My parents had 3 children - 2 sons and a daughter.
They divorced when I was little; both went on to marry other people.
My dad married a lady who had a daughter from a previous marriage.
Together, they had another daughter.
My mom married a man who had a son from a previous marriage.
Together, they had another son.
Of the 5 of us who share(d) the same last name, I'm the middle child.
I'm the middle child of a middle child.
Two older brothers, two younger brothers, two younger sisters.
The only "unpaired" of the siblings.
I'm the firstborn daughter of a firstborn daughter.
The 13th maternal grandchild, the youngest of the granddaughters.
I'm the youngest daughter, the oldest daughter.
An only daughter, one of 3.
My maternal grandma died on June 14.
My youngest son was born on June 14.
I was due on the 17th, born 5 days later on the 22nd.
My oldest son was due on the 17th, born 5 days later on the 22nd.
So what's your point?
I think Bob Dylan could set this to music!
I think he already did, but nobody understood a word he said! LOL
My point is ...
I'm unique in my own special way ...
Pretty comfortable in my own skin today ...
I'm OK, you're OK ...
Yay yay yay ...
(Does that sound like Bob?? LOL)
The great thing about having your own blog is you can endlessly talk about yourself.
You're thinking of MySpace.
The great thing about having your own blog is that others can endlessly talk about you, too.
To the blogger at Mon Apr 14, 12:32:00 PM: Why don't you start your own blog and then we could talk about you.
I know why Rose changed the subject, she worked so hard last week cleaning house, she don't want to talk about any thing that deals with furniture!
Not furniture, not laundry, nothing that has anything to do with video games ... LOL
From AW's site
Auxier is claming the State Road folks are taking his signs down and leaving other candidate campaign signs alone. Foul ! Auxier claims.
Oh well there went the other two votes he might have gotten. Clark Samples and Wes Van Buren now he will be back down to five votes again.
All part of the game.
One of my children came home yesterday & told me not to vote for Auxier, "because he's a liar, Mom." My kids are both in middle school. So glad to see they're taking such an interest in local politics.
The Pope's coming to the US today. Ya reckon the presidential candidates will pound down brewskis with him, too?
(Tune of "I'm My Own Grandpaw")
"Iiiiii'm my owwwwn Granpaaaaw"
Sure am glad to hear your "kids" are fast learners. Took some people all day to figure that out and some still don't know but inbreds are like that.
Some have it figured out as soon as Auxiers mouth comes open and some have to wait for the scam to hit them.
Well, I'm not really in the habit of taking advice from my children (much to their chagrin), so I reckon I'll just stick with making my own decisions. I've made some real doozies in the past ... LOL
Well with the gas price increase today, Big joe should have all these pot holes fixed in no time flat, you know, fix a hole, make a bump!
I've got his number on speed dial to make sure he's aware of every single solitary pot hole I see between here & Charleston on a daily basis.
Well, not really, but if I did ...
These new tire rims made out of every thing but cardboard, can split in 1/2, if the pot hole is big and deep enough. SUE SUE SUE!
welfare-taxes-gov. subsidies
the gov. does not have money.
They only use yours and your neighbors and Bernankes printing press.
With the cost of fuel, and the taxes that goes directly into the State Road Fund we the people in West Virginia should never have to worry about hitting a pothole, driving thru mud or anything else. Our roads should be paved with 21Karot GOLD as much as it brings in daily.
We should never have to call and say I need my road graveled, ditches cleaned, or the brush removed from along side it. But by the time it goes through administration and each takes a cut our road system is the last thing on the agenda and they could care less if you bust a tire bend a wheel or break your neck there is another dummy right behind you ready to pay the toll and when all else fails bring on the TOURIST they will pay through the nose until it also BLEEDS. Thank you Joe Manchin for sticking it to us and breaking it off in us. Make sure you steal enough this time around as you couldn't run for dog catcher or pooper scooper and get my vote again.
the dutchman breetches are in bloom. my turtlehead flower is about 16" high . ramps have popped now you can poop. spring is here again. plenty greens now you can feed all them relatives Rose.
