Ok, here's the deal. If you live in Clay County, WV, then you know what a totally whacked out place it is to live. If you don't, then stay tuned, this might get good!
Feel free to post whatever's on your mind. Water situations, political shennigans - whatever. Just please keep it clean (my kids read this stuff!). Nice isn't required, nor is politically correct. But please remember - BIG WORDS ARE FAR MORE POWERFUL THAN DIRTY ONES!
Warning: This site is chock full of rumors, innuendo, personal opinions & downright lies. Prolonged visits here could be detrimental to your health. If this happens, you're taking life way too seriously. There is a language barrier on this site - comments containing language that cannot be used on prime time network television will be removed. Try to play nice and act like you've got some sense (even if you have to fake it).
The beauty of small town living...
- Bomont, West Virginia, United States
- When you have no idea what you're doing, somebody else will ... or at least make something up & run with it.
Friday, November 18, 2005
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Let me the first to congrad the next biggest Clay Co site. The other one, and we all know which that one is.....is all one sided stories. (And no, Im not talking about AW's site) If you believe anything that the other site states, then you must live on Pumpkin Ridge and all have been lied to. If you want the truth, all the right people, not her.
If greed didn't rule the world every place including Clay County would be better. Can you find a good lawyer in Clay? Thanks Barbara
ROSE ROSE ROSE!! Now i think this is a darn good idea giving folk's a chance to air there thought's and not behind closed door's. Clay is a good place to call home,that's if a person could just stay at home'but in the real world{CLAY} a person has to know who's BUTT to rub the right way to get along with not being an out cast of the chosen few that run this quaint little burg. God bless america and our prayers go out to the chosen few. D.J.E.
Get a life!
Get a life?? GET A LIFE?? I've got a husband, a job, kids & now I've got to find out who's getting their butt rubbed so I can watch! I'm a helluva woman, but that's plenty of life for me, thanks just the same!
You got a husband? Does he even like you? I bet you like people getting their butts rubbed, don't you?
I don't see how anyone could stand you for more than 2 seconds. I bet he is glad you have a job so he don't have to see you.
Speaking of your job is it true that your boss is the father of the director of that funding agency? Is that conflict? Funny how one of you do a website and the rest of you follow suit.
Good golly, they have a website, so I will make my own. Why not make one website and tell all your alls bs in one spot!
To whomever posted the previous comment - we're just friends. I wouldn't know what it tastes like, no. This is 2005 - the whole world should be practicing safe sex.
For the record, I never invited your personal questions - I'd suggest you not ask or you're just setting yourself up for disappointment & obviously, you've already got some frustration issues.
No, there's no conflict. I work for a LAW FIRM - contrary to popular belief, I have sense enough to consult my boss (who, incidentally, is not who you think he is) on any and all ethical issues. If a conflict ever arises, I'll be sure and let you know. By the way, that is the proper spelling of "ethical" should you wish to look it up in the dictionary.
The Internet is the last place left allowing free expression of first amendment rights.
You go girl. Why, I am practically seeing rigid purple even as I type
what is wrong with pumpkin ridge? i like the other website, at least she don't try to lie and cover up things.
as a person that lives on pumpkin ridge, i think we deserve water like anyone else and well if you have a problem with mellissa you should take it up with her and not take it out on the rest of us.
i promise you that you wont dare say anything to her face will you? you post anonymous on here because you know nothing.
i want water and i dont think i should be held liable for what she did
Congratulations on staking out your own corner of cyberspace. I'll be an interested reader if not contributor.
Please, please, please, ....
Dont let a bunch of typos, spelling errors, and grammatical atrocities trash up your site.
I can't enjoy myself while I'm cringing.
Personally, I'm thrilled to see this web site! I love it!
It's a shame , though, that some have already used it simply to make personal slurs to you. Of course,after those brilliant comments, the same person signed it anonomously as well!
If you have the brass to publicly make idiot comments like those, be brave.. put your name on it
It's very difficult to respond to specific comments when everybody wants to be "anonymous," but here goes....
First, to the Anonymous who's so interested in my sex life - NEW RULE FOR THIS SITE - your IQ must be higher than the number you see on the tag when you put on your underwear or I'll simply reject your comment. I've already said that my children read this stuff & while you can talk however you want to to your own kids, mine don't need to be subjected to that kind of garbage in their own home. Yours will grow up to be just like you.
