We gripe about politics, we gripe about the weather, we gripe about the cost of gas, we gripe about our failing education system ... Doesn't anybody care about the things that really matter anymore?
This morning, I woke up alive and able to crawl out of a nice, warm bed. Every day, I come home to a house that's still standing, food in the fridge, lights that still come on and a lot of people I love just a phone call away.
My children know what it's like to sit down at a real table and eat a real meal as a real family because they do it on a regular basis. Someday, they'll appreciate that. For now, I just hope they're always able to take it for granted
Say what you will, vote for whoever you hate least, but don't ever lose sight of the things that really matter.
Well said, now what I'd like to see is Rose Cantrell signed up at the clerks office for the CCC.
Wrong end of the county for Rose as shes rite under the tail on the horse the jobs on the other end
Rose would run against Slinky.
I hear a woman with a college education is considering running for something. You reckon?
Rose, it sounds like you have the attitude of gratitude.
An attitude of gratitude. I like that! It doesn't matter to me whether my glass is half empty or half full - as long as there's something in the glass!
I'm not sure how I feel about being under the tail of horse ... especially with "Slinky." LOL
Speaking of whom, whatever became of his website? He was quite enthusiastic with it when he was trying to get votes, yet now that he should be using it let us all know what he's done for us lately, it's suspiciously defunct.
Just like the smoking zar said when they voted that deal in, I don't give a dam about in-force of the new ordinance, I'm in it for the pay-day!
Just think now KY legislature has a bill up to test welfarers for drugs. Call your reps in Wv and get one going here also. If they tell you it will hurt the kids tell them if the parents are on drugs then that is hurting kids more.All drug dealers take food stamps.
And just imagine in only 50 years. 1/2 of the kids in Clay Co. will have a middle name of Mohammad or Rastess.
Just as is web site went, so did..
those after meeting munches for organizing the leadership...
millions in grants...
serving full time at the courthouse
I never thought I'd be rejoicing because gasoline is $2.79 a gallon like it is today. Hope it keeps going down!
Broken promises ... flat out lies ... saying one thing & meaning another ... I'm thinking I'm way too out of practice with that kind of stuff to ever run for office. teeheehee
Gas for $2.79??? Man, I thought I was ripping somebody off when I only paid $3.05!! LOL Sad, ain't it?
The Office of National Drug Control Policy (ONDCP) has released the 2008 Request for Application (RFA) for the Drug Free Communities support program. Applications for up to $125,000 in annual grant money are being accepted.
I just came from Elkview. Has anyone noticed how filthy the "The Crossings" sign is by Bob Evans. That is just disgusting!!!
Word on the street is Big Pete is gona run for sheriff, knowing the school board will buy the ccc position for dave. If true he will get my vote.
I have a vote - I'm still waiting for somebody to make me an offer for it.
Actually, the last person who even bothered to try & influence my vote turned out to be a gross disappointment.
The price of my vote just went up.
Where is gas for $2.79 a gallon? They would surely get my money.
Who would of thought Rose had ever been under the influence?
The $2.79 gas is in Roanoke, VA.
I believe some people might drive that far to get the cheaper gas.
Probably not, but is is good for the ones of us who live here. I think the oil companies have been in the habit of price-fixing in order to keep the prices high. Don't you agree?
Rose used to be ... um ... easily influenced. But then she hit 40 & all the rules changed. LOL
Here's an easy "fix" to the gas prices - instead of waiting until you're empty to fill up & spending $40 to do it, just buy $5 of gas at a time & buy it at different places every time.
The gas stations will still earn the same amount of $$ over a period of time, but their daily sales will suffer horribly. Consequently, their daily supply won't be as great, so they won't be buying as much from their suppliers. It won't take long for those suppliers to start screaming FOUL! & lower the prices.
See how easy??
No matter where you buy your gas or how much you spend at each place, you will still have to buy the same amount to fill your car up. Each $5 purchase at each station still adds up to a tankful. The oil companies have us by the *you know what* no matter what we do.
They only have us by the *you know whats* as long as we let our *you know whats* hang out there for them to grab and twist. The oil companies are just supplying what we demand.
WOW!! School's on a 2-hour-delay tomorrow & we know it by 9:00!!
Somebody's getting good at this!
If you have Frontier or Citlink and you are not getting emails such as Obits and return email then call the idiots up and tell them your emails are being returned due to too many reciepients using your email address. Thats for you Andy and Peter as they are kicking them back.
FWIW Department
CHARLESTON, WV 25303 $2.899
Ih dis wheh dey shoon dat hip-hop viddy-O?
Wanna hear a funny little thing that happened to me yesterday?
Intelos owes me a $50 credit & didn't seem to be forking it over, so I figured I'd call them (again).
