Eleven more days of winter, snow could fly at any time, but when it's 60+ degrees at 8 a.m. two mornings in a row, Spring's gotta be just around the corner!!
Warning: This site is chock full of rumors, innuendo, personal opinions & downright lies. Prolonged visits here could be detrimental to your health. If this happens, you're taking life way too seriously. There is a language barrier on this site - comments containing language that cannot be used on prime time network television will be removed. Try to play nice and act like you've got some sense (even if you have to fake it).
Spring has sprung
the day is young
and empty my ice cream bucket I orter
but tomater seeds in a bucket of s**t
and have a huge production ,I orter.
*sigh* Wish they still had merry-go-rounds at the playground LOL
No dodge ball, no merry-go-rounds, and M rated video games, SHEESH what is this world comin to~
Am I the only one who doesn't get the QYIP??????
Um ... maybe?
Got the flowerbed all tilled & hoed & torn up & replanted yesterday. We'll either have a massive profusion of flowers or ... buy more seeds & try again, I guess. LOL
Anon, maybe there's no dodge ball *because* there are rated-M games. I wonder if all those lunatic gym teachers who used to think it was funny when a little kid got pounded by a dodge ball are now sitting home playing those games? I'd guess yes.
Size has nothing to do with dodgeball.
Paying attention and quickness are all it takes.
Two of the things bred out of todays fat lazy rug rats.
my Easter lillies have flower buds. are Easter lillies also called dafodils?
Easter lilly's are white, Daffodils are yellow
Really? I never knew that - all daffodils are Easter flowers as far as we're concerned. They all mean SPRING IS JUST AROUND THE CORNER!! There are several patches around here that're in full bloom. My commute is getting beautifuler & beautifuler!
I have all different colors of Daffodils and some are white, some yellow, some have orange centers with both white and yellow pedals. Other various mixtures of colors and varietys.
Some are in bloom now and some only have buds on them and some don't have buds yet as they bloom at different times. I think we have 12 to 15 different kinds.
Three different sizes also as some are minatures, semi and large.
Some ramps are coming up here also as I am high on the mountain at 16 to 1800 ft above sea level. Tulips are budding also and the peach trees are starting to get leaves on them so I guess the freeze this week will get them. A lot of the flowering shrubs have leaves on them already and another day of warm weather will bring on the bloom for fruit trees. Sure wish it had stayed cold for a week or so more then bring on the summertime.
I thought the white flowers were called jonquils. guess i'll go back to watching worms turn into moths this spring. sure would be nice if some of these bigger worms in Clayberry would turn into moths. greens; dandelion, chicory, crowsfoot. chickweed. fuzzy britches , milkweed, poke, and on and on.
Rose, I am glad you changed that QYIP to pictures. I understand pictures...
Duh-m Ass said:
Whats QYIP?
All spring flowers could be called Easter flowers. But jonquils are jonquils and daffodils are daffodils and Easter lilly's (white)are Easter lilly's and day lilly's are day lilly's and crocus are crocus.
If you didn't read about the missing graves on AW's site by coal companies you should do just that and see how safe family cemetaries are where Coal is King. Shady laws written by "their" Legislatures to protect them and allow them to do whatever they want to do.
They should be hung by the neck until the buzzards eat them.
maybe if there had been fresh flowers on these graves the coal companies would have asked a few questions.
It said QYIP?? LOL I didn't change anything - your computer must not have liked wingdings or something. I thought QYIP was some of that modern-a-go-go hipster internet lingo & didn't want to admit to having no idea what you were talking about. LOL
Who's editing the Free Press these days? We got a freebie in the mail today. Reads like a drunken conversation between Larry the Cable Guy & that dude on Fat Albert. Good grief! Two words, Free Press - GRAMMAR CHECK!!
And ... I just want to say this. It's been almost 3 years since my mom came to live with me for those 4 brief months. I'm still waiting for the day to come that I don't think about her constantly. If your mom is still drawing breath on this earth, call her. Hug her. Take her out to breakfast. Appreciate her while you can.
