The beauty of small town living...

My photo
Bomont, West Virginia, United States
When you have no idea what you're doing, somebody else will ... or at least make something up & run with it.

Monday, August 02, 2010


We all know time flies when you're having fun, but what the heck happened to June & July?? For that matter, what the heck happened to 1991????


ROSE said...

School starts in 3 weeks! 21 days!! I'll have 2 kids in high school!

Good grief!!!

Anonymous said...

You are an ol' timer too ..Soon you will konw the joys of being a grandparent like I am, it's so wonderful.

ROSE said...


Lawd, I HOPE I have a long, loooooong time to go before I become a grandparent ... but really, I'm looking forward to it. In the way off, distant future. LOL

Anonymous said...

If I could Mother pray again!!

Anonymous said...

my prayer; Lord if you would only tell the elected officials they are not elected to be self-serving but to do a job which consists mainly of serving the public, IT WOULD HELP SO MUCH.

ROSE said...

Good morning, all you blogger nuts!

If we all stayed home on election day & didn't vote for anybody at all, would that send a message or just reelect incumbants by default?

Anonymous said...

It used to be the elected officials really cared for the people who voted them into office.But as time goes by they care less and less,they just pay attention to the special intrest groups that get them elected.When these groups spend enormous amounts of money brainwashing people that can't and won't think for themselves and are swayed by some of the simplest commercials these are the results.

Anonymous said...

THIS is what you should be concerned about, people. In case you have trouble understanding this, it says that 41% of CCHS students CAN'T READ.

Anonymous said...

Our Schools Suck

Anonymous said...

When corporations and Jews run the government and the media, what do you expect?
You want to get even with the politicians?
Stop supporting their masters.

Anonymous said...

Well the dimwitted senators just want 26 billion more dollars to go to the states and the school system. How much does it cost to educate a child? Nothing if you have a big paycheck coming in for educating them. Dem's think pouring money into the school system and roadway system in this country is going to fix the economy. Ain't happening as the road system took the money ad bought paint to paint crooked lines all over Clay county. No real jobs created for billions of dollars flushed down the theivery system but Mansion got richer from the crooked deals made.

Anonymous said...

Education and infrastructure (roads, electric, water lines etc.)are the most important things to a community.
Otherwise the communities end up with idiots like you.
If there aren't any roads or schools, the businesses and taxpayers that fuel this great nation, will not come.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, nor will the jobs either.
Dems or Repubs all are in it for themselves.
Always have been.
Nothin's changed.
Oh yeah, except there's a half white, half black man in the White House.
Somehow this changes things.
Suddenly people are waking up.(note sarcasm)

Anonymous said...

Wed Aug 04, 11:43:00 AM

Yes you sheeple believe that building roads and schools are the answer to all the woes. After living my live here and hearing it all my life and watching the waste of dollars and we still have nothing to show for it and half the kids in high school still can't read or write or add or subtract in real life but take away one dollar of their foodstamps or welfare and watch the cry. Yes I am the community idiot but I can see the roads we build or the schools are still going NOWHERE azzhole.

Anonymous said...

Doesn't change the fact.

Anonymous said...

The interstate gets me to Charleston and my job a lot better tham Rt 4 does or ever did.
I guess you wouldn't know though.
You never leave Clay.
I surely hope you don't plan on collecting SSI ever.
Then you will be what you hate most.

Anonymous said...

From the looks of your spelling, I can see how you think schools are a waste.
Maybe if you had paid attention, instead of whining.

Anonymous said...

I can't afford to pay attention - got nothing left after paying taxes.

Anonymous said...

i'm glad you're paying taxes, I wouldn't have an income if you quit. don't quit, please.

Anonymous said...

Every one say Boo Hoo!
It's a pitty party.

Anonymous said...

I don't know what country you live in.
Taxes are not that much.
Granted, the gov wastes money, not dems or repugs.
Some of the money goes to good use.
I agree roads and schools are the most important.
You should be all fired up about the trillions we have been spending on endless imperialistic corporate wars.
How come you don't complain about that?
Welfare and SSI ain't squat when it comes to cost compared to wars.
You must own stock in war profiteer companies.
Or you truly are an idiot.