The customer service number for Intelos is an 800 number with some variation of INTELOS in it. I dialed what I thought was it.
Imagine my shock when this breathy chick says, "Hey, big guy, we're glad you're here" & then goes on to tell me why. EGADS! LOL
I wonder if Intelos knows they're 1 number away from a phone sex hotline?? More to the point, I wonder if they care?
Sure am glad your not so easily influenced any more, we already have enough perversion here in Clay Co. lol
Well Rose just imagine the shock I got when I typed in the Clay County Courthouse and it was on the same type page with absolutely the most shocking Porno site I ever seen. And also again when I was trying to get onto a site for drivers license information for the state of wv. Since I am old and slow it surely was shocking to see where it had everything located. Hahahaha..
Hippy better watch his p's and q's Tom Auxier is running for Sheriff.
Thats all he is doing. He won't get enough votes to fill a peanut jar.
WANTED Intelligent people to run for public office in Clay. Deadline to register for office is Jan 26th. From AW's Classified section.
Does anyone read anywhere on this add " All dope heads, car thieves, scam artist and crooks apply"?
Well, now, none of the people currently in office or signed up to run have a rap sheet, do they?
So, really, if they've gotten away with that stuff all these years, how dumb could they be?
Somebody is lacking in the intelligence department, that's for sure. But nobody gets in office without votes ... so who are the dummies here?
Just like goats following one influential sheep, folks need to think for them selves, when voting.
Just like goats following one influential sheep, folks need to think for them selves, when voting.
What was the womens name that went to crj yesterday evening????????????????
"She said
"Shut Up",
but i thought she said
"Stand Up."
Wow. I guess if you're here, you didn't get blown away last night. It sure sounded like we might, that's for sure! I'm pretty sure that when it gets light out, I'm going to find all sorts of weird things in my yard. The back porch got a little rearranged ...
Are you watching the presidential race? I don't see how you can avoid it - seems like they've been cramming it down our throats for 2 years. Looks like poor Rudy waited too long, huh?
I'm still waiting on an offer on my vote ... I'm thinking about offering it up on EBay ...
Things are mighty quiet around these parts. Hey Rose, don't miss the Dem. face off tonight, it might cheer you up.
Now see that, don't every one feel much better after the debate was aired? Just the looks of the Hillster makes me want to puke.
There was another debate?? LOL I missed it all!
I don't have the attention span (read: interest) to actually watch an entire debate. I like to let the news people clip the highlights & let them do the analyzing for me. When you watch numerous news shows (like I do), it's almost like totally different debates!
Plus, you don't have to sit through so much ... Hillary ... BAHAHAHAHAHA LOL
Yep, we got a big choice this time around,"A Coon Or a Baboon" Big choice huh?
The really bad thing is-
No matter who wins, the next administration will probably make us wish for the last administration.
I still miss Bill.
I'd take the either over the one we got now. I will NEVER wish for this administration again.
Fri Feb 01, 12:50:00 PM
You will be the first belly acher to list on here if either or gets it for president. Just as soon as your job leaves the country or your welfare check is cut off. Seen it a thousand times already
Ain't we suppose to vote this coming week?
Yea! it's super wednesday,DOE DOE.
Ya know, Bill did offer a lot to miss - being the laughingstock of the world, ruining extramarital affairs for all interns, playing his sax on Saturday Night Live ... GW is so boring in comparison.
I'm hearing an awful lot of crap about energy & the economy & the war in Iraq - that's all important stuff, but my vote is going to the person who offers to wipe the No Child Left Behind Act from the face of the earth & actually do something constructive about education in America.
I just hope the person who offers that doesn't turn out to be Hillary ... EGADS!! LOL
All you ladys and maybe men too, make sure you lock up at night. Wadell says the Bun Bandits are on the loose
Now just think if Auxier got it for sheriff the thieves wouldn't have to work in the dark to steal your stuff. He or one of his deputies would hold them a light so they didn't have to steal in the dark.
Dont have a job
Not on welfare
Dont get a tax rebate
Still wont wish for this administration again
This morning I hopped up on my soapbox with emotions ablaze and emailed both my state senators and started a profit sharing campaign. I told them that the oil companies, especially Exxon Mobil who posted record profits, should share that profit with each licensed driver in the United States and when any law was passed to that effect, gasoline would again be affordable and the populace could stay in their homes. Now I wonder what difference it would make if each of us who use gasoline would email the senators.
Email me a copy of your letter & I'll certainly put my name on it & send it on to further the campaign!
I love a good soap box!
Besides, it sounds like a great idea!
