The beauty of small town living...

My photo
Bomont, West Virginia, United States
When you have no idea what you're doing, somebody else will ... or at least make something up & run with it.

Friday, April 17, 2009


Obama said he wanted to move beyond "a dark and painful chapter in our history" ... so he released top secret CIA memos from the Bush administration, detailing tactics for dealing with terrorists & terror suspects. Some call these tactics "torture," others call it vital to U.S. security. What do *you* think? Does "torture" dehumanize American agents and drag them down to terrorist levels or does the end justify the means? Is it "torture" when the "victims" have killed thousands by means way worse than those we employ?

Have you seen the YouTube of Susan Boyle? I'm not an American Idol fan, but she's not to be missed. Watch the video soon; it won't be long before the Extreme Makeover takes place.

Are you keeping up with the EPA vs. coal mining coverage? Governor Manchin gave permission for local news crews to cover the meetings; EPA officials pulled rank and said no way, no cameras, no reporters, coal is evil and we don't want the public to know what we look like or have proof of what we're about to say.

And did you hear about the couple who were trying to sell drugs & texted the Webster County prosecutor, asking if he was "looking" ?? They're both in jail now. One little typo can change your life forever ...

Despite it all, the sun continues to shine, the world continues to turn ...


Anonymous said...

Top of the day to ya, Miss Rose!

Anonymous said...

I guess we are supposed to let anybody do anything to us and we are not supposed to retaliate.
Susan Boyle is absolutely awesome. She is the only person who has shut Simon Cowell's mouth. Good for her.

Anonymous said...

We should torture the evil right out of them. BUT just as we torture our enemies, we are the enemies of the other side. If we can torture, they can torture too.

Anonymous said...

did you notice that the hatchet man is driving a new 1 ton truck with a water tank on back. you reckon that is payoff for running Vicki off the library job?

See that the hair happening has shut the water off, says they're going broke. I wonder can that be when the hair happening and Fran are sharing the same beat.

DM and Fran they're so sweet wonder if they're sharing the piece of meat.

The bankers , butchers, and goats of our home town are really making out as the bailouts come down
they try spread the cost of the s**t around while pushing the hay and crying cleanup the town.

More money, more bailouts, more grants cry the rich while the poor man is out there digging a ditch. the rich they just say, it's a good day, dig harder you son of a b**CH CAUSE i NEED TO BE A LITTLE MORE RICH.

Anonymous said...

What the hell does the last post mean?

Anonymous said...

Hey Rose-

Does Blogspot have a "Stoopid" filter?

Anonymous said...

It means you are living in Clay.
"The land of the lost"

Anonymous said...

Y'all let the Mothman say what he will. Some of us enjoy his rants.

batman said...

you gotta be intelligent to understand the wiles and the ways of the Clay co. clans. now the hatchet man he's polished and smooth and can talk people right into his groove. BUT while he's talking and promising you the stars he might be getting you ready to look through bars.

But don't underestimate the mothman, he's working on a language translator to copy bat language on to a tater. It could then be passed on by a little tater bug who's being watched over by two big bad thugs. an intelligent pair, MUTT and JEFF you might say, but be careful or there'll be hell to pay. SASQUATCH!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

That tater will eventually rot, therefore, the language will also disappear.

Anonymous said...

There's a fellow on here that talks about a BFRO relating to Sasquatch. Are you sure it isn't an AFRO you mean? I mean with all that hair?

sherlock said...

GEE Whiz rotten taters. put a few ramps in they be alrite.

found a web page called Calpatty press. wow talk about mad dogs. about Cahound. calhoun.

discusses our own Ricky Dicky Facemire.

Guess what. a beet is red ice is cool ramps smell a tongue is slick but many women prefer it. its good for gossip.

heard an amb. this morn, wonder what happened. anyone know any good lying gossip in clay. calhoun got plenty going.

Anonymous said...

What do we got, a Mother Goose impersonator?

Anonymous said...

who mother goose? seen we got bald eagle nesting somewhere in WV.

Anonymous said...

Somebody wake me up when this blog starts making sense.

Anonymous said...

Seen where yellow belly sap suckers like to nest on river banks.

sherlock said...

hey we goat a goat sexer chiming in. probably got crotch juice dribbling down his chin.

try calpatty press for something new. interesting, short term, but don't put too much faith in it. but good for new ideas.

ls said...

two police vehicles just passed my door, headed north towards Ivydale, lights flashing, no sirens. several vehicles trailing. coincdences or police chasers, unknown to me.

got two more, three inch turtlehead sprouts, makes 4 sprouts this year. 3 last year.

same butterfly/moths still sitting on my door. + others.

got a half-grown groundhog under my floor. seen the i'd that sucker in the pot by now. hope that whistle pig don't eat the turtleheads.

ls said...

