The beauty of small town living...

My photo
Bomont, West Virginia, United States
When you have no idea what you're doing, somebody else will ... or at least make something up & run with it.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Time Passages ....

The lazy, hazy days of summer are just about over. Two more weeks 'til school starts ...

It's just about time to start talking about how bad winter is going to be. "If winter's as wet as summer has been & all this rain turns into snow, why, we'll be snowed under for weeks!"


ROSE said...

I noticed candy corn on the shelves at KMart yesterday. Won't be long 'til the Halloween costumes come out, side by side with Santa Claus.

Stores should just dress Santa in a turkey costume & *really* stretch the season.

ROSE said...

FREE tickets to the Friends of America Rally - Ted Nugent & Hank Jr. will be there. FREE concert & whatnot held at a reclaimed strip mine to boost awareness of coal.

Whatever your views on coal mining, FREE is FREE!

ls said...

I wonder is the rally boosting mountain top removal or is it boosting coal removal?
My opinion is we should take these reclaimed strip jobs and grow pasta on them so future generations of welfarers won't starve.
A great improvement would be to take all the prisnors and give them a political office and give the current office holders a "hoe" and put them in a cornfield.

We need a good group of CLAY COUNTY CORN COBBERS.

Anonymous said...

just a thought, an old saying, "it's hard to remember the initial objective was to drain the swamp when you're up to your a88 IN ALLIGATORS.

ROSE said...

I think pretty much everybody knows I'm not a big fan of Hillary Clinton. Okay, so I'm not even a little, itty-bitty, teeny-weenie, closet fan of Hillary Clinton. Which is why I'm so proud of myself today for showing such fantastic restraint & not mentioning this until now.

Did y'all see her totally lose all self-control & get all snippy with that college student in Africa? If not, I highly suggest you Google/You Tube/whatever it. It's far too funny (in such a pathetic way) to miss!

(In keeping with my new-found wealth of restraint, I'm not even going to talk about how awful she looked.... yet. LOL)

ROSE said...

Here - I'll make it easy for ya ...

Anonymous said...


ls said...

Did you'll see where the Saudian Arabian princess on vacation in Italy was carrying 15.5 million dollars with her. wonder which politician was she going to bribe for special favors for Saudi Arabia.

Someone broke in , stole the safe right out of the wall and made off with the 15.5 mil. duhhhhhhh what's up Doc?

ROSE said...

LOL Ooops!

Ya know, if I had $15.5 million, I'd carry it around, too. In fact, I think I'd just sew it together & make me a suit out of it. Larger bills on the bottom, of course. LOL

ROSE said...

Anyone? Anyone?? Hellllllllooooooo??

Anonymous said...

The best part of wakin up is Folgers in your cup
Thats unless ya wanta put something else in it!

Anonymous said...

don't know about this unemployment deal and bail out programs. these here housekeeping programs been looking for a woman to work ,daytime, for six weeks now. 4hrs a day, 5 days + 13 hrs extra social time. no can find a willing woman to do my light housekeeping and eyeballing me to see i'm still on my feet and able to go. reckon they can't keep t hem women on their feet long enough to work. always wanting to flop on their back. Hey come flop with me and draw a salarieeeeee. apply Clay developement corp, Clay. Golden Heart, Putnam co., BRAXTON WV aging and CARE PROGRAMS the uppers in the program don't want the positions filled cause they get to divide the left over grant monies, BIG BONUSES, LONGER VACATIONS, BIGGER SALARIES SOFTER CHAIRS. WINTER COMIN' ON I need someone to warm my bed. even iffin my p*&ker is dead.

ROSE said...

LOL Why get a job when you can just get away with walking to the mailbox every day? Wait. Do public assistance checks go direct deposit??

I think being a home health worker would be an ideal job. Someday, when I'm done with my present life & ready for a change, that's one of the things on my list of things to become.

ANOTHER raid on Murder Mountain?? Good grief. That's not a crime scene - it's job security for law enforcement. When things get quiet, just run up to MM & conduct a raid. No need for arrests or anything, it's just something to do ....

Anonymous said...

They should deputize the crooks. Then the crooks wouldn't be smarter than the cops.

ROSE said...

