The beauty of small town living...

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Bomont, West Virginia, United States
When you have no idea what you're doing, somebody else will ... or at least make something up & run with it.

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

The Countdown's On!

Only 30 more days 'til Spring! Thirty loooooong, cold days ....

Yeah, I know it's just a word & it's been known to snow in May, but in 30 days, I can start the countdown to Summer!!

& then I can complain about how stinkin' hot it is! WOOOO HOOOOOO!!


ROSE said...

For those of us who simply can't imagine living anywhere that doesn't have "seasons," this winter has certainly been a reminder of why we don't live in Florida.

I don't need to be reminded anymore ...

ROSE said...

Have you heard about this? From the HurHerald:

Skool Ain't Out Yet

Anonymous said...

The Linkster done got a plan ta git that job.

Anonymous said...

Nobody will vote for him again.

Anonymous said...

Sure they will vote for him again. Birds of a feather flock together so that means Teachers,Bus Drivers, Cooks and Janitors will put him back in whichever office he chooses to run for and there is nothing the public can do about it as they are to lazy to go to the polls and vote.

Anonymous said...

anyone hear about a 6/7 year old accidentally shooting his older brother?

The story is in the Gazette this morning.

ROSE said...

It's also on the news. What a sad, sad thing.

It's a crying shame that our county is (perceived to be) run by teachers, bus drivers, cooks & janitors. I'm none of those things & I vote every chance I get. On the other hand, the school system is our biggest employer - maybe they're the only ones who can afford the gas to get to a polling place.

Anonymous said...

Hey! I have something to say. If Mr. King owns the land where the sewer is for the old Valley Fork School and he is offering to lease the land containing the sewer system to anyone who purchases the school, then is Mr. King responsible for the repairs to the system because he is not willing to let the land go????? If he is so adamant keeping the land, he should repair any problems that happen. Wonder if anyone thought of putting THAT in the lease???

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Hottie? She looks a little manly.
A little too manly.

Anonymous said...

We have seasons. Sometimes its hot and sometimes its freakin' hot. Sometimes a little more "Summery" than others. Watching the sunset from the back porch is lovely.

Anonymous said...

maybe they're the only ones who can afford the gas to get to a polling place. As long as the BOE pays for it they can afford to go vote .
As for Wayne King owning the land by law I doubt he owns where the sewer tank and lines are if he hasn't had some agreement with the school as to its location and has not been paid for the use of it then by law it is considered an improvement without contention therefore it would belong to the BOE. Just another scam for Clayberry Taxpayers to get stuck with.
May be a costly venture but I am sure there is enough land around that building for a septic system and for a cost of $250.00 a month one could be installed on the grounds, cutting off the crooked lawyers scheme to builk the county.

I bet he can come up with some type lease for the BOE just as soon as someone tells him of its discussion on the blog here.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Anonymous said...

She was the best looking one I could find

ROSE said...

Sorry, Anon, you violated the language rules. Especially since you put it all in caps that way & made it scream, "LOOK AT ME!!" That'll get ya deleted every time. LOL

Did y'all see the eclipse last night??

Anonymous said...


Damn, Y'all-
The last one is only a couple up the stack.

Somebody say something!

Anonymous said...

I say it looks like slim pickins this week!

ROSE said...

I'll say something - I think it's too $*%@&! cold for anybody to give a rip about what anybody else is saying. I'm so fed up with winter I could just smack somebody. Yeah, I'm having some attitude issues today. Big deal. So what. So I'm having attitude issues. WANNA MAKE SOMETHING OF IT?


Thanks for listening. I feel so much better now. BAHAHAHAHA LOL

Anonymous said...

"something" ;)

Anonymous said...

Someone is trying to edumicate Rose on her vodibulary!

ROSE said...

My vodibulary is just fine now. It's amazing what a good night's sleep will do for ya. LOL

I have a question - who was responsible for the septic system when Valley Fork was still open?