BUSY DAY, a lady just stopped and chewed my a**. said I was talking bout her on the internet. tried to tell her i didn't write everything that was on the internight. didn't do no good. nothing worse than a bull-headed woman.

didn't even say what i wrote or what program it was on. ho well, guess the hatchet man is spreading his trash again. you remember the fellow with the mule.

Anonymous said...

Some say there's a cloths washing place over in Newton!

Anonymous said...

Not true. I'll bet she was a sasquatch

Anonymous said...

Vickie lost her job cause her man and her were selling drugs at the library, not to mention the filth she left all over the place, she would sit on her ever growing a** and complain no one would help her. Her exold man and her doped up son dont help then there was a few accidents she covered her son so he would not go to crj so before you go off on me ask fran she knows

Anonymous said...

well, occasionally we get caught in things done in the past, the lies we have told the seed we have cast, but there's hope and if you continue to sing, on that little pear tree you won't have to swing.

ROSE said...

Well. I started this thread, then left town for the weekend. Guess I shoulda known better.

Sometimes, the rants are amusing; other times, it's like random words straight from the brain to the keyboard. It'd be much more entertaining if anybody knew how to translate.

Walked roughly 1400 miles this weekend - up the mountain, down the mountain, across the creek, through the woods. All in the search of the ever elusive murkle/molly-moocher/mushroom. We found over 300 & it was worth every ache & pain the next morning. LOL

Good food, great company, no modern conveniences. If life gets any better than that, I don't think I could handle living it.

Anonymous said...

If you pay any attention to LS rantings like him you will be crazy as a bed bug on Raid!!!!!

Anonymous said...

did you say raid? when, where? thought they had that yesterday.

seems we got someone whos morals are as twisted as his/her mind. no ethics, no conscience.

the lady she's not guilty of such. i hear that Fran has the meat on her beat, the lady has the meat in the seat.

Anonymous said...

We interrupt this intellectual exchange to bring you:


You're Welcome

ROSE said...

You can interrupt it, but you can't stop it ... LOL

What happened in Clay today?? Just came from AWs site. Pffffft. I understand all about "teasers" in news, but c'mon, Andy, a few more details for those of us who don't work within scanner range would be nice!

Lovely day, eh? It takes me about 40 minutes to get to work - it rained, it poured, the sun shone ... it rained, it poured, the sun tried to shine ... then it rained some more. & that was just the trip TO work. Coming home was another story altogether!

ls said...

Morning Rose; evferyone, fine day.

looks like everyone on home-confinment was loaded up Sunday and carted off somewhere.

social sec. says I gonna get 250. bail out money soon. well that'll help on the medical bills.

a little here a little there and fore you know it you'll be in a rocking chair if you can afford one.

gonna go to town see, can i find out what all these initials mean and some o the gossip.

the hairy lady kicked me out said not to come back to her laundromat. said i talked about her on the internet. don't know how she found out since she doesn't subscribe. must be that lying trouble maker twisting words and wringing his tail. don't think he got that mules tail to wring anymore.

some people have all the luck, the way Fran treats some people is hard to beat and the racing woman has him in her seat when the races start thats hard to beat.

i got me a dish washer, cooks too, but me ever two weeks has to do. OH WELL, TOMORROWS WILL BE ANOTHER DAY.

Anonymous said...

I thik that rambling rant is a cry for help.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

Burley just mad he did not get Darlene, He do't was clothes. or hisself nether. Just plain stupid.

ROSE said...

Here's a little something to think about ...

This morning started out like any other at work. Then we all found out that one of our former co-workers died this weekend of an apparent suicide. His name was Danny. He was only 29.

I can't imagine how bad life has to get before suicide becomes your best option. I have no idea what might have been on his mind or what was going on in his personal life.

None of us know what's going on deep within anybody else. I think that's a pretty good reason to curb our tongues. Just because a thought crosses your mind, doesn't necessarily mean it should cross your lips. Or your keyboard.

I know y'all don't know Danny, but he was a very sweet, gentle soul who never had an unkind word to say about anybody. Please remember his family in your prayers.

Anonymous said...

DOC is doing Glamor Shots now.


Don't miss her, fellas!

ls said...

Morning Rose, everyone.
nice morning, not raining.
went to town yesterday, think grand jury was sitting. don't know what they did. AW will tell us.
No one knew anything about the 34 customers put in CRJ sunday. didn't rate the news i guess.
talked to CL, the big loop, checked, couldn't see no red on her neck.
everything seemed normal.

