with no Ace Cub Reporter on the job ....
If you want to get away with anything illegal, illicit
or just plain stupid in Clay,
now's the time.
Warning: This site is chock full of rumors, innuendo, personal opinions & downright lies. Prolonged visits here could be detrimental to your health. If this happens, you're taking life way too seriously. There is a language barrier on this site - comments containing language that cannot be used on prime time network television will be removed. Try to play nice and act like you've got some sense (even if you have to fake it).
Let the Gayla begin!
careful now. sherlock is still watching.
Somebody take AW a cel phone and a laptop.
He can long-range from the hospital.
I heard Slinky ran off with Fat Fran, Poopy got busted for smuggling drugs in Twinkies, CAEZ all got arrested for embezzling, the mayor & the recorder got caught nekid on a courthouse bench & former commish Triplett was hired by the Chippendales.
Quick! Somebody get this news to AW!!
next stage of collapse in the depression will hit tonight.
wonder how the great AW is. anyone heard.
good morning you'll. the world is still turning. still cold as a well diggers rear end in june. what a bore. nothing to expect to except bankruptcies galore. the domino effect. i can't pay you so you can't your debts etc. have a happy day.
LOL Looks like with AW laid up & not feeding us the poop, we're all wasting away from the boredom of it all.
Isn't anybody spying for him? Surely everybody's not on their best behavior, waiting for him to catch them in the act.
How 'bout the hit & run last night? Did the runner get caught?
ain't heard no news since AWbeen gone. thinking though, maybe they oughta catch the hitter.
Isn't the hitter & the runner the same thing?
don't know, though the hitter hit something then run. guess you're right but what was hit and did it run?
Rose, ya should have gone to AW's belly rub, twist fest at two run last night. Fun-Fun-Fun!
Then on the way home,saw a bad wreck down from spread park.
The fellow who died was the short guy who worked for Tom Dawson.
Slow down folks!!
guess the sight of LD and all that pulchritude, and the follow up conversation was too much for poor ol' Andys heart.
ambulance passed my place about 8 PM. believe Mary H. was aboard.
If there hadn't been 18 feet of snow on the ground (more or less ...), I might have ventured out to boogie last night, but I tend to curl up & hibernate when the snow flies. LOL
Ya know, fatal wrecks are horrifically tragic at any time, but around the holidays ...
Mike Koch is the guys name. Never said much, but always smiled at ya.
Sad, sad, sad!! Remember his family. I know he has at least one daughter.
What? No one knows that Jody Miller hung himself in jail yesterday? That too, is a sad story. Poor fella messed up.
I've heard tell once people get hooked on drugs there are only 3 ways out of it 1. get locked up 2. get covered up or 3. get sobered up. Sometimes they see no other way out. Truly tragic. Please remember his family too.
Don't think they caught the hitter/runner, but the do have him on candid camera. It's just a matter of time now...
Get well real soon Andy, no one can fill your shoes!!!!
I heard the news this mornign talking about one hanging himself at CRJ with a bedsheet. Wonder how that happened and which jailers got the moeny for him hanging himself.
I would say something about Andy but if I did his protecters would go into fits again. Wonder why all the newspaper people have by pass surgerys?? Dodging fist from people they belittle cause that?
Fri Dec 12, 10:50:00 AM
Why would he run anywhere with her he can do her anywhere he wants to.
who who who
Try to stay with the tragedy at hand. Death by car accident, death by hanging. Come on people!
Andy's heart surgery is nothing to laugh at either.
Don't you people have hearts? These people have sons,daughters, mothers,fathers, brothers, sisters, nieces, nephews, grandparents, friends just like the rest of us, that are mourning for these people have some compassion.
very few people have ever had compassion for me.
once upon a time, while drinking It was attempted to inniate me into the freemasons. i learned that to get into the third degree you must either have sex with a goat or a mule. now they have two branches in the freemasons. they are called goat-a**es or mule-a**es. now it is easy to tell a goat-a** they stink but the mule-a** looks so much like a democrat its hard to tell the difference. but remember next election whether you vote for a goat or a mule you will likely stll get a freemason and continue the same policies.
Andy's heart surgery is nothing to laugh at either.
I heard they had to split his butt cheeks to find a heart. I wondered if he even had a heart to begin with. Wonders will never cease to amaze me!!!!!!!!!!!!
My Good Buddy
what would you do with 50 "billion" dollars. wonder where Madoff spent it all?
and the dominos go click, click, and click. oh me, oh my where's my money?
Well ....
Good morning, all you little rays of sunshine!
The fat man flies in 10 days ... y'all need to be on your best behavior!
And the beat goes on;
And the beat goes on;
Drums keep sending rhythm to my brain
La Dee La Dee Dee;
La Dee La Dee Da!!
Why don't we talk about Poopy giving illegal christmas checks?
I would like to see someone DO something about it and make the money go back into the counties account!
Of course the COMMISSION would have to sign the checks as well. With manly Fran leading things, will she sign the illegal checks?