To the Anonymous who said s/he liked the "other website" better because s/he doesn't try to lie & cover things up - this site is not a "nanny nanny boo boo" site, nor is it in competition with any other. The intent here is simply to allow intelligent people to post their thoughts on Life in Clay County. If you know any intelligent people, feel free to invite them to post.
For the record, CRPSD is but a small aspect of my life & not my driving force. Any and all questions regarding same said CRPSD should be asked and addressed in the proper forum of our regularly scheduled meetings. All of MY posts have MY name attached, so I'm not sure exactly what you're trying to say. I won't have much to say about CRPSD, though I'll be happy to bring your concerns up at the next meeting.
To the Anonymous who posted, "bunch of typos, spelling errors, and grammatical atrocities trash up your site" ... it's a sad, sad thing, ain't it? I'd campaign to have free adult English classes taught here in Clay, but I seriously doubt anybody would attend.
For all you Anonymouseseseses who I rejected - you know why. You don't meet the IQ test. Sorry. Try again when you learn some new words.
Oh, Barbara!! Didn't mean to ignore you! Your post was among the intelligent ones, though, so I figured you'd have the patience to stand by while I dealt with the children.
The whole world would be a better place if (1) greed took a back seat to compassion & (2) ignorance wasn't so predominant. (For those of you who don't know these big words, I'm spelling them properly so you can look them up and maybe sound smart the next time you open your mouth!)
I'm sure you can find a good lawyer in Clay. If you search long enough, you might actually find 1 or 2 who would actually come here from other counties! But only if they're new to the industry & haven't networked much yet.
Oh, Anonymous @ 6:22, you crack me up!! Leave their names?? You slay me!
In their defense, though, some of the people who might view this website might not be at 100% mental capacity & therefore liable to do anything in retaliation.
"It is better to have people believe you to be an idiot than to open your mouth and prove it ..."
Thank you for creating a place to vent. Not everyone is able to sign his or her name, and being anonymous can sometimes help. For those who use the site to be rude to you while being anonymous, please do us all a favor and grow up. For others who have went to school in Clay County and did not learn proper grammar, there is such a thing as spell and grammar check.
Clay County is a wonderful place to raise our children. Not like many of the big city areas, where children cannot leave the front yard. Clay County does have problems, but still it is a wonderful place. We have beautiful mountain sceneries and some really nice people. Sure, you have the uneducated and the people who just have no clue about how politics play out in their everyday life. Sometimes being oblivious is a great thing.
My vent is about the back room politics that take place in public places. I got to see this in action not to long ago at the local slow food restaurant. It was wild to watch as they lowered their heads together to talk low. Then each one would raise his or her head and look around to see if anyone was watching. How sad. It was sad that not one of us in the restaurant had the male anatomy to ask what they were talking about. I am as guilty as the next person for keeping a blind eye. I am guilty of allowing it to happen.
Thank you allowing me to be anonymous.
Why can't we all just get along. Give peas a chance and all that stuff.
PS. Something tells me you're going to be busier than you thought! To be fair, who is that other site?
ATTENTION! ATTENTION! Please take a gander at Anonymous @ 8:02's post! This is a prime example of an intelligent post that adheres to the original intent of this website. HOORAY!
Thank you for your post. This site will always be open to Anonymous posters - I don't need your email or your full name or your measurements to appreciate your comments.
I don't think it's a lack of cojones that keeps us from "bucking the system" in any way. It's more the knowlegdge that your efforts are probably wasted and you just never know who might lash out in retaliation.
A forest starts with just 1 tree & the mighty oak was just a nut that held it's ground. We'll make the world a better place eventually!
Ok, Ok, here's one. I see "I support the ten commandments" signs all over. That is fine, but do they live by the ten. Like: Love thy nieghbor, Thou mayest not bear false witness, Thou mayest not kill. I see an awful lot of hate and dishonesty in the world today. Not to mention killing. People need to start practicing what they preach.
are all of you complainers sending letters to the president & your congressment & senators? Billions of tax $$ are being spent to rebuild after the hurricanes & you guys are wasting your time bellyachin. has anybody bothered to actually do anything besides whine? I wonder if my posts will stay on this or if I'll get deleted?
I love you.
Honor thy mother and father
No idea why all the personal slams to me. Maybe this is just God's little way of keeping people in front of their computers & away from the bottle or beating their children or spouses or whatever. I'm sure I've been dealt worse by better.
I think butt-rubbing is one of those redneck things, like watermelon seed spitting & greased pig contests. But I'm not sure, so don't quote me on that.
