The beauty of small town living...

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Bomont, West Virginia, United States
When you have no idea what you're doing, somebody else will ... or at least make something up & run with it.

Monday, December 16, 2013


This joyous holiday season, I wish you and yours happiness, prosperity, peace & above all, love that knows no bounds.  

From my house to yours,


Anonymous said...

Happy Holiday is what offends me. I'm celebrating my Savior's birth.

ROSE said...

If I recall my studies correctly, I don't think anyone's Savior would have ever been offended by one of His followers wishing another a happy day, regardless what day it was.

I found this a long time ago & figured I'd share it again. In the overall scheme of things, the Season is about Love - judging someone for their choice of words isn't a very Christian-like attitude.

"The word "Holiday" is a word with very simple roots. Those roots are the word "Holy" and the word "day". Therefore "Holiday" means "Holy day", in other words, a day that is set aside for the worship, adoration and reverence of God."

That being said ...


Silly Goose said...

Merry Christmas Rose, even if you don't like me any more.
Yours truly Silly Goose

Anonymous said...

From my point of view, it depends who I'm looking at when I'm making a salutation at this time of year. Happy holiday came into use recently to accommodate non-christian people such as Hanukkah & Kwanza Merry Christmas started it all.
MERRY Christmas!

Anonymous said...

In the United States, "Happy Holidays" (along with the similarly generalized "Season's Greetings") has become a common holiday greeting in the public sphere of department stores, public schools and greeting cards. Its use is generally confined to the period between United States Thanksgiving and New Year's Day. American use of the term "Happy Holidays" to replace "Merry Christmas" dates back at least to the 1970s and was a common phrase relating to the Christmas season at least going back to the 1890s. The term may have gained popularity with the Irving Berlin song "Happy Holidays" (released in 1942 and included in the film Holiday Inn).
A Jerusalem bus wishing pedestrians a Hanukkah Sameach, a Happy Hanukkah, in December 2010.

In the United States, it can have several variations and meanings:

As "Happy Holiday", an English translation of the Hebrew Hag Sameach greeting on Passover, Sukkot, and Shavuot.
As "Happy Holiday", a substitution for "Merry Christmas".
As "Happy Holidays", a collective and inclusive wish for the period encompassing Thanksgiving, Kwanzaa, Hanukkah, the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary, the Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe, the Winter solstice, Christmas Day (The Nativity of the Lord), Boxing Day (St. Stephen's Day), the New Year and Epiphany.
As "Happy Holidays", a shortened form of the greeting "Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year."

So please get over this self imposed crisis that you people keep coming up with and understand that as Americans we are all entitled to our own opinions.
In other words STFU you are a nuisance and wrong again.

Anonymous said...

Christmas is the universal birthday of Jesus although it is wrong. The powers that be decided that. So now I know to say Happy Holiday and Merry Christmas As I stated in my previous pose. "Depends who I am looking at."

Anonymous said...

Please try making sense.

Anonymous said...

Why? You don't. Christmas is the universally accepted date of Jesus birthday. Why call it something else? Is this the new English or politically correct way of viewing things? Sounds pretty phony to me. BTW happy cherry tree day. Isn't that stupid? People nowadays view Christmas as something other than what it is. That sounds stupid to me too. Is this a form of denial?

Anonymous said...

You are obviously missing the point about being American.
It's about tolerance.
Try growing some and you might end up being half the patriot you think you are.

Anonymous said...

That could be but I'm certainly not missing the point of believing in God and being Christian as you are or you think we are talking about American patriotism get with it numb nuts.

Anonymous said...

More hate.
Jesus was not hater.
You are not a christian.

Anonymous said...

Can't you just feel the love in the air?

Anonymous said...

I don't understand it. It's like people get paid to start sh!t, why else would they do it?

Anonymous said...

It's in their genetic make up.

Anonymous said...

You'd think God would do something about sinners like that. You know, special lightning bolt or something.

Anonymous said...

Good idea buddy however He's too busy with other matters than his birthday being forgotten by His offspring. (created in the image and likeness of). Or modern humans who bend over backwards to be politically correct aholes.

Anonymous said...

BTW Rose don't pay much.

Anonymous said...

To quote a well known phrase.
"Glory to the new born King"
And nothing else!

ROSE said...

Most American "holidays" have roots in Pagan beginnings. In the overall scheme of things ... let's all just bask in the love that's in the air. ;)

Anonymous said...

but, but, these libtards wanna stop Christmas...

Anonymous said...

Yeah and I don't think the pagans celebrated the birth of Jesus much. That why they called them pagans.

Anonymous said...

The pagans didnt celebrate Jesus but Americans did adopt the pagan holidays. Jesus was born in March but the pagan winter solstice is in December so that's when we have Christmas.

Anonymous said...

Ho Chi Mein sounds full of it.

Anonymous said...

I see where Rose is leading in the world leader poll.

Anonymous said...

OH well I could see one day we are going to lose her. She's going off to bigger and better things. Bout time we got rid of O.

Anonymous said...

a href="">May Peace be upon you< /a>

Anonymous said...

a href="" >May Peace be upon you< /a>

Anonymous said...

Wonder if Rose will drop the ball tonight?

Anonymous said...

Upper US = Canada

Anonymous said...

Lower US = Mexiconos

Anonymous said...

Bigoted poster=douche-bag

Anonymous said...

You gota stand for something or you'll fall for anything..........
You savy?

Anonymous said...

upper us.

Anonymous said...

Whoo Hoo it's minus two!

Anonymous said...

Boo Hoo -3

Anonymous said...

Boo Hoo 2 again.

Anonymous said...

Stop it Danny.

Anonymous said...

@ CNN news it was so cold in the mid west, Hell froze over. That's right, there is a town named Hell.

Anonymous said...

A pleasant little small town about 60 miles west of Detroit Mich.

Anonymous said...

Water water everywhere better not drink any.

Anonymous said...

Hey I don't know if Rose is in Bimini or Belize.

Anonymous said...

Hats off to the late great Martin Luther King JR., a fine example to our sitting President in office. Three cheers from all of Clayberry Wv.

Anonymous said...

That's what we need a little bit more of in Clay Co. Hope and change is what the Pontus promised.

ROSE said...

LOL Sorry, guys - I lost track of this one. Started a new post - come on over!!