The beauty of small town living...

My photo
Bomont, West Virginia, United States
When you have no idea what you're doing, somebody else will ... or at least make something up & run with it.

Friday, April 04, 2008


I have one of those car radios that has 6 preprogrammable buttons & if you hit another button, you can program another 6. I have all 12 buttons programmed to different stations, one of which is 92.9 - "positive country/gospel" on the 2nd set of buttons. When I parked the car last night, we were listening to 105.1 - "classic rock" - first set of buttons. This morning when I got back in, 92.9 was blaring. I hit the button for 96.1 - first set of buttons - & there was still 92.9. So I hit another button. Still 92.9. So I just listened to gospel music all the way to work this morning. A little uplifting music never hurt anybody.

This evening on the way home, I stopped at Rite Aid. For the low, low price of $9.99, you can buy this desk phone that has a speaker phone, a calculator, a big huge digital display & will even verbally tell you the number of incoming calls. We thought it was pretty cool when the phone rang & this nice lady sang out Grandpa's number. Ditto when Grandma called. When the phone made this weird 3-tone music thing & "666" showed up, though ... that ain't so cool. Seriously. The number of the last incoming call remains on the display until ... I guess until another call comes in. Our display still says "666."

I'm wondering if this morning has anything to do with this evening ...


ROSE said...

"There is a fifth dimension beyond that which is known to man. It is a dimension as vast as space and timeless as infinity. It is the middle ground between light and shadow, between science and superstition, and it lies between the pit of man's fears and the summit of his knowledge. This is the dimension of imagination. It is an area we call the Twilight Zone."

Anonymous said...

Can't top that one, but you might try acquiring some CD's, Billy Ray and the like!

ROSE said...

LOL Didn't Rod Sterling play Dark Vader??

Anonymous said...

Dee Dee Dee Da~~~Dee Dee Dee Da~~~Dee Dee Dee Da~~~Dee Dee Dee Da~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

ROSE said...

Might I recommend that if you ever want to buy a talking phone, you invest a little more than $9.99 - that stupid lady yakked all night long!! LOL

I never realized the Twilight Zone had more than 1 theme ... monologue. Then again, when the Twilight Zone came on, that wasn't what I was most interested in.

Anonymous said...

Your not saying it was ROD you was most interested in?

ROSE said...

I ain't sayin' NUTHIN'.

... but I'm thinkin' sumthin' ... LOL

Anonymous said...

I think somebody's hopped up on the dope.

Anonymous said...

Rose, if your thinkin' what I'm thinkin'~~~~~~My My My!~~~~~~~~

Anonymous said...

Who needed health net at Camp Creek?

Anonymous said...

Unit 18---Unit 45--- and a sick person---10-4

ROSE said...

I dunno, Fat Jack - you thinkin' of Bonnie Tyler?

Haven't heard much about HealthNet ...

Anonymous said...

Just took a what's your real age test, it says I'm 4 years older than I am. This blog makes me feel 10 years younger, at times!

Anonymous said...

I used to run in from playing oustside eferyday at 5:00 to watch Big Valley come on so I could lust after Linda Evans

Anonymous said...

Who ya lustin' about now, SB,Maybe Fran King?

Anonymous said...

Looks like we got a father an son home coming at CRJ!

ROSE said...

If you saw Linda Evans now, would you still lust after her? All the guys on that show are dead now, ya know. That's a real bummer.

Feeling 10 years younger is always a good thing, right?! Well, unless you're not old enough to vote yet, in which case you might be regressing a bit too far.

Charlton Heston died yesterday. Of all the movies he was in & all the things I'm sure he's famous for, he'll live forever in my mind for the NRA ads he did several years ago. Remember the one aimed at President Clinton?? "America doesn't trust you with our 21-year-old daughters, and we sure, Lord, don't trust you with our guns."

Anonymous said...

And I still wouldn't trust a Clinton with anything. Rememeber the NAFTA? And they wonder where the jobs all went. Now Billary's squawking about how to get the jobs back and how to tax companys that don't want to come back.