This is Governor Manchin's email address - I invite each & every one of you to take a few moments to contact him. Let him know what YOUR suggestions are for that excess $$ he wants to p*ss away on "one time salary enhancements" for state workers. I can offer you a few excerpts from some of my own correspondence to him if you're having writer's block. Before all you teachers & other state workers ream me a new one, think about this - y'all accepted (and keep) your jobs at a certain salary. Do you have high speed internet at your house? Do you (& your neighbors) have clean, potable water at your house? Do your children attend a school that ISN'T failing the NCLB mandates? Don't you think you can continue to squeeze by on whatever salary you accepted when you accepted your job so some of the bigger issues can be addressed?

Contact the governor. If you have no concerns, just let him know you're thinking of him. He loves email.

Anonymous said...

hey Rose I'll be to old by then. May be to old now.

ROSE said...

LOL Well, I hate to tell ya, but it's not at the *top* of my list. As soon as the last kid is grown up & gone, I'm off to clown school & then I'm joining up with the circus.

By the time I get around to becoming a home health worker, I might be too old, too.

Anonymous said...

I thot it was hilarous when ole Billary went off on her Africa tour. I love it when she said "I am the Secretary not my husband".

Her and the spook would make a good pair of losers and thats a fact. Kind of flaunted her big job for the whold world to see who she was after Bill and the Gore went to N Korea and got those two women freed. I wonder how much that will cost the taxpayers in the long run.

I was so hoping the little sawed off puke would have them put in prison also. What a laugh that would have been. Then we could see how well she does her high paid (political) payback job. Sure is funny how all these leaches are paid so well and don't know their A** from a hole in the ground. Starts right here at home in county government and goes right on through the state and federal leaches to the top of the ladder.

ROSE said...

Poor Hillary. Knowing she's so much smarter than 99% of the population, always being undermined by mere mortal men.

I think it's very telling that our actual government wanted nothing to do with these 2 women & were so adamant about making the world understand that Bill's visit was strictly as "a civilian." Obviously, NKorea couldn't care less about Obama or Hillary or anybody else who thinks they have any power here. The "little puke" fancies himself a studly ladies' man & really, who better to be seen with than Slick Willy?

Tommy Sr. takes a nice mug shot. I guess after years of being in front of the camera, you reach a certain level of comfort.

ROSE said...



The Discover the Real West Virginia Foundation invites you to a Summit focused on improving access to broadband infrastructure and its economic impact on rural communities.

Monday, September 28, 2009

Featured Keynotes:

U.S. Senator Jay Rockefeller, Chairman, Senate Committee on Commerce,Science, and Transportation

Lawrence E. Strickling
Assistant Secretary for Communications and Information
Administrator, National Telecommunications and
Information Administration (NTIA)
U.S. Department of Commerce

Rey Ramsey, CEO, One Economy Corporation

Charleston Marriott Town Center
200 Lee Street East
Charleston, West Virginia 25301

(Registration begins at 8:00 a.m. Summit at 9:00 a.m.)


If you would like to attend, please send your complete contact information to:

Sara Dearing
at or call 304-345-0700.

Anonymous said...

Hillary ROCKSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!! Glad you agree that she is smarter than 99% of the population. (That probably makes her 100% smarter than all of West Virginians.)

ROSE said...

LOL Oh, you silly, naive Anonymouseseseseses. What Hillary *knows* isn't necessarily what actually *is*. That 99% thing is based solely on her own opinion.

I think we all know the top 1% of the intelligence in this country is in WV - we get the most federal education $$, yet we keep our test scores at the bottom of the scale; we don't bother to get jobs, yet we all have big screen TVs & new trucks & rake in $$ every month; we're the fattest people in the country, yet somebody else pays for our food. If that ain't smart, I don't know what is!

ROSE said...

& oh, wait! I almost forgot! We all have buckets full of prescription meds for illnesses we don't even have & somebody else pays for it all!

Yeee Haw!

ls said...

and I have ice cream buckets full of feces fed by the infernal springs of constipation. lordieeeeeeeeeeeeee lordieeeee
what next?

Anonymous said...

LS evidently you have feces for brains or that is all thats on your mind for months now. I don't think anyone wants to read about your ice cream buckets or what you put into them before they go into the river to float down the mighty Elk River and through the water systems that feed off the Elk.

Oh I forgot thats how they purify the water in Clayberry by running the water over two turds and a rock to make it wholesome and to think people fight over getting the sewer water piped into their homes. Forgot the few grains of sand used also.

As for the rest of the folks who read LS crap have a great day, enjoy the sunshine and tell someone you love them today.

