The beauty of small town living...

My photo
Bomont, West Virginia, United States
When you have no idea what you're doing, somebody else will ... or at least make something up & run with it.

Monday, September 22, 2008


Throw open the windows &
get out the comfy cushions for the porch chairs!

Fall is here!!


ROSE said...

Sorry, LS, but you're gonna have to clean up that vocubulary ...

ls said...
things pretty dull this morn. see one feller in jail. looks like one of them capuchin monkeys. don't know him. nice crisp morn. looking forward to winter. two more banks on the verge of failing. reckon the fes will borrow some more money to give the illusion that everythings fine and dandy.

one question, did that sewer line recently ibstalled behind Ginos go to the house where the OD was found. just wondering if one good [dump] killed her or was it the drugs.
just wondering iffn i better keep my outhouse.

Mon Sep 22, 08:03:00 AM

Anonymous said...

Who were the four Clay Countians were that got beaten when they went bear hunting?

Anonymous said...

sorry Rose but you know i'm full of it. must be, i've been told so many times. everyone can't be wrong.

Anonymous said...

The 4 got beat up while camping was, Eric Holcomb,Danny Raik Little Andy Adkins and Cherie Cruckshanks

ROSE said...

Not to worry, LS. I've been told I'm full of it, too, but my eyes aren't brown, so that can't possibly be true!

Anonymous said...

Whats Poopy all excited about? Heard something on the scanner but missed the cause.

Anonymous said...

Shots fired, next county over, all copers go code 5, 3 minutes later go 10-22, could be the newest one at CRJ, if so it was a two county chase.

Anonymous said...

Looks like Rosey is short on words this morning.

ROSE said...

Oh, what a glorious morning!! No electricity until 11:30, no water until ... well, we still don't have water.

Country livin' at it's best!

Anonymous said...

Hey Rose, I can haul you over 350 gal. lickity split. Ya got anywhere to put it?

Anonymous said...

Gona take your advice Rose, got me a woopy cushion, gona take it to the next CCC meeting. Don't ya think that orta be a big hit?

ROSE said...

There's a fine line between slingin' & just plain ol' tootin' ... LOL

ROSE said...

Another beautiful day today! After the ... less than ideal day that was yesterday, this one's shaping up to be almost perfect!

How are the bear hunters doing? Anybody ever find out what really happened? Or why?

Anonymous said...

Hey, do ya think it would be aginst the law to let off a sniffer in Poopys courthouse? Sure wouldn't wanta cut a crime.

Anonymous said...

There's some tootin' goin' on in the news this morning.

WSAZ Headlines #5

Now that's!!!

Anonymous said...

Man passes gas charged with battery. Well, in that case, we should all turn our self in.

Anonymous said...

With a name like Poopy......

Anonymous said...

it's gotta be good!

Anonymous said...

In what life-time?

ROSE said...

McCain's "suspending" his presidential campaign to go to DC to do his job as a senator. Obama says he thinks a president should be able to multi-task & plans to carry on with his campaign.

So ... will these decisions alter your decision in any way? Will you vote for the one who does his job or the one who says he'll be "available if they need him"?

Incidentally, before anybody starts hacking on me persnally, I have no idea yet who I'll be voting for.

Probably Rick Burdette. Again.

Anonymous said...

I vote for Rose as the future president of the CCCA[Clay co. corncob ass.] Sorry Rose just couldn't resist.

But if they can form killer clubs why not a nature association. should we allow everything to be taken as it was in old ENGLAND. and everything belong to the king.

We stand for natural preservation and conservation of our habitat.

Equal health care for all citizens.

Research intO the unidentified, unexplored and uNexplained.

FREE CORNCOBS for ALL!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Do ya gota be over 21 to get the turpintine, might make meth with it.

Anonymous said...

How refreshing. An elected official who actually wants to do his job. He's got my vote!

ROSE said...

Imagine that! Sure, they both want to be President, but the fact remains that they both already have day jobs. Jobs they were trusted to do by the very people whose votes they need to get to the White House.

Rumor has it that Biden's being pressured to "voluntarily" resign as Obama's running mate so Hillary can be added to the ticket. That'd sure go a long way in helping *me* decide who to vote for!

Anonymous said...

