The beauty of small town living...

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Bomont, West Virginia, United States
When you have no idea what you're doing, somebody else will ... or at least make something up & run with it.

Saturday, July 25, 2009


Vacation's a great & wonderful thing, but man, it's always good to be back home!

We packed A LOT! into this past week - Great Wolf Lodge (ritzy hotel with it's own water park - I highly recommend it!!), Busch Gardens, Jamestown, Williamsburg, Virginia Beach, Natural Bridge (& caverns!) .... & now we're home. Broke, pooped & slightly sunburned. Life is good!

You know those massive taxes we pay here in WV, presumably to pay for roads & whatnot? Virginia charges $18 per person to look at the Natural Bridge - if you want to see the caverns, too, you can buy the combo ticket for $26. We're a family of 4 - you do the math. How many people do you suppose visit Hawks Nest on a daily basis? How about Blackwater Falls? All for FREE. No wonder WV is so broke - we're giving our best tourist attractiions away for FREE.


ROSE said...

I'm pasting the last comment from the last thread here so we can continue the Murder Mountain conversation. I missed the whole thing. What's going on this time?

sherlock said...

out of curiosity I WONDER WHO TRANSPORTS/DRIVES these vehicles and material to murder mt. AW says the wind. why do they, the stolen things keep coming to murder mt. where do they go from there. who receives the stolen items.

in this case ,were the trailers, tow alongs or mobile homes.

seems there must be a line of communication between the peoples of murder mt. and the recipients of the stolen mdse. could there be a central message relay?

nothing else to do this time of the day but speculate.

Fri Jul 24, 05:05:00 AM

Anonymous said...

Whatever happened to US savings bonds?

ROSE said...

Remember ... "Buy, buy, buy, buy a bond..."?

Which, of course, later became "Libby, Libby, Libby, on the label, label, label ..."

Anonymous said...

the gov. used the bond money to bail the rich out of their bad judgements. loans to their buddies, that is.

Anonymous said...

I remember they used to collect pennies for savings stamps in school.

Anonymous said...

Worm.Win32.Feebs.gen: Virus
c:\documents and settings\compaq_administrator\local settings\temporary internet files\content.ie5\gjtd6dx5\serviceloginbox[1].htm is Infected.

Comes up everytime I log on here Ms Rose and whoever wants to holler false positive and running AVG I hope you don't have me on your email list. AVG lets it go through with no virus detected.
I have ran them all over the years and STOP SIGN detects it every time I log on and cleans the entire program section of the puter.

Oh by the way MsRose don't give this freaking state any ideas on how to tax more things or make more money as the people living here ends up footing the bill every time.

Anonymous said...

If you find out who the Tommys C leveland connection is then you will know how it gets here.

ROSE said...

Here's some info (quick Google search) that might (or might not) help:

I've had trouble with Blogger before, but once I deleted my internet history, all cookies & cleaned out the cache, it's been fine. Do you actually have a Compaq computer??

Anonymous said...

pfft...tommy has cleveland connections? surely you jest. bahahahahahaaa he also has connections in elyria. i personally think hes in on the dog stealin to sell off/trade in the great state of ohio too.

WHY can't they ever pinpoint anything to him? Hes always driving some dually of some sort, his family doesn't do without and yet does he or has he maintained a regular paying job since 1998-99?

He must be a squeal pig for the feds or something. I know pleny of folks that get stiffer sentences for much, much more MINOR things.

Something needs to be done about that place and its inhabitants.

sherlock said...

I wonder, yrs. back it was claimed by the state police, that jack[kenneth]young was being allowed to run his club at Villa Nova wide open because he was an informer. I wonder is/are they, Jack, Ralph and Tommy, related. Jack[Kenneth] brother to Ralph[deceased] lives in Pewnsacola, FL. now Ralph had nine children, could Tommy be a son of Ralph. A boy recently committed suicide at Tommys residence. I believe that person was from the Cleveland/Cuyahoga area. I wonder is Jack and Tommy related? Ralph, Jacks brother was married to the daughter of Albert White if i'm not mistaken. sounds confusing but could be there's the connection.

Anonymous said...*o_case_sum?67849333

Tommy E Young born in 1967 has a record as long as your arm in OH. He's a career criminal.

Anonymous said...