LOL I have some relative who have never eaten ramps ... & then there are some who can sniff 'em out from miles away! Myself, I could live without them. But I would like a recipe for some nice dandelion wine.
It's *supposed to be* close to 80 today & tomorrow! WOOOOO HOOOOO!!
Your wish is my command...
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Dandelion Wine
Dandelion wine does not require any special equipment to make. Just dandelions, some sugar and yeast, oranges and lemons, and pots to boil water in. This recipe uses cloves, which I think give it a nice touch. If you have dandelions around, give it a try!
* 1 package dried yeast
* 1/4 cup warm water
* 2 quarts dandelion blossoms
* 4 quarts water
* 1 cup orange juice
* 3 tablespoons fresh lemon juice
* 3 tablespoons fresh lime juice
* 8 whole cloves
* 1/2 teaspoon powdered ginger
* 3 tablespoons coarsely chopped orange peel
* 1 tablespoon coarsely chopped lemon peel
* 6 cups sugar
Dissolve the yeast in the warm water. Set aside.
Wash the dandelion blossoms well. Put them in the water with the orange, lemon and lime juices. Add the cloves, ginger, orange and lemon peel, and sugar. Bring to a boil and continue to boil for an hour. Strain through filter paper (coffee filters work great). Cool. While still warm (but not hot), stir in the yeast.
Let stand overnight and pour into bottles. Allow uncorked bottles to set in a darkened place for three weeks. Then cork and store bottles in a cool place. Makes about 4 quarts.
WOOOO HOOOOOO!! Thanks!! I'm gonna make me some wine & sit around with dandelions in my hair & ..... not whine. LOL
We found out that when we make dandelion wine if you put some dark raisins in the mixture, it makes a dry wine. If you use white raisins, it makes a smooth, sweet wine. Sweet wine rules! We didn't use the cloves. Have to give that one a try!
I'm definitely going to try this. I just hope that when it's done & it's in the "3 week" stage, I don't forget about it until years later. LOL
Anybody feel the earthquake this morning??
Earthquake Shakes Midwest, Including WV, KY, & OH
went to Big Otter clinic yesterday[friday]. door was locked. sign on door said cannot unlock door unless physician is present. seems, primary carew hires nurses who are not qualified to give first aid in case of emergency. In an emergency you must lay outside and die. cannot unlock the door unless physician is present.
Now ain't that a crock of S#I+. Attend a county commission meeting, put it on the list of things to talk about, and air your views on this serious matter!
Shewee. Another successful Out Of Town weekend!! It's always good to be home, though. The biggest adventure of all this time? 2 adults, 2 kids (both bigger than 1 of the adults!) & a full size dog in a 1996 Cavalier. Good thing we weren't traveling too terribly far!!
We filled the gas tank up in Sutton, drove 200+ miles & when we pulled back into the driveway, the gauge showed just a hair less than FULL. I love that car!!
ROME - OPEC Secretary-General Abdullah el al-Badri said Sunday oil prices would likely go higher and that the group was ready to raise production if the price pressure was due to a shortage of supply — something he doubted.
Oil prices reached a new high Friday at $117 a barrel.
I wonder if we could get a hit put on him for $25,000,000.00 along with Bin Ladens?
Someone just tried to commit suicide over in Widen. Thats another gun for Poopys personal collection. Word on the street is he has one H of a collection so far plus he takes the ammo too!
Who was it?
sasquatch, no garbage to eat.
LOL With gas prices what they are, nobody can afford garbage anymore.
I don't get the gas prices. I mean, I understand supply & demand, but to hear "the experts" tell it, supply isn't the problem.
I understand price gouging, but to hear "the experts" tell it, station owners are suffering just as much as anybody else. In the tri-state area - WV, OH, KY - WV has the highest gas prices. Yet there's nothing anybody can do about it.
I wonder what other countries are doing about it?
This is sort of interesting. Of course, I don't know how the USD compares to other currency, which would narrow the perspective ...