'Country before self'. Obama has been campaigning for 2 years. If he gets elected he'll serve a year before he starts campaigning for reelection.

Anonymous said...

Barack Obama should get Demi Moore for his running mate. My my my, she's a knock out, all most as purty as Rose.

ROSE said...

Why, just a few more trips to the plastic surgeon & she could look just like me! LOLOL

Obama should've picked Hillary to start with.

Anonymous said...

You mean Demi ain't real? She sure looked good in G I Jane, and Stripe Tease explains it's self.

ROSE said...

Oh, she's plenty real. It just ain't all real flesh & blood. I've got plenty of plastic, but I can't seem to figure out how to arrange it to make me look just like her - it just keeps falling out of the cabinet ... teeheehee

Anonymous said...

Yeah Hilary wants to give our money to illegal immigrants. welfare, medical care, schooling, day care, nannys, etc. while papa stays at home gathering strength to make another citizen.

Anonymous said...

& take up where her husband left off and send the rest of our jobs to China, Mexico and India.

Anonymous said...

Anyone know of a T V star that hasn't had their headlights re-aimed? Thats one way of putting it.Female that is$$$$$$$$$$$$$$

ROSE said...

Now, see, that's exactly why I wish Obama had chosen Hillary as a running mate. I'd never in a million years, under any circumstances, vote for Hillary. A definite "NO!" would be so much easier than "Eh, I dunno ..."

I'll be watching my first Presidential debate tonight. Hopefully, one or the other will completely screw up. Obama's already in the red because he refused to do the job he's already being paid to do when McCain suggested it.

Meanwhile, anybody gonna watch the Coal Bowl?

Anonymous said...

If McCain gets elected, all you will be to afford is a bowl of coal, some can't even afford a bucket,as it is!

Anonymous said...

On the debate issue, did you notice the size of the ears on our next pres. And they say ears never quit growing. You hear that Rose?

ROSE said...

LOL Yeah, I hear ya.

I watched the whole debate (I even paid attention!). Boring. The cold, harsh reality is - politics bore me stupid.

Obama's definitely the better performer ... I mean speaker.

McCain went back to DC to continue to do is job; Obama's back on the campaign trail.

I'm no closer to a decision now than I was before the debate. Which I guess means I'm gonna have to continue to pay attention.

Like it makes any difference in the world who I decide to vote for ... pffffffffffffft.

ROSE said...

Here's a telling ditty about experience - I Googled "the dirt on McCain" & got over 477,000 hits. The same Google criteria on Obama got 277,000. I didn't read the first word of any of them.

Life had to be a heap site easier for candidates before Al Gore invented the Internet ...

Anonymous said...


ROSE said...

Did everybody see Uncle JoeJoe (Manchin) on Fox News this morning?

His hair plugs are sprouting quit nicely ...

Anonymous said...

Like your vote will count anyway. The election has already been decided by electoral vote through the conventions the same way it's been done since 1776. The only reason the campaigns go on is to irritate the common folk.

Anonymous said...

Don't know how you find time to Google all this news Rose. I been Google Texas. think I'll hang a GTT sign on the door soon. got a TEXAS road map, and more lierature today. They tell me there's money grows on bushes out there an lotsa sasquatches. feller out there he got a 15 yr. old daughter they use as bait for sasquatch. gonna buy me a fur suit fore I go.
you'll have a goodday.

no dogs reported stole yet, Leonard must not caught Andy last weekend.
learned it costs 15 dollars to ride the jitney to Crestmont and back. THINK ANDY SAID 6000 RIDERS SO FAR. THATS 90,000 DOLLARS. wonder who got it. any how i'm a little skeptical.
only seen one butterfly this summer. passed here like it was heading fot Texas.
have a goodin.

Anonymous said...

It started in 1887, my dear anonymous scholar!

Anonymous said...

It was $12.00 last year, and he won't make the run until they get a group.

Anonymous said...

My mistake, 1787!

Anonymous said...

Your vote counted when you voted your pick for the electoral college.

Anonymous said...

