Not on my blog, folks. If you can't keep a civil tongue in your head & use words that aren't considered "profane" by polite society, I strongly suggest you go to & start your own blog.
Stick to some semblence of the topic at hand or post your comments elsewhere.
Happy %*&! New Year.
OHme Oh my kicked out again. I JUST CAN'T HELP IT. Them old service habits and then the merchant marine and all them ol bars I once hung out in. hard to get rid of old habits, I APOLGIZE. no more %&*$#%^& PROFANE LANGUAGE.
If you wasn't Rose and now Rose IS Rose can i cuss when Rose is not Rose.
LOL Rose is *always* Rose & you can *never* cuss on Rose's blog. Period. Ever. Under any circumstances.
This is a family channel for relatively intelligent people. Relatively intelligent people can *always* find a way to cuss without actually cussing. Nobody wants to converse with anybody who isn't at least that marginally intelligent, anyway.
Happy New Year to those folks down in the balmy, breezy, plain 'ole hot, part of the world. i.e. the Cayman peeps! I bet some of them are feeling poorly today...if so, well, ha! ha! ha!
Happy New Year to you and Al as well, Rose. Hope you're staying warm today!
guess that lets me out. my IQ is only 122, top 3% in the country.
I miss you...when are you coming back Aunt Leigh? I hope you will like the present I am sending you and Uncle Donny. Happy New Year! Tell Benny I said Hi! I love you. xoxoxoxoxo
Glad I wasent involved in that big up roar that got u upset, miss rose.
She's so cute when she's mad!
I think she needs a little of the hair of the dog that bit her.
None of my relatives is intelligent.
Didn't Brad McLaughlin have a brother and a sister? Didn't see them mentioned in his obit.
Good first-Friday-of-2009 morning!
Hair of the dog? If that's anything like feeding the dog, I thought we settled that a long time ago. teeheehee
Brad does have siblings. It's an odd obituary.
Brad's mother had other children.
They weren't much of a brother and sister to him though.
Brad had two siblings, but the wife wouldn't let him have anything to do with any of his family. The wife and her daughter (she had the daughter to some other man) were both really, really horrible to his mom and his dad. The whole thing was so sad for his mom since his mom had helped Brad so much during his illness and before.
Brad actually didn't have any kids at all. He didn't even marry that woman until a few years ago. So Rose is right, the obituary is really odd and quite bizarre. Whoever wrote showed that they had NO class.
YOU have no class.
She had the daughter with her first husband, who died much too young.
She has now lost another husband.
Get the whole story.
Better yet, leave mourning people alone.
Most people mourn with the family. She didn't just lose a husband she lost out on his family too. No class.
The teenage son of actor John Travolta died suddenly on Friday during a family vacation in the Bahamas, according to the family's lawyer.
Jett Travolta, 16, suffered a seizure at his family's vacation home at the Old Bahama Bay Hotel on Grand Bahama Island, attorney Michael Ossi said.
Attempts were made to revive him, but he died at the scene, Ossi said.
Jett, who had a history of seizures, was the eldest child of Travolta and his wife, actress Kelly Preston. They also have a daughter, Ella Blue, who was born in 2000.
From TMZ -
UPDATE 5:15 PM ET -- Police just released more details. According to a report, Jett was last seen going into the bathroom at their private suite at the Old Bahama Bay Resort sometime yesterday. The body was discovered by the caretaker, Jeff Michael Kathrein (pictured bottom right with Travolta in 2006), at 10:00 AM today. The report says Jett suffered from seizures.
WTF is wrong with this picture? The kid went to the bathroom YESTERDAY & wasn't found until this morning??? By the caretaker???
It seems to me the guy who posted at 10:12 did have the story right since the 10:47 posting said the daughter belonged to someone else. So I agree.....the wife showed no class.
I read an article about Travolta's kid having what was called Kawisaki Sydrome.......I never heard of that has anyone else? Is it a made up disease?
