is a great day, indeed!
Two things I really love - fishin' & PBR. Days like today, when ya get both on the same day ... life just doesn't get much better than this.
Warning: This site is chock full of rumors, innuendo, personal opinions & downright lies. Prolonged visits here could be detrimental to your health. If this happens, you're taking life way too seriously. There is a language barrier on this site - comments containing language that cannot be used on prime time network television will be removed. Try to play nice and act like you've got some sense (even if you have to fake it).
I probably should clarify - I don't care if I catch a fish any more than I want to actually ride a bull. I just like the act of fishing.
The peacefulness of a primo fishing spot ... warm, sunshiney day, despite the snow still on the ground ... clear, babbling water ... bologna sandwiches on the river bank ... nothing beats coming home smelling like Power Bait ... LOL
Some of the best times of my past has been on the river bank along a clear stream. AH MEMORIES
I've come home smelling like A.N.'s "power bait" a bunch of times.
Just came from AW's site ... while I feel for him & his suffering, c'mon, man - that's TMI!! LOL
Teacher terminations?? Do they start at the bottom & just get rid of the newest ones or was any thought put into it? Maybe like going through personnel files & getting rid of the ones with the most complaints against them.
They don't need fired - they need another raise! More raises! Give 'em another raise!! I hope that those who got pink slips will go straight to the teacher's union & thank them very much for lobbying them right out of the budget.
Who got terminated?
Ms Rose, DITTO!!! its about time that they cut back when they close something. The only place in the job market you can do absolutely nothing, get paid for doing nothing and have a retirement paid by anyone who has any type of insurance.
Any factory, saw mill,coal mine, machine or welding shop closes down production loss of any kind and somebody hits the pavement. Not so with school teachers. Now that we have lost Dille,Ivydale,Valley Fork,Nebo, and Brown schools and not one job loss made for the recession of schools but increase the teachers capacity (more of them) that always solves the situation.
Am I sorry they are losing their position? No, where else in the world can you retire, full benefits, teach everyday in the same position until death due you part. Boooooooooooohooooooooooooooooo.
Now for the one and final comment. Will it reduce the budget of the schools? Will it reduce taxes? (Maybe the BOE is removing retired teachers and making it look like they are terminations).
If the truth were known all of the above is true.
Should I Sell The Boat ? ?
Saturday morning I got up early (4:00am), dressed quietly, made my lunch, grabbed the dog, slipped quietly into the garage to hook the boat up to the truck, and proceeded to back out into a torrential down pour.
The wind was blowing 50 mph. I pulled back into the garage, turned on the radio, and discovered that the weather would be bad throughout the day. I went back into the house, quietly undressed, and slipped back into bed.
There I cuddled up to my wife's back, now with a different anticipation, and whispered, 'The weather out there is terrible.' My loving wife of 20 yrs replied, 'Can you believe my stupid husband is out fishing in that shit?'
I still don't know if she was joking.
How many times have seen the news report that WV is woefully low on teachers? I can think of three times in just the past two months.
Maybe some of those teachers will have to drive an hour or so to get to a job, just like like everyone else does.
Good fishin' joke! : D
Incidentally, there are a lot of good paying jobs in Charleston. But you actually have to do some work & nobody wants to listen to any bellyachin'.
Actually, I know a lot of kids who aren't doing well in school. Maybe the former teachers could rent themselves out as tutors.
If they aren't teaching very well they may not tute very well either.
But by all accounts, they haven't been let go because they're sub-standard, they've been let go because of budget cuts.
Surely we don't have teachers in the system who aren't even qualified to tute ...
Heres a little excert from strange cosmos(for you gardening buffs, A rose does poorly in a bed, but does just fine up against a wall)!!!
Maybe they whacked the lesbo teachers.
I think the teachers should all be made to write an essay on why they deserve raise after raise after raise. The papers should then be graded on proper use of spelling, grammar and the proper use of the English language. (Content doesn't matter because it would be used as an outlet for all their whining.)The teachers with no errors would get to stay. The losers would not get to keep their job, but would receive a block of government cheese to go with their whine.