The solution to the QYIP mystery has been solved. When you view this site with Mozilla Firefox, the topic section ends with QYIP. When you view this site with Internet Explorer, you see the wingdings.
boo agrees same mom I miss her too sis chin up
Wed Mar 11, 02:56:00 PM.
It did not matter if they had fresh flowers on them or not they should not be disturbed. Some were fenced around some were not. They were shown as cemetarys and the people buried there thought they were in the final resting place.
Noone should have any right or reason to move the graves. How would you feel to go to your grandfathers or mothers grave and find it gone? Not very good I would say. How would you feel knowing that the Wv archives has rings and other jewelry taken from thos graves and you could not do anything about it?
The only person or persons who should remove a grave from one place to another should be family members and I thought that could only be done with a court order or face the music to the jail house rock.
Queer Youth Information and Psychotherapy - QUIP???? Type into IExplorer
Anyone else get an invitation to The Governor's Honors Symposium?
I don't get invitations from the governor anymore. teeheehee
There have been hundreds of graves moved throughout the years, all in the name of "progress." Usually, though, it has to be advertised in local newspapers to notify family members to give them the opportunity to move their loved ones to a new resting place of their choosing. The sad part is, there's little to nothing you can do, given the fact that nobody has any idea where those dearly departed might be now. Probably floating around the ones who dug them up, waiting to escort them to their special places in Hell.
Rose, I miss my father everyday. It has been 7 years. Everyday seems like I miss him more and more. But then I know everyday is that I am closer to being with him in that great home above. But with that being said noone should ever take anyone for granted that they will be with us tomorrow because we are not promised yet another day. So I agree with you. Take care Rose and as Boo says (Chin up)
I was going to say that Ms Rose but figured it would be sensored. I just hope there is a special place for the MORONS that desicrate the graves of loved ones. I hope that it is a little hotter and a little more suffering in that particular place. It is a shame that greed tends to justify every wrong doing there is. What would it hurt any Coal Company to go around burial places? After all is it so important to get that 50x 100 foot of coal or is it just to prove they can tear it out because it was made or is there, and they have the Power to do so.
Have you read the Gazette paper today? Seems there is a bill in legislature being argued about that will make it mandatory to have a drug test if you are on Welfare or Public assistance. Of course there is a bunch of cry baby liberals fighting it just like they do everything that would make for a better place on this earth to live. It will be set aside for now as there seems to be no interest in getting it passed. Call your represenatives and urge them to pass it and also mention teachers and BOE workers should also be tested for drugs.
I would say that the drug testing would be a good idea, however with so many other drugs that come up as a "false" positive there would be some wrongly accused. Where will the money come from for the testing equipment and the labs that would have to read them? If all public employees had to take that same test, you know we would lose most of the courthouse crowd, business owners, education staff and our police force...lol
There are far more positive positives than there are false positives on those drug tests. I say test 'em all. If they can find the money to research bovine flatulance (that'd be cow farts), they can darn sure find a way to keep welfare-abusers from spending our hard-earned money on drugs. The welfare system stopped issuing food stamps & went to the EBT cards to cut down on people trading their food stamps for beer or cigarettes or meth or whatever. We didn't go broke then.
See ya, "courthouse crowd, business owners, education staff and our police force"!
Incidentally, Anon, "Hell" is a place - I've seen pictures of people I love standing right there by the devil's parking space!! I try not to censor that strictly ...
Snow on the ground, closings & delays all around us ... 72 degrees predicted for Wednesday. Welcome to March!!
Do y'all watch Dancing with the Stars? Injuries galore already! I, of course, am rooting for Ty Murray (King of the Cowboys), but ... he's not exactly poetry in motion on the dance floor.
Go over to AW's Advisories section and get your representatives phone number and give them a call. Have them to include all public servants to the drug testing bill along with all Dept of Education,and WVTA employees.
While you are talking to them also have them include "Beer" drinking to the list of drugs as the welfare bunch always have a case in tow when you see them at the stores spending your tax dollars. I am sure David Walker, Randy White and Margaret Staggers will be glad to hear from you on this issue.