The way movie stars take care of their own.....Its no wonder they never found him until the next morning.
hain't that a motorcycle?
am curious, what group of Murphys is the Crystal Dawn Murphy thats in CRJ this morn belong to.
John Travolta's son dying at 16 is no less tragic than any other kid dying. I can't begin to imagine how one copes with the loss of a child.
In all the footage they showed on various news shows last night, John was holding Jett's hand. How many teenage boys do you know who hold their dad's hand? The Travoltas have long maintained that Jett wasn't autistic (I don't know why - surely the Scientolgists have a "cure" for it), but Jett certainly wasn't "normal".
Kawasawki Syndrome? Anybody ever heard of that? Outside of Hollywood, Land of Perfect Yet Exotic People, I mean. I looked it up. It generally affects children under 5 & is more common in Asian Japan & Korea.
I don't know Brad's widow at all, but good grief, the rumors are flying. If any one of them is true, class isn't all that's lacking.
Crystal Dawn is listed as a Boardman. If you know she's a former Murphy, don't you already know what branch she belongs to? My brother was hung up on a Crystal Murphy for a brief time in high school ... she's the right age ... hmm. Looks like it might be a good thing he got over that little crush!
sorry, I remembered the name from a previous item in the news, i believe, so i looked her name up in AWs search. turned out she is a Murphy.
IS that the flower shop murphys and is she not the one that ran for assessor and almost beat susie legg a couple years ago
don't know.
oh no. her picture is on CRJ.
SORRY FOLKS , I'M ALL confused. never seen the Murphy you're talking about. this ones married name is listed as Boardman, 2006 news item in the communicator. gave birth to child.
Gran Daughter to Mrs. Murphy of flower shop. Ran smoke shop next doors while running for town recorder.
could be. i'm not familiar with her. i remember some of the gossip though. somehow involved with J Smith and wife. wonder what shes charged with. i believe this is the 2nd time she's been in CRJ lately.
see in the Clayberry news that the state police arrested a man for contributing to child pornography. wonder how they knew that those pictures were on his computer. doesn't mention a warrant. did you know that we no longer have any constitutional rights or protection from the police force. Prez Bush did away with all that when he got the PATRIOT ACT passed.
back to the pornography, the police put this illegal pornography on the web then trace it to receivers and then the receiver is accused of contributing, although the police committed the origional crime. no warrant, no witness, just an invasion of the mans home, without prior judicial approval.
and we have young men around the world dying for this type of freedom.
Ditto on that LS
You're talking about entrapment. Without it, child pornography would run rampant. Is that the preferred alternative? Child porn goes beyond illegal - it's sick & disgusting & what about the children? The police can plant temptation until pigs fly - it's the people who give in to that temptation who need to be strung up by their little, tiny, shriveled up cojones & publicly flogged.
Ditto on that Rose!!
I wonder then, which should take priority the peoples constituitional rights or to allow the police to entrap someone who might not have done anything had temptation not been placed in front of them.
I don't think young men are fighting for someone's right to view and download child porn. I don't see abuse (or viewing the abuse) of children as a constitutional right no matter HOW the porn gets placed in front of someone. Geez -- how can anyone defend a person who "gives in to the temptation" of viewing child porn? That is almost laughable.
i don't believe anyone said that that viewing child porn was a constitutional right. some people simply cannot understand english. they must twist things so that they themselves become the object of attention instead of the principle under discussion. bahaaaaaaaaa
LOL That'd be the Constitutional right of human decency, LS. Surely to God you're joking. If our men & women are fighting so immoral, low life people can get their jollies from innocent, naked children, I say we bring those men & women home NOW. If that kind of "temptation" is beyond someone's power of resistance, Constitutional rights should be the least of their worries.
so now Rose to is focused on abuse of children instead of the rights of all people not to be tempted by our sevants so that they can put us in jail. and we must pay them for doing this. I was tempted but I did not fall so it was threatened by my employee that I might wind up in the ditch with my head blown off. so then if we are tempted and do not fall we are threatened by our employees, thats freedom. gang tactics.