I think the teachers should all be made to write an essay on why they deserve raise after raise after raise. The papers should then be graded on proper use of spelling, grammar and the proper use of the English language. (Content doesn't matter because it would be used as an outlet for all their whining.)The teachers with no errors would get to stay. The losers would not get to keep their job, but would receive a block of government cheese to go with their whine.
i wonder how super somber G is feeling now. he got a humongous raise and all these teachers are being terminated. the word is, he wants another raise for next year. wonder if he will get it
Yes he will get the raise next year also and you will get a raise in your taxes to pay for it.
Frikin Frakin Frokin Frukin , and they say we are in a resession!
First & foremost, one has to question AW's level of responsibility when it comes to reporting the news. If his "facts" are based on facts, that's one thing. But if it's just "here's the way we have it figured," that's something else altogether.
We all know I'm not the world's biggest fan of the teachers who hoot & holler & carry on & do little beyond demanding more money because they "deserve it." However, I don't ever, under any circumstances, want to be associated with those who are talking about these cuts with such glee. Teachers are human beings who have families to feed, bills to pay & lives to live.
When coal miners are affected by "budget cuts," nobody gets all slap-happy, so why the blood lust when it come to teachers? Yes, there are far too many who have no business being in the company of children at all, let alone being paid to mess with their minds. But I know a lot who do a great job, make a huge positive impact, love what they do & deserve ever hard earned dime they take home.
I don't know many of the people listed on the Clayberry site, but I was sorely disappointed not to see a few select names on that list. Obviously, the cuts were based on something other than a very real need to get rid of those who do more harm than good.
I'm in total agreement with Anon @ 9:54. Since changes are being made, the boat needs to be rocked a little more ... here are a few additional suggestions for the school employee handbook -
1) wearing professional attire makes you look (drum roll, please) professional. Implement a more strict dress code for both teachers and students (cleavage in the hallways doesn't exactly make for a distraction-free environment & frankly, just because you *can* doesn't mean you *should*).
2) respect is earned, not offered up just because you have the power to pass or fail. Earn the respect you so vehemently try to demand.
3) act more mature than the children you're trying to teach. Fake it if you have to.
4) children will follow your lead. If you act like a lunatic, expect them to act reciprocally.
5) let your education show. Stop dumbing down just so the kids will like you. It stunts their growth and makes you look like an idiot.
6) flush the No Child Left Behind Act down the toilet, where it can swim with the rest of it's kind.
Obviously, I have some very strong feelings on this particular matter. I think if our Super could accomplish any one of the first 5 suggestions (that 6th one is bigger than all of us), he'd earn at least a little bit of that bonus $$.
I bet several of these teachers are crying the blues. No money for perfect clothes and the new double wide on glass house road. I bet there will be big tears in those poor pouty eyes.
I agree fully with Rose. Those of you who are yoohooing because of the teacher layoff, think what would happen if all the teachers were laid off like you think they should be. That would mean that YOU would have to teach your kids. Just imagine what shape the County would be in then! I know kids who are not even prepared by the parents for kindergarten, so I can imagine what would happen if parents had to teach their children at home on the high school level. You shoud appreciate the teachers.
My My My , now there's an upset teacher. And every thing Rose said, passed right over his/her head.
That's a verb?
Verb or a noun.
tute - tutor
tute - tutorial
I hope that was not an upset teacher who wrote the rant. If so, it would be one that most likely would not pass the essay test! Give that contestant some cheese!
There are a lot of home schoolers in Clay County who are doing a fantastic job. Their kids are well behaved, mature, far more advanced than public school kids and they don't have any of the attitude problems.
A large majority of Clay County parents are Clay High School graduates. If they can't teach their kids, that just proves the problems go back a loooooooong way.
I know I've got at least a solid 8th grade education because I can still help my 8th grader with his homework.
I'd say he's on his own with next year's math, though.