Rose, For one thing i was not talking about. I was trying to keep it clean about how many of the different town meeting's are held. One for example is how the no smoking ban was voted on. Voting on the same subject matter with in a 12 month period is a no no according to wv. code. any one can look it up. Heck! i forget to say i was not talking about you.From what i have seen, you are doing a fine job on the board. D.J.E.
Hey, DJE!! Thanks! It's really hard, trying to do what's right, trying to please as many people as possible, trying to pick up the pieces of years' worth of ... who knows what. Clay County's always made up its own little rules as it goes along. Why not? Nobody's ever done anything about it, ya know? Good deal if you can get it, huh? Unless, of course, you're not one of The Chosen Few who benefit from the backdoor deals & whatnot, which is what we're finding a lot of now.
I think it's kind of funny, though (in a sad sort of way), that I've only been on the CRPSD board since April, yet I seem to be the one who's caused all the water problems since the beginning of time! What a powerful woman!!
Punkineers do NOT deserve water service. As non voters and folks with the IQ of naval lint, why would any politician go the extra mile? Just as old funding went elsewhere, why not any new $
I like your new site Rose and hope that you have fun with it. I know myself I will like to stop by and see chat about Clay. Have not had a chance to ask you how is your new car and are you sure you dont want the van back? (grins)
Ouch! IQ of naval lint?? That's priceless! I hope it can fit it into my day-to-day conversation! I think the PR ridge people do deserve water - everybody deserves this basic human need.
There are several differences between old funding & any potential new monies. The most important of these differences would be priorities. The most important change the new board has implemented (in my opinion) is to make all financial decisions in the proper forum - our public meetings. No longer are verbal approvals and/or phone votes acceptable. No bill is paid before it is incurred, no service is paid for before it is rendered. No check is written that isn't specifically unanimously approved by the board. No one board member can transfer funds from one account to another. Board members can no longer go to the plant & write him/herself a check for any reason.
To my knowledge, the only money paid to any board member since we all took our oaths in April was to the Chairman to pay for gas/mileage during the extenuating circumstances of the leak at Wallback & this was publically approved during a regular meeting.
DAVE!! Thanks, man! I LOVE my new car!! Oh, the van. I must say, I don't miss it! I hope it ended up in the hands of a deranged teenage boy who pimped it up & takes it around the mudbog circuit! Yeah, I know, it wasn't exactly a pimpable vehicle, but ... deranged teenage boys with mudbog fever wouldn't care!
So what you are actually saying is that anyone who doesn't meet you approval doesn't get on your own little space?
Yet you allow your "Friends" and "Family" to post good comments about you?
What have you done for CRPSD? Nothing. Absolutely nothing. CRPSD is still mismanaged and in bad financial shape. I know for a fact you all, the new board, made phone decisions too. What about when you fired that Deems boy? Why do you all not get along? You are as misguided as the last board and nothing will ever change unless you grow up and act as one unit and quit bickering. Ms. Postalwaite's case was dropped, so let it be and work toward getting your alls act together. But don't set on here and lie and said you haven't done this and that, when you have.
What have you done to better the community where you live? Nothing. Absolutely nothing. You sit out here on your little perch and think your crap don't stink. No one out here likes you and we wish you would move elsewhere. Preferably out of Clay County all together. The rest of us Baboons would like the jungle to ourselves.
What have you done Rose? You sit back and judge but make no effort at change. Someone needs to knock you off your pedestal.
I spent a great deal of time in Clay county when I was growing up and to be honest it was wonderful. Living out on one of the ridges a couple of months in the summer made me so grateful when I got to go to town.
In the last 10 years Clay has changed. When I visit now the people are not as friendly.
People are fighting over things that is just stupid. Families torn apart over greed and haste...Not one of the Ten Commandments followed in this fight.Sad to say some of these people I called family. I hope in this case my bible thumping cousin reads the Commandments and takes them to heart and gives her mother a break!
My mother and father was both raised in Clay County and proud to be from there.
I know so many stories on so many older people OMG maybe one of these days I'll spill the beans. But the Tales of the Elk River Inn don't have anything on this!
Anonymous @ 7:45:
My, but you're bitter! I notice that you call me by name but don't have the cojones to leave your own. That tells me a lot about you.
What I'm saying - what I thought I'd already said plainly - was that I won't allow bad language and/or anything of a sexual nature on this site. Every single post other than those that contained either (or both, as was the actual case)has been published. I'm sorry you find it so offensive that people actually have nice things to say about me.