I'm afraid they won't be coming back anytime soon or in our lifetime or the lifetime of America. Too many Wal Marts selling China and Mexican made junk and Taiwan trash and too many people going there to stop the crunch on American made items if there is anything left thats made here.

Obama has lost all the black voters now because he made the promise that all able bodied people would have a job and Lord only knows thats a crime in itself, to work for your Crack money.

Charlton Hesston was one of Americas great heroes and the last of the breed to stand up for what is right and what you believe in don't you think? Not many people now fight for anything let alone something promised in our Constitution.

ROSE said...

Amen. I fully expect that by the time I have grandchildren, the Constitution will be rewritten to reflect the dumbing down of America.

Here's another interesting (to me, anyway) little thing to add to the Twilight Zone ... yesterday, this blog had a visitor from Egypt. A first time visitor who didn't stay long. Anybody here logging in from Egypt??

Anonymous said...

Was it Bumf**k Egypt?

Anonymous said...

Rose, you takin your meds regular?

ROSE said...

Maybe that's the problem - maybe I need stronger meds than just plain ol' Folgers. LOL

ROSE said...

Hello? Anyone? Anyone??

The lady inside the telephone got on my last nerve. Now all she can do is sit there & wish I'd put her batteries back in ... BAHAHAHAHAHA

Anonymous said...

No one home, call back later, please leave your name and number and a brief message after the beep, THANK YOU!!

ROSE said...

LOL I was starting to think my Twilight Zone was complete & I was the last person on earth.

I'm pretty sure, though, that when I do complete that one-way trip into the Zone, it'll be in a 1970 something Mustang of some sort. BAHAHAHAHA LOL

Anonymous said...

the new tourism ad for WV. COME SEE OUR BIGFEET!!!!!!

ROSE said...

Better yet, come smell 'em!!

Anonymous said...

Rose, I think you made that coffee to strong~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Anonymous said...

No Juan Valdez this morn? Chac a chac a coco butts!

ROSE said...

If the coffee can't get up & make its way to you on it's own, put it back in the pot for the sissies! LOL

Spring Break starts for real at our house today. Both my children worked their little fingers to the bone the past 2 days, helping Grandpa. Little do they know they're going to work even harder the rest of the week ... Mom wants to spring clean!! BAHAHAHAHAHA

ROSE said...

Looks like today's going to require something a bit stronger than coffee. Here's a little overshare peek into my day thus far -

Do you know that an international call through Verizon will cost you $4/minute? Unless, of course, you have their "International Calling Plan" that costs you $4/month, whether you use it or not, in which case a call will only cost you 38 cents/minute. If you only make 1 international call in your life, it pays to fight it. Especially if you have too much time on your hands & wake up with an *attitude*.

Do you have Dish Network? Drop them immediately. They're Idiots (yes, that's a capital I). Two years ago, we signed up for Dish because they offered some sort of DVR/multi-room discount. They sucked from Day One, so after a few months, I called to cancel. They said it'd cost me $200 to "get out of my contract." I didn't sign a contract. "Oh, yes, you did!" said they. "So send me a copy of it," said I. No can do, say they, because there isn't one! So I canceled & all was well. Until now, 2 years later, when I'm getting collection calls from them in the exact amount of their cancellation fee. I asked the nice collections agent for Dish's number so I could resolve the problem. She gives me an 800 number that turns out to be just another department within the collection agency & the nice agent I got the 2nd time had no idea who Dish Network might be. Buncha dolts.

The upside is that I didn't have to deal with a non-English speaking dude named "Steve." The downside is, I don't understand Ebonics, either.

Anonymous said...

Well Ms Rose looks like you got the same IDIOT to answer your questions as I did except, I didn't go for their speil that I had to pay a disconnect fee also.

I opted another route and went with yet a closer Ebonic speaking guy by the name of GooGal at the attorney generals office. Guess what happened? No more collection calls and only one more bill from Dish Network. It was stamped Amount Owed... $0.00 Paid in Full. Thanks Darrell McGraw and the entire crew there for FIXING the problem.

