Bank of America's buying Merrill Lynch ... Lehman Brothers is filing for bankruptcy ... Baer Sterns is no more ... Banks that survived over 100 years & a coupla world wars are gone, gone, gone.
A commuter train engineer in California killed 25 people & injured over 100 more because he was allegedly text messaging with a teenager ...
Hurricane Ike is nothing but a breeze ... search & rescuers are finding more & more people who refused to evacuate ... Galveston, Texas is barely clinging to the map ...
More importantly, did you see the season opener of Saturday Night Live? Tina Fey as Sarah Palin ... LOL
Pool ol' Michael Phelps hosted the show, but he was soooooooo overshadowed.
lordy lordy Rose don't you have any good news.
It's illegal in this country to show any good news on TV.
lotsa bad news around. pears the Cash boys were decoys. pears that pine cone Buckshot stumbled on was politically motivated. pears that the hatchet man is insanely jealous of Rose. Insane anyway. he's so afeared Burley and Rose might get their heads together he tells any kinda lie to prevent it. pears to me this yer case is opening up.
LOL Here's some good news that stands the test of time & is *always* good news, no matter how ya tell it - I'm not 14 & never, ever have to face being a teenager again!! WOOOO HOOOOO!!
Sherlock, I'm a middle aged woman with a lot of senior issues - can you talk in more straight lines & fewer circles, please?
well Rose we got us a jealous swain who is jealous of you and me. although we've never met. maybe not lovelorn jealous he just doesn't want us talking, fraid we'll upset his applecart. IMO he ran Vickie off at the library in order for TBs wife to get the job. He also does RBs dirty work for him, he's also friendly with MG and Buckshot B. You and he were friendly at one time, may still be, he feels he's a superior being[to me] as all freemasons do. don't know whether he's been taken in or not. It's becoming plain he thinks a confab between you and I might interfer with his plans. I'm talking about the hatchet man. don't know how to make it any plainer without naming names. Im assuming that you do have some knowledge of the political cliques in Clay co.
HEY i'M NOT SAYING YOU'RE INVOLVED in anything i'm talking about a fifty yr. old man with the mental attitude of a 13 yr. old. i'll quit at that. read between the lines and what i've written before.
would Itrust you[NO]
would I trust him[NO]
would I trust George Bush[NO]
do i trust anyone, not anymore.
LOL I thought I had it until you said he was 50. Now I'm not so sure. I think you grossly overrate my familiarity with Clay's little cliques, political or otherwise. I have next to zero knowledge of any of that petty b.s. stuff & most of what I know, I pick up right here!
But I'm just wicked enough to think that if I can upset somebody's applecart just by talking to somebody else, I'm ready to get to yakkin'!
C'mon, little boy, it's only candy ... BAHAHAHAHAHA
Yep Rose, just got my drivers license when you was born or close to it.
Not to change directions but AWs site is bugging me...he says the communicator is not connected with the radio station yet all the pictures on his site most of the time are from the radio stations public affairs.
The saddest part of it all is poor Tiffany actually believes she can sing!
LOL I'm still dwelling on the "jealous swain." I think more people should insert that phrase in their day-to-day vocabulary.
AW's a principal partner of the Communicator & Manager of WYAP - I think they're not being connected has more to do with financials than it does principals.
But I'm only theorizing based on what I just read on the respective websites.
Tommy is listed as a convicted felon.
Maybe they'll keep him this time.
So has Tommy been sentenced & this is the beginning of it?
How about this - Tel Aviv is using DNA testing on dog poop to trace it back to the dog & the owner who failed to clean up after it. Do you suppose that job requires a college degree?
why not? the cost is probably paid out of the 4 billion a year subsidy they get from the US taxpayer. they get my money even though I'm not a jew.
Yes to both, though the second one should be questionable.
Why aren't we protesting more that our government has over $100 BILLION laying around to bail out AIG & Fannie Mae & Freddie Mac?? Wouldn't our country be a better place if the government was flat busted because that $$ was already in circulation in our schools & going toward insurance for everybody & feeding our hungry & housing our homeless & taking care of our elderly & appreciating our veterans & .........
they didn't have that money, they borrowed it from the chinese.
LOL More likely, Iran (or Af-gan-a-stan or one of the dozens of other countries we've poured money into) loaned it back to us at a hefty interest rate. I think China knows we're a bad credit risk.
maybe we ort to dig into the local affairs a little. makes one mighty unpopular with the local self righteous hypocrites though.
Now CAEZ has a right interesting web-page for nosy people. They claim to have created 29 jobs in their empowerment zone. anyone know of any jobs in clay other than ms Loupardus and her staff.
In the info I found that the org. [CAEZ] had to have a memorandum of agreement with the Federal gov.
Wonder what that is about. wonder does that mean that the federal gov. supplents their income iffn they can't pay their bills. or do they give money[grants] for flowery letters detailing what they're doing and how many jobs will be created. interesting though that being incorporated as a private, non-profit, organization they do not have to give a financial accounting to the public. to be continued.