ROSE said...

Good morning!

Waking up to no rain is certainly a welcome change. Mid to upper 80s are on the way!

Anonymous said...

Roof colapse at Fola coal?

Anonymous said...

3 or 4 people hurt too. Any word on anyone being trapped???

What a horrible thing to have happen.

Good thing Fola had their celebratory "Safety Dinner" the other day.

ls said...

wonder who pays them summer employees and who hires the supervisors and in what proportion.
wonder does the federal gov. pay half the labor costs of people employed under a trainee program. like foodland and RT/? did get?
wonder how many business in Clay co. knew and used these programs?

I dunno, the lady with the muscle said I could come back and warsh my clothes but not to do what I done before, no more. D amn wonder does this here comment make me a bad boy?

ROSE said...

So what happened at Fola? Everybody OK?

Anonymous said...

We Have Multiple Sightings today!!



You're Welcome.

ROSE said...

It's 10 a.m. & the AC is running already. The sun's shining, the birds are singing, our house is filled with the overwhelming scent of Lysol ...

My friend Danny's parents will bury him today. Seems like it should be raining ...

ls said...

two sirens pass last few minutes. didn't see amb. or police

ls said...

action just past my door. can't see what has happened.

Anonymous said...

flashing lights appear near or at Adams house. near upper Mt. Home road. main rd 4/16 was blocked but appear to be moving now.

ROSE said...

We saw an ambulance just getting on the interstate at Clendenin & then saw another just as we were turning onto Rt. 4. What happened?

Anonymous said...

Single car wreck near Cunninghams that guy was flown out..he was in bad shape. Another guy wrecked a motorcycle near the big otter fire dept tried to fly him and ended up taking him by ambulance because no bird was available. Hauled out a 32 yr old female out of valley view with weakness etc. Car fire out triplett ridge. I think thats about it.

The first guy was bad..bad..bad. Took em' forty five minutes to an hour to get him cut out of the vehicle.

That's all I got on it.

Anonymous said...

It was a seventeen year old with two broke ankles and a broke leg at cunninghams.

ROSE said...

Good grief! I'm soooooo glad my 15-year-old isn't in any hurry to get his license.

On the way home from Elkview this afternoon, we passed a double-decker bus & 2 semi's, all with ALAN JACKSON! emblazoned all over them. I was perfectly willing to make an illegal U-turn & follow them at least until I ran out of gas. Aforementioned 15-year-old was not. Hmph. Kids today. No sense of adventure.

Anonymous said...

Did you see on AW website where Will from Clay-Roane says that Procious plant is making water cheaper than they can buy it? It isn't even a possibility, so i guess the board has got him doing pr work now trying to make themselves look good.

So sad that the customers have to pay out ridiculous prices cause they can't seem to grasp that buying it is cheaper than making it, at least for that plant.

Anonymous said...

Everyon please keep Andy Tanner and his family in your prayers <3

ROSE said...

Not that it matters, but who's Andy Tanner?

Clay-Roane PSD ... where does one even begin? I don't know what the deal is with the leak, but I know that bills have been estimated instead of read recently & I got a bill for well over $100. For the month of January, when there were at least 3 days when we didn't have any water at all. We don't use $100 worth of water in the middle of the summer, when we're watering the garden, washing the cars & taking 13 showers a day. The nice fellas came up & said yep, the meter said we'd used that much water.

It's a shame, though, that we can't sit on Grandma's porch anymore & watch the fountain on Hook's Tank. Used to spurt 5 feet in the air for hours on end. Too bad customers are being reamed for somebody else's leak now.

Anonymous said...

Andy the drug head.

Anonymous said...

Drug head or not, Andy was still a son to someone..and someone is hurting over his death! Some compassion, please.

ROSE said...

Sounds like more than Andy Tanner's family needs your prayers ...

Anonymous said...

First case of swine flu reported in Clay co.,the high Sheriff showing sign's.
Doc. says he needs to go on a diet while quarantined.

Anonymous said...

Andy Tanner is not dead he is on Life support with family by his side.

It is so sad to see peoples true sides on here.....

Anonymous said...

Fine school board member example

Anonymous said...

Andy Tanner..dead...alive... ? School board member example? What are we talking about?

Anonymous said...

He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone...

~From the heart.

Anonymous said...

I'm not casting stones. I'm just trying to figure out what random thoughts spilled onto this page.

Anonymous said...

I'm keeping Andy Tanner in my thoughts. Wishing him a full and speedy recovery.