It was a women that shot he self in Widen.
"It was a women that shot he self in Widen"
I hope nobody outside of here sees that.
LOL & they say math is the most important subject in school.
Today's Earth Day ... recycle something. Plant a tree. Pee off your porch.
And may you all be blessed with warts, you to Rose
Pffffffft. I've had warts before (just regular ones, not those ones CB's so fascinated with ... LOL). I even had a plantar's wart once. That was an experience I'd prefer to live the rest of my life without.
47 busts in ClayCo last night????
Anybody we know?
Men can reduce their risk of developing prostate cancer by masturbating regularly, the BBC News reports of a new study by the Cancer Council Victoria in Melbourne, Australia. Why? Cancer-causing chemicals can accumulate in the prostate. Ejaculating regularly removes those potentially deadly chemicals.
Does that mean I can quit hidin?
Um ... news you can use ...
& I think that's about enough said about that.
not enough said. Does that mean if you are cutting all that loose into someone else your killing them?
Just another perfect reason to practice safe sex!
Don't risk it.
I'll probably live to about a hundred and five then.
LOL I don't even want to go there. But I sincerely hope you get your 15 minutes of fame out of it - "105 year old man using self therapy to avoid prostate cancer produces how-to video to help other men" .... LOL
Have you heard about Governor Manchins' daughter's woes? Seems she's framed a degree she never bothered to earn. The news media is treating this as though it's a unique thing. Thousands of people have degrees they never bothered to earn. Some of us parents are acquainted with a lot of them ...
Sounds like something POPPY would do!
I know Kanawha County has several.
Give 'em all another raise!!
Speaking of which, WV college tuitions are going up. I've got 4 years to try to come up with negotiation incentives. I'm thinking $5K, a 4-wheeler, a couple of guns & a glowing reference should get at least 1 of my kids a degree ...
Also sounds like something POOOpy would do!
I wonder if the increase in college tuition changes the eligibility guidelines for financial aid? Probably not.
Candidate David Walker (D) for House of Delegates should in no way be voted for.
Unless of course you want a burnt out idiot making decisions for you.
Years of drug/alcohol abuse have burnt the majority of his brain cells. Don't let this announcement sway you though. Make an informed decision. Give him a call and see where he stands on the "issues" the conversation, or lack thereof, should be enough to convince you that he does NOT need elected into any office. Let him stick with preaching and crane operating.
We already have a bunch of "burnt out idiots" making decisions for us. We seem to like it; why else would we continue to vote for them??
well, we had 47 busts in CLAY co. according to some burn't out idiot on the 23rd. CRJ been down for three days, i wonder if there's a connection.
Clay co got lotsa funny things goes on.
47 busts and plenty over size buns.
An, an Andy barkin' at our heels.
old veteran worked out a way to get a healthier living space. very little cost to taxpayers. nothing doing.
board of ed. gotsa 2.6 mil. to pay IRS to protect a buddy.
wonder who has thE 100K paid for the Ivydale school. and the rent money for the high sts aparments . was it every all collected. if so was there a line item entry of the return in financial accounting. wonder what the final costs of the Valleydale school were. wonder how much JL was paid for, for, what was it he was doin'?
Sorry Rose sometimes I jist get carrried away with wonderin'.
47 busted for buy'n to much sudifed, only 3 went to jail, 44 turned snitch to keep out of jail for buy'n for the other 3.---AW got stones to be removed, the hard way, and there not in his head. Terry says it's a very serious situation for the Mel Gibson look-alike. School boards got good health plan, AW got better than 50/50 chance of makin it through the cutting part.
Poor ol' Andy. He's too ornery to let anything get him down for long. Best wishes to him!
I heard today that the tax rebate checks are going to be going out earlier than planned. Wha'cha gonna do with yours?
It was all in the Free Press when exactly when one would receive their check.First batch of numbers, direct deposit, git,m today. Last batch of numbers,direct deposit, by the 17 of May.Mailed out checks will come about a month later!