Maybe their 19-member Board of Directors is included in that job count. Plus, they also have an office manager. There's 20. Do they continue to fund their projects after completion? For instance, are the employees of the fitness center in Clay paid by - or the facilities maintained by - CAEZ? They do have a link for annual reports & the most recent one mentions completed audits. What happened when you requested a copy of their most recent one??
I suppose that's a good reason to attend a public meeting, now an then.Caez is in the small business loan business among other ventures, like buying the Valley Fork school. Renee Holcomb got a loan for a beauty shop, Steve Smith got a loan for a wood-working shop, and the list goes on and on.Good morning Rose, and you too,gossip gitter!
Top o' the mornin' to ya!!
CAEZ gets $$ from SCBG (Small Cities Block Grant), ARC (Appalachian Regional Commission (I think)) & various other entities that require massive amounts of paper trail. I only know this because I just read it on their website.
Any time that $$ is doled out (yes, a lot of it is federal), there's a transcript of closing documents that are required to be on file until roughly the end of time. Skip the CAEZ & go straight to those agencies & ask to see the documentation.
sorry Rose I have never tried to get any financial data from CAEZ. I was told by the office manager that they got 5% of the grant money acquired by them. that their wages came ou5 of this. I wonder if the loans they are[are they making loans or are they co-signers, the loan money , where does it come from?] Does the loans go to affluent people or to less richer people. obviously if you can't repay the loan, by reason of unemployment or medical reasons, you cannot qualify for a loan.. WELFARE, WELFARE here I come with my hand out will you give me some. food!!!!!!!!!!!!!
AW posts the meeting dates in advance
And they usually have free food
well folks if you must know i'm scraping by without welfare. with my 6oo dollar social security income and my stock portfolio i'm managing to not go hungry. i notice some people who have plenty are first in line though when there's free food.
Isn't it funny how some people manage to earn everything they've ever owned, don't have much to show for it, yet will give it all away in a heartbeat if somebody else needs it more, yet others just sit around with their hands out, moaning & groaning that they're not getting more grease on their palms?
I could be wrong, but I don't think you're allowed to loan out grant money. That'd double-dipping.
Hey! Y'all gonna be at the Apple Festival Saturday??
I read in AW's paper about the pot bust at the Starcher/Koch home. Isn't it alittle funny they took plants from the home and WAITED almost three weeks to go "talk" to the Koch boy?Also they live right across from the Elemetery School thats with in the 1500 foot limit of a school law which carrys a very stiff sentence doesn't that make the bust more a Federal drug bust?Telena claims she didn't know about the plants her now husband had growing in the home where there are at least two minor children living.How come the Kochs and others seem to get away with things that if anyone else did they would fry but they just get 3 weeks to get their "story" in order and again nothing will be done.How does the School Board feel about the drug bust right across the street from kids who are 5-11 years old and if I am not mistaken Telena works for the school system she should be fired for allowing her man to break the law and put all those kids in danger.Randy needs to finally do something and the School Board should be making HIM answer why this happened!
The Festival is going strong but isnt anyone else mad that the out of towners are making all the money and Clayians are the ones being inconvienced?Cant even drive down the road with out some one jumping out in front of you or having to stop to allow a car to come down the street cause two cars cant make it down the road at the same time.
The festival has been going on for how many years now? Aren't you used to it by now? It's only for a few days. You could move.
I don't know how reliable this information is, but a quick Google search found this:
WV Pot
Maybe our local law enforcement should Google a little more to help them in their investigative efforts.
C'mon, Anon, the Apple Festival only lasts a few days. Plus, it gives those of us who don't get out much a chance to catch up with people we haven't seen for a year. It's only a PITA when you're the one sitting in traffic.
clay has no reason to exist any more except to, don't know of any reason why the rest of us need clay anymore.
I predict it's gona be a bad day. Ain't got no coffee{darn senior moments}
LOL I had to go for a test the other day that required no caffeine for 24 hours. I feel your pain.
I never did see why alcohol is legal and pot isn't. I drive much better when I'm high than I do when I drink.
Maybe, but pot doesn't make you dance nearly as well as beer does.
Also, beer makes ugly people look waaaay more attractive. Pot just makes you laugh harder at them.
there's way more money in pot if it's illegal, and it keeps the law enforcement from being unemployed and supplements their income when they can sell some.
I never claim to be the brightest crayon in the box, but seems to me that they could plan the Apple Festival better. How? Well you have the big empty lot at Telford's. Perfect to put the whole vender court and rides in it. One place, one area, a safe area that kids could walk freely and without running in front of cars. I understand anon's frustration but the Festival is a great way to re-connect with friends and make new ones, meet your children's friends and family and have some fun, so lighten up and enjoy the Festival. Maybe next year, the GDAFC could think about using Telford's parking lot so that more can enjoy the vendors and rides with out worrying about their kids running from them to see all the new fun things. It would also be easier for the older adults to see more of the events and not have to walk too much. And let's not forget it would be great for the Courthouse so that the "pigs"(and yes, people last night left the courthouse grounds like a pig pen, I personally watched a family just drop their trash on the ground and they were 2 feet away from a trash can, so where is the pride in Clay when it's people dump on the courthouse instead of using the trash cans?)wouldn't leave the messes for others to clean up so that business can return to normal? But I am curious as to why there are very few Clay vendors and why the town isn't inforcing littering laws? Just think of all that extra money that Clay could make just by making people clean up after themselves! And get those work release people out there cleaning up so that we (Tax payers) don't have to pay someone to clean up. More money saved there too, and when you actually make the work release workers work, they might think twice about doing something stupid! And it gives them a chance to have pride in their town as well as a chance to show the community they are making amends and helping the town for once. But hey just my thoughts on the subject...