Rose, it was a short letter:
February 3, 2008
Dear Senator __________,
The people of the Untied States are paying the exorbitant prices of gasoline just to get to work and are not being able to afford food and housing. Since companies like Exxon Mobil have posted record profits, there should be a law passed to require those oil companies to share their profits with every licensed driver in the United States. When the oil companies are forced to share the huge profits with the licensed drivers, the price of gasoline will definitely be reduced and the general populace can stay in their homes.
You can copy and paste in letter form if you would like to advance the campaign. Thanks for your help. I think the more we harp, the more likely something will be done. If we just sit back and take what they put forth, it will never cease.
Since our congress and senators own stock in all the major oil companies and stand behind the exuberant high cost do you think they are going to do anything to bite the hand that feeds them?
It is a good effort but I am doubting that any will even suggest that their Coal, Oil or Gas company will ever have to give back anything to the general public. If they are worried about the economy it would only take a few moments to figure out that when gas has gone up as much as $2.00 plus per gallon in the past two years as to why our economy has slowed to a crawl. When you have to drive between 60 and 150 miles to work each day it don't take a genius to figure out why you don't have money to pay for the basics in life. We have a government that has strapped us with the situation we are in today but I sure don't look for them to bail us out anytime soon.
As for the rebate check they are talking about sending everyone in May this year. It will hardly pay for a months gas to get you to and from work. I don't know of a single person thats working except for school teachers that have recieved a raise in the past two years to accomadate the cost of gas price increases. Our legislatures in Wv have given themselves a raise also for their 60 days work. From what I can gather their wages are like gas prices, increase anytime they want but I have yet to see them lower their salary. Have you noticed that when gas goes up its usually 10 or 15 cents at a time but you never see it go down more then one or two cents at a time. Something wrong with that picture.
I totally agree with you. Wouldn't you like to see the lawmakers in Washington make ONLY minimum wage, 40 hours a week and NO freebies. I guarantee the minimum wage would be a liveable wage. This day in time minimum wage for a week won't even buy that week's worth of gas. As you said, the big wigs in DC will not forego any of their profits for anyone.
I see it took less than 6 hours for a naysayer to knock down a perfectly good idea. What's the harm in sending the letter? It'd take you less time to cut, paste, print & mail than it took to type your rebuttal.
The hand that feeds our delegates & senators has to be careful that the hand that put them in office isn't smacking the smirks right off their faces by refusing to put that crucial checkmark beside their names in the next election.
You're already online; every senator, delegate, representative, governor, etc., has an email address. Put your b*tchin where it'll do some good.
Things stay the same because nobody's willing to step up to the plate & change anything. Kudos to all those who at least try.
I wonder if the kids in Clay schools have been vaccinated for chickenpox?
I thought that they had to be in order to be able to start school.
Well it looks like West Virginia delegates have committed to Huckabee. I wonder if the dirt they(Hillary,Obama and Romney) dug up on him had anything to do with it. Since the only thing they could find on him was that he was a babptist minister I hoep the rest of the US will fall in line with them and realize that over the past two decades the US has gone to H*ll in a handbasket as far as good paying jobs and health care thanks to our worthless congress and Bill Clinton. I still think its not global warming but the suction of all the factorys running to Mexico that has taken Wv 400 miles further south.
It's always nice to see family doing time together at SCRJ. That is so special.
I missed it, who was it?
Wowee! That was some serious weather action going on out there!!
What a shame about the Henry Clay. Well, to people like me, who were threatened severe consequences if we ever darkened the doorstep as a kid & never really outgrew it. LOL
This is an
Equal Opportunity Blog
I guess you all have seen where our legislature are trying to pass a bill that will let state workers have their first $20,000.00 per year tax free. Now does that suck or what. How many even get a retirement? Not many that I know get that kind of money working let alone after they retire.
Has everyone in this state gone braindead? There are other people here besides those working for the state. What about everyone getting the first $20,000.00 Tax Free. Call up David Perry and let him know your thoughts on this situation as most won't ever see that kind of money working here let alone retiring on a pension.
It isn't their first $20,000 of income, is it?? I thought it was their first $20K of retirement that was tax free. That's the deal the state police (& various other groups) get.
Heck, as overpaid as some state workers are, most of them - the ones who do all the actual *work* - don't even make $20K a year.
Its the first $20,000.00 of retirement as I can understand it. I get around $3800.00 from Mine workers pension and I have to pay tax on every dime of it somehow it just don't seem right to me. I would like to have $20,000.00 to pay tax on period just seems it would make life a little more easier don't ya think?
Frankly, I think anybody who's drawing retirement - after working a lifetime to achieve such a goal - deserves a lot more than a tax break. I mean, you work away the best years of your life. There should be lots & lots of rewards for getting to the point where you can say, "I'm done" & have your own $$ supporting you through it.
That sounds a whole lot like Huckelbee talking, my dear Rose!
LOL Really? That's interesting, because I'm among the "Undecideds."
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