My Good Buddy
If you haven't reaad the News section of AW's site you should. We have County Commissioner who insist in robbing YOU the taxpayer and not at gunpoint but at THEIR Power Point. Read between the lines and see just how they intended on bending you over.
As was stated on the last Page on Roses site the $6,000,000.oo (yep Millions) relief they gave (poor ole Fola-Consol coal co.) has to be made up at the tune on an $11,000,000.00 increase on MOM and POP farms or family land.
All we need is 50 people ($5000.00) to pledge a mere $100.00 to begin an IMPEACHMENT CASE (thats throw the bums out) of office case. Most lawyers (good ones) not the ones in the pockets of the CCC will charge to get the ball rolling. Just what we need in Clayberry to help straighten things out at the "Good OLE Boys" parade.
Maybe AW can head that little process also as he filed the papers to stop the thievery of $ by the IDIOT TWINS.
MAybe Clay County can apply for some Pro Bono from Legal Aid and save the 5K.
Theres so much freebie coming into this county already, we should qualify for more.
Who are we empeaching? Sign me up,
Tar and feathers are a whole lot cheaper than a 5K mouth Att.
I can't imagine anybody expected anything other than what we're seeing from The Slinkster. I wonder, though, is Pierson a Link in training or did he just go along because he's new at the job? I sincerely hope it's because he's new & didn't realize the ramifications of what he was doing. Ignorance can be fixed; stupid is forever.
Seems like the attention to former senator Schoonover is a little over-the-top harsh. What's the attraction? He's a pathetic man who needs serious help. Yeah, he did some bad things. Many have done - and are doing - so much worse. Why is his latest downfall such a gleeful event for so many?
Maybe the ACLU can do something, AW's on that Board!
Tar and Feathers are a good thing but that comes after the process by Law therefore the $5000 mouth piece. It would be worth the 5k tho for the next generation CCC because they would know exactly what to expect when they play "kiss A**" to coal companies.
Sliminogger and his tike Mike Pierson have to be dealt with by the taxpayers of this county and impeaching them would be very prosperous for the PEOPLE. As it seems that all that matters is the (school system) to them. They were not at all worried what would have to be given up by the people owning family farms and trying to keep them. If I were on a job paying $100,000.00 a year for a few hours a months work I would not be worried about it either.
When coal companies need a piece of property they can't buy they turn to political muscle (CCC) to make sure it is just a matter of time before the eviction notice comes from the Sheriffs office because taxes have gone higher then what the persons paycheck can afford. Its either 11 million out of the pockets of the taxpayers or 5 thousand for a lawyer to throw them out of office and have their choice repelled. I would rather donate a $100.00 and watch the circus of impeaching two jerks.
My Good Buddy
So who is collecting the donations? How much collected so far?
hey, let's roll.
You knew what they were when you elected them.
Went to big meeting today in Clay. Not one local elected person said a word but Ms King. She asked the Charleston bunch why when there is a prison, jail, encoding branch, or a nursing home built by the state or feds it never can come to Clay County. I agreed proud she stood up for us no one else cared.
Sat Mar 14, 06:09:00 PM
Heres your answer to that question. We do not have representatives for Clay county except when its election time. After they get your vote you are no longer on the map or agenda.
Impeach all of them start fresh?
You wanted rid of Sams. It was either Slinky or Postelwait. Postelwait is the one accused of embezzling, charged with battery and pepper sprayed in the courthouse.
We can only afford so much of the Stinkinator and he has to go. But be careful what you replace him with.
Who are the options?
Drop over to Clay and talk to AW and see if he will spearhead the impeachment process and pledge $100.00 to help with financing the mouthpiece. I am sure that if 50 people will do this he will step up and start the process. I know I would be the first one to give up on a franklin which beats the crap out of the alternative. Paying the rest of our lives and probably more then a $100.00 a year.
My Good Buddy
Have you seen where Manchin got his $50,000.00 dollar a year raise. Got no money to fix the roads or clean the ditches but we can afford to give that LEACH $50K for doing absolutely NOTHING>
Oh, come on.
