Did you hear about Christi Layne, a 51 year old 5th grade teacher in Portsmouth, OH, who was shot and stabbed inside her classroom yesterday by her estranged husband? He then went home and shot himself dead ...
Do you know that Happy Days comes on at 5:00 am? Scott Baio was such a hottie in 1984 ...
Valentine's Day is only 6 days away!
Do you know that Happy Days comes on at 5:00 am? Scott Baio was such a hottie in 1984 ...
Valentine's Day is only 6 days away!
Chainsaws & beer don't usually make a good combination (unless you lived in the Procious area 8 or 10 years ago ... BAHAHAHAH LOL).
I noticed several beer cans sitting on a stump at an Asplundh site the other day. I'm wondering how much beer it takes to make a tree falling on you seem funny ...
Heres a blurrb for ya. How come ya wanted to change the subject so fast on the last stack?
Because I don't like to scroll.
Feel free to carry on the previous conversation ...
Good! You know Huckelbee wants to do away with SS. Not a heck of a lot of folks can sit back and live on their life savings, for a couple a trips to the hospital can wipe you out.If the goverment would keep their paws out of the SS fund. I believe it would be in good shape for many years to come, regardless of the fact folks are living longer now days.
If the government would just start using SS for what & who it was intended for & quit passing it out like trick-or-treat candy, it'd last forever.
It's this simple: If you pay in, you can someday draw out. If you don't pay in, get in line somewhere else.
The beer and chainsaw combo wasn't even really all that great in Procious 8 or 10 years ago.
Depends on what your participation level was. LOLOL
Most people think they can take it out BEFORE it's paid in. Examples: welfare, undeserved disability, trumped up workers' comp.
Do peopleon welfare get ss if they never worked?
They get it all.
We have a tie today:
Dont piss her off-
Just imagine that being Clay County Elementary in the headline. Except this time it will be a kindergarden teacher named Walker and her estranged ex Randy.
He was or still is up there all the time. When my child was in her room, he was there three plus days a week.
It could happen.
Unfortunately, you're probably right. & not just with those particular people.
I haven't been in every school in this county, but the ones I have been in, I've walked right into, nobody's ever questioned me, nobody's ever stopped me, nobody's ever cared that I'm there.
Granted, I've always had legitimate business being there & most everybody knew me.
While that might very well be the case with everybody who goes into a school, who's to say any one of us might not snap at any minute?
It's a scary, scary thing. Especially in a place like Clay where you'd just never expect it.
& yes, there are millions of people on SS who have never paid not one thin dime into it. For instance, say some dude comes here from ... let's just say Mexico ... & brings his illegal wife & 14 of his sisters. Then his wife & all 14 sisters have babies in the US. Those babies are now US citizens. Say they're all mentally impaired. Each & every one of them would get SS disability for the rest of their lives. Then say the dude dies. Now the wife & all his kids also get SS.
Then say there's some 7th generation American dude who's worked his fingers to the bone for 45 years & finally retires. Ya reckon he's gonna get as much SS as that wife & all those kids?? Not bloody likely.
Ain't that a great system?!
... did somebody say soap box? ... LOL
Speaking of soapboxes, I just wanted to let everyone know that I actually received a response from one of my US Senators and it took only a few days. You remember my idea about the oil companies sharing the profits with licensed drivers....the email response was very generic, "thanks for contacting my office, keep the ideas coming and keep in touch". I was surprised that I actually got a response however generic it might be.
Hey rose, I saw a dead pole cat today. First thing I thought of was Hillary, and just don't know why!
Hillary the Pole Cat. Much catchier than The Hill Monster. LOL
Congratulations, Anon! Even a generic response is an acknowledgement of your existence, which is way more than I'm getting from any of MY elected officials at the moment.
Please contribute all your "products" girls to the Help Hillary Hair Campaign.
Damn if they put her on a stamp it will be air mail because she looks like she should ride a broom.
As a parent, I've always tried to instill in my children that there's something good to be found in everybody. So the other day, I said something nice about Hillary. Yes, I know it's hard to believe, but it's true. Actually, I said something nice about both her and Bill ...
1) She has wonderful grammar
2) He has better makeup than she does.
It ain't easy being a parent ...