And on another note... Vickie Nealy is one of the sweetest people I've ever met. She's a kind hearted person that would do anything in her power for a friend in need. Regardless of her past or the size of her ass she doesn't deserve to be treated this way. If only you people could say the same.

Shame on you for having nothing better to do than spread vicious gossip and condemn others.

ls said...

my white violrts are in bloom. largest turtlehead flower about 20" high. ramps look kinda wilty. ain't seen no morals around here. don't know what happened the other evening near Adams, unless it was the accident reported near Cunninghams.

ROSE said...

Does anybody know what they're talking about here? I believe I asked who Andy Tanner was. Since I don't know who he is, I obviously don't know what's wrong with him. I've also never heard of Vicky Nealy & am totally unacquainted with her behind, fat or otherwise.

Maybe if there were fewer disjointed random thoughts & more comments that were conducive to actual interactive conversation, it wouldn't sound like anybody was casting stones.

Anonymous said...

clay co is suppose to be a nice county but ppl like these ones on here writin comments make it look awful.PPL NEED TO GET THE REAL STORY N GET IT RITE BEFORE REPOOSTING AND RUNNING THERE MOUTHS. MAYBE IF MORE CLAY COUNTIANS WOULD LET GOD TAKE CONTROL..

Anonymous said...

Andy tanner is a friend to me for 15 years~he is an awesome guy who got in a bad situation...I feel for him and his family~It's so sad...And all you people on here calling him a drug head or whatnot, obviously missed the part where you're not supposed to judge people...none of us know his situation

He who is w/out sin, let him cast the first's a rule we should all live by...but if we did that this site wouldnt exist cause all it is is bullshit gossip. :)

Anonymous said...

Wow Rose sounds like your Blog is getting hit hard, Gossip central. I guess someone chose the wrong person to pick on or to mention drugs and his name in the same sentence. Oh maybe because it is because he is a Tanner!!!

ROSE said...

Remember the ol' HeeHaw girls, who sang that song, "Oh, you'll never hear one of us repeating gossip, so you better be sure and listen close the first time..."? The internet's changed all that. You not only don't have to "listen" the first time, you can come back years & years later & rehash it all over again.

The thing about gossip, though, is that you're usually spreading it to somebody who knows what the heck you're talking about. It loses its steam otherwise.

sherlock said...

my version of the gossip:
Vicki Neely was the librarian, recently removed/resigned from the library directors job by innuendo, gossip and plain lying. I do believe at one point your name, Rose, was used, saying you had been to the library and it was in bads shape. Seems AW was guilty of the same type of publication. appears to have been a conspiracy to replace Vicki with Tim Butchers wifeas director of the library. evidently TIM HOPKINS WAS INVOLVED in the maneuver. but someone spilled the beans and the library board refused to go along with the plan. a plan by the BOE and/or FREEMASONS to take over another good paying position in clay co. T he hatchet man was in there tossing lies around as usual. the hatchet man wound up with a new 1 ton truck with a water tank on it, a bed partner and as usual,lieing, laying low and denying everything. hahahahehehe Xmas is coming.
anyone wishes, the tanner rundown will be next.

Anonymous said...

Good lord, Sherlock, not everything is a conspiracy.

Yes, Rose did say that she'd been in the library and it was a wreck. I did, too. If the shape of the library had anything to do with the librarian, that's *her* problem, not anybody else's. If you're not doing your job - and I'm not saying she didn't, because I don't know - then you can't get your panties in a bunch when people start to notice.

Does anybody besides Sherlock know who the hatchet man is?

Anonymous said...

Yes, Rose does.

ls said...

went to town this morn. seen 2" of hide knocked off tree near Adams home. explains what happened there but not who.

ROSE said...

Let's get this straight once and for all.

I have no idea who the hatchet man is or what anybody thinks my connection with him might be.

Sure, I guess it's possible that I know the person you call the hatchet man, but that doesn't mean I know he's the one you're referring to or what you think our "relationship" might be.

It's getting very tiresome to be associated with names, situations & general BS that I am totally clueless about.

Come up with something concrete, name names, give specifics or just step away from the keyboard.

Anonymous said...

You tell-em little Carolene, I loved when she would get her feathers ruffled at someone, Boy oh Boy she could get mad. Keep-em in line this is your Blog Rose Your Rules!

Anonymous said...

I think its sad that people use the blogs for starting trouble & gossip.

I also think its sad that the blog owner allows such comments to stay on the site. I am willing to bet money that if it were her family being bashed the comments would disappear.

Anonymous said...

