The beauty of small town living...

My photo
Bomont, West Virginia, United States
When you have no idea what you're doing, somebody else will ... or at least make something up & run with it.

Sunday, March 29, 2009


There's a new blurb over there in the sidebar --------> to give you ready access to 2 of your elected officials - Senator Randy White & Clay County Commissioner Fran King. If you run into any other elected officials, please extend a formal invitation to them to have their contact information posted here, too. It's free.
Charleston made national news yesterday - the implosion of old Union Carbide building #82 was on Fox (maybe others, that's the only one I saw). The beauty of it was the cameras actually focused on the building this time & not the first backwoods toothless person they saw.
Have you heard of the new conflicker computer virus? Better get your computer patched - it's a biggie!


boo said...

what kind of patch? iron on

ROSE said...

No, silly, EYE. See, if you wear an eye patch while you're on the computer, you won't get any viruses.

Trust me. I went to college to learn this stuff.

ls said...

but Rose college is no guarantee that you know anything. I got to bulogging with some BFRO SQUATCHEREES while back. mind you nearly all have degrees from colleges. but, but they took a heat imager into the woods. Got an image too, called it a coon. One look , I said that ain't no coon that's a bear. Mind you these are college peoples out there traisping through the woods looking for BIGFOOT and don't know a coon from a bear. Well I mentioned it and they sent me packing, won't even talk to me, no more. But you could be right i'm blind in one eye and I don't get viruses.

still things do get confusing sometimes. I know you find coons in the darkest part of town and I know that a bear 's got aholt of the market. and I ai't been to college, but no viruses.

ROSE said...

You're absolutely right, LS. College only says that you know a little bit of something about either 1) the specific subject you studied or 2) how to get other people to do your work.

Old-timer experience trumps college every single time. There's no meterologist on the plant who can out-predict an old-timer's rume-a-tiz.

Anonymous said...

Look at Slinky
has a bs degree BullSh*t
an mbs More BullSh*t
or even a PHD piled higher and deeper.

Anonymous said...

heard a turkey this morn. real one. about 7;30

Anonymous said...

Linkin-Snotter a phd? I think that may be false info. Given his level of intellect, he was lucky to get the BS and MS.

Anonymous said...

How dare you talk about my Daddy like that.

Anonymous said...

Only DNA can tell for sure.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Mike is a good Dad, an my Daddy is To

Anonymous said...


ROSE said...

Speaking of daddies (good ones; no debate), if you see GARLAND "GONK" SAMPLES today, kiss him smack on the lips & say, "HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!"

Ok, so you can skip the smooching part. He might not appreciate that, anyway.

I've heard a lot of rumors lately about local law enforcement stretching jurisdiction into pharmacies to prohibit certain people from obtaining their legally-prescribed medications. Anybody else heard anything along those lines?

Get out there & enjoy today - March of '09 is soon to be history!

Anonymous said...

Poor Joey H.
and about time!

Anonymous said...

"Mike is a good Dad, an my Daddy is To"

Tue Mar 31, 12:44:00 AM

If he is such a good daddy, why doesn't he teach you grammar?

Anonymous said...

is that joey holcomb? what about him?

Anonymous said...

Understand Mike thinks cleaning toilets is womens work she said no he fired her at courthouse.

ROSE said...

In my own personal experience, the only thing about a toilet that ever needs cleaning is the mess left behind by some man ((or man-in-training) with no sense of direction.

If y'all want to carry the conversation here, you're going to have to be direct - some of us have no idea what you're talking about.

Thunder & lightning here on the mountain this morning. Anybody else got a 60-lb canine sissy dog? When strangers show up at our house, he tries to pass himself off as a trained killer; when thunder shows up, he immediately attempts to become a lap dog. He's pretty good at it.

Anonymous said...

Arff Arff,Miss Rose!

Anonymous said...

Mikey is good daddy
Jerry is good daddy
Both are good for nothing
so that makes them
Idiot Twins

I got lost a way back up this page Ms Rose

ls said...

turned in my stock market losses to the gov. They alloted me a million dollars from their april 1st stimulus package. Yesterday they didn't care whether I lived or died long as they got their kick-backs and bonuses.

Anonymous said...

Mikey Pearson fired Edna King at the courthouse because she refussed to do Walter Stutler job and clean every bathroom in the courthouse. Take care the Stutler he contorls votes.

Anonymous said...

Isn't he the dog catcher?

Anonymous said...

Stutler doesnt do a thing at the courthouse but run his jaws.

Anonymous said...

he,WS, watches everyone and snitches on them if they stray from the party line.