Maybe along with those hair products, the anon who found the polecat could start a new fragrance for that line of cosmetics. You could name it Eau De Peeeee-U. Hats off to entrepreneurs!
I think Eau De Peeeee-U already exists. There's somebody in my building who wears it. It lingers in the elevator long after they're gone, stinging your eyes & destroying your sinuses ...
Just shows ya how far a little stinky stink can go.
And just picture her mug on a state coin.And thank God we don't have to lick stamps any more, she will bound to be on one of them too.
Lick a Clinton?? You quit talking that way on my blog!! LOL
Wiping coffee spiked with french vanilla flavoring off of my monitor isn't easy! It's sticky.
Lick a Clinton?
I should've known better than to read the blog before I've had my coffee. lol
Isn't this a wonderful country! Freedom of the press an the possessed. Stickem or lickem, we still gota usem.
I can see this could take us places nobody really wants to go. LOL
WalMart seems to be sucking up every tax refund in the area. It was jam packed last night! The lady in front of us looked to be buying 1 of everything they had; the dude behind us was only buying beer.
Can't wait for those rebate checks! LOL
I too am glad you got a response from the DC idiot area but rest assured some flunky read your letter and returned the answer or they could just have it set up for an automatic response like email systems have.
Like Ms Rose I get a crink under my saddle everytime another Mex comes here and our Congress allow them to draw SS and SSI from the state SS funds. Another thing that gripes me is the new solution to SS in Clayberry. Hubby gets disability check and gets a divorce from wifey, she then gets SSI and they remain in the same house but now getting two checks. SS turns their head and never questions the divorce papers or the second check arriving at the same address. IRKs the crap out of me.
You don't even have to get a divorce - just move hubby's stuff into an outbuilding or something & say you're separated. More room in the closet for you & more $$ in your pocket to boot! Great system, ain't it?!
Here's an excerpt from a letter (allegedly) written by a Florida teacher:
We have adult students at the school where I teach who are not US citizens and who get the PELL grant, which is a federal grant (no pay back required) plus other federal grants to go to school?
One student from the Dominican Republic told me that she didn't want me to find a job for her after she finished my program, because she was getting housing from our housing department and she was getting PELL grant which paid for her total tuition and books, plus money left over.
She was looking into WAIT which gives students a CREDIT CARD for gas to come to school, and into CARIBE which is a special program for immigrants and it pays for child care and all sorts of needs while they go to school or training. The one student I just mentioned told me she was not going to be a US Citizen because she plans to return to the Dominican Republic someday and that she "loves HER country."
I asked her if she felt guilty taking what the US is giving her and then not even bothering to become a citizen and she told me that it doesn't bother her, because that is what the money is there for!
To the Anon at Sun Feb 10, 12:21:00 PM: You are absolutely correct about my US Senator not seeing my email. We both know it was a computer generated response and if the truth was known, NOBODY saw it. They have those email links to make everybody think they have a say in what is going on. We know better, don't we?
So will you vote for that same senator next election??
Our we trying to get some folks to switch to the conservative side of thinking here??
Well Rose, I have given a lot of thought to your question. I think that since the senator who answered my email (or not) is our junior senator and this is his first term (not WV) and since the senior senator has not answered, then I would probably vote for the junior senator for another term. He might just care about the public just a little by responding with the generic email after all.
See, it was a simple little question that made you think. There aren't really many of those out there these days.
I've been writing to my "representatives" for years. Some of them send me generic responses, some of them ignore me altogether. In the overall scheme of things, though, I have to figure I'm not the only one demanding their attention, so you do have to look at the "bigger picture."
There are some people I would vote for regardless of how much they ignored me, because I think they're capable of doing a good job overall. There are some, though, that I wouldn't vote for if they sat down & begged me via hand-written invitation on parchment paper, in the Queen's English, with a quill pen used by Ben Franklin himself.
84 year old ben franklin was a Democrat all the way!
I think some people would vote for a candidate based on their hair.
That's a given. If John Bon Jovi had run for President in 1980 something, I'd have voted for him 17 times.
It's snowing now and freezing rain is expected right afterwards. The temperature is in the 20's. Why can't the schools go ahead and call their 2 hour delay now instead of waiting until 5:00 tomorrow morning to call my house with their automated message. A message that always seems to be missing the first 1/2; the half that contains the usual information.