Ok so who were the three who got ratted on?Am sure its a neighbor but still want to know......
Yeah, give us some details! With Andy out of commission, it's up to the general public to fill in the blanks & make sure we're all in the know.
If we spend the money at Wal-Mart, it will all go to China.
If we spend it on gasoline it will all go to the Arabs.
If we spend it on fruit and vegetables it will all go to Mexico, Honduras, and Guatemala.
If we purchase a good car it will all go to Japan.
If we purchase electronic gadgets it will all go to Taiwan or Malayasia.
We need to keep that money at home to strengthen our economy here, so the best way to spend it is for prostitutes, beer & cigarettes.
I'd tell ya Rose, but since you don't like me any more,Pfffffff fill your own blanks in!!
looks like the ol' town might warm up this summer. a good honest audit of all county finances now that would be something. lets see now there's gilicuddys bonus to the boe members there's the 100K, theres the 2.6 mil and don't forget filcon and valley fork school and then if it was left to JL everyone in clay co would be full of poop he forgot the sh't house.
Stimulus rebate check= darn near one year membership into Big Foots Anon. foundation of America, air fare extra.
What'd I say? What'd I say?? Why do you think I don't like you? LOL
Audits are always fun for businesses. As long as it's not the same auditors who have come to Clay County before. They're 'bout half blind.
Any one notice the Sommbersuper wants to keep their same (been there for years)auditor for the school system. Numbers and facts can be moved around, shifted here and there to make things look Soooo Good, Bull!
I wonder is the auditor still carl ws daughter.
I noticed A Cody Ray Nicholas at crj, is that Cody from Clay Furniture?
I always seem to show up a day late to see the mug shots.
If AW wasn't layin' in the hospital being waited on hand & foot, we'd know this stuff!
Rose, remember the deal with the car radio and the whaky phone, still don't like me any more? Pffffffff
Pffffffft. My memory revolves around the past 24 hours. 48 if I remember to take my vitamins, which is rare. Certainly not long enough to hold a grudge. teeheehee
I'm game, how bout a little smooch an make up? You can tell the hubby I'm a distant cousin!
On the cover of the Rolling Stones!
Wed Apr 30, 01:57:00 AM
The one and only
OPPS....someone got deleted
Welp, I guess I can fill in some holes since my good buddy Andy is in the hospital. I am a professional gossip getter.
Cant give my name or I wont get no more gossip....
I hear Andy has a kidney stone the size of a golf ball. It has done went and got septic on him. That means... lots of infection. They will have to take it out.
I also heard Andy has lost his 60lbs by taking Cinnamon pills you get at Rite Aide. Like 100 pills for only $6.99 buy one get one free this week. Take 2 a day and loose loose loose. Have you seen him lately???
As for the girl who shot herself.. I am hearing several different versions of the truth. Her name Christine Summers of Widen. She used to date AJ Summers... no relation. She is a young thing. I am hearing it was self inflicted but I am also hearing no weapon was found and they are investigating a possible murder! At first the gossip was that the Christine Summers was Jeff Summers x woman... Jeff Boggs' daughter Chrissy Boggs Summers. NOOOOO way wrong. NOt her!
As for the jail peeps..
Shawn Jackson went to jail for buying to much of the pills from Wal Mart. Eric Carte, Tisha Tanner are the other two names I heard. That same night Raymond Brown went to jail for Domestic on his woman. So that night there were susposed to have been 5 and 20 the next day. Then I heard later it was 50 total... hmmmm
you got it going on anon!
Thanks for the info
I wonder if those cinnaomn pills
cause kidney stones?
AW should hire you, Anon! That's pretty good detail!!
I'd venture to guess that all those grub fests AW indulged in while the Mrs. was away didn't help his poor ol' kidneys any. He must've neglected the beer cleanser ...
I wonder if Rose has ever driven to work with a hangover, scarry,huh?