Our electricity rates are going up, our water rates have gone up, our taxes are over the moon, businesses in WV are laying off & closing down left & right, half our population is on welfare, our roads have potholes in them big enough to lose a small car in, we top the list of every negative poll ever taken & he's failing miserably in fulfilling his promise to "get high speed internet in every house in WV" ... surely the man deserves to be rewarded for all that consistency!
A pretty good summary of the Manchin years Ms Rose except you for got to say he sat around patting himself on the back for the great ECONOMY we are having and the boom of Coal at present. Sell everything you own and join the Welfare club.
Was at Wally World yesterday and this very impressing looking lady decked out to the hilt, smelling like 7 kinds of roses with two extremely large cart loads of groceries in tow in front of me at checkout. Super nice smile, beautiful whitened teeth and the higher up walk to boot. When she got ready to pay I about fell over as to what I thought was a credit card of higher ups was nothing more then a food stamp card and paid over $600.00 for that load.
Her clothes didn't come from Goodwill and neither did that high dollar outfit. Needless to say I left Wal Mart with the idea just to sell what I had, move over to Maysel Manor and join the Welfare Club because evidently all the years I have struggled was in Vain.
I am talking this woman would put Gail Manchin to shame as to how she looked and dressed and more then likely drove all that away in a new Escalade.
Now, now....
Dont jump to conclusions.
Maybe she was just picking up a few things for a sick neighbor.
But then again..
Youre probably right.
Hmmm sounds typical to me!!! The system only helps those who doesn't care to lie, I for one will not go to Hell to get a few food grubbers.
Mon Mar 16, 05:55:00 PM
Not according to the clerk as she wrote a check for over $300.00 for other items from a checking account with the same name as the Foodstamp account name. That knocks the sick neighbor idea in the head.
WalMart seems to be a magnet for people like that.
Before you sell everything you've worked so hard for, though, think about all the people you know who have applied for assistance - who really need it - & can't get it. You'll only qualify if you have 14 kids (preferably illegimate, with at least 9 different daddies).
Well, we sure don't have many of those people living in Clay Co. The most I see are decked out in Heart to Hearts finest duds. Filthy dirty and stinkin'.
Can we import some of these "higher class" system suckers? At least they look better and we all know how that sells.
Now Ms Rose you got to say (9 baby daddy). Daddies is a word from the past as with a now "Boofer" Prez you got to talk pure boofer. OMG did I say that. hahaha I never could qualify for anything even though I was raising two dependant children along with my own. In Kanawaha county I qualified for Aid for Dependant Children but when moving to Clay the rules were different. Oh well I got one ADC check in their lifetime and that was back in 1975, not bad for the 20 odd years to raise them.
Tue Mar 17, 07:41:00 AM
They may be all stinky poo in Clayberry but when they get to Corridor G or Summersville Wally World they are decked out to the hilt. Usually when in Clay they are there to update the new check or stamp increase so they have to play the part. Funny thing to me is all the new vehicles in the parking lot at the Welfare Office. You would think it was Clays hotspot for the Blue blood group.
two years who do we get to help slinky and pierson from the school system to take over the county
Two years is a long time to groom somebody to take over. We just need somebody to step up to the plate so we can get the campaign started. Look what a 2-year campaign did for Obama. I think we can do it.
Anyone? Anyone??
Predicted high of 70 something today!
It actually took Obama over two hundred years to get into office. I give him two years to completely destroy everything America has become in the two hundred + years.
Read in the paper where he has decided that Veterans need to pay their own medical expenses. Hows that set with those who have given their arms, legs, back and all the other areas of the body that have been ripped off by war. A little further investigation into the background of this Non American President would have also eliminated this problem. Glad I don't have to apoligize for being one of those who voted for the scum bag. Just another person on my list of useless people along with his woman from Planet of the Apes.
Get out the suntan lotion and sunscreen today.
Planet of the Apes??
I was getting tired of going all the way to Beckley to get my toe nails cut anyway. What a waste anyway.
Charlton Heston for president...
Planet of the Apes??
Wed Mar 18, 09:22:00 AM
She does look like the female Ape frome the first movie don't you think? Kind of walks like her to.