2+2=4 4+4=8 8+8=marriage, now see how easy it is??
"Tute" if you love Jesus.
If you don't like my driving call
I wasn't hoorawing teachers nor coal miners either one. Just used the coal miner as an example as to how production cuts lead to layoffs in any profession except school boards across our state.
I niether like anyone losing a job for any reason but when you lose most of the schools in this county and not one job loss has been mentioned then there is something very wrong with the system. Start at the top, restructure the entire system, root out the ones that are already retired not the ones trying to raise a family and build a life cased on teaching school. Nowhere do you need a teacher drawing two paychecks a month nor any other job. If that goes over your head then you need to get you head out of your ARSE and back into fresh air as you are losing to much grey mater. I do know some of the ones who have lost their jobs and I also know even more drawing two paychecks from the county payroll and thats not right no mater how you add it up.
To the anon at Fri Mar 07, 11:26:00 AM: Have you noticed the price of gasoline lately? Have you noticed the increased price in food and other necessities???? A working person has to have TWO jobs to make a living whether it is with the school board, the coal mines or any other company. Are you saying that a person only needs one job to make ends meet? YOU need to get your head out of "what you said" and look around you. People can't make a living unless they can get to work becuse of the gasoline prices and they need a second job just to pay for that "luxury"!
If it wasn't true before it is now. I saw gas at $3.39 at noon today. DOH better get out there and start painting on the lines on the road for bike lanes because we're gonna need 'em!
I'll just have to give up, my heart couldn't take that.
I think my heart could take it. I think my butt could not. Bicycles need to have seats on them like office chairs do. Wide and lots of padding. >: D
The time changes this weekend!
Did everyone realize this? I just found out. I'm crawling back into the woodwork!
Fri Mar 07, 11:37:00 AM
See it went right over your head out the window and into thin air. Why don't you just try engaging your brain before you engage your mouth and fingers to type in something to try and belittle someone. Yes with todays gas and food prices it takes two paychecks to get by if you are among the living, but you have missed the point.
Laying off young people and letting the ones drawing a retirement check and working every day is WRONG get it? If you want to draw retirement then retire but DO NOT knock someone out of a job just because you are GREEDY.
Sat Mar 08, 11:19:00 AM: Have you ever seen someone's "retirement" check?? It is impossible for a retired person to live on that retirement check alone. Why do you think so many senior citizens are greeters at Wal-Mart? I think you are the one who should engage something. Young people have the resources to go out and get another job; the eldery do not. It is not greed on the part of the eldery, it is necessity to work! I have tried to explain this to the best of my ability, but you seem to think I am missing something. What am I missing? This is a free country. You can work five jobs if you want to. Most people choose not to work at all and let people like you and me support them. Is that ok with you?
Here's a newsflash - my mom was trying to live on less than $600/month "retirement." Granted, she wasn't a teacher, but if anybody had ever handed me a pink slip so I could look elsewhere & she could stay, I'd have said, "THANK YOU."
I absolutely agree that the older ones - with the seniority, experience & seasoning - should stay while the younger, fitter, more recently educated are set free.
Maybe the older people draw 2 paychecks because the younger people are simply too stinkin' lazy to put that much effort into anything.
Our older generation has earned their place in the world. The younger generation seems to think it should be handed to them on a silver platter. Every once in awhile, reality kicks their tail.
Thanks, Rose, for understanding what I was trying to say all along. I guess the anon who disagreed with what I was saying was lost in the fog.
Rose, you are my Super Delegate,for sure!!Amen.
You know what you would get if you got rid of the older teachers and only keep the new ones?? The same thing you would get if parents had to teach their own kids.
Talk about a tale,hilary lost another one!!
Oh, yeah, Fat Jack, you say that now, but we'll see who you vote for someday when I'm running against some young hot chicky-doo! LOL
I'm guessing Foggy Anon might be one of those youngsters who would rather sit home & belly-ache than go out & work an honest, minimum wage job.
