The beauty of small town living...

My photo
Bomont, West Virginia, United States
When you have no idea what you're doing, somebody else will ... or at least make something up & run with it.

Monday, March 17, 2008


May love and laughter light your days,
and warm your heart and home.
May good and faithful friends be yours,
wherever you may roam.
May peace and plenty bless your world
with joy that long endures.
May all life's passing seasons
bring the best to you and yours!


ROSE said...

Top o' the mornin' to y'all!

Anonymous said...

Haddy St. Pappy's Day!

Green beer ,,, it ain't just for breakfast anymore.

Anonymous said...

Happy St. Patrick's day to one and all.

ROSE said...

Well. We've all just survived my very first corned beef brisket (have you ever tried to cook one of these things??). Complete with cabbage & potatoes & little green hats for everybody!

Fortunately, we have both pie and cake for dessert .... teeheehee

Anonymous said...

Makes for some dandy gas also as I am sure some are going to find out. Just think if you could get it in the tank of your car then you could see just how fast it could go.

Anonymous said...

Shop at Cunninghams, thay got the highest octane in town.(payed advertisement)

Anonymous said...

After gas prices reach $3.50 per gallon its Jay to the rescue. Jay Rockefeller says its now time for the government to step in on the high gas prices as they are hurting the economy. One statement for Mr. Jay.

Where have you been for the past five years when gas leaped from 113.9 to 3.43 9/10 per gallon. We have a bunch of IDIOTS running the country so don't expect much from any of them except lip service.

If they wanted to fix the economy why wait until May to send the checks? Why wait until all your paycheck is spent on gas? Why wait until trucking companys have to pay over $4.00 a gallon so that the customers buying every necessity in live at a price that includes the fuel charge for delivery even though a thousand people are paying for the same delivery. The whole world has gone MAD but the working man still has to drive to work 60 to 100 miles each way only to give their hard earned money to a government that is spend thrift and supporting everybody but the people actually earnig the paycheck.

Yep thank you Mr. Jay the horse ran off over five years ago hurry up and close the barn door.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

---Don't vote for Hillary-- This was not payed for by the candidate!!!

Anonymous said...

Hey Rose, I thought you would be interested to know that I received a second email response from my junior senator and this email was actually subject specific. The response actually mentioned my idea of sharing oil profits with licensed drivers. It may mean nothing, but I thougt you'd like to know. Everyone should write their own senators. Maybe if enough of us gripe, something might be done. (Still no response from the senior senator).

ROSE said...

Deepest heartfelt condolences to the family of Jack Samples. Jack was a good man & he fought a long, hard battle. Please remember the family in your prayers.

Junior senators grow up to be senior senators IF they have any idea what their constituents want out of a senator. Don't ever let up on 'em!

I got a recorded call yesterday inviting me to join Hillary Clinton at Capitol (Capital?) High. The only option I was given was "Please press 1 to RSVP and let us know you'll be able to join us!" ... I was hoping for "Please press 4 if you wouldn't vote for Hillary if she was the last man on earth."

Anonymous said...

How can you spell PAID (payed)incorrectly and then correctly spell advertisement?????

Welcum ta clay cownty!

Anonymous said...

To the grammar police: payed: (pād) Pronunciation Key
v. A past tense and a past participle of pay.
Maybe you should go to to make sure YOU are correct before you police what others say.

Anonymous said...

I think its time for the guys with the holes cut in the sheets to show up. You know the ones? Called KKK and let them poke a few holes in some bubbles.

We have enough gays,strays, steers and queers running the government now and we surely don't need a "wigger" half stroke or dyke in the oval office. Vote for the white guy. You know the one that was going to get his mom take a switch to the Swartzuhnigger.

Anonymous said...

ummmmmmmm I forgot "I'll be back"

Anonymous said...

last time I looked payed is not correct...paid is...figures no one around here can spell correctly...and to the racist a^^hole....go hang yourself and save us the trouble....its 2008 and terms like wigger belong in the past...grow the f^^^ up idiot

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

Wigger=half white,half nigger=wigger!