LOL Yes, LS, I am more concerned about the abuse of children than I am the rights of adults. I won't even begin to consider apologizing for that.
You're absolutely right, though, that we shouldn't pay people to put offenders in jail. We should have a community stash of ammo. Nah, I'm not saying anybody's head should be blown off. A little lower down would deal with that temptation quite nicely, don'ja think?
and so now i'm being threatened by ms Rose, who apparently thinks if i was shot in the rump it would be adequate.
So we give the children condoms, put them on welfare so in time no one has to work. AH YES THE GREAT SOCIETY. now where have i heard that? Communism?
more education, more childrens rights, more foreign immigrants, more NAFTA, more gov. bailouts. we got it made,a printing press that prints money and the well never goes dry.
LS I'd shoot you in the head just to shut you the *%&! up.
OH dear me, I've irritated someone. good night you'll.
I for one don't agree to police tactics of entrapment but everyone that has a computer has the right to view whatever comes on the computer but also have the option of deleting the garbage. They also have the right and should have enough sense to delete things that are not appropriate also.
There are some sick people out there but they don't have to hord up the sickness on a computer, video tape, pictures or whatever. I believe in peoples rights but sending pictures of kids over the internet is not legal to do either by cops or anyone else. Thats like the pot calling the kettle black if that be the case at hand.
I don't think when the constitution was written computers were included. Freedom was a big part of it and still is and I think owning a computer is covered under FREEDOM. Whats on the computer sure can be freely acquired but leaving it there may be your trip free to jail.
"everyone that has a computer has the right to view whatever comes on the computer ..."
LOL OMG! So ... everyone who has a yard has a right to grow pot in it & smoke it & sell it to children? Everyone who has a penis has a right to whip it out & wave it around in public? Everyone who has an ice pick has a right to stick it in your eye?
That's the most asinine thing ... well, not that I've ever heard, but it ranks right up there! You do NOT have a "right" to do something that's illegal, no matter what the forum. Police have every right to "entrap" you, the same way they have the right to set up speed traps to catch you speeding or road checks to get drunk drivers off the road.
Is it any wonder our world is in the shape it's in today?
Good lord.
Oh ... LS? I didn't threaten you. I rarely threaten people (though it does happen). I merely voiced my opinion as to what *should* happen. If that applies to you & you take it as a threat ... frankly, Scarlett, I don't give a d*mn.
She's so cute when she's mad!
that's what I got thrown out of the judges chamber for. the judge said I threatened to kill him. I DIDN'T i merely asked if I'd be justified if I did. So many people change whats' said to something else. I also did a year in the federal penal system for this, supposedly, implied threat. Butner/NC, okla./twice , atlanta/ Ga./ Cumberland/Md,/ st. albans/WV, and SCRJ twice and three yrs probation just for an implied threat. what Idid was no crime at that time.
A little publicity is good for the soul if you're innocent.
You're the one who changes what is said and twists what was meant to make yourself the innocent victim.
LOL LS, I'd venture to guess your words get "twisted" because we're not really sure what you're talking about in the first place. Just trying to go with the flow!
WOOO HOOOO!! Back to work, back to school, back to Real Life!
two groups of people who will never admit they were wrong; the freemasons and the cops, I must add a third a poitician.
When you are always honest and truthful, you have nothing to worry about.
nice comment but you didn't say you were honest and truthful. nice dodge.
Once again things taken out of proportion. You have the right to view whatever you want to look at on (your) computer whether its legal or not but it still remains if you download the trash you will have the right to get a trip to jail when you are caught with it. Simple and true the computer belongs to you until it is misused. I suppose its a privilige to own and not a right at all.
