The beauty of small town living...

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Bomont, West Virginia, United States
When you have no idea what you're doing, somebody else will ... or at least make something up & run with it.

Saturday, February 18, 2012





Anonymous said...

With all the money saved by dissolving the do nothing sheriff's department there ought to be enough left over to give the BOE some more money and fix the roads around here. Help the campground and a lot of other stuff around here that needs help.

Anonymous said...

With the current administration, don't count on it.
Vote the rascals out!
We need new blood.

Anonymous said...

Due to the self imposed demise of the sheriff's department they'll be a hot time in the old town tonight.

Anonymous said...

But is Poopy still the head Pooper?

Anonymous said...

The entire Poopster regime needs fired and every badge replaced with new faces. If the new guy running for sheriff gets in we just may have a chance to do away with the fat greedy bunch of pigs in the sheriffs office.

Anonymous said...

I think I read somewhere that it was illegal to work two county jobs at one time and draw a paycheck for two county jobs. Seems to me it was called double dipping the taxpayers. Bet they never heard of that in Clay County since they are deputys and bus drivers. Hmmmmmm do I smell a rat here in Clayberry?

Anonymous said...

There's one way to fix this problem, vote for Sam Morris. It can't be no worse, and that hog will be out of the picture for good. Holcomb can finish up his chief deputy time in some other county. You can bet Braxton don't want him.

Anonymous said...

Another thing if they are only going to work around the court house, they close at 4 so no need for a second or third shift. We probably get a cut in taxes.

Anonymous said...

Nope, no cut in taxes, cause the king himself will have all his monkeys working in the zoo in the day time putting in there 8 hard earned hours.
Wonder what he'll have them doing, takin long lunch breaks to put up Slack for Sheriff signs?
Keep your eyes open clickers, it's your tax dollars at work.

Anonymous said...

I think we need all new in there vote morris or derby-triplett and vote for pete for assessor time for teresa to go to

Anonymous said...

Take a ride by the water plant, there ain't no Slack sign in his front yard, nor is there a pete sign up. But big as life there is a Teresa Lane sign, so you know where Gene King stands.
And the sheriff dept. is awful busy today for not doing any more road duty. Just herd the little pecker head go coded with Belt.

Anonymous said...

It took 6 years to throw Petey out of the commission so it ain't happening in the Assessors office.

As for Slackster in the sheriffs office. NO WAY IN LLEH

Anonymous said...

Looks like Poopy wants to be a movie star. He spends enough time on tv.

Anonymous said...

Still tryin to prove he's the head pooper, well we already knew that.
Wonder if he's payin for all that air time with his slush fund, which could be against the law.

Git the news here first, before it even happens.

Anonymous said...

The CCC is the Poopsters boss and they need to either get him and his dopey deputies to do their job or FIRE them. May be a good CCC meeting on Wednesday so everybody show up and ask why the Poopster regime is drawing a pay check when hes says they are no longer going to do the job the people hired them to do.

Anonymous said...

Speaking of drawing a pay check,
why don't someone file a freedom of information act form down at the Clay court house, to see if Ms Lane received a certain supplemental pay in the month of Jan. of 2010.
Because she was supposedly going to retire this year?

Anonymous said...

Why do that just go in and ask her. As for her retiring this year that is not her intentions nor has it been. She will work in the assessors office until she reaches retirement age. Not that she couldn't retire for time on the county payroll she is not old enough yet.

Anonymous said...

Been there, did that and she denies most of it.

Anonymous said...

Instead of chastising the sheriff's dept for refusing to do their duty, I read on one of the news sites the CCC is spending $10,000 to purchase a breathalyzer.

Anonymous said...

That is hardly nothing for the good it would do. After all another $10,000.00 WASTED by the court house and the Waster's is just a drop in the bucket and everyone knows Clayberrys bucket is full and running over with all that tax money and all them donations Fola Coal chips in with. The three blind mice gave them another big tax deduction last week and were paid a bonus under the table for doing so.

Anonymous said...

Mitch DeBoard for Clay County Commissioner.

Anonymous said...

A vote for Mitch will keep Clay in the ditch.

Anonymous said...

Randy Holcomb has always been a small town pompous ass, which is the only part of him bigger than his ego. Vote him out. A vote for Slack is a vote for Poopy Junior. Vote them all out.

Anonymous said...

Mitch didn't put us in the ditch.
Stinkinlogger did.
See, I can rhyme too.

Anonymous said...

What's the latest?
It hasn't happened yet.

Anonymous said...

Where did the shoe sales person go to?

ROSE said...

So ... 3 candidates for sheriff? Is that what we have now?

Three candidates & no existing law enforcement. Right?

Anonymous said...

We got a town cop, a joke but a town cop. How many cop cars does he have parked at his house now, 2 or is it 3. I guess this is suppose to be some kind of power statement. Why isn't he working the streets of Clay to help protect the citizens while the I don't give a damn sheriff sits around until he gits his way, again.
Do your job Ryan, or Waddell will find some code you have broken.
Who would be the Mayor if Ryan was jailed?