Good morning to all us little rays of sunshine~~*

Anonymous said...

hoo-ray hoo-ray another pretty agravating day.

ROSE said...

Greetings, earth dwellers!

Here's a website that those with criminal records in OH might not want you to know about:

You can do a criminal search by name & it gives you the names of charges, fees, jail time & even other defendants. Then you can search those "other defendants" & get a lot of "big picture" info.

If you're really into research, you can even cross-reference family members.

ROSE said...

Good morning, little rays of sunshine!

Y'all ready to get in on the "Cash for Clunkers" program? Oh. Excuse me. It's now the "Car Allowance Rebate System."

I wonder, since the "clunkers" are being crushed instead of resold, how many people will hold on even tighter to them, figuring since they'll be scarce, they'll be worth more money someday?

Personally, I'd rather have the cash, Mr. Obama. Once again, thanks for nuthin.

Anonymous said...

and just think we have a corn cob rest stop in the alley behind Joe's laundramat.

Anonymous said...

They are trying to get all the cars off the road that don't have computers in them so you will have to take them to a dealer to get them fixed. I have a few that the rebate for clunkers won't touch now or ever as long as I have the energy to keep them going.I also have one of the new clunkers that breaks me up for gasoline and gets 13.2 miles per gallon if I am lucky. The old clunkers get 27 so which one should be crushed.

Like everything else the government has anything to do with its just a way to make somebody fill up their pockets off the people.

ROSE said...

Good morning, all you little rays of sunshine! Looks like that might be the only sunshine we'll be getting for the next few days ....

I think it's funny that the only "clunkers" that qualify for the rebate are the ones that're 25 years or younger. I guess even Congress has sense enough not to mess with the muscle cars of the 60s & 70s. My '96 Chevy gets waaaaaaay better mileage than my '05 Ford. All the gas from both of them wouldn't move the '73 Pontiac out of the garage.

ROSE said...

I got this in an email - it has about zero chance of passing, but I doubt it'll go away:

Concerning the Blair-Holt proposed legislation. Senate Bill SB-2099 will require us to put on our 2009 1040 federal tax form all guns that you have or own. It may require fingerprints and a tax of $50 per gun.

This bill was introduced on Feb. 24. This bill will become public knowledge 30 days after it is voted into law. This is an amendment to the Internal Revenue Act of 1986. This means that the Finance Committee can pass this without the Senate voting on it at all.

The full text of the proposed amendment is on the U.S. Senate homepage, You can find the bill by doing a search by the bill number, SB-2099.

You know who to call; I strongly suggest you do. Please send a copy of this e-mail to every gun owner you know.

Congress is now starting on the firearms confiscation bill. If it passes, gun owners will become criminals if you don't fully comply.

Anonymous said...

More good news arrived from AEP. My electric bill increased @$40.00 for the month of July. Since it was so hot and having to not turn the AC on more then a couple times I guess I use more or the increase they were turned down on went into effect irregardless what the public service commission says.

Anonymous said...

Recently I noticed that my electric bill[allegheny]had been changed from bi-monthly to every month, but the bill was just about the same as the bi-monthly bill was.

Anonymous said...

If you have been waiting to trade in your clunker and get that $4500.00 trade in, not to worry they are out of money, people that did trade are getting notices to pay the dealer back the $4500.00 because their cars were removed from the list. Some dealers are offering to return the cars and having your clunker returned.

Just another fine government mess created by blockheaded dummies running this country into the ground.

ROSE said...

LOL Isn't our government just brilliant??

I had such high hopes for our new president. Not enough to vote for him, of course, but he seemed so exhuberant & optimistic & educated & tuned in to what our country really needed. Seems we always dislike the sitting president & can't wait for him to be replaced ... only to find ourselves with someone waaaaaay worse. How much worse d'ya reckon it'll be 3 years from now?

hope you fall out of the damn tree said...

Who is tree hugger Tammy Marie Rose? Somebody needs to educate her if she really thinks coal mining does not contribute to the economy. My husband is a coal miner and if it wasn't for us, Ginos, Go Mart, Rite Aid and Subway would go out of business. Not to mention WalMart, KMart & Foodland. If it wasn't for us, who would pay for all those free lunch kids? Who would pay those outrageous water & sewer bills? Get a reality check all you tree huggers. Coal doesn't just keep the lights on it keeps the world going around.