BBB said...

apparently i'm not the only one full of it. all of my writing is not true ,only for your amusement, knowing how clay county citizens think and act. I was born here, but having been other places, I regret having come back "home." but there are nice people here, some are not goat lovers, some are honest, some do tell the truth, the others are mostly politicians or smart alecs.

ROSE said...

32 years ago yesterday, Elvis was alive & relatively well. 32 years ago today, Elvis died & the world stood still for a minute. Hard to believe it's been 32 years.

Seven teenage boys for 24 hours ... I don't see how people with huge families deal with it. I didn't even have to do their laundry or buy their clothes or anything other than feed them for a weekend & I'm exhausted. LOL

ROSE said...

Anybody know anything more about the 4-wheeler accident today? All sorts of rumors - no facts.

ROSE said...

John Rich has now been added to the Friends of America Rally. He's such a pretty man.

I was thinking about this rally last night as I was watching a show about Woodstock, talking about how different things were in 1969. Very, very different.

Hard to believe there's only a week left before the kids go back to school ...

Anonymous said...

Saw that Woodstock show too Rose.

Had to laugh when they were talking about the crowded phone banks.

If that happened now, every person there would have a cel phone.

ROSE said...

No kidding! They'd also be suing everybody & his brother over the lack of facilities, their parents would be suing everybody & his brother over the nudity & "free love" because it offended their darling offsprings' sensibilities, every law enforcement agency on the planet would be in on the drug busts, half the people would be arrested for carrying illegal weapons, half the bands wouldn't show up 'cause they're either in rehab or busy filming their own reality show ...

Yeah, times were very, very different back then.

Anonymous said...

AW "says" Whitteker "says" he has enough money of his own to start his operation. I'm still cautious, will wait to see what it is that possiblyhe will ask for. Or has a new breed come to town.

I'm thinking AW has mellowed in his old age. That probably puts me back in top spot as the most hated man in the county.

A different subject. My computer, without my knowledge or approval listed a server "Bonjour" by name, as an exception, allowing it to pass through my firewall. anyone know what "Bonjour" is peddling.

ROSE said...

Never heard of Bonjour, so I Googled it. If you have an Apple computer and/or download a lot of music, sounds like you're OK. If not, you, too, might want to Google.

So ... Tommy Sr & Jr are both in jail now? That is so special.

BB Burrrito said...

run for cover folks the marines have landed. gonna establish a beachhead and training center. gonna get training in IED devices and basic communications with pom pom girls so as to be better prepared for places like IRAQ and AFGHANISTAN.

to make it understandable, IED[interucine devices] how to use these devices while ejaculating in a marine helicopter after communicating with a pom pom girl.

Anonymous said...

You make absolutely NO sense.

Anonymous said...

"Bonjour" is a feature of Quick Time from Apple. Also it means hello or good day in French.

Anonymous said...

Forgot to mention it's included with the Apple Safari browser

Anonymous said...

After reading through a lot of the material about Panserco, I am reminded of an old saying " If you can't dazzle them with brilliance, baffle them with BS."

ls said...

I believe AW talked with a marine recuiter, who said they are going to establish a training center here.

Anonymous said...

Start traing them at the age of 14???

ROSE said...

Marines - "Looking For A Few Good MEN" - if you want to train a man, you've got to start early - it takes a long, long time.

Anonymous said...

If a woman trained a man according to their way of thinking they wouldn't be a man they would be just like a woman. A no no everything in it's time and place.

Anonymous said...

I was trained by a woman once. I learned to say "not tonight I have a headache".

ROSE said...

LOL Most men have been trained by a woman - their mothers. By the time they're "real" men, they have to be un- then re- trained.

Here's a helpful hint to all you single women out there - if you've got your eye on a man, get to know his dad. His dad has already been un- & re-trained by his mom, who trained *him*. If you don't want to end up married to his dad, find a new man to train.

Just another challenge of being a parent.

Anonymous said...

Thats about sad advice Ms Rose for an ole married woman to give. The best advice to give a single person is stay away from anything that has a band on it. Love em and leave em is the best motto to live by anyway. Cost a heck of a lot less then a divorce anyways. 90% of marriages end up there now and the other 10% are just live in's.

Marriage is when two fools have nothing left to try or do.

sherlock said...

Has anyone noticed that Jeanie is still carrying the IGA property for sale? Is that normal?

ROSE said...

LOL C'mon, Anon - I've been married over half my life. Surely I can claim a little expertise in this area by now ....

I'd venture to guess that until Jeannie has cash in hand, nothing's final.

