tell'em the truth there masked bandit about your spandex fortune tell. She could read your palm when when she wasn't using hers. Talented women.
there are many stories. there is an airplane story; during an election some years back. had to do with buying an election but during the transfer of money west to east the plane was lost over NM/AZ badlands AND NEVER FOUND. but the truth is being concealed by the gov. the plane was found with the four people who had been aboard dead and laid out in a neat row under the plane wing and covered with pine needles. Big Foot strikes again. did big shoot down the payroll plane with his little arrows and did he take the mnoney? who knows?
Now tell the other one, mosabee.
Rose, you could pass for a Cherokee couldn't you? Start making jewelry... You could sell it at the new farmers market.
This hot weather beats blue balls any time.
Good morning Rose.
Good morning all you little rays of sunshine!
Cherokee?? Sure! Great-great(-great?) Grandma was Cherokee!
Ah, the new farmer's market. In addition to making jewelry, I could also have the kids wipe out that blackberry patch behind the house & sell those, too! Bring it on!
Well it's up to the powers that be. See how it goes. Let em know you are for it. It would surely help the local economy.
Your readin to much Cal Patty, Masked Bandit.
Watta cute little Injun...
Wv. ends phy. year with 90 mill. surplus,and some of us live in dumps
Shame on you Big Joe.
Good morning all; Hey Rose another beautiful day, a cup of coffee and set back and wonder what to do today. talk talk talk in Ivydale a local grocery just closwed. in Clay a restaurant is changing locations, moving from a successful one to where three have successfully failed recently. who knows maybe they will be different. hard to sell where there are no customers though.
after fighting the system for 79 yrs. I decided to join them. got on welfare not doing much better but it's easier from the rocking chair. hi yo silver lets rock away.
If you live in the dumps, it's nobodys fault but your own.
Go-Mart is hiring.
You can build a house on Go Mart pay??
The masked bandit finally wised up, now quit bit(hing so much, watch your bugs and mold away.
Hi Ho Tonto!
suck it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
that was down right rude.
So who was in the wreck at the old camper place yesterday? Someone was flew out, anyone know anything?
Good morning all us little rays of sun shine, you to bucket man.
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