The beauty of small town living...

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Bomont, West Virginia, United States
When you have no idea what you're doing, somebody else will ... or at least make something up & run with it.

Tuesday, December 13, 2011




Anonymous said...

Was reading Tanners comments on the Levy and all the things that are going to be cut out if the levy don't pass.

Free Lunches for Clay County Kids has been approved by the federal government and Tanner can't stop kids from getting them no matter what the income of the parents.

Thuggery has been the way in Clayberry for a long time now and it has to be stopped so get registered and VOTE NO ON THE LEVY as a taxpayer I am sick of being threatened by local government.

Anonymous said...

Next week we the people of Clayberry may just have a Prostituting Attorney if he don't come up with some green backs as Alsophead ordered him to pay the bill to Frannie. If he gets a few days in jail we will loose a Prosecuting Attorney cause I am sure the Morris boys are waiting for him to show up at CRJ.

Anonymous said...

Merry Christmas to all!

Anonymous said...

A Winter Scene

Anonymous said...

Drag the mouse over the picture.

Anonymous said...

After last year this has to be the most beautiful Christmas ever. Electricity stayed on, Phones worked all day long, computer working and the sun was shining which is the best part of it all. I went south yesterday and it poured the snow from Flat Top all the way to the second tunnel in Va. going down 77 south and I was sure glad to see it gone when I returned with only a little white skiff on top the mountain at the first tunnel coming back and spotty snow around Beckley and thats all the snow I needed to see for the rest of winter. We have also had the highest amount of rain this year ever recorded and I am sick of rain also. Bring on the sunshine and bikini weather I am ready for it.

Hope everyone had a MERRY CHRISTMAS with good food and a warm place to stay.

Anonymous said...

It's to bad but the time is near.

Anonymous said...

We are begining a countdown on another year that has gone by and for those who keep up with it this has been the wettest year on record since records have been kept. Also we have had less snow for the first week of winter this year and I am glad of that. I hate snow and this time last year we had been out of electricity and telephones for an 8 day trek and I don't miss that one bit. Keep your fingers and toes crossed that we don't get any for the next year.

ROSE said...

Only 2 more days to make those New Year's Resolutions!! Git 'r did!

Hope y'all had a very merry Christmas & you're all enjoying my week off every bit as much as I am. >;)

Anonymous said...

Looks like its going to be a start of a nasty new year of 2012 with the weather going sour, Levy voting for the month of January, all those lovely commercials of the politicians and how good they have done and how bad everyone else has done. Just remember when you go to vote that the Levy rips off the parents, teachers, school personnel and the kids whom are deprived an education worth having at a cost thats repulsive.

Just think without a Levy in place the superintendant wouldn't be getting a $100,000.00+ a year salary in a county where the average income is under $12,000.00 in the land of the few. VOTE NO ON THE LEVY AND VOTE INCUMBANTS OUT 2012

Anonymous said...

Another of the worst three years in History went by the way of bad years gone by. Soon we will be voting on another taxpayer ripoff in the land of the few as we are lied to and spoonfed what our taxdollars can buy for the little "kidies" but usually end up going to the ones in charge. A vote for the Levy is a vote for more corruption in Clayberry. VOTE NO we don't need more money turned loose to the thieves in charge.

Anonymous said...

Obamas Resolutions

Anonymous said...

Andy Doo Wop thinks he works for the County. He's taking off just as much time as they are.

Anonymous said...

Now they are saying if you voted for Obama last time and you don't vote for him this time you are a racist.
What a crock.