You're almost right as far as what I've done for CRPSD. There's no "I" in team. We've got virtually nothing to work with. So far, our greatest contribution as a team has been to not get us deeper in debt. We do the best we have with what we have to work with.
For the record, I personally fired nobody. As with every business, CRPSD has policies in place for personnel issues and since that's precisely what this is and those are considered confidential, I'm not at liberty to comment further.
As far as contributing to my community, I wholeheartedly disagree with your opinion. I go to work every day & contribute to the overall economy; I pay my taxes and contribute to charitable causes; I volunteer at my children's schools & make every effort to raise them to be involved, compassionate human beings who contribute to society rather than live off of it. In the overall scheme of things, I think I'm doing just fine.
As far as moving, sorry. Ain't gonna happen. If you're truly unhappy being in my neighborhood, though, I know several excellent real estate agents.
Baboons fling their feces when they feel threatened, did you know that?
Anonymous @ 7:48 - TELL ALL!! :)
Clay County used to be a wonderful place to live & raise a family. As bad as it seems sometimes now, though, all it takes is a trip to just about anywhere else to realize it's the same everywhere you go. Here, at least, it's on a smaller scale.
Hey Rose, Sure enjoy your website. It's going to be very interesting.
I'm new to this & my spelling isn't the best, but I'm glad we have a place to air our comments.
If you over look the babies & the idiots that post here, You'll do just fine.
I was born & lived here all my life
and I love it. Sure Clay has it's problems like everywhere else, but we seem to manage anyway. We just need people in office that care about other people instead of lining their pockets.
Our prayers are with you until next time. Mr. Ed
Rose!! My friend, it was worth checking back the last few hours to see this site move in a positive direction and then??? something about a monkey or some kind of animal of the sort tryed to say something. Could'nt make out all that jungle JABBER?? Your honest,positive attitude will probably be what it will take to turn the psd around. Big fat 3fingers will probably catch it from this comment. D.J.E.
Jimmy Sams started the whole 10 mess...has anyone ever asked him how many of the 10 that he obeys? I think the answer would probably shock over half of Clay County...
Rose, I love your site. Have you noticed how when it come to time to complain on ANY topic how D.J.E ALWAYS has something to input whether right or wrong?
Rose,You are doing a great job with your new web site,keep up the good work. Jim.
I would say Rose helping to keep the CRPSD out of bankruppy, is working to help the people of clay. Anyone that does not think she has helped to do this obviously has not been to CRPSD board meetings in the past 6 months. Rose has worked freely and tirelessly to help remedy the past mismanagement & misdeads of the previous chairperson. Anyone that feels otherwise should show up to the next CRPSD meeting on the 8th and voice any concerns and stop useing this site to try to and attack her personaly.
Hope everyone excited about turkey day this week. I for one love to spend time with loved ones eating a good meal and catching up on things happening in relatives lives. Always finding out that I have competition the the black sheep of the family category is a good day for me (grins).
Oh, how I wish I could change this back so the posts could go immediately to the board! Maybe the potty mouths will get bored with me & move on eventually.
To the Anonymous who’s here looking for a post that isn’t – yeah, I rejected it. You’re harping & I’m past it. My site, my perogative. Deal with it.
As far as the Ten Commandments: Human beings were created in God’s image, not as His clones. There’s not one human being on this planet that has the right to judge another’s relationship with God. If, however, anybody truly feels that they’ve been given this right, LOVE THY NEIGHBOR AS THYSELF would be a good thing to remember.
THANKS, JIM! Glutton for punishment, eh? ;)
Mr. Ed, keep ‘em comin’! Obviously, some people have entirely too much time on their hands, which I guess is why they can fit in so many posts here! Normally, I’d say this time would be better spent mentoring a child or teaching an adult to read or mowing their neighbors’ grass or volunteering for a worthy cause. With the caliber of person we’re talking about, though … nah.
3fingers, I have no idea what’s got the baboons so restless these days!! Must be the ever-changing weather. You just keep your big fat 3 fingers workin’ that keyboard!
Ah, Carol. YOU GO, GIRL!! Couldn’t have said it any better myself!!
DAVE!!! I’m the Forever Black Sheep Queen!! Three turkey dinners lined up! We’ve got a thing going on at work where, if you don’t gain more than 3 pounds between now & the new year, you qualify to be entered into a drawing for really kickin’ prizes. I don’t plan to enter!!!