"Maybe, but pot doesn't make you dance nearly as well as beer does."
When you say "you" are you using that in the general sense? >: D
And you're right, I should have gotten high rather than drink so much while I was dating my first husband. LOL!!
I daresay I've seen you dance (with my first husband!) ... 'nuf said about that. LOL
If I'da had your first husband, I'da drank AND stayed stoned! LOL ... but he was great fun!! LOL
BAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!! Poetry in motion! That's what we was on the dance floor!
I would have liked to have stoned my first husband!
He was only fun until I married him.
LOL As long as you realize that you're the reason he's no longer fun! Or rich! Or popular! Or successful! Or employed! LOL
It's not too late to stone him, ya know. can put you on the trail of just about anybody you ever wanted to track down! BAHAHAHAHA
(you're still poetry in motion ... the memories, how they linger ... LOL)
Hot dam (big smilley face) got us some coffee this morning,folgers of-course.
Oh he is still fun, popular and successful in his own mind which probably works out well for him (and why he has such a great big bucket head). Too bad "being employed" in his own mind doesn't work out as well.
Nothing like a good cup (or 8) of coffee in the morning is there! Aaahhhhhhh!!!!! {: D
hot damn we got some happy people this morning, can't afford folgers myself ,I use clover bloom. roll me over in the clover. lay me down and do it again.
Try a fig leaf, that's all you wear at times.
it's easy to see why clayonians can't get ahead we have these stupid people who make stupid comments then go hide behind a goat. its easy to see how they have come to be called the goat clan and using persons like the hatchet man for their dirty work and who makes snide comments. and it was a beautiful morning till he got his drawers on. Osdipus hows your mama today?
Someone got their panties all bunched up!
Still bunched after all these hours? May need to be surgically removed!
i can't believe noone is talking about the body that was found up behind gino's.
Well lets hear it junkie. Whats the scoop?
do you know who it belonged to?
it wasn't Andy was it?
Top o' the mornin' to y'all!
In the Cantrell household, the Sunday after Apple Festival Saturday Night means aching feet & sore legs from all that walking & standing around yakking. Another successful year for the makers of Advil!
What body? Whose was it?
A clue sherlock, the deceased.
Hey Rose, were you related to the Cantrell radiers, the boy's that ran with Jessy James?
I know a good site go to and write some stuff to that 12 year old.
how do you know it belonged to the deceased? maybe they'd sold it to some researcher while living. after the life force abandoned the body it would belong to the researcher, wouldn't it?
I for one live out of the state an plan my days off to return to Good Old Clay County for the Apple Festival. I LOVE IT! But even an outsider who is here can answer a few of the questions that LH proposed. Telfords is in bankruptcy and I am sure the federal bandruptcy court would not allow carnivals and such on their property. Many of the vendors that were set up were from Clay there were the Lanes wonderful applebutter, Big Otter's hot dogs, Lizemore's Hot dogs and fried apple pies, the 4 H icecream. If you take time and view the vendors the ones from out of town are the expensive ones with cookers and machines that are very expensive and would be unreasonable for a local organization to purchase but is needed for variety for the apple festival. You should be proud of your festival there is a small amout of crime or fights for 4 days their is laughter and reunion on the street everywhere. Instead of being critical be thankful I would love to be able to move back and see my friends and family daily. Enjoy leaning against a parking meter in the fresh air and talking about my yard or my garden instead of talking about the drive by shooting that cost my neighbor his life.
You are truly blessed.
Is that Barley Corn bad mouthing someone again? Shame on it! I mean you.
Yep, we sure are blessed, except for an egotistical, self-proclaimed einstine, goes by the name Barley Corn, lives some where around here.
Maybe after Obama's elected, the new fashion statement will be, we'll all be be wearing corn rows.
wonder why LW don't furnish corn cobs for his welcome center? someone should start a corn cob festival. a couple swipes with a corn cob saturated with turpentine will do wonders for tired legs. we could have a prize for the longest first jump.
Hey, why don't ya try that on big-foot if ya ever find one. Better take a big one.
I just love these Clayonians. none are very smart but they've always got a smart reply if you make a comment. in yhe old days corn cobs was good mule feed. now its let them eat cake. poor mules.
What ya trying to say, Chump!
you all pray for dave hughes and send my wife back south if you see her lol
LOL I talked to Dave, Jr. yesterday - he says she might whoop somebody - you better git up here before somebody ends up in jail!! LOL
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