The beauty of small town living...

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Bomont, West Virginia, United States
When you have no idea what you're doing, somebody else will ... or at least make something up & run with it.

Monday, January 19, 2009


This morning, on the Today Show, a group of "African Americans" were being interviewed & one of them said that Barack Obama was "gangsta." This is a good thing. It's slang for "cool." Provided, of course, it's an "African American" saying it. I have no idea what sort of uprising it would cause if a "white" person called our new President "gangsta."

Martin Luther King died before I was a year old. Obviously, the segregation era didn't have a huge impact on my personal life. My entire life has been lived with blacks & whites intermingled. Which means, of course, that anyone younger than I am has even less experience with the "civil rights movement" than I do.

Which begs the question ... if the older generations would just let go of the prejudices of their own pasts, would those prejudices die a quiet death? Who perpetuates this black vs. white stuff? Why does it still exist?

One has to assume that in homes all around America, there are parents raising their black children to have a chip on their shoulders. White parents who are raising their children to believe they're superior. The parents in between? Those are the ones whose kids are growing up to support the rest of them.

Yes, it's a Big Deal that we're about to swear in an African American president (Note - he is "African American, since his dad is from Africa). It's exciting, it's historical, it's going to open all new doors of opportunity for anyone who isn't blatantly white.

And yet ... according to the up & coming generation of "African Americans," it's GANGSTA ... ... ... Do I not understand this because I'm old? Or because I'm not black?


ROSE said...

Wait. I'm on a roll today ...

We're ONE COUNTRY, UNDER GOD. One country. That makes us all AMERICAN. Period.

Usually, it's obvious by the color of one's skin that one is black. Why is it necessary to confirm that by throwing in "African American"?

We only do this to the black community. They seem to prefer it. I'll never understand this.

I'm Scots-Irish-Native-American-Indian-German-American. It's very important to me to know where and who I came from. I'm proud to be a Scots-Irish-Native-American-Indian-German American. The reason I'm a plain AMERICAN is because my ancestors - like yours - came to America to ensure a better life for all who came after them.

I just don't get the whole hyphenated "fill in the blank" American.

Anonymous said...

Yeah and who would want to be called black, The most negative color in our dialog.
I think it's got to be related to IQ.

Anonymous said...

Black - In Japanese culture, kuro (black) is a symbol of nobility, age, and experience, as opposed to shiro (white), which symbolizes serfdom, youth, and naiveté.

Judges wear black robes. Monks and priests wear black robes. Police cars are black. Black tie affairs closed to the riffraff. Cowboys wore black hats. Johnny Cash, Man in Black. AC/DC, Back in Black.

White light at the end of the tunnel when you die. Eternal dark if you go to Hell.

Black magic. Black hole. Black mark. Black-ball. Black Friday.

It's time for change. From now on, it's pinkmail when you extort money (gays will protest this). You're now the purple sheep of the family (Red Hat ladies will protest this). Yellow lung doesn't sound as bad as black lung.
Back to Bush #1 kinder gentler nation.

Anonymous said...

you forgot black as the ace of spades, the death card.

Anonymous said...

Blackheart. Black plague. Black gold, Texas tea.

Anonymous said...


ROSE said...

I saw a commercial this morning for the 529 College Savings Plan. Little black girl named Malea (sp?) - same as Obama's little girl.

Not very subliminal ...

Anonymous said...

Well I am confused myself as not one person around here came from Africa. Not a living human being remains on this continent that originated in Africa yet we are still held responsible for what the Spanish done. We won't have an African American for President. We will either have a Black President or an American President. The two can not be combined in any way. There is no such thing so why call it something that its not? We are Americans and calling us anything different is WRONG.

Now for important stuff like wheres the school delay for tomorrow or closing for tomorrow. The other counties surround Clay county has been ready since 4 P.M. or thereabouts. No road work south of Hartland bridge has been done.

WV PUBLIC SCHOOLS Braxton County 2 Hour Delay

WV PUBLIC SCHOOLS Gilmer County 2 Hour Delay

WV PUBLIC SCHOOLS Lincoln County 2 Hour Delay

WV PUBLIC SCHOOLS Logan County 2 Hour Delay

WV PUBLIC SCHOOLS Nicholas County 2 Hour Delay

WV PUBLIC SCHOOLS Roane County 2 Hour Delay

is not.

Anonymous said...