Anonymous said...

It may belong in your past but its the present and the future I am concerned with and thats where the KKK comes in. If you want to be a spook lover then love your spook but I don't intend to. I think the last time I checked I was all grown up, out and all the other ways you grow. I like being called a racist or what ever you want to call me but don't call me late for supper. Now go wash out your nasty mouth before you find out what I think of you. I may have to live by them but I don't have to live with them.

ROSE said...

Well. What a downward spiral we've taken here.

Here's a thing about racism; if you believe evolution, you came from the very same apes as the black man, yellow man, red man, ape. Which would make us all equal.

If you believe in Creation, you have to accept that Adam was created somewhere in the Middle East & at some point, a black man emerged. Which means we all came from a Middle Easterner and possibly even a black man. Which would make us all equal.

Which makes me wonder - what, exactly, is it that racists don't like about the people they hate so much??

Anonymous said...

Rose,it all boils down to ignorance!!

ROSE said...

Well, God knows, they're ain't nuthin' worse'n boiled ignorance! LOL

Anonymous said...

Yes its ignorance and heres just the way to prove you are wrong. Jump in the shower with ten different men and you will see not all men are created equal.

If you white people would leave the "bros" alone they would eventually kill themselves off therefore eliminating a need for the KKK.

Anonymous said...

You want to know who the Racists are?
Its the N's

Whites are always crying for diversity and tolerance.

Do you think for one minute that they are concerned with diversity and tolerance?

The are concerned with getting the most they can with the least effort.
Equal Opportunity-Affirmative Action (Affirmative Black-tion)all that idealistic crap has mutated into a takeover.
No-A Giveaway.

Look around. Enjoy the view. It's gettin "darker" every day.

White kids here in the "backwoods" of Clay County blasting that ghetto crap on their stereos, wearin day caps si'wayz on dey hez, got dey pants hangin off dey ass..

Wake Up White America.

Dont bother jumping me with a bunch of righteous crap.
My mind is made up.

ROSE said...

Ok. No righteous crap.

I daresay that if I jumped in the shower with 10 different men, "equality" might not be uppermost in my mind.

I wonder if nudist colonies discriminate?

Anonymous said...

Hey Rose, you want a good link for a segregated nudist colony?

ROSE said...

Thanks for the offer, but I'll pass. LOL

I don't know much about such things (teeheehee), but I did used to work with some people who not only frequented such places, they were also swingers. Regardless of how skewed it may be, they will always be my vision of people who live that life style. Not a pretty picture, I assure you. LOL

Anonymous said...

-----Jerry Jerry Jerry----

Anonymous said...


ROSE said...



That's not improving the visions ... Though Mr. Fields looked very nice when I saw him yesterday evening.

Jerry?? Gerry The Screaming Lunatic?? I wouldn't be surprised to discover he was a swinger. Then there was Jerry The Engineer. I doubt he'd ever heard of swingers.

Wait. Is that "jerry jerry jerry" even aimed at me?? LOL (Yes, I am a bit of a giggling fool this evening!)

Anonymous said...

-------Jerry Springer--------- Any ladies out there want ta get some Jerry beads?

ROSE said...

Oh. I was reading "jerry jerry jerry" instead of chanting. My bad. LOL

ROSE said...

If you see Allen Cantrell today, wish him a big, fat HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! & remind him that he'll always be older than his lovely wife ... >;)

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

How come none of them hotties are ever from Clay county?

ROSE said...

Because Clay County hotties are far too smart to get caught.

Well, except for those few who have to give up favors, but they'll learn eventually.

Anonymous said...

I don't think that's the reason.

Anonymous said...

The hotties aren't too smart, the law is too stupid.

Anonymous said...

ok, is it me or is that Dan Dotson, Braxton County Pros. who is in CRJ? It sure looks like him....