Pity about Hillary being a loser. Again.
Michelle Obama's the only one I've heard say that the NCLB Act is suffocating our education system. Maybe I just missed something ... ?
Hey, did anybody hear about George Bush giting a death threat? His wife asked him for some sex!!
Just for your information I get a retirement check every month. It is $232.00 and I worked in the coal mines back when all the striking was going on. Some people worked to help others to get what they have today such as retirement checks, to keep nasty books out of the class room, or any other obvious reason they could come up with back then. Higher pay for miners, teachers, state employees, Emergency services and other public employee benefits or occassion that coal miners were asked to strike to better the future of the people working in this state. I struck many days on the picket lines in this state to benefit every issue nameable and yes we even struck weeks because gas prices went to $.34.9 per gallon and our wages were so low that we could not drive 100 miles each way to work and have anything left over for our families. Yes I have made my contribution to society, yes I have worked for a retirement check each month, yes I have health insurance if I need it, Yes I still say it went right over your head to get to the point that it is wrong to draw two paychecks on public funds. I would like to think that by spending as much time on a picket line back then was for the betterment of the future generations and by the way I also done a little service other then the picket line. I was on another line as well and no it wasn't the line for welfare or foodstamps but the firing line during Viet Nam and no I have never taken a hand out thank you.
All went well last night,Channey came to his rescue and saved the day for the GOP!!---Vote Obama---
Some may wonder why Puerto Rico is a possession of the U S A, vote in our elections, and play by our rules, yet they only have to pay a $1.74 for a gallon of gas at this time! Thank ya G W
same reason illegal immigrants can get paid perscriptions and food stamps and senior citizens who have lived and worked in this country all their lives can not.
Vote WISELY this time around
Rose, by the time you run for something, I will be to old for some hot Chicky-do, heck I'm to old for one now,it looks like!!
The real reason for Puerto Rico being under US now is because back in the late 60's they poured into New York and other cities so bad the government figured if they took it over they would stop coming here. Do you think Mexico is next on the list?
with out a doubt!!
How come if teacher jobs are being cut there are still teacher jobs posted????
Did you ever know of the BOE loosing one job? They shuffle people around like cards in a deck to see who crys the most. I been here all my life and never knew of a job loss to the BOE and if it was they just shuffled them over to a better position. I wouldn't worry about any teachers loosing their job. May have to slide over on the bench but not off of it.
First we here about the teachers woo's And now it's all about the governor's hoo's Lets get back to talking about power bait!!
I see JD Morris hanging around courthouse and with Mike Asbury and Sheriff Holcomb maybe tring to get the convected felon record sponged or they are planing to run him for office again who knows?
I hear a lot of people not going to support Circuit Clerk Mike Asbury for getting in this election on the Sheriff and Commission race he losing support fast I bet there will be people run against him in 2010
Too bad you won't be able to vote against' him!!!WoooHooo
I read "2010" up there & thought, "Why are we talking about 2010? That's 100 years away!" ... I guess it's not, though, is it? I was shocked the other day to realize it's already March ... next thing I know, it's going to be March, 2010. GOOD GRIEF!!
Yea, and after that, a GRAND-MA!!!!!
It never ceases to amaze me that there are, indeed, grandmas younger than I am. YIKES!!
Mike Asbury pays his girls the least of anybody in the courthouse. He has been trying to get rid of the Thorne girl for years but she keeps hanging on.He needs out of there because he is two faced and everyone knows it. We all know the quiet ones is the ones to watch, How convient was it his SON got to work for Alsop and is now his law clerk. Its politics folks.
Rose, you know your always gona be my little tatter bug, no matter how old you are!!
Sorry about that, I meant FAT FRED!!
Just can't keep your fat self straight, huh? LOL
It's supposed to be close to 70 today!! That's a great thing for those of us who will have to start walking to work soon!
At todays price of diesel it won't be long until the work will be over for those having products delivered because truckers will have to park and ride soon also.