Ch 8 is showing Webster on a 2 hr.

Here we gotta play the "Crack of the Middle of the Night" guessing game, in case of a sudden warming trend.

Anonymous said...

2hr delay for Clay co.

Anonymous said...

More like the crack of dawn.

ROSE said...

Nope, this time, it was the "crack right after I got to sleep." I used to pop up & run to the phone when it rang in the middle of the night - you know that's never a good thing. Now I just assume it's Sarah the School Messenger being rude & calling too *$#! late for good manners.

Washington DC is ready for the biggest, most expensive inauguration in US history. You'll see it whether you want to or not, 'cause it's all anybody on any news show is talking about. I saw a lady on the news yesterday ... unemployed, 5 kids, no job, loading everybody up in the car to trek to DC, where she had no place no stay, no place to sleep, etc etc etc. Somebody took her up on her offer of "give me & my family a place to stay & I'll do the cooking."

I know this is "historical" & all, but good grief. The line between "historical" & ridiculous shouldn't really be quite that fine.

Did you catch Mrs. Biden's faux pas when she said that Joe had the choice between Secy of State or VP? There's some serious backtracking going on now!

ROSE said...

Yes, I do realize that "unemployed" & "no job" are the same thing. It's old age getting comfortable again ... LOL

Anonymous said...

Yeah you should lump in historical versus hysterical too.

Anonymous said...

Now is the time for all good men and women to come to the aid of their country. (bend over)

It is pitiful that a nation like the USA has so many idiots turned loose in it. That big Nobama Cadillac cost gazillions to build, Security today will cost a life time to pay for. Never heard of ten thousand soldiers being used to guard a president. Obama will be snuffed from the inside out not outside in and they need to protect him from the Clintons and some other of his confidants and not worry to much about the mall goers. Before daylight they showed them gathering by the hundreds, well at least you could see the whites of their eyes kinda hard to see in the dark. Happy boring Jan 20, 2009 and yesterday Mansion worked his last day for the next four years. Yep times are a changing allright.

Anonymous said...

I for one will NOT be watching Obama do nothing. It is a sad day when thy spend all that that money just because he is BLACK. Is sickens me.

Anonymous said...

Healthnet in the air. What happend?

Anonymous said...

You know Kruschev said "we will get you from within" well they didn't make that happen unless these pseudo Africans are really Russian.

The resources that are needed to keep this segment of the population afloat are enormous.

Anonymous said...

I liked them when they were afloat in New Orleans.

Anonymous said...

I'm White and I was born here.

Does that make me an Americo-American?

Anonymous said...

can't see that much has changed. still costs me 5 dollars to get a bag of garbage picked up.
was one time that ala meant you got cheese on your pie. looks like now we'll have bear pie for the next few tears.
heard a woodpecker peckin' on the old oak tree this morn. reckon his nuts are froze so hard that he can't crack them.
my my mama, i feel for you, ala bama is the place to be. BEAR pie, duh
see they's having a drought out in the state of Texas. no place for water, theys got everything full of oil getting ready for the next price increase.

had a visitor this weekend. retired Gov. worker 2500 dollars a month pension, was peeved because because they woulsn't let him have food stamps.

see where anon says ls sickens them. man you should see me pukin' sometimes when I read this garbage. now i'm sure Rose is a nice person, never meet her. BUT, MY GOD, my little tater bug.

Anonymous said...

Ramble on.

Anonymous said...

one of the saddest things i've seen in a while is the helicopter leaving with George & Laura.

i sure hope that obama does what he says and there isn't another civil war.

Anonymous said...

Yes it is Sad to See George and Laura leave I tear up at the thought of what is coming. All we can do is Pray to The Good Lord and hope for the best.

Anonymous said...

AW needs tp put a blog on his site so we can refute the BS he posts.

Thank the lily livered liberals for what is happening today.
Calling this the black hope? Don't get sucked in. Remember about the anti Christ. He'll wow you in the beginning.

ROSE said...

Oh, for pete's sake. We survived the Clintons, we survived Bush. We can survive anything.

We've got a black president. Whoopee. He's not our King, ruining our live by holding us under his iron thumb. Does anybody really think the whole world is going to change because of this?

Actually, I do. He's extremely well-spoken. We haven't had a real orator in the White House for quite some time. Yeah, Bill talked a nice talk, but you couldn't believe a word he said because you rarely knew what he was actually saying. George W.? He opened his mouth & the rest of the world started laughing.