Hey Rose,
I love that Carol Blankenship too!
Hey, Dad! Carol's the best, huh? I think that's why I'm the target of so much visciousness - I'm so surrounded by people I love who love me right back. If I wasn't already me, I'd be jealous of me, too!! Lvoe you!
First of all, Thank GOD for the ten commandments,so Jimmy started the deal in clay, thank God for Jimmy.heck,who is complaining,getting used to a little brown noseing or should i say Butt rubbing is just a way of life.There isn't to many in this vast reading audience that has'ntd done a little{ rubbing }a time or two to achieve a goal of some kind.Look! I havent said a word about Rose, i guess her good merit's stand on there own.D.J.E.
My wife and I just moved here in July from Brogue,Pa and trust me it's like this everywhere. The view is way better though.
Dover,Pa voters just recently tossed out the whole school board because of their pushing intelligent design in the science class. Not to mention how much the lawsuit is costing the taxpayers. Meth labs get busted and people get away with murder. It's a flaw in the system that needs to be changed. The government needs to stay out where they got no business and do it right where the people are getting hurt. It is supposed to be "By the people, for the people",right?
Despite Randy Holcomb's past or politics I think he's doing alot more than his predecessor. That's got to count for something!
As for me, I'm here to stay whether people want me or not. The stereotypes about WV are only true for a small minority. I met more rednecks in Pa. I've actually met quite a few nice people here. Remember, "If you don't stand for something, you'll fall for anything", and "If you ignore your rights, they will go away".
WELCOME, GREG! To WV, to this area & to this board!
You're absolutely right - our system is totally whacked. I don't envy Sheriff Holcomb not one bit. He seems to have a real mission to clean up Clay County, but it's got to be hard when there's so little consequence for the criminals. Jail offers 3 square meals a day, somebody else is doing the laundry, rent & utilities are included ... why, if you actually make it to prison, you can get your college degree there! Of course, not many criminals get this cushy deal, because we can't seem to get many of them convicted. Or if they are, they manage to weasel out of serving any time at all.
"Civil rights" seem to have replaced morals in this country. What concerns me most is that so many of today's parents seem to want to be hip & cool & be friends to their kids instead of parents. I'm sure that's a great deal for the kids but where does that leave them when they become adults?
Huge THANK YOU here to my own parents who took me to church, taught me what "family" really means, gave me the intelligence & means to be a contributor to society & NEVER LET ME GET AWAY WITH SQUAT!
To the Anonymous who asked about the workers comp - do you know this for a fact?? Your post is bound to inflame somebody & I'm hesitant to post it based on anything less than facts that can be proven.
Here is the plain and simple truth about CLAY COUNTY, WV:
It is hard to understand the perspective of someone else. I find it amazing how we can all speak "English" and yet the receiver often misunderstands the intent of the sender. So perhaps if each of us would use the therapist tool and reply to the sender with "I hear you saying ...(repeat what you thought you heard)”. It might allow us to better understand each other and there by avoiding the strife!
Have to sign in as Anonymous, I forgot my password : (
I'm interested in the comments about Sheriff Holcomb and agree whole heartedly with the statement about his job performance being better, (much, much better if you ask me)than his predecessor. Helps to get up out of the chair every once in a while. (personal opinion >:D)
Do you think it is the opinion of some or most or none of the residents in Clay County, that a temporary stint in jail does absolutely nothing to curb the problem of so many people involved in drug use and production? I hear so much about how the Sheriff has done a great job of hauling the drug users in, but it takes just a little bit of no time before they are right back out. I am wondering if rehab is a part of their sentence at all, or if, for example, meth addicts are sentenced to time in jail and then right back out...addiction still firmly in place. I do believe with meth it doesn't "just go away over time". Does anyone know?...or care? : D Thanks! CB
P.S. Dad and Rose ~ NO! YOU'RE the best!! Lvoe ya both!!!
WOW! This is a popular sight! And you don't delete anybody's comments. I got deleted from the clayroane sight & didn't say anything as bad as this stuff. That just shows that you have more self confidense than she does.
To the Anon who said, "It's not the end of the world, but you can see it from here," - ONLY IN THE WINTER!!
Anon @ 5:31 - you're assuming that (1) people WANT to avoid the strife & (2) that people know what strife means. You ain't from around these parts, are ya?
WESLEY!!!!! How the heck are ya?? Welcome the The Board! Crazy, ain't it?
Kuwait, huh? Watch your back & have them all saying "GOD BLESS AMERICA!" by the time you come back home!