Anonymous said...

no clay county hotties because we have no hotties....

Anonymous said...

Poopy gets them off if they get him off....that is why no clay hotties in

Anonymous said...

Braxton countys pros is Dan Grindo

Anonymous said...

Braxton countys pros is Dan Grindo

Anonymous said...

what does Dotson o then?

Anonymous said...

Grindo...the man who lost then murder trial in 7 minutes?

Anonymous said...

Dan Dotson does work for the Braton County Pros office

Anonymous said...

Grindo is running for the Pros job in Braxton Co. Wonder if they know by now what a screwup he is?

ROSE said...

That was a little odd - while listening to the news lady talking about Daniel Boyd Dotson, Asst. Prosecutor for Braxton County, being arrested for assault, I see he's the topic of discussion here!

Anonymous said...

He looked good in that Orange attire on channel 3 news this morning Rose. Well at least his hair wasn't in a mess.

Maybe we could get a few lawyers from Clay sent up there to get their pictures taken.

Anonymous said...

Yeh! and send the sheriff along with them. Vote for Jack Brown for Clay Co. sheriff!

ROSE said...

Dotson only had his photo shoot for assault - surely Clay County can top those charges!

Anonymous said...

I see on CNN where Hillary is forming some humungus bags under her eyes, I fear she is fading fast and none to soon!!

ROSE said...

Ya know, it's a natural thing to lose your looks, but when you never had any to start with ....

Is it blizzarding at your house?? It's pouring down snow here! It snowed around 3 or so this afternoon, too. One side of the sky was beautiful blue Springtime, the other was gray & snowing. Welcome to Spring in WV!

And ... everybody run to KMart - they're having a huge sale. All men's clearance items are $2.99 - coats, shirts, pants ... what a bah'gan!

Anonymous said...

It's just like summer time in Alababmy up here, but I did see a flake or two around noon, and the skies looked ominous!

ROSE said...

I could so use some summer time. Actually, I'd prefer just a beautifully warm morning to sit on the porch & enjoy a cup of coffee ...

Anonymous said...

And I quote: Occasionally,I am a human being like everybody else. What is Hillary the rest of the time?

ROSE said...

Is that a rhetorical question or a request for actual theories??

Anonymous said...

Either way, that was a good answer!

Anonymous said...

I wouldn't vote for Hillary even if she had her face fixed and a Boob job

ROSE said...

Everybody has an opinion, but some of the theories I've heard are downright scary! LOL

The sad thing about Hillary's statement is that she wasn't talking about some little minor screwup that might, indeed, make her appear more human. She was talking about the fact that she said she arrived in Bosnia under fire. Not one of those nice little school kids had a gun.

(.... see what great restraint I'm capable of?? ... I'm not saying it!! ... I'm shutting up right now!! ... Not another word!! ...)!

Anonymous said...

What if she had boobs on her face? Would you vote for her then

Anonymous said...

Maybe if she had her boobs on MY face!

Anonymous said...

As for me I will vote for Hillary in the spring but not in the fall. I can't see Hussein getting my vote but NEITHER will get it in the fall no matter who is running against them.

As for Hillary being Human I would like to know just where it is she is Human? Ain't no place I have seen and what I have seen is a nightmare to look at.

ROSE said...

I might be tempted to vote for Chelsea - the only one with the cojones to skip the spin & flat out tell us all it's none of our business. She seems to be rising above her roots.

Anonymous said...

Her smart alec mouth just give Hudenia a few more votes. As a public official whatever they do while in office is our business and if they don't want it known then they should stay out of the highest office in America.

The only reason he got caught in the first place is he took Hillary's girlfriend.

Since Chelsa belongs to a gardener yes she is way above her roots and it was the gardener rooting moma that got her here to start with.

Anonymous said...

Where is Mother Goose when we need her?

Anonymous said...

