Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.— The First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution
“One-way news publications have editors and fact-checkers, and they’re not just selling information – they’re selling reliability,” said Cindy Cohn, legal director of the Electronic Frontier Foundation. “But on blogs or e-mail lists, people aren’t necessarily selling anything, they’re just engaging in speech. That freedom of speech wouldn’t exist if you were held liable for every piece of information you cut, paste and forward.”
“One-way news publications have editors and fact-checkers, and they’re not just selling information – they’re selling reliability,” said Cindy Cohn, legal director of the Electronic Frontier Foundation. “But on blogs or e-mail lists, people aren’t necessarily selling anything, they’re just engaging in speech. That freedom of speech wouldn’t exist if you were held liable for every piece of information you cut, paste and forward.”
We are one nation under GOD! It is sad that many years ago our religion became a controversial issue for the citizens but the seperation of church and state is far greater than Clay County West Virginia. When the tragedy at Columbine happened the same parents that wanted prayer out of school stood on the sidewalk as bullets ran inside their school prayed to God. The questioned why God let this happen. Religion was used as a political stepping stone then and it is being used the same way in Clay County.
Why worry about the potential law suit over the 10 commandments that could cost our county hundreds of thousands of dollars. The sighs over our county saying they support the 10 commandments is wonderful but is it not more important to live by them and teach them in the home. The law says you can display the word "IN GOD WE TRUST" in courthouses but some say that is inadequate. If you trust in God then you follow the 10 commandments. IS there really an issue or is it election time and we need votes.
OK, folks, you heard her. She doesn't want her name mentioned anymore, so from this point forward, please don't.
Here's another email I got (thanks, MartMan!!) ...
The FBI had an opening for an assassin.
After all the background checks, interviews and testing were done
there were 3 finalists, 2 men and a woman.
For the final test, the FBI agents took one of the men to a large metal door, handed him a gun and said, "We must know that you will follow your instructions no matter what the circumstances.
Inside the room you will find your wife sitting in a chair. Kill her!!!"
The man said, "You can't be serious, I could never shoot my wife." The agent said, "Then you're not the right man for this job. Take your wife and go home."
The second man was given the same instructions.
He took the gun and went into the room. All was quiet for about 5
minutes. The man came out with tears in his eyes, "I tried, but I can't kill my wife." The agent said, "You don't have what it takes,Take your wife and go
Finally, it was the woman's turn. She was given the same instructions, to kill her
husband. She took the gun and went into the room.
Shots were heard, one after another. They heard screaming, crashing, and banging on the walls.
After a few minutes, all was quiet. The door opened slowly and there stood the woman.
She wiped the sweat from her brow, "This gun is loaded with blanks," she said. "I had to beat him to death with the chair."
MORAL: Women are evil. Don't mess with them.
Hey Rose! I picked me up a pertty bad cold, that's why i havent been on here, would'nt want to pass it around.What i think is a good idea might be for each and every one of us clickers go to church tomorrow and pray for that other certian person!That can't be slander cause we all need prayer, don't we? D.J.E.
"I don't remember attending no classes in high school either.” she says.
Evidently an English class was one of the ones she did not attend. Rose if I were you, I'd take all the posts with her name on them off of here.
Sounds like she's gearing up to waste more tax dollars on bs court costs. I hope the PSC people are reading this so they can see just exactly how she's using the clayroane website they already disapproved of.
“…pay restitution to the victim.” I wonder if she paid any restitution to the victim she slapped the crap out of a while back. She probably tried, but I suppose it wasn’t accepted either. Did she ever even apologize?
You know I think it’s funny she is fine to stand by and watch people take jabs at you and your family & posted stuff about that Sams guy, but if someone does it to her it’s time for a lawsuit. What a freakin’ windbag!
I find it interesting that someone who clearly doesn't have the cash to pay back the money the CRPSD “advanced” her (snort, snort…..yeah right) is so keen on racking up some legal fees.
Hi rose
have to sign in as anonymous this time. sorta left my password back at the tent. How some of us are living these days. WITHOUT WATER. LOL thought I would add that. we have to get all of our drinking water from bottles and our bathrooms and shower trailers are a little ways up the road from the tent we stay in. funny huh. how some would gripe about the very same thing.
Your site looks like it has taken off. i find most of the comments humorous. its like a big family squabble. but i will consider it entertainment and will keep clicking your link.
IF we cant mention her name anymore because she stated something to the effect...that slander/libel is just that, and if one allows it on one's website they can be held legally responsible for it. What about all the stuff she had on her website last time...... and Im sure she will again. Can they sue CRPSD or her??? Or both. I remember she did the same things to those people who work there and to the board members. Come can do it but no one else can. You are in your own little world arent ya????