Don't we have this discussion every year? Nobody seems to care enough to do anything but bellyache about it. It's far past time somebody hiked their drawers up around their great big 'uns & did something. What? I have no idea, but surely there are PROPER proper authorities who'd give a rip.
As long as people get away with doing illegal things, laws don't mean squat. When The Law is the one breaking the law, well ... I reckon that means none of the rest of us have to worry about pesky little laws, either, huh?
But ... I probably shouldn't say that, lest I find myself being stopped for every lil' ol' pesky law I might break on the highway.
I believe the money comes from the home confinement money which, according to my understanding, is the sheriffs to use as he will. Illegal or not, I have no clue. the assessor tried that once and it didn't fly. So who knows?
Every office in the court house has tried it. Bonuses for what? Doing what they are already paid to do except they take their good ole time in doing it. Go in there sometime and look around. Ten people waiting, one person working and three sitting looking like they are doing absolutely nothing. What really ticks you off if you ask one of them for help they get mad and snap your head off.Yes give them all a bonus. Off their dead A** and onto their dying feet.
Sounds like a plan to me.
My Good Buddy
In Loving Memory
Michael Ray Koch
July 11, 1958----December 12, 2008
Mike was the kind of person who
would always be there when times got tough,
and would listen without judgment.
To him being family meant more than being people
who just share a last name or a family tree.
He always wanted what was best for everyone.
He loved beyond mistakes and cared beyond distance.
His untimely death has made us all realize just how much
he meant in all our lives and just how much he always will.
We Love You Mike!
Rest In Peace
Michael is survived by his daughter, Caitlyn Koch.
His brothers;
Daymond Koch, Jimmy Koch, Johnny Brown, & Russell Brown.
His Sisters;
Debra Keen, Leah Adkins and Lisa Koch
His Ex wife, Samantha Welch
6 Nephews, 7 Nieces
2 Great Nephews & 2 Great Nieces
Preceded in death by:
Father - Watson R. Kock, Mother - Loretta H. Nottingham (Moore)
Funeral service will be 2 p.m. Wednesday, December 17, 2008, at Wilson-Shamblin-Smith Funeral Home, Clay. Burial will follow in Koch Cemetery, Blue Knob.
Friends may call from 6 to 9 pm Tuesday at the funeral home.
On-line condolences may be sent to the family at www.carlwilsonfuneralhome.com.
That's a beautiful obituary.
Mike was ... Mike was everybody's friend. He always had a cheerful hello and never failed to ask how others in your family were.
Heartfelt condolences to the entire (extended) Koch family from the Samples/Cantrell family.
Dec. 14/ 4:34 PM
I seen a rabid dog one time. They shot it.
B e careful if Randy has his twinkie in his hand when he next sees you.
Link was all for it according to the inside infromer at the courthouse and Old Fat Fran as you all call her said "NO" she would not sign the checks. She told them that is was illegal for one thing and that all employees were to be treated equal and he could not give just his office staff a bonus and the rest of the courthouse do without. Pouting Randy is POPPY at Fat Fran and did not talk to her at the big courthouse feed.
LOL Poor ol' Poutin' Poopy.
So ... do you think they'll get the bonuses?
I'm going Christmas shopping today - anybody got anything to add to the list?
Yea Rose, take me with you, so's to save a little petrol.
Fran knows her butts in the frying pan and she won't do any more to jeopardize her CCC job. She has done her damage already so that really won't make any difference when election time come again and her time is up for her ONE term.
Rose bring me a great big sack of $100.00 bills on your shopping trip. Just remember to wear your "Hoody" and they will say you were just another (spook) hysting another joint or is that another 'bag of crack'.
I must have missed something, what damage has Fran done?
LOL Anybody who wants to ride along better show up within the next hour - I'm behind & got no time to lose!
I've got a Conway Twitty sweatshirt I bought at the last concert I went to in 1992. Since I'll never get another, I save it for Christmas shopping. If any news footage this evening has anything to do with Conway Twitty, y'all keep your big mouths shut!! LOL
I second this! What damage has Fran done? I think she has done good to the County
Anonymous said...
I must have missed something, what damage has Fran done?
Mon Dec 15, 07:04:00 AM
From the update on Andy's site he doing better and thats good. When Triplett is not there after this year see what Fran and Jerry let Sheriff and Assessor get by with. Write it down.
This one reminds me of you, Rose,
And the cow girl, she's a lady in those tight fitting jeans!
I ain't sayin' nuthin' ... LOL
Well, I will say I did my part to help boost the economy today. SHEWEE!!
& it's all thanks to my lucky Christmas shirt. ;)
Good to see ya again, George!
Conway Twitty, I remember him, vaguely. young feller, curly hair, hit with all the young google eyed girls. good singer though. "and I held more woman than most men have ever seen". wish i could find one of those. Conway oh Conway with those sparkling blue eyes, such a shame to come to such an early demise.
I was one of those google-eyed young girls once. Back when other google-eyed young girls were all ga-ga over rock stars & whatnot, I was in love with an "old man" who probably wasn't even as old as I am now. LOL He certainly sang like he knew what he was talking about & made the ladies want to know, too!