Ms Rose the cost of drilling a well is $9.00 per foot plus $6.00 per foot for the casing and usually they put in 20 feet which puts in down into solid rock. With the town of Clay increasing water at 6% and the PSD's raising theirs I would say its a good time to contact the driller.

ROSE said...

Is that total cost or is that the basic rate, then you have to add in the cost of fuel, the hourly backhoe rental, the hourly rate of the 14 dudes it takes to get 'er done, the cost of bologna sandwiches all around, etc., etc., etc.??

Mother Goose? Mother Goose, where are yoooooooooooooou??

Anonymous said...

Well I have been called a Mother, and I have been called a Goose, but never at the same time!but heres some good advice--Drink Milk-- It does a body good--!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

No Ms Rose you got it all wrong, no backhoe and no bologna sandwiches unless he brings his own. Thats the cost of drilling the well. Then you have to buy the pump, tank and install which is around a $1000.00. But it belongs to you when its done and noone elses P to drink or boil advisory. No more weekends without water or turn on the tap and sheeeeessssssh of course unless the power is out.

Anonymous said...

re Whottie

I was feeling bad about my hair today now I am not. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA

Anonymous said...

Hey Rose, we forgive you, now please come out an play!!

Anonymous said...

Hillary Clinton, human being,
wants to be our leader.
but ol' Obama has other plans
and swears we just don't need 'er.

John McCain, lyin' low,
often duckin' for cover.
& Smilin' Bill, on the campaign trail
hopin' for another young lover.

Hillary says, "You do your thing, my darlin' Bill!
you stupid ol' horn-dog goat!
stain 'em all, both young & old,
as long as they can vote!

John McCain, ain't sayin' nuthin',
'specially 'bout all he lacks.
'cause he knows it's just a matter of time
'fore Clinton has Obama whacked.

Obama takin' it all in stride,
tryin' to avoid a scandal.
Obama Girl, the preacher man ...
he still can't hold a candle.

John McCain, keepin' quiet,
his wife perched on his lap.
smilin' & wavin' & lookin' dazed,
wonderin' if it's time for his nap.

Hillary & Obama, in the same men's room,
standin' side by side.
Hillary looks over ... that's all she wrote
that woman done found her stride.

The town halls over, the stumpin' all done
an end to this crazy campaign.
picking out china and sitting for portraits,
congrats, First Lady McCain.

Anonymous said...

You got that right!

Anonymous said...

I took a trip down to Atlanta and came back yesterday afternoon Sat. 03/29. Just north of Statesville NC the fun began, you know the one they love to do down south. Highway screw up departments. Needless to say they say it saves gas when you drive slower but after 5 hours and 37 minutes of creeping at speeds up to 2mph and even at 10 mph I didn't think it was a bit funny to get to the tunnel at Bluefield to find a highway dept truck with flashing lights and a sign saying LEFT LANE CLOSED for REPAIRS in tunnel. The real ticker offer was due to the fact that there was no obstruction or construction of any kind throught the tunnel. Not a thing there to hinder using it that was visible to the eye anyways. No signs were placed down the highway anywhere to warn travelers to merge right and this had to be done within the last 1000 ft of the tunnel. If you have traveled or going to travel south on I-77 Beware and give yourself lots of extra driving time to get where you need to go. I think I set the land speed record for Interstate travel yesterday. At least in my experience thats the slowest I have ever traveled as the hold up was for a 9 mile change. The first 5 miles and the last 4 took forever out of the 109 mile drive

ROSE said...

Road rage isn't such a tough thing to figure out, huh?

Saturday dawned bright & beautiful & for some reason, that makes me want to move furniture, take down curtains & clean like a crazy woman. Thank God today wasn't all that lovely. I'm beat. LOL


Anonymous said...

And we-all thought you was out there diggin that water well,your self!

ROSE said...

I just bought my kid new glasses today - I can't even afford a shovel. LOL

david hasselhoff said...

Anybody finding any molly moochers?