May the road rise to meet you,
May the wind be always at your back,
May the sun shine warm upon your face,
The rains fall soft upon your fields and,
Until we meet again,
May God hold you in the palm of His hand.
Warning: This site is chock full of rumors, innuendo, personal opinions & downright lies. Prolonged visits here could be detrimental to your health. If this happens, you're taking life way too seriously. There is a language barrier on this site - comments containing language that cannot be used on prime time network television will be removed. Try to play nice and act like you've got some sense (even if you have to fake it).
The only thing green I want to see today are the green back $100.00 bills. Maybe a cup of green tea and some green leaves on the trees will do just the trick.
Wonder when Ms Rose will bake us some more cookies, I want some.
I cannot wait for the greenery of Spring to get here in full force. I'm sick sick sick to death of brown brown brown.
Ah, cookies. It's Girl Scout cookie time, ya know. I'd offer to share mine, but ... ok, so maybe I *should* have shared mine instead of eating them all myself. >;P
At the car wash GIRL!
I see some of them eatin mushrooms up in the yard already.
Don't eat them its doggy do do
Oh they are so good just wipe them off with tp.
No ones started with the welfare leach thing on this post yet?
Yer slippin.
There's too many it would take up this whole page.
There's Welfare Leeches in Clay County????
You never let that stop you before.
Good job opportunity for Poopy. Take away his gun and hire him for a 911 dispatcher.
I am sure there will be a retired school teacher who is still teaching and drawing two checks from the county that will get the dispatch job so no others need apply. None of the welfare leeches need a job anyway.
The people that count are not on welfare.
The ones voting most are though.
Nice wages for a Clay Co. deputy, $47.500.00,about.
When did the sheriffs wages increase above 42? Thats what it was the last election. CCC give him a big raise or just the deputies?
Of course with his cut of tax collection its neare $105,000.00 now
Here you go Ms Rose did you get the same routine excuse from Jay?
Thank you for contacting me about the PROTECT IP Act and the Stop Online Piracy Act. It is always good to hear from a fellow West Virginian, and I appreciate this opportunity to be in touch on this important issue .
The PROTECT IP Act (PIPA) and similar legislation in the House called the Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA), would give the Department of Justice additional authorities in court to block foreign websites that sell counterfeit goods or distribute copyrighted materials without permission. It would also provide similar r ights for copyright and patent holders to take action against foreign and domestic websites. Additionally, it requires financial transaction providers , such as credit card companies and Internet advertisers, to stop doing business with websites that infringe on intellectual property rights.
The Senate was scheduled to conduct a procedural vote to begin debating PIPA in January, but that vote was canceled because of concerns that the bill went too far in shutting down websites and could threaten cybersecurity an d the ability to detect viruses and other harmful programs. I , too , have concerns about the bill's unintended consequences and believe that as we work to prevent the sale of counterfeit and stolen property, we must also protect individuals' rights and do nothing to harm ongoing improvements to cybersecurity . PIPA has not been rescheduled for another vote in the Senate, but I will keep your views in mind if it does come up for a vote.
Thank you again for being in touch. I wish you the best.
How is it that people can get all fired up about SOPA and then not a hoot out of them when we lost habeas corpus, the right to a trial, the right to face your accuser, the right to remain silent (Miranda Rights), indefinite detention, torture, and all the other infringements on our constitutional rights that have happened continually since 911 and the patriot act?
Looks to me like the terrorists have won.
Be afraid, be very afraid.
When we fought Japan, Germany and the rest of the world in WW11 we won the battles but have lost the wars. The same has gone on during Viet Nam, Desert Storm and the othe conflicts as the terrorists are still wining while we have lost all confidence and all rights guaranteed by the constitution after 911, so YES the terrorists have won and continue to win as thousands pour across the borders and we have a sitting president who fights the states that just say no to more hardened criminals and street gangs in America.
Let me rephrase my question.
Where the f#ck were you 10 years ago when they were shredding the constitution?
Oh that's, right you were drinkin the Kool aid they were sellin back then.
Because it was republican flavored.
Happy St. Patrick's Day 2013!
I knew a girl named Miranda, she said I had no rights.