Dumb de Dumb Dumb Dumb Dummmmmb
You do not have the "right" to do anything illegal. Not on the computer, not in public, not on the highway, not in the privacy of your home. Breaking the law is not a right. But as long as you think it is, I have a job.
and as long as there are crooked troopers I have a job.
you tell em trooper x I agree with you
I Am An American
I have the right to own guns.
Therefore, I have the right to kill.
I have the right to drive a car.
Therefore, I have the right to ignore all traffic laws.
I have the right to vote for my law makers.
Therefore, I have the right to disregard those laws.
I have the right to a free education.
Therefore, I have the right to be an idiot.
Yes but you also have LAWS of the LAND that you have to obey also.
my info says another time bomb ticking on wall st. banks will be tumbling like tumble weeds. reckon if we make it to summer we can have tater bug stew. some of these little tater bugs are mighty juicy. wanta leave them dry-land torpins alone they eat poisin mushtroons. i been doing real good on pasta. the amish put out some good nowon the market. enough wisdom for the night. sweet dreams
FYI for anybody that thinks its their business. Brad McLauglin wrote his own obituary. For those of you that want to think bad of his widow, ask around about how his MOTHER and SISTER acted at his wedding. His CHRISTIAN MOTHER. If she is an example of CHRISTIAN, I hope I go straight to hell.
Brad's sister and mother didn't even go to his wedding, which was an elopement to some other state. Besides, it couldn't have been anything as bad as how his mom was treated at the hospice house when his wife and stepdaughter threw her out of the room for wanting to pray with him.
Sorry meant funeral not wedding
I heard it very straight that the wife and the stepdaughter even put their hands ON his mother and shoved her when she tried to pray with him. How can any person do that to a mother who is there to see her son? Even Hospice said Brad wanted to see his mom and brother and the wife and step daughter kept them out. That wife and daugther of hers are just evil people. Poor Brad. He must have so miserable living with those two people. Thankfully, God has him now and he is away from them.
Brad's mom, brother, nor sister did not even go to the funeral because they wanted no part of that woman he married after how she treated his mother. So someone clearly has wrong information.
How does a woman with no teeth end up with TWO husbands and then drive them BOTH to early deaths?
Wow. Welcome to Clay, where rumors run rampant & people don't care to spread them! Anonymously, of course.
We've all heard rumors. Very few of us were eye witnesses. Even fewer of us lived the lives of those under discussion.
Karma, Karma, Karma ...
Good morning, little rays of sunshine!
Winter weather advisories, freezing rain advisories, flash flood watches in effect all around us today.
If the weather people make a mistake and colder air gets here with the rain does that mean we are about to get 30+ inches of snow? If we do get out your shovels as our fine Governor Manchin has cut funds for the slow road crews and you will have to clear your own road to town. DOH only has enough money to sit along the roads with their engines running and watching the traffic go by. They didn't get enough money to do any work the year of 2008 and 2009 and only enough to show up for work so they can draw their check. Sorta like welfare !!!!
Thres just no hope for the twists and embellishments of truth that happen around here.
Hard to believe Carl Woody died. Sympathies to the family.
It's foggin the snow down at Big Otter, git out the shovels.
1 for driving contract bus $25000
1 for teaching brick laying 50000
1 for county commissioner 20000
Total county welfare 95000
price of being first county commissioner certified in laying
not many jobs where you can just lay around and make 95,000 per yr. some of these people without jobs might like to work. but a hog is a hog.
wonder what Duke university wanted with all that timber land. ran across a club, mentioned on the computer, that would come and help set out improved native chestnuts if you had the land. man just think native chestnuts and sasquatches. wow
Rain, rain, rain ...
I'm listening to the Today Show while I'm getting ready for work. Ann Coulter's on. Good grief. Does she have fans or is she just a guest on so many shows because she makes for such controversial television? Her head's gonna explode.
Here on Mnt. Arirack, it's a fogging it down. Never got a boat when ya need one!
Big Odor school is out of commission for today. Too much water at the bad lands of Clayberry?