There are less than eight months until the election, an election that will decide the next President of the United States. The person elected will be the president of all Americans, not just the Democrats or the Republicans. To show our solidarity as Americans, let's all get together and show each other our support for the candidate of our choice. It's time that we all came together, Democrats and Republicans alike.
If you support the policies and character of John McCain, please drive with your headlights on during the day. If you support Obama or Hillary, please drive with your headlights off at night.
It me Your "Gossip Getter" agian... The one who wrote so much and someone said AW should hire...
Wanted to say LOL!!! I loved the Repulican and Democrat post.. There will be so many people crashing tonight in support of the democrats. HA HA
I googled the Cinnamon diet.. wanted to let you know that I seriously doubt it caused the kidney stone. The same thought had crossed my mind also.
It helps lower sugar levels, lower blood pressure and lower cholesterol... It is an antioxident. Like green tea! It can "cause up to 6-7 pounds of weight loss a week" now this is with no diet change.
One place said to mix up the cinnamon with some honey in a cup of hot water and drink it with meals. You can strain the honey that doesnt melt with a coffee filter into another cup but it aint a gonna hurt you to drink clumpy honey.
Several of my close friends have tried the cinnamon pill since Andy announced his secret. All but one person said they felt peppy after the pill. Andy told me ... he began taking 2 pills a day and after he started loosing the weight he made himself a promise not to eat after 10pm. If you know him ... he loves to eat a couple rows of cookies after midnight.
I hear this is Andy's first time in the hospital. This is def a dangerous deal. He is probably scared to death.
* quick tip*
I was reading about the wart problems you all have had. Rumor has it that warts on you fingers are basically there because of a hormone change in your body. If you start taking something like Ginseng daily you can make them warts disappear in just a couple weeks. The trick is to make your hormones go crazy agian.
gotta go..
I aint much of a speller just read over my mistakes. Sorry about that.
I will call myself "gg" from now on.
susposed to be 80 today ! ENJOY the sunshine!! I will!
hear O. Gene King had an accident this morn near Ivydale. sirens coming from all over. happened tween 8/9 0/clock. don't know how serious was for either Gene or the other fellow.
tried that gin-singing one time but way too much singing not enough gin.
Same person, last 4 comments!
hey go sipper weze gittin' good.
Hey all,
Me "gg" agian. Yup I heard about Gene King getting health netted. They did it for precaution reasons. He had a pretty bad cut above his eye and his back was hurting. I heard a Taylor guy hit him.
Andy came home from the hospital. He has to wait on having his surgery till the end of the month.. He has to wait and treat his infection first. He is suspose to be out and back about tomorrow. Yeah for Andy!
Today there was a fire in Ovapa. Rumor has it that the scanner said Brad Proctor started it. I never heard that name but someone said it did. >?? Soon after that a little kid called into 911 and said someone on a 4 wheeler found their dad on the ground and didnt know what was wrong with him... Turned out it was David Samples.. seems somebody clobbered him. He wanted the state police to come out and let him file a report.
I guess he had to get his wits about him first cause it seemed that he refused any help while the medics and cops were there.
Boy the scanner was crazy today wasnt it?
I saw it got up to 86 degrees ... loved it!!!!!!!
Tomorrow is susposed to be the day the USA is going to strike and not buy any gas. Boy they picked a bad day to boycott. Friday, paydays, first of the month... and all. I dont see it being a quiet day at the gas stations do you???
Doesnt seem that it would matter anyway. Either people will fill up the day before or day after.. no profit lost or gained. However, I am not buying any gas tomorrow for fear of being beat with a wet noodle!!!!
Heard today on the radio station 105 fm that a Steve Goodwin will be preforming tomorrow on Good Morning America. Wondering if it is Clay County's Steve Goodwin from Ovapa???? The one that is in that Larry Kelly and Roy Brown band.????? Have to watch and see. He'll be famous.
nice job on the info "gg" now help me find our family cat =/ His name is "Biscuit" and hes been missing for 2 weeks. Hes a spoiled rotten 2yr old male orange tabby cat with 6 toes on each paw, was wearing his purple collar with info tag when last seen. Our hearts are breaking over him, if you have any info on his whereabouts please call 587-2287 you can also ask for Laurabeth at go-mart or Robert at foodland. thank you all very much
If you haven't seen it yet the Tresury Dept has made the new five dollar bill and its out now. Check to see if you have one. To tell look over by the seal it says Good For One Gallon of Gasoline
LOL I'd say that's a distinct possibility.