I use to know a girl named Rose but she took up magic and disapeared.
The constitution has been shredded more in the last three years then anytime in history, does that mean its Dumbocrat flavored now?
Some like white meat, some like dark.
A lot of people voted for Nobama because they didn't want to be labeled racist. What's wrong with being racist? Especially the state of affairs today. Vote this time to prove you are not stupid.
You need to check your facts or quit lying.
You lost way more rights when the patriot act was put in place.
All Obummer did was continue what was already done.
Here's a fact, you ain't looking for a job.
This is startin to sound like a country western song.
For Added News For Clay County..Topix News Clay WV..
Sat Apr 07, 09:56:00 AM
Still drawing welfare and scamming the system
What are you doing with all of your free time?
I work six days a week 14 hours a day and I rest on sundays unless there is an emergency.
I was looking for a job when I started working here.
I'll be looking for a job when I leave.
I'm collecting a socialism security check but I hate socialism.
Oh, I also use the road and highway system, hospitals, went to public schools, hospitals, libraries, get my mail through the publicly funded mail service, gas from the tax payer subsidized oil companies, etc etc.
But I hate socialism.
This may be off topic, but can any one tell me if there is a good Muslin prayer place around these parts?
You might go and ask Andy Waddell.
Hmmm. I'm collecting my pre-paid insurance policy Social Security. I'm also taking advantage of my monthly premium paid for Medicare program with an annual deductible.
I use the roads too paid for by RE tax, Gas Tax and who knows what else is paying for that. Does the socialist system gives these things away free? If so I haven't been able to take advantage of anything free. I have to pay for anything I get.
All you need to do to pray like a Muslim is get a little throw rug kneel down bend over and squeal like a stuck pig and you are home free.
That's funny, I've been paying into socialism security for the last 30+ years and I won't see a penny of it.
Sounds like redistribution of wealth to me.
Taking money from one person and using it to pay for another is socialism.
Plain and simple.
You can mince words all you want, and it seems like you do it often.
But a duck is still a duck no matter what you choose to call it.
That's what Andy said.
The propaganda is SS is in trouble. The other side says they are fine till 2037. So unfortunately an old saying prevails. "Believe nothing of what you read and only half of what you see". I'm so fortunate the Government had the foresight to make me pay into Social Security.
Social Security Administration publication number 05-10024 states:
The money you pay in taxes is not held in a personal account for you to use when you get benefits. Your taxes are being used right now to pay people who now are getting benefits. Any unused money goes to the Social Security trust funds, not a personal account with your name on it.
AARP everyone's talking about SS
I've been collecting since 1991. It saved my butt.
The above is some bureaucratic mumbo jumbo.
If you didn't have an account with your name on it then how is your eligibility determined and how much you would get a month? The scare tactics this government is running on recipients of SS is a cheap shot.
It's the same scare tactics that make you want to give up freedom for safety.
We all know about that koolaid too.
It would be suicide to kill off the middle class. They are the ones that have been and continue to be paying for this fiasco of a government. No koolaid for them.
d@mn social security leeches.
What are you some kind of a joker? How can you call somebody who contributes to SS for 45 years a leach. Who's a leach is the professional welfare people, all you need to qualify is all the kids you can produce.
And you are not anonymous your name is Troll.
Let's see I'm paying for your SS and I won't ever see any.
You sound like a leech to me.
Wed Apr 11, 07:12:00 AM
Yep you have been drinking that liberal kool aid again as it makes you believe everything you hear even if it don't make any sense.
Lets see, I paid for my SS, you are paying for my SS. Sounds like a scam by the Government. Why are you so paranoid about you not getting anything? You and somebody else will be paying for yours. They are giving it away free to immigrants. They call it a safety net. So the immigrants don't rise up and steal your food. The Government is the leach.
Now who's drinking the Koolaid?
Ya'll need to loosen that headband on yer tinfoil hat.
It's cuttin off the blood to yer brain.
You seem pretty hung up on the word koolaid so was Jim Jones.
I knew Jim, he was a drunk for years.