Anonymous said...

understand WS daddy run shine for the Youngs club at Villa Nova when they were in business.Henry, WS brother was charged with felonys, having sex with under age girls, POOF charges no more. Henry wife work for PO. Federal employee. watch WS.

ls said...

folks the monkey in my attic seems to have turned into a night bird of unknown character. it leaves between 8/9 o'clock and returns sometime during the next few hours.

don't know what to tell you folks . i've had items to vanish now an unknown nightbird, mysterious visitors, when i am gone, who take nothing but a few tablespoons of instant coffee and now i've developed mysterious beeps on my telephone. probably the FBI taping my conversations. you reckon that could be an FBI AGENT ROOSTING IN MY ATTIC and stealing my belongings.

by the way Tuesday past, i intended to go to Clayberry, corn cob city, but didn't feel up to it and so tried to get help to get to town. finally i got a call from Sutton , a woman wsaid shed be here Friday to determine if i need help. with my water off since last oct. i could be smelling good by then. possibly that's a vulture in my attic, normally they pass as FREEMASONS.

ROSE said...

I don't know the first thing about vultures in the attice (though I did read V.C. Andrews' Flowers in the Attic a long time ago).

I also don't know anything about what goes on at the courthouse. After trying to pay my taxes a few weeks ago, I'm pretty sure I know what *doesn't* go on there, though.

Anonymous said...

Well Ms Rose let us know what don't go on at the courthouse. I know for a place with about five women deputys working it is hard to get one off their A88 and on their feet.

As for Stutler..... He is there for the paycheck not to do anything to get it. Thats why the courthouse is NASTY!!!!

ROSE said...

The Sheriff's office wasn't the problem when I was there. This was the third year in a row that I've had to go to the Assessor's office to fill out the personal property form because evidently, the ones I fill out & mail in self-destruct en route to the courthouse.

There was an awful lot of scanner traffic when I got home this afternoon - what happened?

Anonymous said...

see that the mew prez has frozen cost of living increases for three years.

ROSE said...

Given how much the cost of living has gone up compared to those increases, will anybody miss them?

Listen to that wind! We're under an advisory until 5 this evening. Direct TV is fizzing out, so I don't really know how windy it's supposed to be, but I think they said gusts of 45-50 MPH. Pourin', pourin', pourin' down rain ...

Anonymous said...

WTF is with that guy talking about vultures and FBI in his attic?

Bats in his belfry is more like it.

Anonymous said...

Judge and you shall be Judged!

To the last comment.

sherlock said...

seems the scanner traffic yesterday concerned a fire in the kitchen at CCDC. Across from the courthouse.

Anonymous said...

Ms Rose to avoid the problem of your tax papers just go in and have them do them in the fall when they mail em out thats what they get paid for and if there is a mistake made its theirs. I do it every year and its a heck of a lot easier then me sitting down and wasting my time. Waste theirs its more fun watching them do the work anyway.

ROSE said...

Well, see, the problem is, I don't really have time to go to the courthouse. If *they're* supposed to be working, *I'm* supposed to be working, so for me to sit there & watch them do their job, I'm not getting my own done. Theoretically, they send you those forms to avoid all that. It'd sure be nice if it really worked that way.

Anonymous said...

I know you are busy also but its better to make them do it at least you get the satisfaction of knowing they are doing.

Anonymous said...

I'm with Rose. The last time I went up there the workers were all sitting around gossiping. They didn't seem very happy that they had to get off their butts. Even when they did try to help they didn't know what they were doing and I had to tell them how to fill out the forms. I shouldn't have to waste my vacation days training courthouse workers and doing their jobs for them.

Anonymous said...

Minimum wage jobs = minimum work employees.

ls said...

I wonder if we go to the same courthouse. did have troubles there but the present employees seem very courteous. no muss, no fuss. But I don't think i'm very popular with the CCC.

Anonymous said...

80% of the workers in the courthouse make over $20,000.00

ROSE said...

Very few people are popular with 2/3 of the CCC, LS, so don't feel bad.

Maybe 80% of the courthouse workers are worth $20K a year. Good deal if you can get it.

Hard to believe Easter is almost upon us again. Anybody want to take up the Good Friday non-holiday vs. Martin Luther King Day off again?

Anonymous said...

Good Friday is a non holiday because it did not represent communism like MLK did. MLK tried to destroy everything the United Sates was built upon.

What he didn't get done Obama is going to achieve. Over there in France kissing their sorry A**es. We delivered France from Evil once but I would not expect anyone in the military to defend them again.