Glad to hear AW's doing better ...
Ok Clayberry get them little snot lickers out the door as our Slow Road Crew has all our roads salted and with no ice anywhere in site School as usual. Of all the counties surrounding us having delays because their roads have ice on them the prodical Clayberrys ever watching over YOU officials have it all under control as USUAL.
Isn't it something how Clay is on top of everything and has that "Git 'er Done" attitude. Bet they been up all night making sure that ice storm don't hit around here.
My Good Buddy!!!
Your rant is so ambiguous I have to ask:
Are you bragging on them or bitching about them?
Send a soldier a FREE postcard.
Tue Dec 16, 08:13:00 AM
I guess if you need to ask then it would also not help to explain to you. Way over your head so to speak!!!!!!!
My Good Buddy
Lets get rid of Fran. We do not want anybody to write grants bring in money be at the courthouse daily, go to Charleston and try to get jobs in Clay County. I for one will not vote for somebody like that who is actually wanting something in Clay County.
Only Andy Waddell would put his stapled up chest on a semi-legit website. LOL
Welcome back, Frankenchest!
Are y'all getting this rain? Holy moley, it's pouring!!
I reckon that when you get a belly full of something thats one way of getting rid of it. Seems to me it would have been easier for AW to get himself an ice cream bucket.
LOL Maybe, if he'd have walked away from an ice cream bucket or 2, he might not have had such issues.
Caymomma? You out there? We might get all the way up in the 60s on Friday & there's a distinct possibility of a white Christmas! Then again, I guess that's always a possibility ... rain's usually the reality. LOL
Tue Dec 16, 09:08:00 PM
Slinky writes the grants Fat Frannie takes the credit, after all Slinky has 4 years left for CCC she has TWO. Makes sense to me!!!! Jobs for Clay County?? CAEZ and BDA for ten years and still no JOBS!!!!
My Good Buddy
Hey now I know of three jobs she got for Clayberry residents. One was for her boyfriend, one for a cousin over the Ambulance Service and the other for another cousin over the Maysel Manor flophouse. I don't know if she got them all out of Charlseton or not but we all know she got them jobs.
Still here. The only "white Christmas" I'll be seeing is my husbands ankles on the beach. His tan stops right above the knee and above the ankle bone. It pretty funny looking and I giggle at every opportunity. He usually just frowns. LOLOLOL
and the hatchet man twists the facts
caymomma thats what it is to wear gumboots all the time with boxers
What is that over on AW's site? A postmortem?
Looks like the Hatchet man is getting to the truth and a little to close for comfort.
And that set of staples on Andy don't look to be where they found his heart. To high up on the carcass.
the hatchet man poses as a democrat or a mulea**. hard to tell the difference, also passes as a thong bird occasionally. and sings oh so thweetly. tweet tweet
hahahaheehaw mule train.
Caymomma, at least he's got something tanned besides his arms & the back of his neck.
Both Ford & Chrysler will be shutting down production for extended periods. As a lifelong (forced) owner of nothing but Fords, I'm sorta looking forward to owning a Toyota someday! Wait ... isn't the Toyota plant also reducing production? Hmm. Honda doesn't really have anything I want. Looks like Schwinn might be the way to go ...
I hear gonna be ,maybe, 30 Ponzi before its all done. Social security may be one of them. what's your nest egg look like?
Most of us gona be eatin grass!
Hatched my nest egg a long time ago.
hahaha I would not worry to much about that bit of news about shutting down the plants for the big three. Most of the people working for Ford, GM and Chrysler have enough vacation time coming to hold them over for the next two months. By the time you put in ten years at Ford you have nearly ten weeks of vacation time coming.
I think the whole thing with the money bumming is a deal because you can actually get over on the government, in this case taxpayers. Coal and Oil companys will soon be in DC begging for their cut also because the cost of gas and fuel is dropping back. Just like Welfare fraud you do it just because you can get by with it and it suppliments your income made on the side to get a check and that suitcase full of food stamps. As for me I am cutting back also especially where work is concerned. I just plain ole refuse to do it this time of year. Beat the system and you got it made so why not give the money out to the people who make 20 or 30 million a year for salary and get a lot more from profit sharing. I just feel so sorry for anyone whoe makes that kind of money and they beg for the governments help and want to cut back. Just ask one of them to cut back their salary and see what kind of foot stomping you get into. Never in my liftime have I ever seen so many billionaires in such bad shape.
You'll see how much they go to courthouse and see what's going on next year. Oh kick him in the ass tripplett won't be around to see what going on. Maybe give them a week off at a time and extra pay all the time.
Just think Ms Rose after having such nasty snotty weather this week and don't look as if it is going to get any better now is a good time to commit sideways. Only way we could get brighter weather here is if you stick your finger in a light socket.
Saw where the Sheriff gave out Cost of living Checks this week. We could get a lawsuit going if everyone wanted to cough up a hundred bucks each as it only cost around $5000.00 to get one going. Anyone know how much they got. Bet it wasn't like the last one I got. Hardly enough to fill the tank up with gas.
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