The 2nd morning of October dawned with snow in the mountains & temperatures in the 30s & 40s. BRRRRRRRR!
Ok, here's your new thread - y'all take it & run with it. Surely this town isn't hasn't become as boring as it seems.
Warning: This site is chock full of rumors, innuendo, personal opinions & downright lies. Prolonged visits here could be detrimental to your health. If this happens, you're taking life way too seriously. There is a language barrier on this site - comments containing language that cannot be used on prime time network television will be removed. Try to play nice and act like you've got some sense (even if you have to fake it).
Once again the old addage of (if you wanna kill somebody and walk away free take them to Clay County) proves to be true as a murderer "self admitting" gets off scott free after killing his dope buddy. \\
Who was on that JURY?
To answer that, sometimes it pays to attend a public meeting.
Up here on the big island, it's a toasty 81. It don't get no better than that for october.
There's an open question about this killing. What showed up first the crow bar or the rifle? Which person was acting in self defense?
From 27 feet away, what self defense?
Had Hanshaw been tried on the big island, he would be hanging from a coconut tree.
What I'm saying is maybe the guy with the crowbar was defending himself from the guy with the rifle. Instead of the other way around.
Just goes to show you never come to a gun fight with a crow bar.
And had there been a honest judge on the bench, he would of set the juries ruling aside and ruled on his own.
Next election vote them all out including the judges on both sides of main street Clay.
Heed this all you unfortunate drug users out there the law has no compassion for druggies.
Unless your name is Morris.
Seems as tho the druggies get jail time and the murders get out of jail free to kill again.
I just came back from voting for ERT he is second on the list. The rest of them are too close to DC.
3.5% COLA likely
Sunday Sept.25th 05:32:00pm
And I'll say it again, the Bloomberg report has the cola up to 3.5%.
Time will tell.
Of course there is going to be a C
OLA for 2012 after all it is election year and that will make the seniors forget they were ripped off for 2.5 trillion to take care of the illegals in 2010 and 2011.
Not to worry any increase you get will be paid back for the increase in the Medicare premium.
Might want to remember, Dwier was waiting beside the road for Hanshaw to return, and was running at BH with the crowbar up while yelling bad things with Denny Rhodes getting both all fired up
Guy Dwier had enough artistic talent to have been successful anywhere he wanted to go.
Unfortunatrely, he didnt go anywhere.
Young people who dont leave this God-forsaken county are destined for a one-way trip down that drug-infested Hellbound road to addiction,m uselessness, or an early grave.
Clay County eats its young.
Like anywhere you choose to live nowadays drugs are on every corner and the judges are to bound by the laws of stupidity to send them to jail and dry them out so they just let them loose to do it all over again. Kids are not being taught in the home or at school to respect others and respect themselves by not endulging in every type trash that comes along.
It is so cool to smoke, drink, do drugs and make babies in CC that they start as soon as they are big enough to walk because parents think its way to kewl for Jr. to smart off and sneak a cigarette.
Then they grow up and steal everything they get their hands on until someone lays the boot to them.
Parents teach your children in the way they should go and they will never stray far from it. Bust their A$$ when they do wrong and you don't have to worry yourself to death over them. Children are the cause of all that white hair that Clairal and Grecian Formula covers up every day. Rite Ms Rose?
I can't remember the joke, something about a holloweenie. Anybody remember it?
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