Michelle? All the refined grace of Nancy Reagan, all the composure of Laura Bush, none of the "mine are bigger than yours will ever be" of Hillary Clinton. How can anybody find fault with that?

Our President is the Leader of the Free World. Our love of country demands that we stand behind him, whether he's black, white, yellow, or pink with purple polka dots.

But all the hype? Pfffffffft. I could live without that.

ROSE said...

Here's another observation. When I was a kid, my parents told me I could be anything I wanted to be when I grew up. Everybody else's parents told them the same thing, regardless of their race, sex, religion. I think it's a sad, sad testimony that - to a person - every black person I've seen interviewed thus far has said something to the effect of, "Now I know anything is possible."

Which says to me that before, it was all just talk. Millions of black kids being fed that line, never believing a word of it? Whose failure is this? Parents? Our education system? Society?

Can one man really change all that?

I sincerely hope so.

ROSE said...

Yet another 2 hour delay. I hope the first thing President Obama does is demand that every U.S. citizen has high-speed internet so even when it snows, kids can telecommute to school, their parents can telecommute to work & we can all do it in our jammies.

I know people who would love that - never having to leave their keyboard for any reason!

Unknown said...

I second that!

Anonymous said...

I think it's a sad, sad testimony that - to a person - every black person I've seen interviewed thus far has said something to the effect of, "Now I know anything is possible."

They knew anything was possible?? All they know is kill each other and pass the coke pipe. Time will tell the tale and I wonder just how long it will take before we hear all about how horrible a Black President is via The Communicator or AW's site. You will want to get the next paper hot off the stands so you can remind AW of the very words he puts out in that gossip paper. Remember put it in the vault for safe keeping its the only proof you will have when it all goes wrong. The USA has only one way to go from here......DOWN DOWN DOWN

ROSE said...

LOL Does anybody really wonder what's wrong with our world today??

I happen to personally know ... let's see ... at least 3 people who have killed someone. None of them are black. I also know several black people. They're very successful.

Go to the state police website & look at all the registered sex offenders. White, white & more white.

Yes, it's a proven fact that more violent crimes are commited by blacks. One has to wonder, though, if that'd be the case if they had been given more opportunities to take different paths & if the expectations of them were higher.

One also has to wonder how biased the media is when reporting crime. Is there truly more black crime or does it just get more attention?

Anonymous said...

and I wonder how biased the court was at the trial.

Anonymous said...

To anon at Wed Jan 21, 08:52:00 AM:
You will never hear a bad word from AW about any democrat. It won't matter if they do the lousiest job in the past 100 years, as long as they are a democrat, his blinders see only the party affiliation just the same as he has never said anything good about any republican. But that's his privilege. We know better.

Anonymous said...

No sex offenders because black girls don't say no.

Anonymous said...

How many pregnant girls in Clay Countys all white schools?

Anonymous said...

When black girls try to say no,
dey lips stick together and it soun' like dey be sane "Mo!"
whih, in blaspeek mean "more" so when she be sane "no no no" it soun to a brutha lak "Mo mo mo!"

So he say "OTAY!

Anonymous said...

We need all the white babies we can get.
The blacks are winning the population race.
have at it girls.

Anonymous said...

Thats right.

Anonymous said...

Yeah and be sure to do it with white boys.

Anonymous said...

Check this out:
We have more to worry about than just over in tha hood:

Anonymous said...

You have to be supreme to be a white supremist. You guys are just plain white.

Anonymous said...

here it is,

ROSE said...

This from Wikipedia:

Taylor believes in the theory of correlation between race and intelligence, where Blacks are generally less intelligent than Whites, and Whites are generally less intelligent than East Asians, as expressed in The Bell Curve. Taylor has said in an interview:

I think Asians are objectively superior to Whites by just about any measure that you can come up with in terms of what are the ingredients for a successful society. This doesn't mean that I want America to become Asian. I think every people has a right to be itself, and this becomes clear whether we're talking about Irian Jaya or Tibet, for that matter.

Taylor praised the "high average level of attractiveness" of Japanese women, saying few resemble the "waddling colossi one finds among the American lower classes of all races."

Oh, yeah, this is who I want to look up to when I look for higher sources of intelligence on race-related issues.

I sincerely hope some of you bloggers here don't have children.