Obama and MLK should have been hung for TREASON until dead then shot 21 times before being cut down.

As for Good Friday it represents the begining of the end and christianity and maybe Obama is just that for the USA. THE END not chritiainity.

Anonymous said...

Obama represents all that the Bible predicts. For those who voted for him, I hope you are ready to follow him to Hell. Read your Bibles, folks. It's all in there and it's all happening, just the way the Bible says it will. There's no way to stop it, but it's not too late to change your destination.

Anonymous said...

Was in I 79 about 4 and seen a man hugging Commishioner Larry as she flagged traffic it was our Goveror Manchin standing there with Franny flagging traffic at a wreck. Maybe he knows where Clay is after all.

ROSE said...

Of course he knows where Clay is - we're the county where only 7 people vote & only 3 of them vote for him.

Snow in the forecast tonight! Possible accumulation, even! They were calling for severe weather last night, so I left the scanner on when I went to bed in case some urgent weather warning came across. I guess it's a good thing I'm not an emergency responder - if anything crossed that scanner, it certainly didn't cross over into my personal DreamLand!

ls said...

I'm a little confused anymore. Can't tell whether Rose is Rose or the hatchet man or trooper X or the laddie or???????????????
Now I hears that some peoples are talking about robbing me. musta took that million dollar April fool comment serious.

If Frannie has got the gov. huggin' her I reckon "shes" making some progress, tother day someone was grippin' bout her an THE BIG J.

with a 35 mil. investment in WV recently we must have our foot in the door to somthun. don't know what's behind the door, must be money though. gotta keep them goat sexin' freemasons from gittin their fingers aholt of every things.

Anonymous said...


In honna of Obamma:

Anonymous said...

mushrooms anyone?

Trooper X said...

Rose is about 2 foot shorter, 100 lbs lighter and slightly better looking than me.

ROSE said...

LOL LS, I do good to remember my own name - I'm nowhere near savvy enough to keep up with an alias. I'm me, you're you ... why worry about the rest?

I could go for a mushroom or 2. Found a handful here around the house & I've heard of a coupla dozen found here & there. Lots of people have been talking about ramps, too. 'tis the season!

It's frigid cold out there this morning - snow on the ground! Bundle up!

ls said...

yes, Rose, it's cold. it's back to the ice cream bucket, iffn I can hit the hole. got ramps at my door, trooper Z stopped to see. got to tell him someones gunnin' for me. been told there's a robbin bein' planned for me seems someone wants that April Fool million that I mentioned. I'm a convicted criminal, a felon you see, a nobody so the judge wouldn't cover for me. you gotta be up in the high society class to get the judge to cover your a**.

No bail out for me. I'm not a judge or CEO OR A BANKER or a GOAT man. gotta pay my bills, got a gal[finally] does my work, all i gotta do is sit and watch like a jerk.

Hooray for the FEDs now i can go back to bed and wonder what the 'ell I said.

Anonymous said...

It's so cold out there, thing's must be stiff:frozen of course: on rosey mountain. Or is she just lurking out there?

Anonymous said...

How do you spell caustic?

Colorado rocky mountain high.

Anonymous said...


ROSE said...

Now, see, there's more of Obama's "change." The word caustic hasn't been used for years & now all of a sudden, it's everywhere!

Maybe, over the course of his next few years in office, we'll learn even more multi-syllable words AND learn to pronounce them properly!

Anonymous said...

I think that is a bit much to ask for. LOL

Anonymous said...

Have you heard about Obama's Grudge Tax on aspirin?

He's gonna tax it for two reasons:

It's white and it works.

ROSE said...

LOL I don't care who ya are, that's funny.

Now They're trying to tax pop. Apparently, along with being too stupid to know our cigarettes are going to kill us, we're too stupid to know our Coke is gonna make us fat. Before ya know it, they'll be wantin' to tax your ... never mind. That's already been taxed, too.

Anonymous said...

Yeppers Ms Rose it has been taxed already and everyone usually reads it at intersections. Big ole red sign that has STOP on it. They been advertising it for years to.

Anonymous said...

Obama says its all about the change.. Well heres some of his change so if you hunt or have your own gun for protection. I like the part about increasing taxes 500% on each individual shell. Spend a few hours reading all about CHANGE here.

Are you sure its not about the rabbit that lays eggs Ms Rose? Or all the new dresses on Sale at Wal Mart? Or the baskets filled with candy? Tomorrow morning take your camera down to the local church and watch the parade of (look at how good I look) in my fancy duds.