Anonymous said...

Who ever wrote that last post sure hit the nail on the head.

Anonymous said...

This is all Nobama's fault.

ROSE said...

How come nobody's ever outraged about our veterans? How come nobody gives a rip we're supporting 3/4 of the free world, yet our vets can't get benefits, can't get the care they need - that's directly related to the services they've performed - can't get the meds they need ...

We ask so much of our military, yet we give them so little once they've done their duty.

Anonymous said...

How can the US Gov.get 6000 graves mixed up?

Anonymous said...

When the real war starts you can crawl in a hole and hide also. Wars are not important enough to fight and I sure am glad they waited until Clinton got out of office to bomb the towers again. Thank god they don't try nothing now that Oblunderer is in office because he is to busy bowing to the muslims to do anything about that. If a war broke out in this country now you couldn't find enough people with enough guts to fight it anyways. To busy trying to give the USA to Mexico or turning it into the USA of China. Yep you hit the nail on the head there.

By the way Ms Rose we don't have any veterans anymore and haven't had any since the Korean war. Ask any Viet Nam vet how it is to stand in line at the VA to get meds and have to pay for them when other vets who were in previous gets their meds free. Or better yet ask one that has to pay to see a doctor when others see the same doctor fot free. Don't matter to me I am on SSI and welfare and get my foodstamp card and living arrangments from HUD.

Anonymous said...

Hey Ms Rose the Braxton county Mud Race is tomorrow and also the one in Wirt county. Have a goodern.

Anonymous said...

wonder why AW getting out of town?

Anonymous said...

Without endless corporate imperialistic wars,
there wouldn't be any veterans to pay the price.
Whether the government cared about them or not.

ROSE said...

See, this is exactly why I say WILLIE NELSON FOR PRESIDENT ... with me by his side, of course!

Everybody who's legally in our country could stay & farm - everybody else could get out & starve or learn to farm, become a citizen & stay. Veterans would be treated with the respect they've earned & deserved - anybody else who wants respect could earn it, too.

The only ones who'd get a free ride would be children & little old people ... & maybe broads on Harleys. >;]

I'm headed to the Braxton Co Fair tomorrow night - if you see me there, gimme a dollar! No reason, I just wanna dollar ...

Anonymous said...

Mrs. Rose, I figure we o u well over a buck just for the pleasure of playing in your play pen(blog), don't u figure?

Anonymous said...

hey Rose wave as you go by. stop and i'll give you a dollar. you've chewed me out so much I think you deserve something for your efforts. BBB
PS and a glass of apple juice. hee haw

ROSE said...

LOL I should be the one paying anybody I've chewed out - ever since I signed up on the Do Not Call Registry & the telemarketers leave me alone, I need an outlet. >;P

Ya know, if everybody here gave me a dolla, I've have some jingle in my pocket!

Anonymous said...

good morning, yall. another dull sat. night. little more traffic. must have been returnees from the fair. few horns blue at me.

exciting day though. found clay BDA on MSN. Ms Moore must be busy. wonder what happened at the BDA meeting thursday evening.

hear that a federal grand jury is investigating WV FIRST rANDY WAS GONE NOW andy. you reckon?

gonna haft chow down. outta ergs.

Anonymous said...

When I become President, I will seek a pact of agreement to end hostilities between those who have been at war or in a state of enmity, and a freedom from disquieting oppressive thoughts. We as a Nation, have placed upon the nations of Islam, an unfair injustice which is WHY my wife disrespects the Flag and she and I have attended several flag burning ceremonies in the past".
"Of course now, I have found myself about to become the President of the United States and I have put my hatred aside. I will use my power to bring CHANGE to this Nation, and offer the people a new path.. My wife and I look forward to becoming our Country's First black Family. Indeed, CHANGE is about to overwhelm the United States of America "

Anonymous said...

More Lies.

Anonymous said...