If you want to get technical, the electoral college was the brainchild of the founders of America at the Constitutional Convention of 1787. "The Twelfth Amendment (Amendment XII) to the United States Constitution provides the procedure by which the President and Vice President are elected. It replaced the procedure under Article II, Section 1, Clause 3, which demonstrated problems in the elections of 1796 and 1800. The Twelfth Amendment was proposed by the Congress on December 9, 1803 and was ratified by the requisite number of state legislatures on June 15, 1804." From Wikipedia..look it up. That's way before 1887. Were you thinking of the Electoral Count Act of 1887? You need to brush up on history yourself, (Sat Sep 27, 03:30:00 PM)before you go correcting someone.

Anonymous said...

Looked up the same crap you did, and some how I knew it would be you,Burley. Just didn't feel like putting the whole thing down,but give someone else a chance to Bragg about the mis-date.

Anonymous said...

don't know who you are but you aint got hold of Burley.

Anonymous said...

Your nose is getting longer by the minute.

Anonymous said...

anotyer ignorant a**trying to make it look like they know something.

Anonymous said...

Burley had nothing to do with your ignorance this time.

Anonymous said...

To know or not to know, only the lying nose knows. That is the secret!

Anonymous said...

My, My, aren't we testy today?

Anonymous said...

how did the judges of the Bible acquire their position?

Anonymous said...

Good question, look it up, if it doesn't burn your hands!

Anonymous said...

you are always there. STUPID!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

It takes one to know one!

Anonymous said...

I know you are but what am I?

Anonymous said...

The Little Red Hen

She called all of her Democrat neighbors together and said, 'If we plant this wheat, we shall have bread to eat. Who will help me plant it?'

'Not I,' said the cow.
'Not I,' said the duck.
'Not I,' said the pig.
'Not I,' said the goose.

'Then I will do it by myself,' said the little red hen, and so she did. The wheat grew very tall and ripened into golden grain.

'Who will help me reap my wheat?' asked the little red hen.

'Not I,' said the duck..
'Out of my classification,' said the pig.
'I'd lose my seniority,' said the cow.
'I'd lose my unemployment compensation,' said the goose.

'Then I will do it by myself,' said the little red hen, and so she did.

At last it came time to bake the bread.

'Who will help me bake the bread?' asked the little red hen.

'That would be overtime for me,' said the cow.

'I'd lose my welfare benefits,' said the duck.
'I'm a dropout and never learned how,' said the pig.
'If I'm to be the only helper, that's discrimination,' said the goose.

'Then I will do it by myself,' said the little red hen.

She baked five loaves and held them up for all of her neighbors to see. They wanted some and, in fact, demanded a share. But the little red hen said, 'No, I shall eat all five loaves.'

'Excess profits!' cried the cow.
(Nancy Pelosi)
'Capitalist leech!' screamed the duck. (Barbara Boxer)
'I demand equal rights!' yelled the goose. (Jesse Jackson)
The pig just grunted in disdain. (Ted Kennedy)
And they all painted 'Unfair!' picket signs and marched around and around the little red hen, shouting obscenities.

Then the farmer (Obama) came. He said to the little red hen, 'You must not be so greedy.'

'But I earned the bread,' said the little red hen.

'Exactly,' said Barack the farmer. 'That is what makes our free enterprise system so wonderful. Anyone in the barnyard
can earn as much as he wants. But under our modern government regulations, the productive workers must divide the fruits of their labor with those who are lazy and idle.'

And they all lived happily ever after, including the little red hen, who smiled and clucked, 'I am grateful, for now I truly understand.'

But her neighbors became quite disappointed in her. She never again baked bread because she joined the 'party' and got her bread free. And all the Democrats smiled. 'Fairness' had been established.

Individual initiative had died, but nobody noticed; perhaps no one long as there was free bread that 'the rich' were paying for.


Bill Clinton is getting $12 million for his memoirs.

Hillary got $8 million for hers.

That's $20 million for the memories from two people, who for eight years, repeatedly testified, under oath, that they couldn't remember jack sh*t.


Anonymous said...

Thats a good one, but I didn't know Barack was a farmer, and I think he played baseball too.

Anonymous said...

He needs to go back to pickin cotton on de plan-tay-shun.

Anonymous said...

Kneegeers don't pick cotton no more by hand,them kneegeers got tractors now.

ROSE said...