And the rambling goes on and on and on. Who knows what LS is rambling about and who cares what the ex librarian did or not do. Its the one there now that we have to deal with. Soon a new month and a new topic will come up and the gossip will rage on and on. People in Clayberry thrieve on gossip. Being nosey seems to be the way life goes here. Everybody taking care of somebody else's business and letting their own go amuck. Can't take care of their own so they try to nose into someone elses.

ROSE said...

LOL Carolene was a fiesty one, that's for sure. I've been associated with some ... characters ... in my life - some of them even on the wrong side of shadey - but I'll be darn if I'm going to be associated with ones I don't even know. If I'm going to be involved with something gossip-worthy, I at least like to be in on it.

Anon, I'll take that bet. This blog has been up & running for 4 years or so. Trust me, my family has been bashed right along with the rest of them. You can go ahead & call me Rose - that's my name - instead of just "the blog owner" & if it makes you sad, don't come over here & read this trash without a tissue.

My blog; my rules. You want your own rules? Git yer own blog.

sherlock said...

I am a little confused again. a while back a comment was made on here to Rose. a reply was made that the person that used Rose as a name was not always Rose. there have been indication that sometimes her son, sometimes a man, sometimes another person used her moniker. if she allows other people to use her name how do we know who is who?
Rose seems to be a network of approved persons. some are not always truthful. whoeeeeeeee who knows where the wild goes goes? he may be gone. those who fabricate do not wish to be caught. conspirators who knows?

Anonymous said...

I am willing to bet that they will grab those tissues and sneak rught back in Rose, They can't help but come and see what the next gossip is about. Gotta Love Good Ole Clay County and It's Gossip. Keep up the good work Rose.

Anonymous said...

Hey Sherlock, you can tell when Rose writes. SHE uses proper grammar. Most of the bloggers here could surely use a grammar lesson or two along with several spelling lessons.

Anonymous said...

So if you are friends with Andy How many drugs do you do and did this open your eyes to the dangers. We do not know Andys situation but I have been his neighbor for years and Pam and Rick were more interested in themselves than their children and when one got in trouble it was always someone elses fault. I heard a family member say today it was because of a job accident that he was on hydros and overdosed and Pam and Rick were suing the company. Lets face facts he is the father of 2 1/2 children and he needed to grow up a long time ago. But from what we see and smell on his breath Rick has not growed up yet.
So give your sympathy to a sick person that needs it. Andy has had more that one change and blew everyone of them.

ROSE said...

Sherlock, maybe I can clarify. There are language rules & "acceptable behavior" rules on this blog because my children - and my dad & several family members with sensitive sensibilities - periodically read this stuff. Never - never, ever, ever - does anybody or has anybody ever had my password information to sign in & comment as *me*. See, you have to have both a username and a password to get your name to show up in blue, like mine does. I'm the only one who has *my* info. Others can "sign on" as Rose, or sign their comments as Rose, or add nifty little symbols or whatever to Rose, but nobody - NOBODY - can sign on as *me*.

Get it?

No network, no conspiracy. Not even the voices in my head taking over my keyboard.

Anonymous said...

i'm still confused

Anonymous said...

Oh, i'm so blue and confucid too. i've lost it, what we talking about. i'm no longer sure who I am. I write as I write because i'm me. you're you. Roses are blue, smell good to. I'M ON A MISSION, can't go fishin. Oh well if you can't understand me , don't feel bad I feel the same about you.

Anonymous said...

Oh, hell. It is a conspiracy. You're not paranoid, everybody IS out to get you. Rose is an alien from another planet and she is the only one who posts here.

Anonymous said...

why do you complain. take your goat and go to bed.

3fingers said...

Can't ya feel the love in the air?

Anonymous said...

Yes i am friends w/andy and have been for years...I dont do drugs and it didnt need to open my eyes to anything. i tell him all the time to be good and straighten up. I have his BEST interest at heart, he got in a bad situation, and just because he does what he does and i dont doesnt mean i cant love him and be friends w/him. How narrow minded. I cant name one person who doesnt know somebody that is either an addict or an alchoholic, but that doesnt make them guilty by association. and it has nothing to do w/ the fact that he is a tanner it's the fact that he is my friend.

I dont think it had anything to do w/his job or w/e.. i think he needs somebody to step up and say hey!! you HAVE to quit this. they say you have to hit rock bottom before you realize the place you are in...I hope this is his. It would be a horrible loss.

And as for how many chances he's blown, that's between him and god. Everybody has a time and a place to go, what's meant to be will happen....when it's andy's time he'll go, as will you and I...but for now if god gives him another chance I will thank him everyday, and who are we to question???