Anonymous said...

Ignorant people become fanatics. Educated people profit from fanatics.

ROSE said...

LOL I don't think I'd call Tammy Rose a "fanatic." Lots of us are passionate about what we believe in; that doesn't make us nuts.

I, too, though, believe that coal mining contributes greatly to our economy. Maybe not on a grand, global scale that benefits every citizen of the free world, but it certainly puts food on *my* table & really, that's my #1 priority. There are better ways of doing things, though.

Y'all got electricty? There once was a time I'd be here, working off of generator power. Now I'm working off of battery power on the laptop - nothing keeps us Cantrells from the internet. LOL

I think it's so funny that AEP's "automated system" immediately gives you their web address to report your outage - like they think *everybody* has a battery-powered laptop. Ditto with the phone company - like they think *everybody* has wireless internet. For those of us still dependent on dial-up (thanks for nuthin, JoeJoe Manchin), it's a royal p*ss off to call to report a phone outage, only to have to hold through the whole spiel about how we could oh-so-easily be going on the internet.

Anonymous said...

Like the tree hugger said it "it don't bother you until its your family cemetary being uprooted by Massey or Consol".

Get an education find out when the next cemetary is being destroyed by them and see what is removed from the site to be reburied somewhere else. Go with the funeral home that removes the remains.

Coal may keep the lights on but it don't mean they should be allowed to destroy sacred ground set aside by someone for a cemetary. And some day we are going to stand before the one that created it all, who gave us what we have here on earth, given to us as caretakers and will be judged then for our actions as to how we used this earth and help in its destruction.

ROSE said...

I wonder which will be higher on the Creator's priority list - judging us for our actions against the earth He created or judging us for our actions against each other?

ls & sherlock & anon said...

hey you'll see the pictures of them bears in cowhoun. I wonder , maybe they's looking for a bigfoot picture, worth a million bucks I hear, if authenicated.

I sure could use a million bucks. they took my $250.oo bucks bail out money. said I still owed the gov. some money.


money from a fabricated debt from my experiences with the VA. The item was brought up at my terrorism trial, "BUT" the Federal judge ordered it suppressed, struck from the record, ie, ordered an FBI agent to keep his mouf shut on the subject.

Give me Liberty or give me an oval desk with a good looking sucketary. Dom, well blow me down, but I reckon that's enough this morn.

ROSE said...

LS, you should go into politics. I mean this is the best way possible - all those words & nobody has any idea what you're talking about half the time.

Once you get into office, I want an appointment somewhere where, together, we can change the world!! LOL

ls said...

Morning Rose, this is all part of my secret world. Can't tellk you what its all about, cause I don't know. I'm controlled by an invisible alien who is determined to take over the world. But first I need a house where the roof doesn't leak. HUD is so slow one could die from exposure while waiting for a house.

fell last Sunday. Almost 5 hrs. before someone stopped to see what was wrong. could have died right there and made a lot of the goat clan happy, but I didn't, someone must be looking out for me. My door is open Rose, my little tater bug, to all good looking women.

tools said...

who wrote all that crap. must be a crazy loony sicko[psycho].

Anonymous said...

The norm for around these' parts.

Anonymous said...

Watch out for the HINI flu. Don't bend over.

Anonymous said...

What's wrong with medicare is they charge $165.00 for 5 minutes and say come back in three months.

ROSE said...

& give you a fist full of "free samples" for all the prescriptions they write you, none of which are covered under Medicare, all of which they convince you are vital to your continued well-being.

There's a reason so many people get their prescriptions online from Canada.

Anonymous said...

Principal April Kearns ? Goo;d thing she doesnt have big shoes to fill. Plus she's easier on the eye

Anonymous said...

If it were possible to see a patient every 5 minutes that would come to over $1,800 an hour. But they have to stop for coffee.

Anonymous said...

How is that pronounced "HINI"?

Anonymous said...


ROSE said...

Good morning, all you little rays of sunshine!

How is it that some days seem to drag on forever, yet this summer is almost gone? One of my children actually said to me last night, "I can't wait for school to start."

Uniforms for bus drivers ... d'ya suppose that means a stricter dress code for teachers & other school personnel? Or - God forbid we squelch their civil rights - students?

Anonymous said...