Is that auto-call thing on the same system as the Emergency Response System?
Probably. They have the same deal with 1/2 the message missing.
The phone rings and the lady of the house answers,
"Mrs. Ward, please."
"Mrs. Ward, this is Doctor Jones at the Medical Testing Laboratory.
When your doctor sent your husband's biopsy to the lab yesterday, a biopsy from another Mr. Ward arrived as well, and we are now uncertain which one is your husband's.
Frankly, the results are either bad or terrible."
"What do you mean?" Mrs. Ward asks nervously.
"Well, one of the specimens tested positive for Alzheimer's, and the other one tested positive for AIDS.
We can't tell which one is your husband's."
"That's dreadful! Can't you do the test again?" questioned Mrs. Ward.
"Normally we can, but Medicare will only pay for these expensive tests one time."
"Well, what am I supposed to do now?"
"The people at Medicare are recommending you drop your husband off somewhere in the middle of town.
If he finds his way home, don't sleep with him."
Just came from the Communicator site. A deputy drove a bus with his service revolver? Big hmmmmmm, indeed.
I hope Mr. Morton & whoever else has kids on that bus 1) can prove it, 2) can make a case out of it & 3) sues somebody & wins.
Realistically, why does a deputy need a gun if he's driving a bus? Is he going to use the bus as an official vehicle? Is he going to chase down bad guys with all those kids on board? Is he really going to be able to stop some kid who wants to take that gun from him & still be in control of the bus & the lives of every other kid on the bus?
P*ss poor judgement topped by pure stupidity.
Lets get the details before we set our hair on fire and go running around the room.
Here is the details: Deputy's have been seen on more then one occassion in full uniform and that includes their service revolvers. Deputy's on more then one occassion have knocked on doors been invited in or invited themselves in. Without excuse or provoked in any way have proceeded to beat the crap out of the homeowners. Such is the case with DM and a few others around the county. Without a witness it is your word against theirs and you know who's word will stand tallest in the courtroom.
No matter what the details are, bus drivers aren't allowed to have guns. When deputies get behind the wheel of a bus, that makes them bus drivers.
If DM has a beef because he got his butt whooped, that's his personal problem to deal with. If there was a gun on a bus, that's a problem that should outrage every parent that puts their kid on a bus.
"... before we set our hair on fire and go running around the room."
HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! That cracks me up!
Does this work any more?
Double dipping huh? Regardless if their not on the sheriff's clock, they are still accumulating time on two different pension plans.
I see you changed your disclaimer a tad. I guess, now we are not aloud to sell milk and fresh eggs on here?
I cant believe that with all the bitching about welfare leeches in this county-and state-and nation-and rightfully so,that y'all would bitch about somebody being willing to work two jobs.
I admire anyone who works instead of sittin by the mailbox with their hand out, and I have double the admiration if they work two.
Are all deputies automatically on the substitute bus driver list?
It's interesting that State code allows for weapons on buses when they're part of a uniform. That kinda tells me that State lawmakers felt the need to incorporate CYA measures. CYA measures are usually only incorporated when there have been past reasons to ... CYA.
Makes me wonder, given all the concealed weapons permits issued in this county & the lack of any security measures in our schools, if our deputies are really our biggest concern.
Ok, I have something to offer in the mix of things.Today violence is everywhere and our local law enforcement also have been targets so they have the right to protect themselves ( not only the right but duty to carry their weapons for protection and safety). Yes, I feel its great that our hard working deputies have taken on this added task, but there is such a shortage of jobs in Clay, so it only seems right that the deputies shouldn't be doing both jobs, but if there is NO other person available to do this job, we should feel good that our deputies go above and beyond for our children. Our deputies put their lives on the line EVERY minute of EVERYDAY, the risk does not stop when they "punch out at night" so for their protection as well as ours they SHOULD be allowed to be armed. Would you rather someone be able to "over take, or kidnap our children" and the deputy NOT have a gun? Violence is everywhere now a days, look at the news, just tonight 5 students killed, I would feel safer knowing that the deputies have a way to protect our children at all times. It should however, never be where a child or another person could grab it. Not just law enforcement workers have been targeted or killed while doing their job, but since they are doing a service that protects all citizens and danger is everywhere, and be honest about 70% of Clay residents have personal weapons in their homes, don't you feel our children are "more" protected with an armed deputy as their driver? Guns don't kill people, people kill people. I know in NY City the teachers and others in the schools are armed. Education is the key and safety is ALWAYS practiced by law enforcement. It's just my opinion but I feel they should have their guns, just keep them safely away from the children. Maybe others would think twice about their actions if they KNEW all drivers were armed? Lisa Heidebrecht
The problem is not the gun. the problem is the attitude of the sub driver/deputy. he scared the crap out of 10 year olds.