Anonymous said...

I don't appreciate the insinuation that if you're friends with someone who is on drugs, you must be on drugs too. That's most definitely not the case.

I think drug addiction is an illness that deserves to be taken seriously. Especially considering the number of people in Clay County that are on drugs. Maybe if we spent less time gossiping about those people and more time reaching out and giving support we could reduce those numbers. Everyone needs a little help sometimes.

Anonymous said...

Diabetes is an illness.

Cancer is an illness.

Swine flu is an illness.

Drug addiction is a CHOICE.

Anonymous said...

Maybe if that welfare drug testing bill had passed, there might not be such an out of control drug problem in Clay Co.

Anonymous said...

Andy CHOSE to run with Josh Tanner Mary Champ Morris, and several others and Break in and rob his own family in Nebo and all over the county. They stole to get money for drugs. THEIR CHOICE!!!

Anonymous said...

Webster's defines 'disease' as follows: "Any departure from health presenting marked symptoms; malady, illness; disorder". Drug addiction certainly meets that measure; show me a drug addict and I'll show you someone presenting symptoms of illness, malady and disorder.

Drug addiction is responsible for many psychological problems; including, depression, mania, violent fantasies, etc.

Drug addiction leads to serious physical ailments, including heart attack, stroke, organ failure and death

The drug addict's life most certainly is one of "dis-order"; no longer able to hold a job, relate to other human beings, to care for their personal hygiene, there is no order to be found

The child of an addict is 3-5 times more likely to become alcoholic/addict as well; bolstering the data that suggests there is a strong genetic (medical) link

Just some food for thought. Nobody is perfect. That doesn't mean he doesn't deserve a chance to get his life in order. Hopefully this incident will be the one to make him change his ways. That is IF he makes it out of the hospital. He needs prayer, not judgement.

Anonymous said...

I agree everyone needs to let God be the judge. I don't agree with anyone being on drugs, For the love of God I will never understand what they see in snorting or continueing to take one pill after the other to get a High. It really sickens me and I think that if I can see it going on in the Go-Mart parking lot why can't the cops see it ans arrest those Druggies? Maybe we as Clay Countians need to stop it ourselves. Alot goes on at Go-Mart parking lot it is the hot spot and I think they see it and ignore it.

sherlock said...

No one has said why Andy is in the hosp. Or how old Andy is. I don't think I know this Andy. I believe there was an older Andy. Must not be the same one. Very interesting.

ROSE said...

Sherlock's right - we *don't* know who Andy Tanner is.

This is what amazes me about this blog. Well, not just this blog, but gossip in general.

Somebody comes on here & asks that we remember Andy Tanner & his family in our prayers. Immediately, all sorts of rumors, innuendo & opinions start to fly. Doesn't take long before tempers flare & it all becomes personal.
Meanwhile, we *still* don't know who Andy Tanner is or why he & his family need our prayers.

Drug addiction may very well be an illness. I agree, though, that it's also a choice. There are many "illnesses of choice." As a society, if we'd spend expend as much effort helping people avoid making that first fatal choice in the first place, there'd be a lot less to judge.

Anonymous said...

Andy Tanner is about 27 years old and he is in the hospital because he overdosed..nobody is really saying on what yet..but he is fighting for his life, he is on and off of life support and machines to help him breathe. I've heard from reliable people that he has flatlined several times. and they are expecting the worst but he keeps amazing the doctors by what he has been able to do in his shape. They told his parents if he did wake up he would be a vegetable, but chances were he would not wake up on his own. Not only did he wake up he was able to communicate, and breathe on his own for a little while. He has developed pneumonia in his good lung and they have found clots in his legs. They put in a small respirator because it's not breathing for him, he is helpin it along. they have him heavily sedated so he doesnt fight away his tubes...

He is a good person, who has made some bad choices in his life...we all have just in different ways. He needs prayers not judgement because of what he did and what his last name is. all that is irrelevant.

He has friends, and family children and a fiance...a whole life ahead of him~Please pray that god will give him another chance, and maybe other people can learn from andy, and maybe he can save someones life by his experiences.

Against Drugs said...

DRUGS are taking over this County along with others, It sickens me to know that someones life may be shortened because of DRUGS-Bad Choices, I just don't get the attraction/addiction. Why can people not see what it is doing to them. Life is not always about Partying and getting high. You can enjoy yourself with Drugs and Alcohol. They always it won't happen to me, Kids these days think they are invinsable, They are not it could happen to them as well as it did Andy, I pray for his recovery and I pray for his family to keep them strong in a time like this.