My Good Buddy

Anonymous said...

Woke up this morning with no noise going on or any lights on. Looked outside with the rain still pouring down and my water falls running loudly as the water gushed down. Was nice to have the silence and then I realized there was no Electricity. Went to call AEP and there was the "creek sound" on the phone. Got out the ole faithful cellphone and called the power company and also Frontier. Electric came back on while I was on the phone with the phone company and the phone still is out. Got my morning coffee so I am good for the day now.

Roland said...

I need to vent a little. First you have Commissioner Pierson hurting Clay and his Church by calling people names like parasite and telling him he causing good people from not running for office. Where that put him he in office??? Then retired school teacher and Church Deacon, by the way they both go to same Church going to one of the congregation members and telling them to get rid of the business they are renting to because the sell beer and it looks bad. The same deacon that plays poker in Nicholas, Clay and Braxton Counties and goes to Dog track and gambles. What a Church that must be teaching like that.

ROSE said...

Remember, Obama's hero is Abe Lincoln, a President we applaude as one of the best ever. Lincoln had great intentions and noble ideas. They lead to brother against brother, battles on our home soil that left thousands dead after every battle, freed slaves that starved to death because they had no idea how to be free & over 4 years of tearing our country apart to fight for something that sure, was a good idea at the moment, but had no immediate or long term planning to make it successful. A hundred years from now, Obama, too, will have a day set aside to celebrate his birthday. Doesn't do us much good in the here & now.

Roland, that's exactly the kind of churches we need. See, the more hyprocrites you can corrale onto the path to hell, the easier it is for others to navigate around them. Very, very few are fooled by the double-talking, back-stabbing, womanizing, poker-playing, "doesn't matter what I do all week long, as long as I'm in church on Sunday" crowd.

& yeah, I'm sure it's not about the dresses & the candy & the egg-laying bunny. BUT! I sure do love those Cadbury eggs!! & peanut butter eggs ... & chocolate bunnies ... & ...

Anonymous said...

Roland should probably lead a Christian life before he judges others. He may be on the same path as the poker playing womanizers. HA HA HA

Roland said...

That's why I quit going to church because they don't practice what they say. "Anon" I can say if people like Commissioner Pierson, Ron Sirk and Pastor Legg get to heaven acting like they do I be there with St Peter greeting them when they come through gates.

Anonymous said...

Abe Lincoln, that's why they put him on the penny. He ain't worth two cents. He granted freedom so they could do what they done all a long. Lie, steal screw white women, murder and hate "whitey". The worst pres we ever had.

Anonymous said...

Cleptomaniacs will be at those same gates. Don't forget them.

Anonymous said...

Let us not forget Commissioner Piersons first wife was pregenant when he started dating his present wife and she was only a junior in high school,

Anonymous said...

All I want to say is that of MP can't get along with the people in this county, now mind you, he doesn't have to like everyone, but he did take an oath to serve the citizens of Clay to the best of his ability and he has PROVEN that he has served to the best of HIMSELF with no ability...
We need to make a clean sweep, impeach them all and get people in there who know what its actually like to work for a living and not have it handed down, or have someone else piss it for you. then and only then we might get someone in there who will do right by CLAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

It seems everyone is on the right track about what is going on in the churches and just like the hypocrites of old times they have turned the churches into a den of theives as it also is written.

Seems nowadays they go to church to have a big feast of some sort. Build the churches very big and always have to have the dinner hall in place.

I don't think it is written anywhere in the KING JAMES Version to show up to eat at church. Feed your spiritual needs it does say though. I just wonder how many Pastors know what thats about?

I went to a church once that had a rush service and the pastor even stated they needed to hurry because the food would get cold. I took my family and left and have not been back. Oh well remember what today is about and you will have a HAPPY EASTER.

a blackbeard said...

sounds like to me that some people should be pastureing amongst the bushes, but that would be living mighty high. understand if you're a bush youre living in a high haven now. a chestnut burr under that saddle thats what we need. everyone needs his/her own private non-profit organ.

what did I say. jabbering like a monkey in a chestnut tree. ho ho ho you and me, hanging little black santa from a pear tree.

Anonymous said...

It's not hard to see why Slinky & Peirson don't give out there address.

Anonymous said...

How many women does mike piersons two sons have babies by and how many do they support? How many times has Linky bailed his son out of drug trouble? Talk to anyof them and see what drugs do to brains?

Anonymous said...

more proof that we should snip them and clip them no one even knows how many std's that the one's kids have passed around and the other kid, well how do you show what drugs do to the brain when they don't, nor do their kin have a brain to begin with....