HEY CBM......she has everything paid for Her. She doesnt you know where her funds come from.......the mailbox at the beginning of each month. It really bugs me that people can sit on their butts and not work and tell the people that do work, how to do their job. But you know, what comes around, goes around. AND it will come around even harder. So let her continue at this pace, eventually she will get what is coming to her.
WESLEY!! How ya doin'?? At least when these people around here go to get the water they have to haul, they're on their home turf, can take that water back to their families immediately & don't have to worry about anybody shooting at them. Way to put it in perspective, man!
Chris ... OOPS! I mean CBM - no more names, please! where ya been?
All you Anonymous folks, keep 'em comin'!
Just to show what a nice person I can be if I try really hard, let me just throw this out there: If your name has been specifically mentioned by anyone other than you & you're offended by it, all you have to do is ask & I'll remove the post. I won't remove initials, nor will I feed anybody's paranoia by removing anything you *think* might be about you. See how easy I am to get along with? Just please note that there are over 150 posts here, so it might take a minute to find the offensive one(s).
MP - I've made every effort to remove all instances of your name specifically, with the exception of the one by your own hand on "S.S.D.D." I can't control any assumptions made based on information posted. If you find any more instances of your name, please let me know.
To all of you with whom I've taken editorial liberties with your posts, please respect MPs wishes to not have her name posted.
A little something for everyone on here isn't there, well almost everyone...seems as though one person doesn't want a little something. HA!
Serious though I have a question. If a person, and we aren't mentioning any names, were to be a board member on a PSD and then took a notion to run for public office say county commissoner for example, would that person have to resign? Jack T.
Rose I truely love this site anymore and I find myself checking it daily if not hourly. Everyone is starting to become a web family with the exception of a couple I will not name. I thank you for starting it and with over 100 posts I think you can say it is a hit. I wonder how many posts that 1 and only person site has so far surely not as many. Like they always say, if you cant stand the heat, then stay the heck out of the kitchen.
Oooh, Jack, it sounds like somebody NEEDS a little something, if you know what I mean. yowza!
Is anybody else runnin for commission? I don't think we have much to choose from in the commission race unless somebody else throws their hat in. Postal will rob us blind & eat our children & Link sure ain't done anything as superintendant, so why think he'd be any better as a commissioner? I think Andy should move so he can run again. At least the meetings would be intresting.
Hmmmm, I still see quite a few comments on here that pertain to me. Whether my name is listed or reference to me is assumed, please remove them all.
Whether the name is listed specifically or not, everyone knows who they are referencing and I would appreciate there removal as well.
I will be deleting every post that I have placed on your site.
You don't need to post this, it was for your reference only.
Southern Boy - It's all yours! It's a shame such a thing is necessary, but lawyers gotta make a livin', too!
MP - I'm not removing anything that doesn't specifically reference a specific person by name. Specifically. My phone book has over 8 pages of P's & I'm sure lots of them have the first initial M. If you'd like to bring a specific post to my attention, perhaps I'll reconsider on a per-post basis. As far as I can see, the posts are based on either (1) actual events that can be proven, (2) statements you made yourself, or (3) someone's personal opinion, to which we're all entitled.
I don't blame MP. If I had done such shameful and despicable acts, I wouldn't want my name repeated in polite company either.
This one is for your boys.
Having sex with your mother is not legal and not right no matter what your mommy tells you.
Please tell a teacher or trusted adult quickly.
Well well. There's MP back again. I see all her earlier posts were 'removed by author'. If only everything was that easy to retract. just another indication of 'make it disappear & pretend it never happened'.
Why doesn't Clay have a movie theater or a bowling alley a game room or something like that? How come every new business that comes to town seems to go under? Anybody got any idea what exactly the problem is? Or who?
This is post is related to the one posted by mp-the1andonly. (Dated Sun Nov 27, 02:24:36pm) Well, you stated that you don't have PMS, well they why all the fuss about using a name or initals? Big Deal. If you don't want to be shown in a bad light then straighten up your act. Plan and simple. If you don't want people to repeat all the bad things that are said from you then STOP saying those things. It doesn't take a bright person to figure this out. Use your brain before speaking or doing. And for another thing, MP could stand for almost any name. I am starting to wonder just how high you think your perch is. Well, how ever high maybe you should get off of it before you fall. And from the sounds of it you will have a pretty good fall. You are no better than ANYONE ELSE!! Haven't you stopped to think that maybe if you hadn't done some stupid things in public people wouldn't be talking. But of course you know that in Clay County you can fart and people in Charleston will know it in a matter of minutes. Seems people have too much time to sit around and gossip. Next time before speaking or doing you should ask yourself a few questions:
1) How is this going to affect me if I say or do this?