The state auditor's office has posted a new list of state employees salaries. Have you seen it? I don't really think it's any of my business what people make, but ... it's there for the snooping, so there's really no reason to resist it. State Employee Salaries

Anonymous said...

Ms Rose I am sure the BOE would have been responsible for the sewer system as Wayne King has been a leach all his life. I would still bet that if the truth was known even before he purchased the place the sewer system was installed and in use. I remember back in the 60's or 70's some issue over the Valley Fork School's septic tank and lines but don't remember the resolve of the issue. Probably long before King got the property and like was said before if the truth was known there was no contention over the septic tank and lines but since Waynie pooh has filed bankruptcy, stolen the county blind for years he intends to do so again.
I think by law after a period of years uncontended the property would belong to the BOE. Again as soon as King is informed of this discussion here, he will have some paperwork drawn up that has some sort of agreement with the BOE. I think instead of paying that blood sucking leach any more money for anything he should be ran out of the county, tar and feathered just for old time sakes and as a going away gift to him from the taxpayers he has robbed all these years with his crooked dealings.

Anonymous said...

Thats what I was going to say!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Mitch DeBoard just told me at Carte's that him and all his family was supporting Auxier.
Big fight in Sycamore Hippie is on the out's in SYCAMORE

Auxier for Sheriff all the way

Anonymous said...

Is anyone else having trouble getting on the jail website? It says Page will not display each time I try.
Have the inmates finally taken over the asylum?

Anonymous said...

I thought it was just my computer not getting onto the jail site.

Anonymous said...

WVRJA is wantin another pay hike.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

More like POOPY FOR POOPY. and I approve of this message!

ROSE said...

No candidate (for sheriff or otherwise) has asked for my vote, nor tried in any way to persuade me to vote for him/her, so my decision has to be based on what I hear, what I read & what I think I know. That doesn't bode well for any of the candidates.

I will say, though, that the fact that Sheriff Holcomb can be heard on the scanner at all hours of the day & night tells me that he's a lot like Chuck Norris - he doesn't sleep; he waits.

I like Chuck Norris.

Anonymous said...

I like Randy

Anonymous said...

I like Rose

Anonymous said...

Mitch DeBoard just told me at Carte's that him and all his family was supporting Auxier.
Big fight in Sycamore Hippie is on the out's in SYCAMORE

Auxier for Sheriff all the way

I hardly think Mitch Deboard is that stupid yet. I bet ole hippy ain't going nowhere especially if it has anything to do with that idiot Auxier.

Anonymous said...

I bet if Mitch Deboards Family is supporting Auxier for sheriff that will give Tom Auxier a total of 5 votes, hardly enough to get the job. Not to many people in Clay County falls for Auxiers BS. He did leave off on his resume for sheriff he had been disabled for over 20 years until he turned 62 then the Miracle came. He is able to work now that he can draw regular social security. The Lord works in misterious ways once again.

ROSE said...

Tell me again - who's running for what?

I still think there should be a contingency factor built it - if you get elected & don't take down your stinkin' signs, the nomination automatically goes to whoever does.

Anonymous said...

Some one tell Randy Holcomb That. His has been up for over a decade.

Anonymous said...

The jail site is back up and you can tell that CRJ's catch of the day is none to happy about it.

Anonymous said...

Many folks think Bill clinton is the Anti Christ, would that make hillary the She Devil?

Anonymous said...

I wonder what the folks who don't believe in Christ think he is.

ROSE said...


Bill's already established his place in history. The Many Faces of Hillary are quickly establishing hers, too. I'm glad she's past that "I'm a warm, caring human being" phase, though. That was just creepy. She should've just picked one of her many personalities & stuck with it early on. Then again, those personalities are so fleeting, not even Hillary can keep up with herself.

Anonymous said...

sounds like the same ignorant bunch. been out in Montana chasing rustlers myself. via computer of course.

Auxier stopped to see me tother day. I vote if'n i'm not squatchin. gonna be a squatch expo. April 10/13 maybe poca. again.

got squaches in Yellowstone too.