ROSE said...

At what point does "Here's some character info you should know about your elected official" cross the line to "Here's something (I heard) about your elected official's family that may or may not be testament to his character, but it's just so juicy, I can't help but spread it around" ???

Just wondering.

Looks like the first 3 days of Spring Break are going to be a little wet & muddy. I guess it's a good thing we don't have anything outdoorsy planned!

Anonymous said...

If you can't say something nice, make up a lie and spread it around.

ls said...

wonder why CDC doesn't give the money they're blowing on an unused child care center to the Primary Care Center. UNDERStAND they got 3 workers who do very little. someones relatives?

ls said...

so bored. seen two, white, airplane moths. don't match the pictures. freaks i suppose.

turtle head flowers are up. 2 sprouts so far. 1 about 12", 1 about 8".

havn't seen any morals in the co., much.

Anonymous said...

All the CDC workers are someones relatives. Most of them are sisters of the same family and they ain't giving anything to anyone so you can forget that. They may need another vacation paid for by the CDC to the Bahamas.

Anonymous said...

How do ya join that club?

ls said...

found 2 clothes moths on my door today also 2 other varmints. couldn't tell whether mothes or butterflies. had no visible antenna. yellow brown with darker bands across wings. i" size

ls said...

been trying to get more adequate housing, but no, no assistance for a veteran, wait , maybe i'm wrong. believe i was offered a trailer in burnsville next the workers mama. could this be a bribe? got an offer from a woman over the phone, said she worked with the WV aging services inc., said for a little donation she could ass't me with my problem. didn't think fast enough, getting old, that would've been a hard problem for her to handle. but you never know some women have become experts and rich at these things.

anyway kinda feels like they're trying to ease me out of clay co. boo hoo hoo gonna hang in there some one may raise the offer.

ls said...

business picking up. had a clothes moth the unknown "butterfly" an two more unknown moths this morn.

Anonymous said...

wonder where everyone went?

Anonymous said...

moth hunting

sherlock said...

anyone notice the two murders in calhoun co.

Anonymous said...

How horrible. And a double homicide in 2003. That's nuts. This isn't a major city, you would think murders would be easier to "investigate" and convict. But I also read of bothched investigations. I hope that this double homicide isn't like the last one.

Anonymous said...

Just like in Clayberry murders go unattended and unsolved. People missing and noone is looking for them. Be a good place for COLD CASE FILES to come do a show or two.

Lawyers,Judges and back room politics are usually the cause of unsolved cases.Same thing happens on the meth busts also. Always a botched arrest or some other minor problem and the criminals are released again to continue making their poison.

ROSE said...

Something's always being botched in Clay. We're the Land of Botches. Or is it Botchers?

Are there any Neighborhood Watches in Clay? Anywhere in the whole county? Other than a loaded 30.06 by the door, I mean.

Personally, I think it should be legal that if you know of a meth lab, you should empowered to deputize yourself & take care of it. One match should do it. Two if it's a windy day. If the meth cooker gives you any lip, make sure you have that 30.06 handy.

Yeah, I'm feeling a little fiesty today ...

ROSE said...

*Be* empowered. You should *be* empowered. Sometimes, when I'm cleaning up crime in my own mind, my fingers get ahead of my brain ... LOL

Anonymous said...

Ms Rose if more people would think and do what is in your mind about criminals, Welfare receipients, and many other things that leaches do then we would have a better county, state or nation to live in.

You listen or watch the news and every day you hear of some elderly person being attacked, beaten or killed by some drug addict. I really fill sorry for them myself as we have become a nation of useless people. 90% could not work on a job because they have not been taught at home or at school as to how anything is done. Boys or girls are not made to work at home, they coast through school and their goal is set to graduate from high school, sign up on welfare and start having babies as soon as they start their periods or reach puberty. Some goal to reach but we have become a nation of LEACHES with only a few doing any work and paying taxes. Last week on the 15th is just a start of a revolt that is needed in this country. The best advice I can rely on is keep a 12 Gauge loaded by the door and make sure it is full of 00 Buckshot because your life may depend on it. Like moonshiners the methers need a dose of 00 buck for their elimination along with the thieves that are stealing every thing they can get their fingers on.

By the way they work at Spot and Steal. Spot by day and steal at night.

James said...

Obama represents all that the Bible predicts. For those who voted for him, I hope you are ready to follow him to Hell. Read your Bibles, folks. It's all in there and it's all happening, just the way the Bible says it will. There's no way to stop it, but it's not too late to change your destination.