Let's think about this a minute. Obama's Kenyan dad attended college in Hawaii on a scholarship. He met Obama's white mother & they had Obama in 1961; a time when the U.S. had distinct boundaries between whites & blacks. His dad then returned to Kenya 2 years later & only saw his son once after that (deadbeat). His mom then married a man from Indonesia, married him & moved there. She sent Barack to live with his grandparents in Hawaii when he was 10. He went on to attend Harvard law school, become an attorney, then a senator & now a presidential candidate.

Look around you. See all those kids who have deadbeat parents? All the ones being raised by grandma & grandpa because mom & dad aren't qualified? The ones you probably think will end up in jail if they live long enough?

Maybe those kids are the next Barack Obama.

All you teachers out there need to think about this. You've got a perfect opportunity to someday be the President's "most fondly remembered teacher" ... or mentor ... or "the person who changed my life." Don't blow it.

Anonymous said...

Rose, you little tatter bug. That brought tears to my eyes! But how so true.

ROSE said...

LOL I should've started with "Note to self ..." because honestly, anybody can change a kid's life. There are roughly a blue million kids in this area whose grandparents (aunts/uncles/neighbors/foster parents) are picking up the slack of parents who should've never had children. We can all do better when it comes to changing the lives of those kids.

Anonymous said...

Rose you sure do make things plain. fraid though that would have all been wasted on me. no matter who got hold of me I couldn't have turned out no better. the material just wasn't there.

seen 7 geese flying almost due west yesterday. wonder why west. you suppose they can see another storm coming from down south. they were all strtetched out like they were going somewhere. no honking neither.

Anonymous said...


If you get an e-mail with 'Nude Photos of Sarah Palin' in the subject line, do not open it. It might contain a virus.

If you get an e-mail with 'Nude Photos of Hillary Clinton', do not open it. It might contain nude photos of Hillary Clinton.

Anonymous said...

Now that one rated an out-loud chuckle!

Anonymous said...

Does your public service announcement pertain to kids who cup their hands up around their gruby faces while pressing their noses up against a persons front door window to peek in?? >: D LOL!!

Anonymous said...

what to do
what to do
as the money shrinks
find out what the public thinks
go to clayberry the corncob town
eat a golden delicious as you're sittig down
ask andy
ask leonard
ask randy
and moore
but better yet go ask the town whore
and if you listen to me
corncobs will be free.
we'll corncob the CEOs a**
and turpentine their behind
and when they are gone
no one will mind.

ROSE said...

Yes, "Anon," it *does* pertain to grubby noses pressed against screendoors. That's why we should all aspire to teach some fetchin' up to those who don't have any & say, "Can I help you?" as opposed to bloodying those noses ... >;P

LS, you're quite the poet this lovely afternoon! LOL

Anonymous said...


ROSE said...

I'm trying to adjust my bad attitude & say something nice to/about somebody every day. You're first in my endeavor. At the rate I'm going, you might be the last ... LOL

Anonymous said...

Well, didn't mean to insult you. just saying thank you for a kind word. but i can understand you have probably been contacted by the goat clan saying don't do that. sounds like they the CEO GOATIES with the millions they're swindling from the stock holders of these companies.

Anonymous said...

Did anyone hear about the local guy that got killed while a doing a tour overseas, Last name I think is Nicholas Burkes Boy.

ROSE said...

I get all that kind of info from either AW or the local news & everybody seems to be slacking.

Just came in from outside - summer is gone, gone, gone! Hard to believe tomorrow's going to be October.

The Huntington Job Service has a listing for a child care teacher - pay is $7/hr. There's also one for a physical therapist - $70,000/yr. Whaddaya reckon bartenders make?

Hey, LS? You have yourself a great day!

Anonymous said...

AW said the rats at the high school had a gourmet lunch, no one invited us. Times are getting tough, they want the best for their self.

ROSE said...

I have a question for the more intelligent of you out there.

We're all being bombarded with politicians telling us they're going to help the "middle class." Does anybody know, exactly, what "middle class" is? I've looked & looked & from what I can gather, "middle class" is a household earning anything between $20-25,000 & ... well, the upper end is even more varied than the lower.

Now, if you make $7 an hour & work a 40 hour week, that's less than $15,000/year. $10 an hour would gross you less than $21,000.