Anonymous said...

BP faces billions in fines, you think the gas is high now?
Somewhere in this great country, Dick Channey is sitting back chuckling.

Anonymous said...

Last time I checked there was one guy running for sheriff from the upper end of the county, one sissy thats already on the take, and a school teachers daughter so I would say the last two on the list don't account for many votes.

Slack would be an extension to the SOS we have in office now and like Rose said "no existing law enforcement".

Clayberry has had that for years now and with the thieves at large the citizens are in a bad way for help when it comes to the sheriffs office or state police.

Its a civil matter if you have called the sheriffs office for help.

Anonymous said...

I hope the CCC doesn't gloss over the fact that the sheriff's dept has taken a weeks vacation time so far. Give them what they deserve.

Anonymous said...

I can just see Waddell turning the pages of his code book.
Question is, can they all go on vacation at the same time?

Anonymous said...

No, they can't but they did. That's reason enough to terminate a civil service employee. No job protection if you don't do your job. What do they think they are getting paid for? Sitting up there and looking pretty? What if the ambulance service pulled the same crap?
Linc for sheriff!

Anonymous said...

Did I read you right, you think slinkiy should be Sheriff, pitiful.
I'd come soner voting for Rose, cause she has a set of guns would stop any criminal.

Anonymous said...

Posted: Feb 23, 2012 9:56 AM EST Updated: Feb 23, 2012 9:56 AM EST
By Bray Cary, President and CEO - email

What the heck is going on in Clay County?

Sheriff Randy Holcomb has announced that his department is no longer enforcing routine traffic laws or investigating wrecks.

No matter what his reasoning may be, this is an affront to the citizens and anyone who might be traveling through Clay County.

He is elected to do his job and he must do it. It's really that simple.

Anonymous said...

Slinky has to go somewhere when he doesn't get re-elected in November.
Good Old Boys Club.

Anonymous said...

Are you a municipal employee in a classified police or fire department position?

Classified police and fire department employees are barred from becoming candidates for any public office in the municipality where they are employed. If you file, you face being put on unpaid leave or dismissed.
Are you an employee of a County Commission?

A deputy sheriff (other than the chief deputy) may not run for office without resigning.

Anonymous said...

Randy has taken all the precautions for getting Miles into the sheriffs position as of last year ha made Slack head bus driver and also made him chief deputy so there is no problem or law broken there. Just two more reasons to vote for the other guy in the northern part of the county. May be just the change we need to get actual law enforcement in Clayberry.

Anybody know where the $22,000.00 went when "nigga Philipps" was arrested at go mart back a few years ago? New red roof for the sheriff?

Anonymous said...

Back in grampaws time, that there Sheriff woulda been hanged.

Anonymous said...

The ex tipi dweller from Sherwood forest must have stepped over the line this time. Sunday morning he mentioned that afternoon he was going to give us an update on the states version of what's going on with the local law enforcement. As of Monday night there has been no mention of same. Start looking for fresh dirt around septic tanks etc.

Anonymous said...

Donations are not coming in so good this year for the Wee one.
You don't pay, he don't say.

Anonymous said...

OH! I just thought we had another unsolved missing person situation.

Anonymous said...

If the local police are not using the police cars for official (as mandated) business they should be impounded. Until they get a new crew in there.

Anonymous said...

Hapless Holcomb has now ordered the "goon squad" back to work again as it was starting to look bad for "Slackless for Sheriff" campaign and the loss of votes. Unlike some in the county I do not have short term memory loss and can remember that the "poopy regime" has done nothing since reelection. Vote for the other guy as we don't need sissys for sheriff

Anonymous said...

If you aren't happy with things as they are, make a difference.
If you aren't registered, do it now.
Deadline is April 17th.

Anonymous said...

I'm starting to think Waddell don't like our Wittle Sheriff. But that's not true cause our wittle Sheriff ain't wittle. Take a good look, you would have to agree.

Anonymous said...

The poopster fired ole Miles to make it looka as though he was improving things for the county when in actuality its a political move for the Slackster as he was loosing votes all over the county. Read the above statement folks its not nice to fool with nature and haveing a short memory when it comes to electing an official who has been in the thick of things for years will blow up in your face every time.

Hapless Holcomb and Miles Slack for sheriff for another term of "no law in Clayberry" 2012 but remember to vote for the guy in the northern part of the county for a change. Can't get any worse then it is now.

Anonymous said...

Wed Feb 29, 08:56:00 AM


Anonymous said...

Some say Sam Morris would not be good for the job, because of a slight foul mouth.

Well I don't git a damn how my Sheriff talks, as long as he does his job and honestly.

No more favoritism and no more crap like the out going waste disposal pulled.

Anonymous said...

Question is:
Can Slack collect unemployment benefits while putting up his campaign signs?
Maybe the toilet man will pay Slack out of his slush fund, talk about money down the drain.

Anonymous said...

Wonder if Bill Murry can hold Randy Holcomb accountable for the trick he pulled on the county? Being "sense" or lack of it, disregarding his secondary sworn obligations as a Sheriff.
I say flush the waste.