Good grief. LOL
Don't forget to check out Senator Randy White's new blog! (There's a link on the homepage!)
wonder where those 15 slurry injection places are. do we have one in Leatherwood?
You can just about count on it.
didn't Fred & Elizabeth Sampson get some hardline water protection laws passed when the fight for garbage dumps was going on and Elizabeth was running for senator?
Good questions for Senator White. Ask him. If he doesn't publish your comments, email him. Then report back to us what he says.
Today's the last day of winter!! WOOOOO HOOOOOOOOO!!!!
Wed Mar 18, 11:58:00 PM
I don't think there is one in Leatherwood yet but thats why Fola and Massey fell out as Massey was using an old mines for slurry on the Twenty Mile. They had a big uproar over it thats why they stopped Fola men from using the old road from Jerrys Fork and Salem Branch to the Fola job a few years back. The Fola men were the big losers for now on that outcome as their drive to work increased from fifteen minutes to an hour and fifteen minutes to drive around. You can bet your life it is flowing out into the creek and then into the river and then into your kitchen sink.
I goofed somewhere. thought I got the first comment on SENATOR wHITES BLOG, BUT IT TURNED UP ON ROSES. can you be a blog thief, we have dog thieves.
I don't mean to be offensive, but it *might* be operator error. LOL
Not to change the subject or anything, but have you heard about Natasha Richardson? The actress who died from a head injury sustained while she was skiing the bunny slopes in Canada? She fell, got up, laughed, talked, joked, signed release papers refusing medical treatment because she was "fine." An hour or so later, a headache sent her to the ER. That was ... Monday, I think. She died last night.
As the parent of a kid who knows no fear, who's quite positive he'll live forever, who's thoroughly convinced that bad things only happen to *other* people ... who's been an ER regular since he was 5 ... this is scary stuff.
That's a cute little hiney you got there Rose.
LOL It's an old picture - I shaved that beard after hunting season.
The Greenbrier Resort filed for bankruptcy yesterday. The Golden Age of Gilded Excess is truly over. For the moment.
HAPPY SPRING!!! Winter's over! Remember, today's the day you're supposed to be able to balance an egg on it's end. Try it. But try it ... say in the sink or something.
Oh it looks so cute you done a good job shaving it.
.... I had to check to make sure I said "beard" there ... LOLOLOL
Anybody up for some trout fishing tomorrow? We're rollin' outta here around 5 in the morning. I wonder how hard it is to bait a hook with mittens & hand warmers?
Its not hard at all if you use the kind of fishing pole I do. You just shove the little brass thingy down into the end of the pole and connect the wires to the battery after you cast into the water. Poof and just a few seconds they all come to the top belly up and you scoop them up in the net and you are on your way home before daylight. Works in any kind of weather to.
That's sissy fishing. If you don't get worm guts under your fingernails & at least one hook stuck in your thumb & twist your ankle a time or 2, your butt's gonna be ridin' in the back of the truck on the way home. LOL
May be sissy fishing but its fish I eat and don't have to go through all that torture and (froze butt off) ride home. You could invite me over to share yours and if you are a real fishing Woman you will have fresh ramps to eat with the trout.
LOL Well, *somebody* forgot to take anything to dig ramps with, so you're SOL on that one.
We saw hundreds of fishermen today, but the only fish we saw were at the hatchery. Nobody was catching anything, nobody was even getting any bites. I swear, though, it couldn't have been above 35 degrees or so at Williams River, so I know at least 1 fisher(wo)man who didn't put a whole lot of effort into it - pretty hard to cast from the car. LOL
Of course, my favorite part of fishing is the simple fact that I'm not home doing laundry & cleaning house, so all in all, it was a great day!
Well, except for that flat tire ....
Thats exactly why I went to the ugly stick to fish with Ms Rose. It works even when they don't bite and you don't have all that aggrevation. You shoulda gone over to the Fola Bribery Lake at Wallback or down Laurel Ck. as I hear the "wild hogs" are hiding in there now. Sure makes for fine eatery to.