It is ridiculous that we have a government ruled by Gas Companies, owned be stock held by Congress in these companies. What happened to the conflict of interest law?
70 is good if you don't have fruit trees but for those who do its a disaster this time of year. Maybe just maybe the warm weather can hold off for a few days so we can get fruits straight off the tree instead of buying it from Mexico or China.
This bill recommends that one-way bus routes do not exceed 30 minutes, but county school board members can still draw up routes that are up to 45 minutes long. However, if a bus route exceeds 45 minutes, the county will need to the state’s Board of Education approval. This bill is effective July 1, 2008 and applies only to schools that open after this date and use School Building Authority funds.
Funny how they close the barn door after the mule got away. And we give them a $5000.00 a year raise just to waste time and money doing such useless bills.
It does make you wonder if our elected representatives 1) have children, 2) have any idea what the geographical layout of their districts might be & 3) have functioning brains in their heads.
Just came from the Communicator site - Dave Grigsby tried that "phone poll" thing before. He tries a lot that he's neither qualified nor authorized to even consider.
Then I read the news about Robbie Lanham ...
When are people in Clayberry going to learn anything? Why pay for something that has been free to you virtually for years. Water woes for the PSD? Unhook the crap and go back to your well, spring or whatever it was you had before some brainchild decided you needed the S---ywater system to live by. Now before you go off on me just think about it. If they want to charge you as much a gallon for water as you have to pay for the gas to get you to work then why work for water nad gas. Both evaporate into thin air once you pay for it. I know alot of people depend on water from the town of Clay system but how did you live before you hooked up on it a few years back. And don't tell me that you hauled water from town. That to just started in recent years. Somewhere along the line something has gone definitely wrong with our system when you can rob people without a gun held to their head and its lawful to do. A 30% increase in your bill coming soon. Unhook now and buy a pump, and water conditioner and you will have better, cleaner and safer water then you have drank in years and just think no Boil Advisory every few days.
I'm sure I'm not the only one with these circumstances:
Nobody lived where I do before I moved here. There is no well, no cistern, no nuthin'. Six feet under my house, it's solid rock. I'm nowhere near river-level. Rough estimates to drill a well start around $20,000 with no guarantee they'll ever hit water.
So, see, while your rant is valid, it's not One Size Fits All. Some of us can only hope nobody tries to kiss us before they stick it to us so royally.
Ms Rose you must live on top of the world somewhere where there is no water at all. Water well drilling used to be $6.00 per foot plus casing. Noone lived where I do either but a well was drilled and I have 87 feet of water in a 110 foot well and it holds there even when it was dry like last year I had no fear of going dry.
I am sure for that kind of money you could hit water even if you had to drill all the way to elk river to get it. Not many wells have been drilled in this county that I know of were dry runs. I know of two that was drilled over 400 foot without hitting ample water supply. Anyway I understand there are people out there that can't afford a well or what it takes to maintian one but if I was on city water I don't think it would be long before I would afford a well of my own though. From what I am told about the cost of it I think a well would be something I would have as an option for my billfold. Oh by the way when they break it off in you I never knew of them kissing first. No KY jelly used either so bend over the PSD is going to dry pop you again.
Case Number: 08-0295-PWD-19A ACTIVE
Case Name: Clay-Roane Public Service District
Case Descr: Rule 19A application to increase water rates and charges
Filed: 03/05/2008 Last Reopened: 03/05/2008 Closed:
Currently With: Exec Secr Clay County
Deadline: Effective Date: 04/04/2008
Susp Order Due: Filed: Susp Until:
Interim Decision: Exceptions: Final:
Rec Dec:
Exceptions: Pet Recons:
Initial Comments Due: Reply Comments Due:
Final Order:
Looks like its Official and just a matter of time.
Meanwhile ...
I woke up this morning to nothing but air coming out of the faucets. Seems Queen Shoals had a leak.
Donations are now being accepted to drill a well at Rose's Top O' The World. The dude who originally quoted $20K need not apply. In fact, it'd be in his best interest to stay off my land.