The Land company that bought all that land will be an expermental area for planting trashy pine trees because that is all they grow down south. They will come in clear cut thousands of acres of hardwoods, plant the pines and in twenty or so years they will have a cutable crop of timber. Thats what they bought it for and how it will be used. What else can you use land that has been striped for and looks like a bomb was dropped on it. County will be able to get taxes from it though so thats a good thing. It has never happened before.
sorry but I don't agree. the timber land was bought by a branch of Duke university/NC, not a timber company. so it is my belief that it will be used for educational purposes.
recently I seen where the butternut walnut tree was on the endangered species list.. on checking a little farther I found that the tree that I have always thought was a butternut, may not be.
If the ark had not sonk on Mt. ararrat there might not have been any rats there. Don't know why but there seems to be more rats in high places than in lower ones.
Well LS you can disagree all you want to but since the guys who done the land search in Clay and Nicholas counties told me what they are intending on doing I just stated the fact. In the southern part of the US eastern coast there is some type beatle killing Pine species and they have to get north to produce the pines needed and away from this pest.
Educational purposes it may be used for but this has been in the works for the past two years that I know about. And they are still looking for land to buy in larger then 100 acre parcels. Also another reason for buying land here is the cost $300.00 per acre versus $10,000 to $18,000.00 per acre. Makes sense to me.
The ark didnt sink.
It was left aground when the flood waters receded.
well i'm not important enough to have all this inside information. could be you're right but I would never have known this had I not opened my mouth. now, as all things in clay co. everyone can start meddling. that may be good or bad. who knows?
"expermental" = experimental?
"striped" = stripped?
"sonk" = sank?
"mt arrarat" = mt ararat
"done the land search" = did the search?
"beatle" = beetle?
Oh my -- sad sad sad
If you're going to to represent yourself as some kind of authority, try to include a modicom of literacy.
at least we're talking not just sitting around critisizing.
I wonder why, why didn't this cat get out of the bag before. you suppose someone is expecting money from this deal.
all the property i've looked at is selling at 1000 dollars + an acre.
did the owners throw away 700 dollars an acre???????? or is it hard times? is this the same property that's being leased to hunting clubs? will this action increase or decrease the value of adjacent property? has there been an economic study done on this proposed action. what is our politicians doing,got their finger in their rectum again?
Pfffffft. Literacy - like chivalry - is dead. It died from lack of interest.
I just came from Charleston. Good grief! Snow, sleet, rain, freezing rain, flooded roads. I really need to go to whatever driving school those freaks who passed me went to so I can drive with over-confidence, too! On second thought, that's the kind of attitude that usually kills innocent people & leaves the freaks alive to drive & kill again.
did you notice? as soon as it was announced that the county was getting a 75,000 dollar windfall the county employees found where the money was owed them. wonder why they wasn't asking for the money Randy had.
Am I the only person who never understands what the heck LS is talking about or what point he is trying to make?
if you read the news occasionally you would know what i'm talking about.
had you read the news you would have seen where AW reported the county received 75,000 dollars for taxes in that land deal, reading farther you will find where the BOE EMPLOYEES claim THEY EACH HAVE ,TOTAL, 750 DOLLARS COMING FROM A SENATE BILL PASSED TWO YRS. AGO. at 300 employees we're still in the hole.
????????????? none of that comment makes any sense to me either.
Must be that new math.
LS you live on the north side of Clayberry and thats why the land is so high over there. On the southside even the coal and land companies will only pay $300.00 an acre for hillside land. That $1000.00 an acre land is on the Ivydale side of the mountain. When you cross over to Big Odor side it jumps to $10,000 per acre with the timber removed. Just buy it for a song and sing it yourself if the taxpayers are footing the bill.
Oh my -- sad sad sad
Wed Jan 07, 03:02:00 PM
Dissect this and make all corrections.
Kiss My A**
********How Rude********
Hey! Do ya all know it's snowing out there?
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