Let us know if there's anything we can do for you from this end & take care of yourself. If you're pining for mail, I'll be happy to post your address. Our thoughts & prayers are with you all.
Hey Wesley, U be very careful over there. Don't believe everything U read & see in the news media because U won't hear the truth. Just about all the men I have talked to that have been in Iraq, have told me how well they were recieved by most people. Most Americans are very proud of our men & women over there. GOD BLESS YOU & AMERICA! Be Safe!!
Thanks Rose 4 posting my comments. Until next time! Mr. Ed
Great idea. I thought of having a Clay bb myself but never followed through with it. I would encourage you or someone to start a chat for Clay.
I've never been to jail (knock wood) but I've known many that have and if anyone thinks its the Holiday Inn they are mistaken. No medical care to speak of, rape, beatings...thats not just stuff that goes on in the movies.
I'm also a transplant having lived most of my life in another state. There are good and bad things that come with living here. The best would be no crime to speak of. If you think Clay has a crime problem you should never leave. I lived in what I thougth was a pretty crime free place but on any given day you could be killed for being in the wrong place at the wrong time. Its not like that here. This may not be PC but there are no blacks here and thats a big plus. If you lived here around white people all your life you dont know how good you have it. Sorry but its just the truth. There are good blacks but they rare as hens teeth. I would say the worst part of living here is the lack of jobs and economic development. But with that you get all the bad things that come with it so your danged if you do and danged if you dont.
Thats just my POV from THE OUTSIDER. :)
Response to the Outsider comments on black people and lucky not to have many... how sad and what a load of bull. Buttholes are buttholes whether they are black, olive, red, yellow, white or in between. Color has nothing to do with anything.Color is skin deep while ignorance goes to the bone.
Andy Waddell!
You don't see many black lawyers or politicians, so they can't be all bad!
My personal opinion of our County and our Town is that we no longer have true public servants in office. We have self-servants with a lack of wisdom. A person may have a college education and an IQ through the roof, but without wisdom and common sense, they cannot accomplish much of any thing of value to the people they represent. Regarding the various boards and commissions, same thing. The few that volunteer to serve on these boards and commissions with the intent of actually trying to make a positive difference usually throw their hands up in total frustration and go back home. I think this is true in not only our County and Town, but also at the State and National levels. I am looking forward to the day when I go to vote that I will actually be voting for someone because I think they will make a good public official and not because they are the lesser of two evils. I am, however, to the point of knowing that it will not happen in my lifetime. Given the salaries and benefits that our public officials have given themselves and their appointees, a true public servant is a thing of the past. I do think that of all the people currently holding public office, Sheriff Randy Holcomb is the exception to the rule. I hear more positive comments about the job he is doing than I do negative. If anyone thinks he is over-zealous and a hot-head, try to remember the people he deals with on a daily basis. Yes, the ones who break into our homes and businesses; the ones who make and sell various drugs to our children. I personally don't care how he handles them as long as he can get them behind bars where they belong. I would like to see the County Commissioners exercise a little wisdom and do whatever it takes to provide him with a a bigger budget instead of wasting our tax dollars defending their position about the Ten Commandments being posted on the Commission room wall. I don't have a problem with it being there, but the law is the law whether I agree with it or not. Just another example of a total lack of wisdom. Why spend our tax dollars defending a lawsuit that I doubt you have a snowball's chance of winning. When I read our Constitution and Bill of Rights, I never cease to be amazed at how much thought and wisdom these men had and they decided it would be best to keep church and state separate. Come on guys, for once, exercise a little wisdom and prove me wrong about you. Just take the plaque down and get on with the things you can do something about. People either believe in and live by the Ten Commandments or they don't. Having them posted on the County Commission wall isn't going to make us all great and wonderful people nor does it make you any better or worse in your capacity as a public servant.
MPblahblahblah, you're a good example of what's wrongwith Clay county. I don't care if your case did get thrown out of monkey court, you still slapped somebody. Most 'grown women' don't do that in public. If pumpkin ridge people really want water, they need to have you commited to a mental home so a real grown up can be on the board.
I'm trying to figure out how to flip these posts so we don't have to scroll scroll scroll, but so far, no can do. Sorry!
This is great!! So glad to see y'all here!
Outsider, sorry, but I rejected that last rebuttal to Mr. Waddell. I know I said this site didn't have to be politically correct & I know from personal experience you've got some valid points, but ...