At some point, the societal side of your brains needs to either die a quiet death or evolve. It appears to be too late for evolution. Remember, if we white people are becoming the minority & society as we know it is going down the tubes, it'd be in your best interest to not perpetuate your racisim in your children, lest they end up like the "African Americans" of old. If you're going to raise your children to be like you, go ahead & name them Kizzy & Chicken George.

When you refuse to learn from history, you are doomed to repeat it. Won't be so funny when you're the one strung up there, feeling the sting of the whip, now, will it?

Anonymous said...

Go easy the KKK will bail us out.

Anonymous said...

waddling colossi?


Anonymous said...

I think your pearls of wisdom are falling on deaf ears Rose.

ROSE said...

Pearls start out as irritants & wisdom takes maturity & experience. Having nobody listen to me has never shut me up before ... LOL

I like Obama. But I didn't vote for him. If (when?) he screws up, I retain the right to say, "TOLD YA SO!!" BAHAHAHAHAHA LOL

See, when there's no good choice, always vote for the dude you know won't win. That way, you've exercised your right to vote, maintained your right to gripe & assume no blame for the screw-ups.

No need to thank me - I dole this stuff out for free as a public service. teeheehee

Anonymous said...

Well from one good Muslim To the other Muslim Gitmo will soon be a thing of the past as NOBama will sign the order to close it Thursday. That will be done this year and the thousands of terriorist and those suspected will be set loose on the people once more.

Another Pansy President is all we need this day and time. Now we have a spineless Congress and a Pansy President at the helm I can only say one thing. Reach down and grab your ankles and kiss your A** as you know it now goodbye. Not God bless America but God Help America 'cause we are surely going down the tubes this time around.

Anonymous said...

Downandup/Conficker worm infects 9 million PC

Anonymous said...

If you have automatic updates enabled a patch was sent out in October so don't worry. About the worm.

Anonymous said...

On day two, the US Supreme Court made it clear, what you view on your own puter is your business and outside the police powers of the US Govt. And that includes porn.

Like I said whatever turns your crank its your computer. Cops can bust you for it but you can beat it also under this caselaw.

Anonymous said...

On day two, the US Supreme Court made it clear, what you view on your own puter is your business and outside the police powers of the US Govt. And that includes porn.

Like I said whatever turns your crank its your computer. Cops can bust you for it but you can beat it also under this caselaw.

Anonymous said...

I only posted that once Ms Rose why its there twice I have no idea. Delete it if you want.

Anonymous said...

Just because our laws are stupid, that doesn't mean the whole world has to be moral idiots.

Anonymous said...

Oh happy day! Hog jowls in every pot.

Anonymous said...

Wonder what the story is on the house fire up Lick Fork?

Original call was for woman not responding...second call was trailer fire same place.

Ambulance got there and they said that had one code black and trying to get the other person out of the house. ME was called for the code black never heard anything about the second person. Anybody got anything??

Anonymous said...

wheres lick fork?

Anonymous said...

down below piersons lumber 1st road on the right.

Anonymous said...

So what happened? Seems like a lot of fires lately. Be careful.

Anonymous said...

That was a housefire on Lick Branch Road and one was lost. Debra Barnes is the lady that died in the fire better known as "Firecracker" when CB radios were in use. All before 8 this morning.

Lick Fork is over by Holcomb Hill leaving Bickmore towards Gauley Bridge.

ROSE said...

How awful. Please keep Ms. Barnes's family in your prayers.

Speaking of prayers, WV might be getting a new "controversial" license plate. If the bill is approved, we'll have a new plate with "IN GOD WE TRUST" on it. The controversy is the separation between church & state.

Once again, one has to question the battles we choose to fight in this country. Those "IN GOD WE TRUST" plates would naturally be paid for with U.S. currency with the same phrase. Or maybe it's different if you write a check.

Anonymous said...

You're right, I heard them say Lick Branch not Lick Fork. I suppose somewhere in my head it got all twisted around. At least I got the Lick part right. But what happened to the husband? Nothing has been said about him.

Guess I need some more practice before I try to post local happenings.

Condolences to the Barnes family.

Anonymous said...

Firecracker as I knew Ms Barnes always had a special place in my heart and her family also. She was one nice person that always had kind words to speak to anyone. Her daughter and husband are very good people also. They have our deepest sympathy at this hour of need.