2) Is this even worth getting mad over?
3) Is this worth wasting your time on?
4) Is who ever saying this doing to prevoke a response?
To the first three questions is answered HONESTLY NO; then don't waste your time. If the 4th question is answered YES then don't give them the reaction that they are wanting. That will make them madder than showing yourself. Just had to post my thoughts on this one.
I say folks, would like some opinions. about the valleydale school consolidation. I heard the origional offer was for 150 grand. then the school board sets a minimum of 100 Gs. then we have what appears to be an attempt at a private auction at a school board meeting. Let's suppose the 150 Gs was a private agreement. the 100 Gs bid, had it gone forward, would have been the required payment to the school board. now where do you suppose the difference of 50 Gss would have evaporated to. the lone ranger
say what! oh boy am I in trouble if this gets out.
Any fool can criticize, condemn, and complain - and most fools do.
Dale Carnegie
sorry folks the subject of my last comment was the auction of the Ivydale school property. can't seem to find the comment now. the lone stranger
Oh what a tangled web we weave when oft we practice to deceive.
2nd degree: Freemasons; the public must be deceived.
check the cornerstone of the courthouse for their graffiti. oh boy! oh boy! am I in trouble now. the lone stranger
Hey Rose & folks; I can' seem to get it all together this morn. am trying to correct and make sense of my previousa comments. They keep disappearing. Rose must be pulling them. MY life sure ain't no bed of roses. the lone stranger
LOL LoneStranger - I don't pull 'em. You were up way later than I was! Out of forced necessity, I have to moderate this site for a while longer; I seem to have posters with limited vocabularies & sexual hangups. Once they move along, I'll go back to the immediate gratification of non-moderation.
Well good grief...It seems like everything that is posted mp thinks that it is her. man she must be quilty of more than we thought, she's hanging herself
As for MP, "Me thinks she protesteth too much". If her & others like her really want to prove their worth to society, they should all sign up to be the student rescuers of the new IvyFork/ValleyDale school when it floods. & it will, IF it ever gets done in the first place.
So if the US government determines that it is against the law for the words "under God" to be on our money,
then, so be it.
And if that same government decides that the "Ten Commandments" are not to be used in or on a government installation, then, so be it.
And since they already have prohibited any prayer in the schools, on which they deem their authority,
then so be it.
I say, "so be it," because I would like to be a law abiding US citizen.
I say, "so be it," because I would like to think that smarter people than I are in positions to make good decisions.
I would like to think that those people have the American Publics' best interests at heart.
Since we can't pray to God, can't Trust in God and cannot Post His Commandments in Government buildings,
I don't believe the Government and it's employees should participate in the Easter and Christmas celebrations which honor the God that our government is eliminating from many facets of American life.
I'd like my mail delivered on Christmas, Good Friday, Thanksgiving & Easter.
After all, it's just another day.
I'd like the US Supreme Court to be in session on Christmas, Good Friday, Thanksgiving & Easter as well as Sundays. After all, it's just another day.
I'd like the Senate and the House of Representatives to not have to worry about getting home for the "Christmas Break." After all it's just another day.
I'm thinking that a lot of my taxpayer dollars could be saved, if all government offices & services would work on Christmas, Good Friday & Easter.
It shouldn't cost any overtime since those would be just like any other day of the week to a government that is trying to be "politically correct."
In fact....
I think that our government should work on Sundays (initially set aside for worshipping God...) because, after all, our government says that it should be just another day....
What do you all think????
If this idea gets to enough people, maybe our elected officials will stop giving in to the minority opinions and begin, once again, to represent the 'majority' of ALL of the American people.
SO BE IT..........
Have you seen the clayroanepsd site? You might want to take a look.
Jack T.
Wow, Jack T. Thanks for the heads up. Oh, what to do, what to do?
The clayroanepsd website plainly states that its purpose to pass along news & pertinent stuff regarding the District. What Jack's referring to is this post on that site:
mpostelwait said...
Oh Jack T. I strongly disagree. I tried to post a comment on Rose's site and she didn't accept it because it caught her up in a lie.
To be more specific, she stated something along the lines of the new board didn't make phone decisions, and well we all know that the decision to fire the Deems boy was in fact a phone decision made by the new board. She wouldn't post that though would she?"
I've searched all my blogs & the only reference I can find to Mr. Deems is this one from "What Do You Think?":
At Mon Nov 21, 07:45:20 PM, Anonymous said…
So what you are actually saying is that anyone who doesn't meet you approval doesn't get on your own little space?