Anonymous said...

Its been years since there was a sheriff in Clayberry that was worth his salt and the CCC fought him tooth and nail the entire time he was in office. The rest have just bowed down to the Starcher Rule crowd and dictate what Clayberryions get or don't get. Poopy is what sticks to your butt and is so hard to get off and Slacky is just the extension of mob rule in Clayberry. Vote for the other guy and break the chain. You know the "chains that binds" Clay County.

Put Avis and Don out of business

Anonymous said...

Folks around the county are talking about how its just a ploy instigated between Poopy and Miles to get people back into voting for Miles for sheriff. Well folks it ain't working out so well as people are looking elsewhere to put their votes as noone wants another term of doless deputies on the take in Clayberry.

Hopefully the new sheriff will be the outsider and he will fire the entire bunch of renegades that are working in the sheriffs office now.


Anonymous said...

On a brighter note, Doc Jamies wife faces up to 160 years in prison.
The Doc orta be there to.

Anonymous said...

Whats good about that?

Anonymous said...

Only partial pay for all the people they ripped off and still owe the workers they had for three weeks work that she cheated them out of also.

Anonymous said...

160 years over three weeks?

Anonymous said...

Did anyone read the story in the Charleston paper or on line? She, Ms Jamie has 19 charges against here from the Grand Jury for millions in fraud.
Those girls that worked for her here in Clay will probably never see a nickle from the money owed them.

Anonymous said...

WE got us a bad storm a brewin, and it ain't just POOpys hot air.
Could be baseball size hail.
But never fear, our Sheriff will protect us.

Anonymous said...

This is about the political circus going on at the Clay sheriff's department. This may also help Mr. Slack when he appears at the unemployment office.
When Mr. Slack accepted the appointment to the chief deputies office he gave up all rights, title and interest to the civil service position of Sargent of the Clay county Sheriff's dept. The Sheriff has no authority to appoint anyone to a civil service position. Which was vacated by the appointment to Chief Deputy of Sargent Slack. So, when Mr. Slack appears at the unemployment office he didn't quit he was fired. (No waiting period to collect) Good luck Miles.

Anonymous said...

What it all boils down to is that Poopy would still be in control if Slack was sheriff. People in Clayberry are fed up with this regime that have been in office for the past 20 years. Its time for new faces in the sheriffs office and that leaves no place for Slack, Belt,Legg, Ryder and the rest of Randys cronies. I don't even know the other guy running but he can't be worse then the bunch in office now. At least he has four years to fix the last 20

Anonymous said...

Seems like anybody can just up and run for office. Does anybody ever do a background check on these candidates?

Anonymous said...

You have to have grounds to fire a civil service employee. So unless you have proof of wrongdoing you're stuck with them.

Anonymous said...

Mar. 2 a:
Don't worry clickers, we'll be back to the normal stuff later today.
Wonder if Randy had Waddell bumped off?
Or is it you don't pay he don't say?

Anonymous said...

That would be an much needed improvement for Clay.
News people are supposed to report the news without their opinions.

Anonymous said...

Well if his comments hasn't earned him a ticket to meet his maker the latest picture on his front page should.

Anonymous said...

Why? I thought that was a good picture of the hugable,flushable,POOpy.

Anonymous said...

The food stamp program, part of the Department of Agriculture, is pleased to be distributing the greatest amount of food stamps ever.

Meanwhile, the Park Service, also part of the Department of Agriculture, asks us to "Please Do Not Feed the Animals" because the animals may grow dependent and not learn to take care of themselves.

Anonymous said...

The poop musta got stuck in the pot, every time I check back, it still hasn't flushed.

Anonymous said...

Looks like Andy didn't pay his water bill. His toilet is starting to stink...

Anonymous said...

I can see Waddell running another fund raiser real soon.

Git the news here first, even if it never happens.

Anonymous said...

Is there anyone else running for the 33rd delagate district? Lord knows David Walker has turned out to be the biggest mistake ever. When someone in Charleston tells you Randy Schoonover was miles ahead of Walker in delegation its time to elect someone who CAN.

Anonymous said...

The power brokers in Clay co. voted in David Walker cause they figured he was dumb as a stump, and they could control him.

And on a brighter note, meet your new town cop, Miles Slack.

Clay Co. politics at it's best.

Anonymous said...

Writing parking tickets would be to complicated for Miles to do so maybe walking the streets of Clayberry is more suited for him a job.

Anonymous said...

And the new Chief Deputy is non other than Cris Davis, lowest man on the totem pole.

Anonymous said...

Greenhorns do what they are told.
Poopy wins again.

Anonymous said...

Does this mean Poopy Dunn Ditty Doo?

Anonymous said...

uh huh!!!!

Anonymous said...

An extra hours sleep this coming weekend.

Anonymous said...

An extra hours sleep will be lost this weekend.

Anonymous said...

Only time will tell.

Anonymous said...

Ain't hearing much about twitter pated poops?