So now that you have diagnosed what's wrong with me what is wrong with you? Bear in mind that we all have been linked to Adam & Eve as our progenitors. Incest of the greatest magnitude.
To much evil in this world today.We need to roll back about 50 years.
Back to the age of peace and free love.
Yeah man.
Interesting clue. You need the company of a woman!
Groovy baby.
Right On!
Make love, not war.
Any port in a storm.
Gas, grass or a$$, nobody rides for free.
A$$ it should be now days to. But all she'll give me is a little gas, and I think that stinks.
Tell her to lay off the beans and try an aphrodisiac.
Dont Change Dicks
In The Middle Of A Screw-
Vote For Nixon
In 72
Not current, but it was my favorite.
Maybe Mother Goose can modernize it.
Sorry to hear Dick Clark died, To bad it wasn't Dick Channey.
Evil lives on for ever, so it seems.
Yeah, I heard he rose from the dead this weekend to spread more lies.
Was Dick Clark a bad person?
Buzzards were spotted over next to Porters Creek and Camp Creek areas does that mean Ms Rose has passed the point of no return or ??????
Haven't seen her in the obit's.
Usually crows take small game.
I went through Camp Creek Rd. Yesterday I saw some buzzards out in their yards.
She may have run off with Jack
She always had a soft spot for Jack (veterans).
He's not running anywhere three operations on his foot and leg (removal).
Break out your insulated thongs, dear ladys, it's gona snow in the morning. Keep them kittys warm.
Ms Rose is out digging ramps and picking greens and getting ready for this weeks winter fest. Yes she has some insulated thongs to wear.
Family Dollar still has sidewalk salt on sale, git it while you can.
Are they selling insulated thongs there? Gotta keep those secret gardens from freezing off.
Rose must have given this up and went on to bigger and better things. But forgot to delete it.
Szit, far and apple butter, you can bet your azz she's not far away.
Clay Co. receives 1.6 mil. for school repairs. Guess now they won't need the levy.
Yes they will need the levy money how else will they party, buy garbage not needed and send the kids to the street corners to beg?
Watch slinky finish off his 911 center with a good part of the 1.6
Wouldn't be the first time ole Stinky's misappropriated funds.
Linkys got stinky fingers. So to say.
Saw Mitch Deboard in Clay and was voting for Link so that should tell you how you to should vote so your vote will be counted. Mud slinging Triplett still bringing up dirt in his own mind and I bet he voted for Teresa also. I know I will vot for her no matter how much slop AW trys to promote
Love Hater
The road rose to meet me and I have road rash now
Does anyone know where the court house is?
Court house, there are two of them Magistrates old building yellow in color up on a hill right side entering Clay from Rt#4. A newer brick building to the left of Rite-Aid on Main street.
Maybe I should of said beer garden.
If you want a beer garden you might end up at the court house. Good to be prepared so you don't get a warrant issued because you can't find it.
Maybe you have already been to a beer garden
In my time I already had my share.
God will probably hold some of us in the palm of his hand while he will shake the shet out of some.........
This is Number 100 Rose.
Time for a new thread.
Try to make the next one more sensible.
Blog 101; Don't ya get it? Rose has had enough of the mostly non serious discussions on this blog. It appears she has abandoned it. No changes since March.
Maybe she watched the latest edition of the Titanic and went down with the ship. If you want to get her attention post a cuss word.
I remember the time Rose stopped to breakfast in Clay before going to work in Charleston.
Well there was a price on that sticker and the sticker was on the food wrapper and she,Mrs Rose, put that grub on the seat by her crouch, and the sticker came off.
And as I recall, she wore that price tag on her you know what all day. She never did say how much the goods cost.
Memory is a beautiful thing, sometimes that's all we have left.
I'll bet it was worth a purty penny.
Ham & Egg on a roll $2.50
I ran into Rose at one of the schools one day. She is very vivacious and extremely pretty.
Yum Yum
Speaking of beautiful flowers,
A Rose by any other name would not be a rose.
For all you wannasee folks out there you might run into Rose at the H E White ramp dinner tomorrow May 6th.
LOL Y'all crack me up!!
Starting a new thread - come on over!! I'll try to do better keeping up. LOL
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