Y'all 'bout ready for a new thread? Yeah, me, too.
Happy Cinco de Mayo!!
Yep, thats right , start the week off with "Porto-Hunky" talking. Did ya have a nice week-end rosemary?
Porto-Hunky?? LOL I'm not sure if there's a reason I should know what that is or if I should just ask. LOL Either way, I'm thinking I should be scared. LOLOL
WEEKEND?? There was a weekend??? I could sure use weekend, that's for sure. A nice loooooooong one.
Hey Rosey, and of course you know it's none of my business, but it seems as though you have no logical use for Hillary, question is are you an OBAMA MAMA?
Googled Cinco De Mayo, very interesting reading, let the feista begin!
Us Porto-Hunkys can spell how ever we want to, thats what makes us so special!
Obama Mama?? HA! I'd certainly vote for him before I'd vote for her, but that in no way means I'm a fan of his, either. I'm not the least bit impressed with any of them.
Obama Mama makes me think of Bahama Mama, which makes me think of Rum Runners, which brings back splotchy, hazy memories of things best forgotten. teeheehee
Hope you know, the Clay Co. Dem. comm. is gona back Obama!!!!!
Not impressed with any of them, does that include Mccain?
If you are not impressed with any of the national candidates just vote for the locals. Leave them top slots blank. Are you saying Hill Billy Hillary would have to burn a cork to get any votes around here? Unbelievable!!!
LOL Y'all do a lot of selective translating, don'cha?
*Any* is all-encompassing. I'm no more impressed with McCain than I am with any of the others who started the campaign. Pickin's is slim this time around.
Burn a cork?? LOL She could show up at my door with a case of Bacardi's best & I still wouldn't vote for her. But if she also brought some OJ & gernadine, I'd let her sit on my porch (on the cold, hard bench).
Rose, if you wasn't married, i'd tell ya I ???? Ya!!!
wonder what entitles O. Gene King to the use of a county vehicle. board of education member, temporary deputy, when needed, bailiff at the county court, freemason what else? what justifies the county vehicle or does he have county tags on his private vehicle???????????????
i wonder maybe it's the name.
Finally Got One:
Today's JailHouse Hottie:
Look fast, fellas!
LOL!! Rum runners! I haven't forgotten!!! >: D
That's OK, I haven't forgotten the khaki jumpsuit either, MONICA LEWINSKY. BAHAHAHA LOLOL
Gene King was driving a county vehicle? One that my tax dollars help pay for? Did I approve that??
Sorry ML is my sister (think about the resemblance!)Khaki jumpsuit?? Too many rum runners (or margaritas)! I can't remember that!
Do the county vehicles get county paid gas as well?
O. Gene King worked as town cop. Don Moore, as mayor, hired him. Don Moore worked as ass't school superintendant. Gene King, as BOE member, hired him. just good old lodge brothers, scratching each others back.
And around and around the goat pole we go, kinda like a ferry-go-round!!
)Sound of blackballs being dropped)
Today's JailHouse Hottie:
I just want Josh Tanner and his sick looking slut of a girlfriend to stop stealing.I saw what you did friday night at the store and if I ever see you grab cartons of cigs again, threw the video rack I will let them know.You have been warned and its ever worse because I know for a fact that the staff there have been very good to you Josh, shame on you and I hope your father reads this!!!!!!!!!
Everyone in town knows they steal and sell pills maybe the Sheriff will finally do something about them now
"sick looking slut of a girlfriend" ?? LOL We should all incorporate that description into our repertoires!
Let's carry this over to a new thread - my scroller's had enough!
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