Look around you. Do you know a lot of people making over $10 an hour?

So ... is "middle class" defined as "any income at all" as opposed to "filthy stinkin' rich" ?

Anonymous said...

Them first two lines just lost my vote for the CCC, if you ever run, Rose.

ROSE said...

LOL Aw, c'mon. I bake these killer homemade chocolate cupcakes ... I betcha a batch of those & a bowl of the chili I just whipped up would go a long way in making you change your mind.

Then again, I'm hungry ... my vote could be bought for way less at the moment. LOL

Anonymous said...

George Bush has been in office for 7 1/2 years. The first six the economy was fine. A little over one year ago:

1) Consumer confidence stood at a 2 1/2 year high;
2) Regular gasoline sold for $2.19 a gallon;
3) the unemployment rate was 4.5%.
4) the DOW JONES hit a record high--14,000
5) American's were buying new cars,taking cruises,vacations overseas, living large!...

But American's wanted 'CHANGE'! So, in 2006 we voted in a Democratic Congress and yes--we got 'CHANGE' all right. In the PAST YEAR:

1) Consumer confidence has plummeted;
2) Gasoline is now over $4 a gallon!;
3) Unemployment is up to 5.5% (a 10% increase);
4) Americans have seen their home equity drop by $12 TRILLION DOLLARS and prices still dropping;
5) 2% of American homes are in foreclosure.




ROSE said...

That's all good information, but I still don't know the definition of "middle class."

Sincere condolences to the Nicholas family. Not only do we need to keep them in our prayers, we need to thank them for their son's contributions and sacrifice.

I have a son who will have to sign up for the draft under the leadership of our next president. He was 7 years old when we were all gung-ho about invading Afghanistan to kill Bin Laden & The Bad Guys. It's way past time for The Bad Guys to be enjoying their virgins in hell & The Good Guys to come home alive.

Anonymous said...

What do the top ten cities with the highest poverty rate all have in common?

Detroit, MI (1st on the poverty rate list) hasn't elected a Republican mayor since 1961;

Buffalo, NY(2nd) hasn't elected one since 1954;

Cincinnati, OH(3rd)...since 1984;

Cleveland, OH(4th)...since 1989;

Miami, FL (5th) has never had a Republican mayor;

St. Louis, MO(6th)....since 1949;

El Paso, TX(7th) has never had a Republican mayor;

Milwaukee, WI(8th)...since 1908;

Philadelphia,PA (9th)...since 1952;

Newark,NJ(10th)...since 1907.

Einstein once said, "The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results."

It is the disadvantaged who habitually elect Democrats --- yet are still disadvantaged.

Anonymous said...

And yet they wonder why they are disadvantaged!

Anonymous said...

The young man who was killed in the line of duty was Jamie Nicholas, age 33. Son of Burke and Karen Nicholas. Many of you went to school with most the Nicholas children. You can find information on
Hope you can take time out from bickering about who should be president and send out some heart felt prayers for the Nicholas family.

ROSE said...


WSAZ ( offers an opportunity to comment on the majority of their stories. The comments on the Sgt. Burke story are exactly what we all should be saying (most of them, anyway).

He didn't die for the president, he died for his country. Our country. That's me, you, the deadbeat next door, the First Lady, the people who don't even know where Afghanistan is.

He died a hero so we could sit in the comfort of our own homes, p*ssing & moaning about the state of the country he died for. There's a perspective that's a little skewed here somewhere.

Anonymous said...

You go Rose

Anonymous said...

Hmm Rose i think you need to re-read a bit dont ya think?

"There's a perspective that's a little skewed here somewhere"


ROSE said...

Is this like "Pete & Repeat were sitting on a fence & Pete fell off." ??

I'm not at my glowing best this time of day - I'll re-read later & try to figure out what it is I'm missing. Unless, of course, you'd like to take pity on me & just be more direct.

Somebody crank up the heat - it's only 40 something degrees this morning!

Anonymous said...

was wondering myself what the person was talking about Rose. way over my head. got new glasses yesterday. hasn't helped my attitude any.

