The beauty of small town living...

My photo
Bomont, West Virginia, United States
When you have no idea what you're doing, somebody else will ... or at least make something up & run with it.

Sunday, March 29, 2009


There's a new blurb over there in the sidebar --------> to give you ready access to 2 of your elected officials - Senator Randy White & Clay County Commissioner Fran King. If you run into any other elected officials, please extend a formal invitation to them to have their contact information posted here, too. It's free.
Charleston made national news yesterday - the implosion of old Union Carbide building #82 was on Fox (maybe others, that's the only one I saw). The beauty of it was the cameras actually focused on the building this time & not the first backwoods toothless person they saw.
Have you heard of the new conflicker computer virus? Better get your computer patched - it's a biggie!

Sunday, March 08, 2009


Eleven more days of winter, snow could fly at any time, but when it's 60+ degrees at 8 a.m. two mornings in a row, Spring's gotta be just around the corner!!