Morning Rose; a comment or question.
Do we take the rights of the taxpayers to spend their money from them and give the rights to appoined/elected administrators who claim it is all in the name of progress. New uniforms, new spittons on the sidewalks, new corn cobs in the outhouses each time, no secondhand stuff.

Who should decide, the chief or the tribe?

ROSE said...

There's only one chief & a blue million members of the tribe. Surely that should be good for something.

Have you heard about the 4 women in Wisconsin who lured a dude who was dating all of them to a motel room, where they "tortured" him & super-glued his manhood to his belly?

John Yang reported on it for the Today Show ...

Anonymous said...

It is my opinion that a crooked chief will do everything legal or illegal to have their way. The honest chief will let the tribe decide and will lose the next election.

ROSE said...

But a crooked chief who's really good at being crooked will do *everything* illegal to have their way & line the pockets of enough of his cronies to make sure there's no way he can lose the next election.

That's why it's never a good idea to vote for whoever's running for RE-election.

ROSE said...

Slick Willy managed to get the 2 American journalists being jailed in North Korea freed - do you suppose North Korea's crazy leader realizes that ol' Billy's not president anymore?

Or do you suppose Bill took him aside, mano-to-mano & told him one of those chicks was his little concubine & after a hoot & a snort, they handed him the key?

OR ... do you think maybe Bill said, "Look, Kim Jong, buddy, either you free these chicks or I'm sending my wife over here to whoop you up." Yeah, that's my guess, too.

ls said...

Hey Rose, do you know what a smart board is? Library says they'll teach you to use one.

consulted AW, he says that there's not any smart boards in Clay county. I think AWs a Smarta**. never seen a smart board, have you? hickory, oak, gum, beech, OK.

ROSE said...

LOL I have seen a Smart Board & knowing some of the people who use them, I can't imagine they're all that hard to figure out. Why, I bet even AW could even be taught to use one!

Don't some of the schools have them??

Anonymous said...

Big fight in courthouse. Sheriff Poop has 2 girles leaving. Something about jumping on one of them over his extra pay from tax money. Then he tried to hire Samples Girl from upstaires pissed Jim off bigtime so much he had to take a vacation again. Trying to hire Mag King son'w wife but something about the nepotisum policy so he hired a lawer to go after commission he has to work the angle for him taking over king when he retires payback. Now work he going to hire a out of state person for 6 months for 28,000 bucks thats 4,700 a month not bad she retired from sheriff office 2 years ago. Clayberry just like the World Turns a soap if ever.

Caymomma said...

I watched my husband read the article on the 4 women and when he finished I said, "And don't you forget it"

Anonymous said...

Don't know why women can be so jealous over such a little thing.
Just think if men were like that and glued tall the guilty womens estuarys shut.

ROSE said...

LOL Like a woman would be stupid enough to lay there & let a man do it.

Caymommma .... LOL You keep him on his toes!! Actually, given his height compared to yours, he might be better off to just sit down & shut up. LOL

So ... what the heck is going on at the courthouse? That's a pretty juicy little bit of news - a follow up would be nice!

Anonymous said...

Sounds like a horse race. hope the right mare is in front.

Anonymous said...

Want to see a happy man Caymomma?
Have him put super glue in your lipstick, give you a whole new meaning for lipstick though.

Never seen a happier man then one with a woman that couldn't talk.

Anonymous said...

OMG! That's funny. I'm still laughing. You might be starting a fad.
Dentists use novacaine for the same thing.

ROSE said...

It's nice to see men & women have come so far in their communication efforts. LOL

Hard to believe summer's almost over & school's about to start up again. I know "they" say that time goes by faster the older you get, but good grief!!

Anonymous said...

CLay made TLC but no word from AW. shame shame

Anonymous said...

I wonder what TLC means.

Anonymous said...

Tough Luck City

ROSE said...

LOL I think it's actually The Learning Channel. Toddlers in Tiaras was on Wednesday night & several little Clay County girls were highlighted. I didn't see it, but I heard it was great! There's an encore showing on Saturday, I think.

Anonymous said...

that must have been a preview of the BDA meeting.
Tots in Tiaras.
TITS, hey we got some goodins around here.
Reminds me, Big Loup, is sitting on it am she not. not giving her milk down to the BDA and the CCC as they're used to. You might say she cut the suckahs[parasites] wages[freebies] off.

reminds me did anyone cut the grass this summer or did they just turn the goats in to pasture.