Looks like Bush is still trying to help the rich by transferring their greed to the backs of the poor. got my own more direct and personal problems. had a i2" pipe wrench disappear in mid-air, had a medical pill disappear off my table, had a package of bacon disappear between foodland and home not bad enough that Bush is making my money disappear looks like some one/thing else has it in for me too. gripe gripe. but I got food and clothes and a computer and i give em hell. have a nice day you'll.

ROSE said...

LOL Top o' the mornin' to ya, LS!

You better make sure that bacon's not lost in the trunk somewhere! P-U!! LOL

How about instead of a bail-out, we all send a "Sorry for your troubles - keep your hands out of my pockets" card to Wall Street & be done with it?!

ROSE said...

Here's a little disclaimer - when I made my comment re: the comments on, there were only 30 something of them. So if those next 20-some people said negative things, they're talking out their own behinds, not mine!

Anonymous said...

seen the hatchet man in town today, noon. guess he was collecting protection money so's he'd have enough to visit them mejico bordellos once more. wonder if that's where them missing women went to. mexican or cleveland bordellos, maybe unwilling or willingly.
they got new slidey doors at the courthouse. seems some of the people at the courthouse couldn't reach the old doors for their stomach.
not much news today.

Anonymous said...

Who is the hatchet man?

ROSE said...

The world may never know.

Did'ja watch the debate last night? I think Sarah & Joe would make a lovely couple. >;)

There will be at a memorial for
Sergeant First Class Jamie Nicholas who was killed fighting in Afghanistan. Clay County Courthouse (Courthouse Square), Sunday, October 5, 2008 @ 7:OO PM

Anonymous said...

That John Habjan that's housed in CRJ - is he the guy that owned the gas company?

Anonymous said...

His son!

Anonymous said...

seems to be a vicious circle. while we mourn for one who voluntarily fought for the freedom of the greedy and the poor, we must fight on our home front against the oppression of the people by these same greedy ones. and their sly, insidious ways of transfering our money to themselves. CEO millionaires have transfered the ordinary stock holders rightful profits to their own pockets.

Anonymous said...


George said...

Hey Rose
Sorry been away for a while computer blew up but back. Got tired of going to libaray to use one. My blog back open.

Election right around corner Commissioner Triplett running a write-in good for him I talked to a bunch of people who are supporting him because they are scared of school system being in control of commission. Well I writing in Peter for commission. Talk to you later.

Anonymous said...

hey Rose. good day. i talk bout worms to but not BOE. seen nother brown worm this morn. looked hairy, not fur like last one. this'un not segmented neither. last'un sat right where i first seen 'um and disintegrated. this'un gonna get hits toes frost bited.

ROSE said...

Welcome back, George!

Top o' the mornin' to y'all!

LS, we were picnicking in Morgantown this weekend & in addition to the blue million dragonflies we saw, there were also a lot of white wooly worms. Are they really wooly worms?

Anonymous said...

Top o the morning to you Rose, don't know, been hold of a few wooley things but not worms. got some white worms here, they got 8/9 black spots on their back, can't tell. spots run together at 8/9. havn't seen any of the old time wooley worms this yr. with the black and brown bands. never knew what they turn into.

Anonymous said...

The memorial last night was wonderful. Fran was great with a microphone - Professional and courteous. Quite a change when they let Jerry have it he bragged about being Jamies Principal and How many years he was principal and he was superintentant. He was dressed like a bum and sounded like a self centered Pri__. Never showed no emotion or spoke of the soldiers and their tasks. Glad Fran wresteled the microphone from his fingers>

Anonymous said...

seen 3 trucks carrying nitrogen yesterday, pass south on rt.4. one broke down just below Ivydale.
what is the destination of these trucks? if Leatherwood, where do they cross the river?
at Hartland?
What is this material being used for? to make nitrous oxide, maybe, appropiate for Clay co.

What is going on in this county. I often feel explosions under my home through my feet.
Is a nerve gas being manufactured here, or is a plant being constructed.
as I previously asked, what is the destination of these trucks and what is the purpose of the material being transported?

ROSE said...

Generally, when people find themselves in the spotlight, they talk about what they know. Some safe topic that makes them sound smarter. Sometimes, it's best when people just stick to talking about themselves.

Hard tellin', LS. All we get on this end of the county is log trucks.

Anonymous said...

Anybody heard that theres no school Wed?