Lotta folks are talking about the new "opportunities" in Clay; just as many are including words like, "pipedream," "don't quit your day job," "yeah, right" in the conversation.

Anonymous said...

If you read the fine print on Jeannies contract even after its ended she will still collect her fee if it sells in a set time period. If it states its sold within a year of her contract with you she still gets her money from you even though she has set or her hiney doing nothing to sell the property.

Like they say always read the fine print because it is sure to set the wool on you.

Anonymous said...

The "crazy" man with Pancerco is just that...CRAZY.This man is a peeping tom,was burned out by his neighbors and has mental issues not to mention he has roaming hands and a dirty mouth.If you look into his company,you will find its all smoke and mirrors and is actually just big brother controling your personal life.I feel sorry for anyone who gets tangled in his web of LIES!

sherlock said...

It appears we have someone who knows, is personally acquainted with, Mr. Whitteker. The people who tried to apply for a job, I wonder , were any successful. Were any hired.

sherlock said...

I wonder;
The rise of the world's most powerful mercenary army?????????

Who is mr. Whitteker?

ROSE said...

It will be interesting to see who's applying, who's being hired & how long the jobs last. Andy's spelling tactics make it difficult to Google, because it's actually spelled Panserco. A quick search brings up very little beyond the job postings.

I hope Mr. Whitteker understands & appreciates what a suspicous lot we are & doesn't hold it against us.

Anonymous said...

Now Rose I don't consider myself suspicious, but the CLAY COUNTY CLIQUE have taught me to be cautious.

ROSE said...

I might not be looking in the right place, but the website AW references says there are 5 board members - Mr. Whitteker (President & CEO) is the only one who has a bio listed. All other board positions - VP, Secretary, Treasurer & President of each location - appear to be open.

Here's a blurb from the website:

1. Each of the 786,432 designated locations will have a PANSERCO INC BOARD DELEGATE. Each DELEGATE needs to fully understand the information pages and the DELEGATE agreement.

2. Each of the sixteen service corporations, at each of the 786,432 designated locations will have a PRESIDENT, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer as a corporate Board of Directors. Each EXECUTIVE needs to fully understand the sample copies of the Business documents.

That's a bizarre business structure.

ROSE said...

Residents of Clay County need not even apply for the Resident Board Manager position. Here's the description (no, I'm not getting compensated for all this free publicity ... LOL):

REQUIRED KNOWLEDGE, SKILLS AND ABILITIES: The Resident Manager must be able to comprehend and put into action the Corporate and local board policies and procedures in the delivery of services to area residents. The applicant(s)must have a minimum of ten years working experience in program or project management and be a team builder and leader. Experience in personnel management, computer operations, financial management, and policy development is a must.

All that in Clay County??

Anonymous said...

Maybe mr. Whitteker is trying to attract more intellligent & knowledgeable people to clay county. but why? where is mr. Whitteker from.

what was that guy's name that won the lottery and flipped, wonder did mr. Whiteker win a lottery lately.

Anonymous said...

The last Mohican that waltzed in to Clayberry with all the jobs walked out with a truck load of money and laughed all the way to the bank. If this one show up in front of the CCC wanting anything at all I say we hang him from the old courthouse and dare anyone to cut him down until not even a bone is left from his carcass.

Anonymous said...

Rose is sounds like you are trying to scare him off before he even gets started. Why are you so against oppurtunitiess for people?

Anonymous said...

I cant believe that there are 250 people in this county that would get off their a--... I mean, couch, and try to get a job.

ROSE said...

LOL Amen.

Anon, I'm one lil' ol' woman with one lil' ol' blog. Surely to goodness a former Marine with big dreams can stand up to lil' ol' me. If not, our world is far worse off than anybody realizes.

Just heard on Channel 3 about a car getting whacked by a tree on Main Street in Clay & barely avoiding going into the river. YIKES!!

Anonymous said...

WHITTEKER and WHITAKER wonder if they're related?

Anonymous said...

The Kanawha County Fair will be September 12, So bring the family down to Edens Fork Rd. Cost $8.00 at the gate and all the rides are included for the day. This will also be a WVMRA Points Mud Race. Lots of the fastest Mudders east of the Missippi will be performing there. Race starts at noon. Close to home and lots of fun. Come on out and support the Clay County Mudracers as they always put on a good showing. Smiley TD you better be there to. Mark your calendar for the cleanest Family fun around

Anonymous said...