Anonymous said...

Clay County Mud boggers won't be making a showing at Braxton County this year as they charge to much to run a pass through the mud pits.

I hear they are raising the entry fee to the fairgrounds this year and also charging the mud trucks $50.00 per pass. They make more money up there then any place in the state but yet they pay out the least to the Mud Race Winners.

There will be a Mud Race at Edens Fork road on Sept.12, 2009 if anyone wants watch a close to home Mud Pit Race. Clay County will be represented there because its a WVMRA points race. Come watch Clay County being represented there and throughout WV.

ROSE said...

We get our mud-boggin' in Doddridge County.

Are y'all getting these media-blitz phone calls? You get a live person who asks you to listen to a 1-minute recorded message from some right-wing whoever. Then you listen to the recording - Obama is evil! Obama is the anti-Christ! Obama is a Nazi! Obama wants to suck out your brain & build Socialist robots with it! Then you get a live person back who goes on & on & on about how s/he knows you're broke (because of Obama) & s/he knows your (uneducated, because of Obama) children are starving (because of Obama) & s/he knows you're homeless (because of Obama), but if you can send us just $200, we'll send you a FREE BOOK! (all about the evils of Obama)!

If you get one of these calls, make sure you use a lot of right-wing extremist words & throw in a few things like "Obama must die!!" I'm pretty sure these calls are really the CIA, trolling for terrorists. I expect them to show up at my door any minute.

Anonymous said...

Rose, sounds like you are on a subversives list or something.

This will stop such things and advertising too.

Phone Tray Free.
href=>click here

Anonymous said...

It doesn't seem to want to take a link.

Anonymous said...

Ms Rose I think Doddridge County is next week but I am not sure as WVMRA has a points race in Preston County. If that be the case I guess I will miss out on Doddridge this year. Seems the points races this year coincide with a lot of the county fair races. Kanawha is a close one maybe you can bring the family down there on Sept 12th.

Went up to Wirt today and Clay County drivers brought back some bucks and had a nice time up there along with some friends from Roane and Jackson counties.

ROSE said...

Good morning, all you rays of sunshine!

The mud bog in Doddridge Co is the 22nd. Their fair is always the last week in August - our last hurrah before school starts.

Went to the Fireman's Bluegrass Festival in West Fork last night & saw an old friend I haven't seen since we graduated high school together in 1985. Apparently, neither of us has changed much, 'cause we recognized each other immediately! Great time was had by all!

ls said...

don't know how close you'll follow AW. BUT if you have noticed over the last year AW has had a change of heart and is no longer full of sh*t. Major improvements have slpped into town and have hardly been noticed. Must say though there's been much mud slingin'.

Anonymous said...

For real news you still have to go to Gomart.

Anonymous said...

Yep Ms Rose just talked to my Daughter inlaw about that and the grandaughters done gave orders to go to Doddridge also. Preston is next week with the WVMRA points race. You go to Fairmont and back the other direction to get to it. That trip to Wirt yesterday was trying to say the least as we are worn out today. Guess the heat has taken over us all but whos complaining since we haven't had anything but stinking rain all summer. Oh well if you get to either you should see Clays finest mud trucks run.

Anonymous said...

While discussing the upcoming

Universal Health Care Program the

other day, I think we have found the solution.

I am sure you have heard the ideas that if you're a senior you need to

suck it up and give up the idea that you need any health

care. A new hip? Unheard of. We simply can't afford to

take care of you anymore. You don't need any medications

for your high blood pressure, diabetes, heart problems, etc.

Let's take care of the young people. After all, they will

be ruling the world very soon.

So here is the solution.

When you turn 70, you get a gun and 4 bullets.

You are allowed to shoot 2 senators and 2 representatives.

Of course, you will be sent to prison where you will get 3 meals a day, a roof

over your head and all the health care you need!!!

New teeth, great!!! Need glasses, no problem. New hip, knee,

kidney, lung, heart?

Well bring it on. And who will be paying for all of this.

The same government that just told you that you are too old for health care.

And, since you are a prisoner, you don't have to pay any income tax.

I really think we have a Perfect solution!!!