Yet you allow your "Friends" and "Family" to post good comments about you?
What have you done for CRPSD? Nothing. Absolutely nothing. CRPSD is still mismanaged and in bad financial shape. I know for a fact you all, the new board, made phone decisions too. What about when you fired that Deems boy? Why do you all not get along? You are as misguided as the last board and nothing will ever change unless you grow up and act as one unit and quit bickering. Ms. Postalwaite's case was dropped, so let it be and work toward getting your alls act together. But don't set on here and lie and said you haven't done this and that, when you have.
What have you done to better the community where you live? Nothing. Absolutely nothing. You sit out here on your little perch and think your crap don't stink. No one out here likes you and we wish you would move elsewhere. Preferably out of Clay County all together. The rest of us Baboons would like the jungle to ourselves.
What have you done Rose? You sit back and judge but make no effort at change. Someone needs to knock you off your pedestal.
My response to this was:
For the record, I personally fired nobody. As with every business, CRPSD has policies in place for personnel issues and since that's precisely what this is and those are considered confidential, I'm not at liberty to comment further.
Incidentally, here's the post that provoked the response:
Anonymous said... I think the postings that Rose removed were the ones that had cuss words and statements about her haivng sex with people or animals. No one posted that kind of thing about you. There's a big difference. Don't compare yourself to her. Jack T.
So. Enough said?
Not this again. I thought that the baboon went back to the jungle to groom and pick nits with its family.
Jack - thanks for coming to my defense! Honestly, though, I don't give a rip. I've been talked about worse by better & survived it. As long as people are talking about ME, they're leaving somebody else alone, right?
Pick nits?? LOL That's a bit disgusting.
Say who's a baboon? Not me-not you. not the politicians. Ya'lls problem is you don't want to face the truth. The missing link is not missing. take a close look at the facts and then look at the politicians and the missing link will become obvious. THE FACTS:
We have the respiratory system of hogs, we have the circulatory system of hogs, we look and act like hogs. you can hear a politician squeal a mile away if he can't get to the trough, my impression is, from reading about those who have resorted to cannibalism, that we even taste like pork. of course this is all logical because those swine Jesus cast the devils into did not fall off a clift and die. they turned into politicians and are still with us. the lone stranger
Rose My Friend! About time for my comment for the day! Well first of all, Big otter is flooded again, probably went down a bit by now. That's gona big a big problem in the future i dose fear! And guess what? The squrrels are coming back in, one of my cat's chased one up a tree in the front yard this life in clay isn't all so bad after all, we just have to take a better look at what we are looking at!! Gota go! Bed time. D.J.E.
Hey, lonestranger! I'm a bit grossed out by all that pork talk! Do you know the "Pass the pork, Pig" joke? If not, I just ruined it for ya!! LOL
Welcome back, DJE! How's that cold? I thought of you & your squirrels & foxes this morning while I waited ... & waited ... & waited for a lady deer to cross the road. I don't think she had any concept of "yield," but I wasn't gonna rush her!
Hey! Rose my friend, You know times must be getting a little tough here in clayberry. Why, this morning a pertty lady let me talk her into getting a big hug just for listening to her try and sell me an insurance policy. Got the hug and it was a big one and then i did'nt buy any thing. Boy was that a good hug! Just goes to show a person there still is a whole lot of nice people around clay! Now you keep a smile rose cause spring is just around the corner. D.J.E.
Hey, 3fingers! welcome back! It's pouring snow over my way - yours? Not quite an inch on the ground, but the kids are already planning on staying home tomorrow. Talk about optimism!
Ya know, I think there are a lot of nice people in Clay. Generally, it's not the nice ones going around making spectacles of themselves & getting themselves in the public eye. Then again, those of us who accept appointments or win elections can't seem to help being gluttons for punishment.
Rose My Friend, What will we talk about tonight? Here's an idea! How nice it is that you have kept. such a clean site that it is. Now here's my thought for the day. I know the vast amount of people that have ritten in on these sites, should probably think about the impression they are giving the rest of the reading audience,about our town in general. Thank GOD for censorship. D.J.E.
lonestranger:hey Rose I lost you. am still getting southern comfort. is it you or me? the lone stranger
Hey, lonestranger! It was probably me - was a bit tardy on posting today. Sorry!! Welcome back!
Hey, DJE!! Welcome back to you, too! My Mom(s) AND my Dad(s) read this site periodically - they'd wash my mouth out with soap & then rinse with hot sauce & smack my behind if I let such language on here! Really, though, I must admit, I haven't rejected any comments in a long time - everybody's playing pretty nicely together.
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