I will donate my Pete goat Pedro to eat all the grass and shrubbery from the drilling site. If you feel this is an inadequate donation I will also throw in his lovely mate Consuela who will produce some tasty goats milk. You can drink goats milk if you are lactose intolerant. Also they both will eat tin cans.
Rose there used to be a Samples that drilled wells around the county. I think he lives over next to grannys creek. At least there is a water well drilling rig on that road. I see him out once in awhile drilling or cleaning wells. If you are serious contact him.
I won't say I told you so about Clay-Roane; that would be rude of me.
My gripe today is that my local bus stop has about 12 kids ALL with lit cigarettes in their mouth while watching to catch the bus. The bus driver actually sits and waits while they finish smoking before loading up and heading out to school. So who cares about mono, my kids are gonna get lung cancer. Wonder if I could sue the school for second hand smoke exposure?
Document it on film, make sure Poopy don't get his hands on the film, or it will get lost, go over the heads of the local school authority, straight to the big wigs in Charleston, get the dumbest lawyer around, and I'd say you got a real good chance of a slam dunk Win!!
Sounds like your kids are some of the 12 waiting for the bus, most of the time it starts at home.
Dale Grose took over for Harald Samples he lives on Ovapa his number is 587-4442
I'll take the goat. Both of them.
I remember having a well as a kid & while we had water flowing through the faucets, I think that came from the cistern. The well was reserved for drinking. We had a big long cylinder thing we hauled the water up in. That was one of those things that you think is the funnest thing in the world as a kid. Probably not so much as an adult.
I had a digger at my house once. He cost me double what he said he would. The digger who came to clean up his mess cost me another double what the first guy did. I really don't want any more diggers.
Don't you have to be 18 to buy cigarettes? Our law enforcement isn't usually busy around morning bus time - maybe they could get the names of the folks buying the cigarettes for these kids and/or the names of the stores that sold tobacco to underage users.
Or, maybe you could have a bus house put up there. The fact that that would be "school property" wouldn't deter them anymore than the previous suggestion, but you could at least plaster the walls with pictures of shrunken, black lungs & people who have had their voice boxes removed.
Or ... you could just cut yourself a hickory switch ....
The law is busy driving the bus' Get you a digger out to your place, plus a hickory switch, might makem do a proper job.
Children that are not punished at home are labeled by the school system as ADHD. This week at clay elementary they expelled kindergarden children for not paying attention. DO YOU SEE A PROBLEM!!!!!
I have a water conditioning system.
It has turned the most putrid, red sulfur water into clear as a bell pristine nectar.
Well, it helped it a lot.
I will be posting the name of the company.
He tests your water, analyses the content, installs the system, and does a yearly maintenance. You get a monitoring system that reports to his office by phone.
Inital expense is there, and the visit isnt free, but- youre set for life.
Watch for it.
Well we do have a bus house, that is where they smoke on cold mornings. On the trip home,most of them have a cigarette in hand and lighter too while exiting the bus and light up before moving out of the way for the other kids to get off the bus. I have called the school, they refer me to Larry Legg and he says he will take care of it but doesn't. Same thing for the board.
I use a Sears Water conditioner and it does a really excellent job. I gave $469.00 for it and I had two brothers buy Rain Soft that was over $2700.00 and you should have heard them blow their top when they taste tested my water against theirs. The sears water conditioner uses salt pellets at about $9. to $12. per 80
pound bag and I use 3 a year. I found that the trick to saving the water conditioner is to put a $14.00 whole house filtering system in front of conditioner and then use another one after going through the conditioner. Filters are two for around $9.00 and it usually takes 4 paks of them per year. I have used this system I have now for around 11 years and had two others on different wells before this one. All have served me well and the cost is very cheap for good clear clean tasting water and there is not one drop of recycled pee in it. By the way do you know how much Dale Grose charges for drilling I think Ms Rose may want to know and a little free advertising won't hurt his well drilling business any.
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