Anon with the big long post - personally, I'd like to see "public servants" (i.e., board members, commissioners, etc.) be just that - servants. Servants don't get paid. Most of them have day jobs that pay the bills & the money could be far better spent for the betterment of the community. Of course, I might feel differently if I was actually getting paid for anything. ;)
Okay, I just want to say that I live on Pumpkin Ridge and Rose, not everyone hates you. I don't even know you. Whoever wrote that, needs to just speak for theirselves and not for everyone else.
******Outsider, sorry, but I rejected that last rebuttal to Mr. Waddell. I know I said this site didn't have to be politically correct & I know from personal experience you've got some valid points, but ...******
But what? You just rejected it because you felt like it? By your own admission it didnt violate any of the ground rules you set up. So you only let people post their views when they dont go against your own?
Theres going to be a heck of alot of things on here that you dont like or agree with. If your going to pick and chose what people can say then why did you even start this? Maybe I answered my own question. The reason you started this is so you can pick and chose what people can say.
You need to rename this from "what do you think" to "What what people who think like Rose have to say".
I thought this might be interesting but it sounds more like a bunch of teens bickering.
Looks like you've created a monster, Rose.
If you dont want to deal on some of those posts, bounce them to:
Anything goes there. (Almost)
Any one want to take a look and see suthurncumfurt.blogspot don't exist
mp-the1andonly, your comment is posted on the SSDD page.
PLEASE POST NEW COMMENTS ON THE S.S.D.D. PAGE!! This one's getting a bit lengthy!!
Ha rose! What is the s s d d page and how do ya get to it? D.J.E.
DUH!! SORRY, DJE!! Ok, when you come to this site, this is what it should say in your web address space: http://lifeinclay.blogspot.com/.
That'll take you to the homepage, which has both posts on it. I think, too, that when you're on the "What Do You Think?" page, there's a link on the right-hand side of the page that says something like "Previous Posts" or something like that & it'll list S.S.D.D. Just click on it!
This is in response to outsider you said it all.. As for Mr Waddell They would eat you alive little white man!! If you never Lived next to them or went to school with them or had to shower next to them how would you ever know living in your lilly white little Clayberry world
To the anonymous folks so against the blacks...you are so ignorant!!! I graduated from high school in Clay...went to college out of state and have lived near blacks and other races (and still do) Most of them are kinder than the folks in that little hick town of yours. You should have more to say of your stupid meth users and all the dead beat fathers in that little county...maybe you can make a difference in your own little world...As for Mr. Wadell...expose all those Pagan fools.
Anonymous said...
The person that is so bitter towards you Rose sounds like a punkin ridge person.. he or she said, No one out here likes you,probally some of [NAME REMOVED]'s family.
Tue Nov 22, 07:41:01 PM
At Wed Nov 23, 10:54:04 AM, Anonymous said…
I am glad that I live in a county where people still know their neighbor. Where the church bell still echo's thru the valley on Sunday Morning and where children ride their bikes on country roads and throw pebbles in the creeks. We do have several problems in our county but in comparison to other areas we are truly blessed.
It was very unfortunate that Pumpkin Ridge lost their money for their water but when selecting individuals for boards in our county maybe they should be selected more wisely. Remember the person that put [NAME REMOVED] on the board runs for public election in 2006 (Jimmy Sams). So don't totally blame the appointee blame the person who appointed. We need to hold our politicians more responsible they represent US. Why elect someone that does not show pride in their position. Why elect someone that does not even think Clay County is a place to have his business. Why elect some one that does not show up for meeting? Why elect someone that dresses like a SLOB and make us look silly to the rest of the state? Why elect someone that cannot give the job the 8 hours a day 5 days a week it deserves? Why did we elect these people? So when we complain we need to remember where we made our checkmark in the last election or if we even voted.
Remember Clay County is just as great a place as you make it>
Political positions are the only jobs I can think of that do not require that you know anything about anything. All that is required, to my knowledge anyway, is that you be old enough, are a citizen, and have not been convicted of something about crimes of moral turpitude. Just fill out the paper, pay the filing fee and start promising to make the world a better place. The only other thing a person needs is money. A large family helps too.
If a person has enough family members with $$$$ signs in their eyes, they will surely stand a real good chance of getting enough votes to be elected. Mr. Sams, Mrs. Sams and the whole Sams Family is just one example of how this works.
Enough about what most everyone knows already anyway.
"It is better to fail with honor than to win by deceit."