That's what needs changed. And that change is to get rid of Belt as a school bus driver and maybe as a deputy
If he drives the bus as unlawfully as he drives his car that would be dangerous, gun or no gun. He's an idiot anyway just on principle alone.
I concur with all above!
As per AW's web site, he is in Beggar mode this month. You know, if he weren't so blatantly politically one-sided, I would contribute to his cause. Where is the balanced part to his rantings? But it is his paper and I guess he can print whatever he wants, donations or not.
Not only that, he's about the only news source in Clay (besides a lengthy visit to Gomart).
Saw over on AW site where the Republicans had walked out of hearings yesterday and the room smelled better?
Democrats like dogs are to busy sniffing each others crotch to smell the roses in the flower garden so how would they know if the room smelled better or not?
Thats the problem with being liberal(dumbocrat) you are too busy sniffing to do anything else as under the liberal government we are now a nation of gays and strays, queers and steers. What a better place we live in now that I am an adult and have grown up through the liberation movement and watching congress people thrown out of office for their same sex orentation. Where is the KKK when you need them?
Not only that, he's about the only news source in Clay
And all this time I thought I read all the news in the county, state and nation on the blogs here as it usually shows up in the Communicator when its printed.
Since when is Gossip news??You can read this weeks Freepress and then read the Communicator on Monday evening when it comes out almost printed word for word on most News articles.
I only read the (News)Free Press when I want to know who's having a tea party. That's about all it's good for.
I think our 2 newspapers are testimony to what's happened in our overall society. The Free Press used to be entirely sufficient, because nothing went on here & all people really wanted to know about was what time church started & who was visiting who. Then the Communicator came along & started feeding us all the dirt. Nobody cares about church or tea parties anymore.
It is nice, though, to know what's happening at various meetings that affect us all, since they hold the majority of those meetings when most people are either working or trying to get supper on the table.
Does anybody remember the Messenger, the other paper that was once in Clay?
I remember the Messenger. I also would like to know what happened to:
Southern Boy
Smiley TD
The Lone Stranger
Three Fingers
and many of the "old" regulars. I miss them.
i'm hurt that i wasn't named ...lol
for the record, wvchic30 is still alive & kickin. i still check the blogs, just really NEVER have time to give my 2 cents.
i wonder what happened to those mentioned bloggers too.
I'm still around and check the blogs daily- just don't have anything enlightening to say.
Wowee!!! It's old home week isn't it? I just came from Clay County a few minutes ago. It's looking lovely and the same as ever!!!!
C'mon SmileyTD, your words were always both well chosen and enlightening. Hi wvchic30, good to hear from you, too!
Welcome back to the "Out In The Open," you silly lurky-lurks! LOL
I saw on the news this morning that Polaroid is going to quit making film. No more Insta-Matic pictures ... ah, those were the days ... BAHAHAHAHAHA LOL
My name got dug up?
Thanks for thinking of me.
But Im like TD tho-
Well, actually, I AM TD-
I dont have anything worthwhile to say.
I forgot my login stuff.
Have A Southern Day
anyone hear about a 6/7 year old accidentally shooting his older brother?
... scrolling ... scrolling ... scrolling ... I hate to scroll!
Somebody got shot??
"Nothing worthwhile to say" ??? HAHAHAHA!! Surely you jest!! LOL
i see the deputies every time they drive bus, and they have NEVER wore their gun belt while driving. furthermore, its the parents that scare the kids. There the ones that say to be afraid of cops. Cops are not bad people. They are here to protect your ass, NOT kiss it. U all just want to start trouble. So get over it
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