Know what ya mean about "house to do Chores" but you should be making hubby do that stuff anyway.
Um ... at the risk of serious flak from women everywhere & setting back the Womens Movement 100 years ... at our house, there's still Man's Work & Woman's Work. While The Man is welcome to attempt The Woman's work, rarely is it done to The Woman's standards. It's not a help if The Woman has to go behind The Man & do it *right*. LOL
Couldn't have said it better myself!
Well the mans work and womans work around here is done by the man of the house cause the woman is never home to do it or to help do it. Inside work is done on rainy days and the outside is done on sunny days. It would be nice to have the help or even to have her "do it over" behind me. Hahaha Tired of doing it myself so I am going fishing.
Well, here's my philosophy: housework isn't going anywhere - it'll wait. Fish won't. Ya gotta fish while the fishin's good. Of course, if you wear waders & don't get your pants all filthy, you can skip the laundry, too! Better yet, fish naked!
... as soon as I hit "publish your comment," I realized how wide open that last comment left me ... LOLOL
& this one, too!
LOL (yes, I've had a bit too much caffeine today ...)
Has anyone found any morels (molly moochers, merkles, muggles)????
I've heard rumor someone has found a couple...is it time...is it time?
Don't forget to shave before you go fishing!
Spring sure is looking good now but they say that nasty ole snow will hit this weekend again. Grrrrrrr peach trees and nectarines are in bloom and apple trees are starting to bud out.
Somebody call out the national guard to bring summer NOWWWWWWWW!!!
Ssssshhhh .... I just got started on Spring Cleaning - I'm nowhere near ready for summer yet. But the curtains & windows are all cleaned & ready to be thrown open to let the breeze blow in!
Spring just means cleaning it all in the first place. Summer means *keeping* it all clean. Who needs that kind of pressure? LOL
Yes Ms Rose but summer means no more washing all those winter clothes. With only a pair or two of shorts, makes doing laundry a breeze. Since there is not enough hours of daylight in the day I am moving to Alaska so I can work until midnight at least. I may even catch up on things around here.
with what?
mushrooms anyone?
I haven't found any mushrooms yet but the woman is having bad dreams about them at night as she keeps picking the look alike "muggle". Hurts like the devil to when she trys to pinch it off at the top of the ground so I hope they get up quick.
okay, that was just wrong.
Always gullible, we continue to think Mikey Pierson can improve and become a good Commissioner.
A has been Commish will make him a better person to deal with
I think Mikey got a message or two that he also will be a one term county commissioner. I also think the time has come for the people in this county to let officials know that breaking the backs of landowners and home owners is not going to work anymore.
Mikey probably got a message or two that we are not putting up with crap form him or slinky as to lining pockets or doing wrong and the process of Impeachment can and will be used if necessary. We the public have a few more options then to have garbage shoved down our throat by the Board of Education elected CCC.
My Good Buddy
Wed Mar 25, 08:24:00 AM
Its a joke so don't act so serious.
Two years I be voting for Fran King she stand up for voters. she atlest can be called pearson phone number under michael and Jerry in Clendinen book so nobody can call them.
Link's our "only full time commissioner" - he doesn't have time to sit around & take your calls. Shouldn't his office at the courthouse come with a phone? It's been suggested that all the commissioners provide email addresses, also. The only address I have is Fran's & here's what she said - "if someone wants or needs my EMail address, feel free to give it out." Does anybody have contact info for the other 2?
The rest of them don't want to hear from you. You have nothing to say that they want to hear. You've done your part - you put them in office.
Keep "lying" to us, AW. We're certainly not going to get any info from anybody else.
Noone is smart enough around here to talk to the Idiot Twins except the higher ups at Consol Energy or BOE members.
Slinkster has the phone in his ear most of the time and you can bet its not his wife calling. It was overheard when he was on the phone he done a big favor for Folas coal.
The question I would like to ask "was it worth it"? With help like he is giving us we don't need any enemies for this county.
Congress and the Governor sold us down the river to Oil and Coal and we sureely don't need any county bidding from the Idiot Twins to raise the water level to the drowning point.
what we need is more parasites, not the welfare kind.