Sun Aug 08, 09:17:00 AM

Why you gotta keep lying?

Anonymous said...

The man's right about one thing, change is about to overwhelm the US of A. Won't be long till all I have left is change.

Anonymous said...

The only thing that stays the same, is change.
This is not new.
That's how it's always been.
You need to go back to sleep again until the Cancervatives are in.
Then let's see if you mind change.
Somehow I bet you won't.

Anonymous said...

It sure would be a change if you could get your thoughts straight for a change.

Anonymous said...

Oh yeah, that makes sense.

ROSE said...

Several months ago, I was challenged to find an old Army pal of my dad's. I did. They called each other a few times & that was that. The pal lives in Missouri & travels to North Carolina periodically. Today, on his way home from one of these trips, he stopped by to see the old buddy he hadn't seen in 43 years.

That's my entire lifetime. These 2 guys met before I was even born - both country bumpkins, both far from home in a hostile land, participating in a war they didn't even understand.

Today, 43 years after they parted ways in Germany - one to Korea, one to Vietnam - I witnessed just how powerful .... here's where words escape me.

I know - none of y'all have ever witnessed me rendered speechless, so you might want to copy & paste this for the history books.

Sitting there, watching these 2 guys reminiscencing about other buddies they've long since lost track of - or those who never made it home - was an awe-inspiring experience.

Ya know what one of the topics of conversation was? They've both been turned down repeatedly for veteran's benefits. I think we all know how I feel about that.

You're already on the computer - go to the website of your senator, congressman, delegate, governor, president, favorite movie star & tell them that Rose Cantrell is on the war path again & please, please, PLEASE give our veterans what they deserve ... nothing less will shut me up. >;]

Anonymous said...

Now that brought tears and I am proud to know ya. black cady.

Anonymous said...

On what grounds were they turned down?

Anonymous said...

I expect they were classified as obsolete and useless and no longer fit to die for the greedy politicians. same as me.

Anonymous said...

Facts, please.
Not speculation.
It would help if we are to help you.

Anonymous said...

It does not make any difference what they were turned down for they were promised health care for as long as they lived if they served in the military. And then along came Robert C Byrd and Jay Rockefeller and helped to pass laws that the veterans from Viet Nam and desert storm and the new vets were to pay for doctors visits unless they were medically discharged or injured while serving. How do I know this? I was told that by the VA Hospital in Beckley Wv after protesting a $277.00 bill for a 15 minute doctor visit and it was called an out of pocket expense passed on to Viet Nam veterans. Thank you Mr Byrd and Rockefeller and more then likely Rahall and Mollahan voted for this same bill while in the house. Never again will I vote for any of these B@$tards and will try to get anyone I can to vote against these slease bag leeches.

GO GET'em Ms Rose

Anonymous said...

an offer of help from an anonymous writer. sounds like a politician to me.

ROSE said...

I'll take any help I can get.

I am, always have been, always will be a firm believer that the day you're handed your honorable discharge papers, included with them should be a medical card that pays your medical expenses for the rest of your ever-lovin' life. Regardless of what war you fought in, regardless of whether or not you ever saw combat, regardless of whether world peace was achieved while you served. If you've signed on the dotted line - ESPECIALLY if it wasn't a voluntary enlistment - your country owes you.

It's time this country got its priorities straight. We need to take care of those who have taken care of us - our elderly & our military - & let everybody else take care of themselves.

Forget Willie - ROSE CANTRELL FOR PRESIDENT! ... there's a place for Willie in President Cantrell's cabinet ... >;)

Anonymous said...

Still no facts or specific details.

Anonymous said...

what difference doese it make why do you need facts

Anonymous said...

Because statements without details or facts are just speculation and rumor.
How can someone do anything for you if they don't know the facts?

ROSE said...

LOL There's no "speculation" or "rumor" about it - they've both been turned down for full disability.