David Patterson is the blind governor of New York but yet he had eyes enough to see that the State and the world didn't need another Kennedy in power. Thank You David Patterson for knowing Kennedys are scum bag leaches born and bred and are just high paid welfare receipients.

All the states around Wv are going to the License Plates with In God We Trust on them also. Ms Rose You are correct about writing a check for them it is different. You have to write it in the memo line on a check hahaha. I bet ACLU lawyers are chomping at the bits already trying to get it stopped.

Anonymous said...

I read somewhere that old Mr. Joe Kennedy got his millions by bootlegging.

Anonymous said...

I heard some of higher ups in Clay co. got their start black-marketering in WWII.

Anonymous said...


I heard-
I read somewhere-
Somebody said-

Just make up your own ending.

Anonymous said...

And everybody knows that if it's on the internet, it's the gospel truth.

Anonymous said...

Common knowledge is that Kennedys and Rockefellers got their money by running Drugs, bootleg whiskey and prostitutes.

Anonymous said...

well, thats better than little black santa talking about my little tater bug.

ROSE said...

LOL Yeah!

I'm sure, under our new president's plan for sharing the wealth, that all those people who inherited $$ gotten by illegal means will fork it over to the government so we can all share the wealth.

We're all gonna be rich!

Anonymous said...

Yep we's gonna be rich and the next seven generations will have to pay for it. The United States of America has finally became a nation of Welfare and the working class people (under $100,000.00) per year is going to foot the bill.

Companys that have a slack year will be lining up now for Congress and the Prez to bail them out with Taxpayer Dollars. The 700 billion already used to bail the banks out is gone. NO sign of any improvement that I can see but Freddie Mac is back already wanting more. Would it not have been better for the executives to have to tighten their belts a little. After all I think 60 million a year is just a little extreme for a salary for a hundred people let alone one CEO.

Anonymous said...

I've heard the world was going to the dogs. guess last night the academy awards proved it. bunch of dogs if I ever seen dogs. hey I got a full picture of BETTY GRABLE I compare them to.

Anonymous said...

the finance gurus say there's a storm heading for wall st. gonna take 20 trillion dollars outen the world ecopnomy the next two yrs. better get your taters immmunized against bugs.
seen where a mexican model lost her hands and feet to a bacterial infection in her urinary tract, and then her life, be careful!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

ROSE said...

Good morning, all you little rays of sunshine!

Just got back from a lovely weekend trip to Maryland. Good times, man, good times! Of course, my "grey smoke" colored car is now "road salt white," but that's OK.

If you believe the weatherman on Channel 8, we're in for somewhere between 3 & 8 inches of snow by Wednesday morning. If anybody has a petition going on for an early spring, I'll happily sign it. Twice if necessary.

Please keep my Aunt Lisa & family in your prayers. She's at Ruby Memorial, proving to you nonbelievers that miracles do happen.

Anonymous said...

Hope your Aunt Lisa's stay at Ruby is short and sweet and shes up and running soon Ms Rose.Two things I hate in life as much as I hate rats and snakes would have to be Dr's and Hospitals. Snow days are coming our way. wooohoooooooo

If we can't believe in miracles we don't have a chance.

My Good Buddy

Anonymous said...

Whats Up?
This blog has hit the skids.

ROSE said...

Thanks, Anon. Me, too. Aunt Lisa's not one to be down for long - between her grit, the knowledge & skill of a good team of doctors, the beauty of modern techology & a lot lot LOT of prayers, we're hopeful for a full recovery.

Anon #2, you're absolutely right. We've skidded here. Boring, boring, boring. Somebody rush out & break a law or do something stupid so we'll have something to talk about.

Or ... somebody could pick a fight. BAHAHAHAHA LOL

Anonymous said...

Hey Rose
I'm better lookin than you?

ROSE said...

But my dad's stronger than yours.

Anonymous said...

Testy arent we? growl growl growl

Anonymous said...

Somber Stupid does it again. Every school around Clayberry is shut down due to snow, ice and freezing rain and we have a two hour delay? The magic wand waver is going to stop it from coming down?
Make more sense to me the sooner they get to school the less snow or ice there would be to deal with, but what do I know. After all Beckley is 48 degress and its headed our way.

Parents just keep them at home today and maybe they will get the hint.....

ROSE said...

I copied this one over to a new thread ... cuts down on the scrolling!