The man opening his Pancerco operation is the crazy nut from Roane County.He has these delusions that he can get this operation up and going.However when I asked about the pay and where the money was coming from he had NO answer.He actually believes that money will just appear.He claims he has other veterans involved but could not name any.No he is not related to the lottey winner,he ran the food pantry in Amma many people from here know him and I believe his neighbors burned him out because he is so crazy.I found it insulting when he asked for a background check because he COULD NOT PASS ONE!He is clearly on something or should be.He is loud rude and not a good example for a business man trying to establish any kind of operation of this level.Hell he made me feel down right inteligent.All he did was make promises but could not answer my questions about anything.
The longer I talked with him the more his story twisted and when a female came in for an interview "Bill" made a remark about her that made me fell real uncomfortable.What scares me now is that he wants to offer daycare and he creeped me out enough to wonder if he might be on the sexual offenders list.Go talk to him yourself and see if you can get a straight honest answer about anything from him or his web site.If as he claims there are background checks and drug testing you should have seen who he has working for him now.One guy I know has been arrested.So keep your ears open and just go talk to him.If anyone else does and disagrees with what I am stating I'll jump naked in the fountain,wont be pretty but I am willing to put my a** on the line.

Anonymous said...

I forgot to mention that the information I found out came DIRECTLY from him.Have a cup of coffee with him and see what he shares with you.

Anonymous said...

Down stairs tenant's at old fast check already got their vacate notice

Anonymous said...

The IGA is still posted for sale. wonder who signed the vacate notices.

Anonymous said...

Kanawha Co. Fair 2 days of Mud Racing, Live music and Carnaval Rides. Sept. 11th ATV races Registration 5:00 Racing at 7:00. Concert Savannah Jack at 8:00. Fire works at 9:30--------Saturday Sept.12th Registration 9:00am Racing starts at 12:00pm sharp. This is a WVMRA and MRA points race. (This will be the yr. end points race for the MRA and we will have some of the fastest Prostock Trucks , Modified and Open cars east of the Mississippi River.) At 8:00pm Concert with "Buddy Jewell" first ever winner of Nashville Star, Two of his hit songs were top 5 including "Help pour out the Rain" and "Sweet Southern Comfort". Following the concert are Fireworks. You get in the Mud Race and all of the fair events(Carnaval, Concert, Fireworks) for, $8.00 Dollars for adults, $6.00 for kids 12 and under, kids 2yrs and younger free. Come and see the best Mud Racing with drivers Jason Massie (Intensity), Mike "Fastlane"Lane (Attitude & Wicked Sensation) Jason Wlliams (Gettin Jigy) Eric Hutto(Politically Incorrect) Joe Lawson(Hi Tek Redneck)Brian Sears(Mud Hopper) Billy Gillespie(Anger Management)plus Lots More.

Here ya go folks come out and support your Clay county Mudracers

Anonymous said...

And the hair lady descends to retirement-HoLay!!

ls said...

Damn we got mud slingers advertising on the blogs now.

having been trampled in the mud and now dealing with the home assistant workers, i've learned that the home workers cannot do their clients laundry at home for them due to rules past and enforced by OSHA. So no laundramat, no home laundry. what to do, what to do? Us old timers who need help, now got to wear muddy clothes. well I spent the first winter that I CAN REMEMBER IN A CLEANED OUT HOG HOUSE. Must have been almost two yrs old. I got a long memory. Baaaaaaaaa gones will never be baaaaaaa gones.

ls said...

hey folks;
been reading environmental stuff. really didn't know our environment was in such bad shape. still there's a big push on for roaring race cars and noisy and polluting motorcycles wrecking ATVs, booming shotguns and rifles. all seemingly designed to kill or maim something. pleasure is that the name of the game. understand there's a gas well recently come in, on Moore Fork, Big Otter, blowing poisin gas into the atmosphere. hear EPA is trying to keep the situation concealed. more brownfields for Clay county. and old sneaky snake he goes hissing ,twisting, crawling through the grass. progress-progress more and bigger bonuses more and longer vacations, softer chairs. Question, are DS and AW trying to pull a PR gag in order to sell DS property? HO HO HO and it's off to the river I go to empty my ice cream bucket of nos 1&2 and get some soapwort root to wash my clothes.

Anonymous said...

Clay needs a real laundrymat that actually works dont stink and you dotn have to spend 5dollars to dry one small load of laundry in 10 seperate machines. The real money maker in Clay is a new laundry mat. Rose got any money? LOL