What amazes me is that veterans are given 10% disability for this or 30% disability for that ... whoever's in charge of setting this criteria needs to be classifed 100% retarded.

ls said...

well now, if you want facts check Senator Byrds correspondence where I informed him that in an examination at Beckly VA hospital the doctor said I had been circumsized. I never was. I wrote Senator Byrd and asked him what that had to do with getting a pension. I don't recall his answer but I got a small pension Have never learned what percentage I was disabled. Ask Senator Byrd.

Anonymous said...

Rose Marie has a good ring to it, for president of these United States.

Anonymous said...

Even if she lost, she would be in the same class as Hilary. She also ran. But Rose is short on money. She needs some stimulus funds.

ROSE said...

LOL Ever'body send me a dolla - I'm goin' to Warshin'ton!

Wait ... I've seen those "before and after" pictures of presidents a million times - Willie already looks like he's been rode hard & put up wet, so maybe I should stick to the original plan. LOL

Anonymous said...

Looks like Cal patty is history,
shoulda never showen all them naked pictures.

Anonymous said...

Way to go Sarah.
Ya gone and went and alienated your base.
Won't never win that way.

ROSE said...

LOL Story of my life!

Anonymous said...

just think, shortly, all day long at home alone!!!!!!!! oh boy

ROSE said...

LOL Please. I have 2 teenagers - I spend every day home alone ... LOL

Of course, my *plan* is that once they start school, I'll start painting & cleaning closets & shampooing carpets ... is anybody buyin' this??

Anonymous said...

The real county commission meeting took place "before" the actual meeting. They spent about 45 minutes in there discussing business beforehand and then another hour discussing business when the public left. Sure seems fishy to me, but that could just be the smell fran was putting off.

Bye, bye, bye fishy fran!

ls said...

maybe i'm different but it's my opinion that public officials have the right of freedom of speech without AW being there to listen as long as no official action is taken.

Anonymous said...

freedom of speech is everyone's right, however they were not talking about the weather. one feller walked in just to listen to the happenings in there after everyone else left and they were in fact discussing county commission business.

ls said...

were they called to order and did they conduct any official business or did they just talk.

Anonymous said...

I guess the folks south of Hartland Bridge voted the camera queen out of office and now they are shut off once again with no ambulance or fire service. Fran the man fought them from day one and now they are out of business at LVFD and ambulance service.

With the Clay ambulance service wasting $200,000.00 in about as long as it took to type that I wonder who was running a crooked show LFD or CAS

Anonymous said...

Your just jealous that your not half the man Fran is. She's done more for this county than you even have time to read about.

is that Philip Bartchs son in CRJ?

Anonymous said...

no smarty pants they werent called to order, they were discussing beforehand what to decide upon and say in front of everyone and then when the meeting was over they got into all the little details of what to do next.

sounds to me like you are one of them, with you defending their actions the way you are.

ls said...

I have the right to express my opinion as well as you and Idon't really care who you think I am. you don't keep me. kiss my donkey.

Anonymous said...

LS has a donkey, how sweet and God like.

Anonymous said...

you sound like one of them religious perverts that prefer boys or maybe a mule.

Anonymous said...

Your in denial.

Anonymous said...

Do you ride that donkey or ride on that donkey?

Anonymous said...

Is your brain half full or half empty? I'd say the latter.

Anonymous said...

I heard a new story tother day. Everyone knows that mexicans eat cayenne peppers by the handful. I've discovered why Rose went to NM/AZ. She heard that the mexicans were being made to wear flame suppressors when they cross into the USA. So Rose caught an illegal, planning to follow him around thids winter. SHE'S planning on stealing his flame suppressor this winter and so every time this mex farts she will be able to warm her hands.

Anonymous said...

Seen a fellow the other day, said he was hunting milkweeds, I said hey milkweed greens are great, He said "no no" If I can find enough weeds I wont need too buy a cow.

ls said...

always heard that skunk perfume was used as a base for CHANEL No 5. If one could bottle AWs output it would be worth a fortune.

Anonymous said...

What AW puts out is pure BS and little use for it now.

Lourens Oberholzer said...

Cwl blog. do you advertise it somewhere?