Start the impeachment preceding with your stock market K's
If every woman the Stinkinator ever hit on donated $1, there'd be plenty to start impeachment. With a lot left over.
found the first moth on my door today. think i had a monkey in my attic last night. sounded like it. monkey, moth and ramps, spring must be close. no mushroons yet though.
Maybe the monkey got your coffee?
someone must read this blog. my coffee was gotten by, guess who, the police state enforcers who do not believe in individual rights. those who try to make me into a terrorist. had you been at the trial when the judge ordered the FBI agents testimony stricken from the record, testimony saying that the Huntington VA officials were selling service-connected disabilitys. the enforcer couldn't find any evidence so took cofee instead. could it be that they are the same people that stole my fiddles and my stamp collection? was it David Mansfield and the hatchet man or the FBI?
looks like cucumbers to me.
Huh? I'm sure all that makes sense to somebody, but ... not me.
Have you looked outside this morning? Don't bother. Can't see a darn thing!
Spring is here; Summer is just around the corner. This might be a good one to bookmark: www.sitorsquat.com
Quiet appropriate for today!!!
LS, this is for you: http://www.butterfliesandmoths.org/faq/identify
Click on the Image Gallery and let us know what kind of moths you have on your door.
have already checked the moth images. they are not detailed enough to differentiate this coloring. in other there are too many close to the same pattern.
hoping to get some assistance from Ms Heather Ness of Brooke co. the National coordinator for butterflies and moths info.
by the way she has a MONARCH BUTTERFLY RANCH. and a web page and had the MONARCH listed as the state butterfly.
Ok, LS, how about this one:
The galleries of this website include very large pictures of moths.
try, www.butterfliesand moths.org
I see where Commissioner Pierson said the parasite keep good people from running for office. So he saying that the elected folks in office are no good must be. Maybe he talking about himself because he a ellected offical too.
For someone who has never drawn a check that wasn't stamped without the state seal. just makes you wonder who the Parasite really is.
And I would say MP gave a truthful answer when he said that "no good" people were elected into office in Clayberry and with first hand experience he should know.
mike draw check for teaching job and has no pedigree.
mike wife draw job for contract bus driver job.
Now son Joby said he taking his dads job at school teaching block laying
He got it goin on
MP also intends to draw two retirement checks off the taxpayers. One from the BOE and now from the county coffers.
People need to do a little research before casting their vote. This has been going on since Clay became a county. Its called "Double Dip" the system and keep this county the poorest in the state so as to keep the people under control.
My Good Buddy
Don't you have to be a Commissioner for a certain number of terms before you qualify for state retirement? If so, that can be nipped in the bud quite easily.
Not voting for the ones who do more harm than good is the easy part; the hard part is getting good people to run in the first place.
Rose Cantrell for the CCC!
Connie Lupardus for CCC !!!!!!!!!!!
Oh happy days are here again
but I'm past helping Sadie with her plan. boo hoo hoo
INpeach PETER, OUTpeach slinky, with the saintly profile. Nice pic Rose.
the hard part is getting good people to run in the first place.
you folkes wanted pierson and link in there so live with it!
we's gonna go different this time roun
look how many peeple 's hats on the groiund
things gonna be different , you wait an see
maybe invite Bill Bonner and Pierre from gay Paree.
Bill Bonner he sits on a nest of gold
trying to get it to hatch
but his butts to cold.
ONE TIME Pierson
ONE TIME Frannie
ALL three STINK when it comes to doing the right thing for the people as the rich get richer and the poor get poorer. So is the way with the Socialist Party of ClayBerry.
My Good Buddy
Had a big wedding in Clayberry yesterday Justin (sheriffs son) married Rene (beauty shop owner in town). Johnny O performed the ceremony and the reception was held at Go Mart where all were drinking Mountain Dew and were served honey buns.
The new couple will spend their honey moon at the Dundon camp ground spending their time in the honey moon suite of the BC&G railrod Camp ground.
AceCub reportingdotcom
'The most terrifying words in the English language are: I'm from the government and I'm here to help.'
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