Against Drugs said...

that should have read (WITHOUT) DRUGS AND ALCOHOL Major TYPO

Anonymous said...

We live in a Drug Induced Society, Granma was a Pothead and Granpa was a drunk. Our Congress invested in Drugs and have allowed them to overflow this country. They say it can't be stopped but like everything else powered by GREED our Congress People would go bankrupt if drug running was stopped. Drugs and Alcohol has ruined this entire Nation along with Welfare.

Instead of playing ball our school system should have field trips to the Prisons and let these people see what drugs can do for you. They should post on the bullentin boards all the Meth Heads they have arrested along with a before and after picture of the person. I know each of you out there have seen the Jail House Hotties as seen on Meth at CRJ. Maybe this would be an eye opener. Just because there are IDIOTS on DRUGS doesn't mean its Kewl to do. Just because somebody jumps off a building don't always mean it is to be tried by all. Wake up Parents and TEACH your Children and don't expect someone else to do it as they may have a 12 Gauge with Double 00 Buckshot to teach them for you.

You can feel sorry for the Dope Heads, Drunks or Thieves all you want but in reality they are headed for the road of Self Destruction and Parents could care less. What they learn is school is not always EDUCATIONAL.

Anonymous said...

hey you get boired here, try the calpatty press of calhoun co.

Anonymous said...

Rose, You will always finds something to entertain us with won't ya?

sherlock said...

I wonder, was the CASH boys that were near the Flanagan murders in Calhoun co. the same CASH boys we have had here in Clay co. in the past.

Anonymous said...

maybe we should talk about China and a future increase in interest rates.

ROSE said...

Maybe we should all go back to 1999, when everybody was hoarding food & hiding cash & building bomb shelters in preparation for THE END! that was supposed to hit when the calendar turned over 2000 ....

Anybody hit the ramp dinner at H.E. White yesterday? Sheriff Holcomb was pretty darn generous with the ramps - I hope they put him behind the rolls next year!

What would you think if you went to your family cemetery & found new padlocks blocking you from your loved ones? What if it was a family cemetery, but somebody was attempting to have all those who'd "married into" the family exhumed & moved because they weren't direct descendants of the original famiy?

Anonymous said...

All those people who married into that family are equally responsible for that family's lineage.

Anonymous said...

Ms Rose the first thing I would do is get out the bolt cutters and cut the lock off and throw it over the hill somewhere. Then I would notify the sheriff and State Police of the attempt to keep you out of the cemetary. No one can stop you from going into the cemetary except Fola Coal or Massey. They can have the bodys exhumed though and that can be expensive. The last I heard was $3000.00. Needless to say if they have a large bank account let them proceed.

Anonymous said...

Mon May 04, 06:43:00 AM

Very few pure breds in this county but there are some cases where Ho Handle married a Ho Handle.

ROSE said...

They say Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned. Especially when that woman is a scorned mother-in-law with too much time on her hands.

Are y'all flooding? Looks like Kanawha Co is being pounded. Lots of surrounding counties have canceled schools today. How's our Big Otter Flood Plain holding up?

Anonymous said...

Big Odor probably has no power, along with a few other stinkers around that end of the county!

Anonymous said...

Sheriff said BO was open but not all buses run. Stupor Gilly said he'd close if we got a lot more rain. Yea, let's wait until it's to late, like we always do.

Anonymous said...

Yep Rose, The ole bolt cutters and the lock on the family cemetary had a meeting a couple times. It makes me so mad I think I could choke someone to death when it had happened to me, I would put a lock on and when I would come back mine would be gone (I'm sure others were gone also) So I finally got tired of it and took me a file one time and filed a link out of the chain and the next time I got the bolt cutters. I don't understand why someone thinks they have to that Rude and Inconsiderate to others, They are not going to keep me from visisting Mother and Fathers Grave.

Oh Rose was the body really exhumed? I heard that their was dirt but no foot marker or anything else. Very weird individuals they are.

Anonymous said...

If this is the same rumor I heard (pray there's not 2 crazies in Clay!), she will have to dig up her own husband.

Crazy sicko.

Anonymous said...

Rose -- You definitely have received (and posted) some misinformation. The "mother in law" nor any member of the family had been to the cemetery since the burial. The mom had NO key to the lock and she had no new lock put on the cemetery. In fact, she didn't even know a lock had been added/changed until it was over with and someone actually blamed her for it! The truth is that it was the weirdo wife that had the body exhumed. That woman is reallllllly strange.

Anonymous said...