Don't know who penned this quote. It's one of my favorites.
Hope everyone has a good day in spite of the fact that our County is going to Hell in a hand basket carried by our inadequate political leaders. The Town of Clay unfortunately is in that same basket.
Really don't like being so negative but there just doesn't seem to be much to be positive about except for a handful of good people who worked very hard to improve life in our County and most of the ones I know are volunteers. I am not one of them. Think sometimes maybe I will volunteer to do something, but then I have to work so I can pay my taxes so the policitians can get their pay and the derelicts can get their checks.
OOPS. Really getting negative now. Better just shut mouth, grin and bear it, etc. Life goes on.
All you folks out there working your hinnies off gathering donations to try to make sure no one goes without at Christmas -- hats off to you. But there are sooooo many of you. Can't turn around without being asked for money for the needy. I made my donation to the same one as I did last year. Can't help all of you.
Last year, I was just nosey enough to go watch where food and toys were being distributed. What a rude awakening. The one that almost kept me from participating this year -- a couple drove up in a new Chevy Silverado and the man stayed in the truck while the woman went inside to get the goodies. Still wondering about that one. Maybe truck belonged to someone else and they just borrowed it. But from all appearances, these people did not need anything. Nice truck, nice clothes, and from where I was spying, there were at least half a dozen bags and a box or two in the bed of the truck filled with goodies.
Just last week, and not being nosy this time, just there; heard a woman in the next aisle telling her friend about all the places that were giving out toys and food and they stood right there and discussed how they would go from one to the other!!!
Wonder if there is any way possible that the various organizations and individuals could coordinate their efforts so that greedy people like these women can be prevented from doing such a thing and making sure that the goodies go to those that are truly in need, especially the children.
Not going to spy this year. I am pretty sure nothing has changed except maybe that couple has newer truck with bigger bed so they can collect more goodies this year.
Couple of years ago, I sat in the parking lot of a school and watched a family of 7 go in and come out with free coats from the Salvation Army. When Christmas came, they were first in line at the free Christmas dinner and took home leftovers, then loaded up a truckload of toys & stuff from the 'secret santa' giveaway. They had to hurry home because the church ladies were coming by later with more stuff.
These people have 5 kids and neither of the young, healthy parents works. Just heard a woman at the gas station talkin about signing her kids up again this year. I'm sick of it. If you live in a flood zone, a hurricane zone, or a tornado zone, get some insurance or move. I'm tired of paying your bills. If you can't provide for your kids, let welfare find somebody who can and quit having more. If you're hungry or cold, put your beer and cigarettes down and do something about it. Jobs don't come to you through the 5 TVs 'public assistance' bought you, you got to get off your dead lazy tail and go find one.
Water in Hunky Holler?? HA!! Y'all barely get sunlight piped into there!! teeheehee
Seriously, it irritates the ever' lovin' willies out of me to hear how "our government" is setting aside $200 BILLION dollars to rebuild - REbuild! - the Katrina damage when a measly $2 billion would get water to every family in WV. Or at least that was the number when I worked at WVIJDC. If the Feds have that much money just lying around, why is it so hard to get?
Typo's? Earlier post? Why, I don't see an earlier post with any typo's in it ... {wink wink}
I was born in Charleston and raised in Clay, since leaving there I have lived all over the world and let me tell you, the happiest years of my life were growing up in Clay.
I don't ever remember locking our doors or being afraid to play in our yard. I walked by myself to my friends and relatives homes and the only thing I was ever warned about was don't talk to strangers and look both ways if you cross the street. Since I never saw a stranger and I very rarely crossed the street, I really never worried about those things.
I went to grade school at the bottom of the hill and high school at the top of the hill. Went to 4-H Camp at Bradley Field. We never missed a high school football, basketball or baseball game. Went to the fair every year, had a dress with hoops for 100th Birhtday of Clay County. Every summer we went swimming at Lily and in the Elk. Saw a building hit the Dundon Bridge during the floods and saw many chicken houses float by our back yard in many other floods.
The one thing I remember quite fondly were the many nights in the spring and summer when dinner was over and the sun was down. We would sit in our yard listening to the screech owls in the tree overhead, catching lighting bugs and laying on the ground watching the moon and the stars. Sometimes we could talk my Dad into telling us a story about when he was young. It was always one of those moments where all was right with my world.
As long as those of you who live in Clay work to make things right and just, eventually this will happen. I believe that right makes might and you will succeed. Good luck and God bless to all of you.
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