Another problem I had was with none other the TeleChek!!You know the little machine they pass your checks through at Lowes, Krogers,K-Mart and the other large places of business. Well everytime mine went around in that little half circle I had an issue of funds. Now after writing 2000+ checks your funds are not a problem or the bank would not allow that many check written right. Not according to Telecheck my funds were jeopardising to say the least. Well again it was Attorney General McGraw to the rescue and bailed me out again at a tune of $225.00 for my embarrassment at the checkout counter. You know what I say. Embarrass me again a few more times at that rate. And yes I smiled all the way to the bank. Hoping Dish Networks pays as well sometime soon.

ROSE said...

Ya know, I really should have become a collections agent. I can be a b*tch right along with the rest of them. In fact, since turning 40, I'm well on my way to being Queen B*tch Of All Time!! WOOOOHOOOOOO!! Worship me or die!! LOL

Anonymous said...

Rose sure is sexy when she gits fired up like this!!

Anonymous said...

Rose is sexy all the time!

ROSE said...

If you could only see me now ... LOL

Governor Manchin says there's nothing he can do about gas prices in WV - the 33 cents/gallon tax we're paying here is critical to road maintenance.

So where's the *#@! maintenance, Joe??

ROSE said...

Incidentally, Governor Manchin does have email. So what he doesn't check it and/or read it himself. It still feels good to fill that mailbox up! BAHAHAHAHA LOL

Anonymous said...

When the moon is in the Seventh House
And Jupiter aligns with Mars
Then peace will guide the planets
And love will steer the stars

This is the dawning of the Age of Aquarius
The Age of Aquarius
Aquarius! Aquarius!

ROSE said...

Sing loud! Sing proud!!

Thanks so much for planting that never-ending song in my head until the end of time ... LOL

Anonymous said...

LOL! Sorry! Couldn't hep myself. It makes me think of tie dye and you know how I love that stuff!


Anonymous said...

Joe Manchin is the most BRAINDEAD governor we have ever had in this state and thats including Braindead Bob Wise. And to think we got to put up with him forever how long it is until someone will run and put him out of office. Its a shame Jesse Jackson don't move here we could vote him in.

ROSE said...

LOL Jesse Jackson? He'd make a great VP for Hillary.

At least Joe hasn't pulled a Bill Clinton. Yet. These days, it's saying a lot about a politician who can keep it in his pants. Or at least not wave it around for the world to see. Sad but true.

Anonymous said...

I wish I could keep my pants zipped up more often,also. Think it could be prostrate problems, also sad but true! I know, to much information(;)

ROSE said...

"Do you think these Depends make my butt look big?" LOL

For some, being caught in a compromising situation is a scandal. For others, it's a feat with long-term bragging rights. I guess it's all in the perspective.

Anonymous said...

I guess it all depends on how ya look at your butt, though I'd say miss Rose is natural from the top on down to them purty little toes(observation)only!

ROSE said...

If it wasn't *natural*, I'd have darn sure had it put together better!

You get just what you pay for, ya know & this bod was free! Well, for me, anyway. There were a few who borrowed it & paid dearly for the experience ... BAHAHAHAHAHA LOL

Anonymous said...

You must got fruit jars hidden all over your back-yard', no wonder you haven't drilled a water well back there!

ROSE said...

Actually, it's just the 1 baby food jar & it's not even full yet. The rest is outstanding credit ... LOL

Anonymous said...

Lay-away plan, huh?

Anonymous said...

That gives a whole new meaning to Dunk In Hinzs!

Anonymous said...

I read an article where city waters cause brain damage due to lead content so like AW says drink drink drink Clayberry.

Anonymous said...

AW is a SR.leberty now, we gota be nice'r to him, even buy an extra paper for the out house.

ROSE said...

Congratulations, Andy!

I don't really think anybody's going to be any nicer to you, though. Sorry. I know that breaks your heart & keeps you awake at night. LOL

It's not the lead in city water that causes brain damage, it's the banging of your head against the wall ...

Anonymous said...

Or! the head-board on your bed!!

Anonymous said...

Could be true, and to think of giving your wife brain damage at night and telling her you love her in the morning, kinda odd huh?

ROSE said...

LOL I can see it's time for a new thread ...