I heard that the wife was still grieving and wanted to SEE the body again and that she used this lock story as an excuse to dig him up. Is that totally weird or what? Poor guy....everyone knows the wife never let him have a moment of peace when he was alive....then she wouldn't let him die with the poor dude can't even rest in peace.

Anonymous said...

Okay.. for those of us that don't know and haven't heard the rumors... can someone fill us in?? Sounds like a dandy of a story. C' tell.

Anonymous said...

A psycho woman had a husband who died just a few months ago. She went and dug him up the other day and moved him to another cemetery for some strange reason. This is her second dead husband. Don't know if she dug up the first hubby or not. Maybe she wanted to put them in a row together.

Anonymous said...

That whole story about some lock is just plain ridiculous because that cemetery has had different locks on and off of it for 20 years at least. A locked cemetery wouldn't be reason enough to dig someone up. The digger-uppers just have to be stupid and must have a bunch of money to waste.

Anonymous said...

Wow Rose you got em going now, I think you might have to kick up a little bit of the old fiesty Carolene and open up a can of Whoop *ss, Tee Hee. So what is going on with the Cemetary I think it flew right past me.

Anonymous said...

The wife wanted to look at him again? Why would someone want to do that? I think some serious grief counseling is in order here.

ROSE said...

"Rose -- You definitely have received (and posted) some misinformation. ...."

No, Anon, I just asked a few "What if" questions & the conversation took off from there. No names were mentioned - not even initials - yet the conversation took off & even *you* knew who everybody was talking about. In fact, you felt the need to defend her & did so in such a manner that it sounds like this might not be the first time.

What does that say to you?

If one doesn't want to be the target of outlandish rumors, one probably shouldn't put oneself in so many outlandish situations that, when others hear those rumors, they don't even have to hear your name and *still* have something to add as opposed to something to dispute.

Anonymous said...

I don't understand the last comment at all. But then I am not sure of what the heck everyone is talking about.

Anonymous said...

I don't know this story at all, but I think that many times innocent people become a part of a rumor without ever having been a part of any outlandish situation.

Anonymous said...

CAN YOU JUST DIG UP A DEAD BODY? I need to hock my wedding ring to buy some vittles.

Anonymous said...

How true How true!

Anonymous said...

Let us be prod of our couty commission president Link he the one that had the big otter school built in a flood place. The we elected him. whos stupid

Anonymous said...

oh hell why dont you just say its brad mcglothlin and his mental widow?

Anonymous said...

How true How true!!

Anonymous said...

Why on earth would she have his body exhumed? What did her crazy motherinlaw to her this time. Diana is a nice person, I think.

Anonymous said...

Wood a nice person not let his mother, brother, or sister go to see brad in hospital even when he asked for them. Nice allow Brads mom to pay for his medicine and take him to dr, and come sit with hime until end and then not let mother go to funeral. Nice person I think NOT.

Anonymous said...

Mental doesn't even come close to decribing the two-time widow -- she is psychooooooooooooooo.

Anonymous said...

I think I know who the ghouls are in this.

Anonymous said...

Always 2 sides 2 every story, I am sorry. Diana just doesn't seem like the other Ramsey's she has always been nice, The motherinlaw must have done something to her or something has had to happen, It is not all being told here, Now is it?

Anonymous said...

Mother Goose, where are you when we need you?

Anonymous said...

Son's in the ditch.
Mom's a witch.
All she did was


Anonymous said...

I heard the widow is already seeing someone else.

sherlock said...

I wonder was Brad McGlothlin cremated in the reburial or in the first or either and what cemetary was the reburial in.

Enquiring Mind said...

Wow someone must not have liked Brad's mother, What is the real story? Enquiring Minds wants to know. It was her hubby so what if she changed her mind as to where she wanted him buried, It is her right, Brads mother has no say so in it at all. And so what if she has a man is it anyones business? See that is what is wrong with Clay County Enquiring Minds has to know everything and if they don't know they sure will make up something.

Anonymous said...

If she has a man, is it anyones business?


She spent her whole life on her righteous pedestal condemning Brad and Diana for living together before they got married..

Anonymous said...

the mom didn't mind where he was buried. that's what makes the whole thing odd that he was moved. so who knows why the woman moved him. but i think she moved him next to her first dead husband.

Anonymous said...

new topic????????????????

Anonymous said...

who was in the wreck at guy mullins rd today? shooting involved in it.

ROSE said...

It's hard to get down on your knees when you're up on a pedestal.

I think the suggestion of a new topic might be the smartest thing said in here in days.

Anonymous said...

He(she)who Harps last
Always Harps the loudest

Change the page Ms Rose

ROSE said...


Keep up, would'ja?