Warning: This site is chock full of rumors, innuendo, personal opinions & downright lies. Prolonged visits here could be detrimental to your health. If this happens, you're taking life way too seriously. There is a language barrier on this site - comments containing language that cannot be used on prime time network television will be removed. Try to play nice and act like you've got some sense (even if you have to fake it).
LOL If I'm not mistaken (& I don't think I am), this is *the* premier forum for saying things when you really have nothing to say.
For instance ...
I couldn't care less who David Letterman is boinking. Is he really the moral standard for anybody??
Speaking of which, I honestly don't see how anybody gets away with anything in this town. I can't even pick my kid up from school without somebody reporting back to my husband that he "saw your wife in Clay the other day ..." Good grief!
Fall colors are peaking all over WV - get in your car & take a drive. I can't believe colors have already peaked in many counties & I missed it.
This weekend in Charleston, there's a book festival that may (or may not) be fun, the corn maze is still open in Milton, have you ever been to the game farm in Buckhannon? These are all things on my own personal List of Things To Do ... I'll probably just put my List away until next year, just like always. Seems like I miss this stuff every year. LOL
With wind blowing and rain again you may see the fall colors on the highway and ground all around you. Colder temps forecast and one to two inches of rain looks like another nasty day out.
Saw on the news yesterday they had free flu shots at some locations but were out of the shots. No wonder they are free.......
Swine flu shots are free. Your (and my) tax dollars have already paid for them. All the doctors and clinics can charge you for is a fee for administering the shot.
Did you not know that the first requirement for the ambulances is to be 200 lbs overweight and the next is to be as near braindead as you can get. Thats why you hear that crap all the time. Also if you listen alot you will hear certain ones hide when they are paged until someone else is making the run and then they call in " back in county and in service".
Just after the CCHS/ Independence football game, Kleamans left in his own car and the other four coaches went to the Beckly Hooters for three hours. If that isn't bad enough, that means the football players and cheerleaders rode home on the bus without a male coach chaperone It's time for head coach Kleamns to resign.
I need a fat, bald carpenter!! Shewee, man alive, do I ever need a carpenter!! & an electrician, too. & oh, a plumber would come in handy also.
Cheerleaders?? I realize I'm an old lady, but when I was a cheerleader, we CHEERED during football games. Rain, snow, mud, sleet, whatever, we were out there, cheering our little hearts out & freezing our butts off. I didn't see not one cheerleader Friday night. What's the deal with that??
Don't the cheerleaders also have a coach? Why couldn't *she* be the chaperone on the bus? All it takes is 1 chaperone to keep the girls away from the boys & another to keep the boys from being hoodlums.
In the overall scheme of things, though, it does sound like there's a serious morale problem with the whole program. A morale problem AND a "what exactly is it I'm supposed to be doing?" problem.
This is Kleamans kids last year to play. Once his kid is gone, so is he. Pity for the other players taht the old boys club works that way but at least it will be better next year.
Are you serious that the coaches did not ride the bus with the players? Cheerleaders or not, I have never ever heard of the coaches not riding the bus with their players. This is appalling if none of them, particularly the HEAD coach.
LOL Law Suit?? How many sue-happy parents volunteered to be chaperones? They're YOUR kids. you can't sue a coach because your not taking proper care of your kid.
Uh, the appalled person IS a parent! Don't be so quick to judge. Moreover, how can trusting that the school system will take care of your kids on a school-supported and transported activity be considered bad parenting? This trust is supposed to ensure proper chaperoning for the activity. Also, parents are not always permitted on the bus, so the volunteering argument doesn't work. Moreover, if every parent volunteered to ride the bus then who would take their OTHER children to the away games? It just seems that, in this instance, there is no real concern from the coaches for the well-being of these young kids.
Who ever was doing the stalking of the coaches had to have been in Hooters for 3 hours too. So maybe while he's pointing the finger he should check the other three.
Maybe it wasn't stalking, Maybe it is one of their family members that is telling this or possibly a pissed off wife that is pissed because they went to Hooters. Oe never knows about the going ons in Clay Schools.
Why was the fight at the courthouse between a legal assistant and another person never brought up? Is someone trying to keep it quite to hold someone's job? I think a lot of things at the courthouse are kept quite. What do you think?
Reckon what is happening at that court house.I heard that there were to but when I called and checked the site ONLY Murphy was arrested.Its about time to cause he has been breaken in to places again.No the old saying about the apple not falling far from the tree and look at his parents one in jail and the other a biggest doper than her son.Maybe they can have family reunion there. ADC
The word is COJONES. Good lord. Will I never teach you crass, crude people any fetchin' up? Even circus monkeys can be trained - why can some of you posters??
Everybody knows about the "hanky panky" going on at the courthouse. There's *always* hanky panky going on there. The names given today could very well change by tomorrow.
Congratulations to the middle school football team on their homecoming win last night!!
How many other CRPSD customers are having water problems? Ours was off yesterday afternoon & again early this morning. I sincerely hope this is a fluke & not a "here we go again."
And to think when the water or power is off the bills go up and up. AEP's last rate increase cost me $40.00 and five weekends without power. Wonder how much the water will increase?
If you travel Rt. 36 when it is raining look out its slicker then grease from Crossroads to Newton and beyond. No you don't have to be flying to slide around in the curves. I have never seen so much oil spill on the highway as the past three weeks.
Mt.Olive mountain going towards Montgomery is also slickery. The bottom and top curve on the Dixie side had numerous wrecks last week. Seems like the oil on the road is worse then black ice and with winter time coming I would say there will be more wrecks this year then in the past just due to oil on the roadway.
Well this is one summer gone I wish the sun would have came more often. All this rain sux to say the least. I hope its not an indication of winter time to come. If so forget your job and stay home with the kids couse you are going to get plenty of time.
see dey's a pool of erle unnnre the awful tower. gonna make me an dem frogs rich. guvermen gonna raise taxes on gas so dey can buy greese for them birds in tyhbanks. dam birds always singin bail me out uncle sam bail me out. dam birds need shot not greesaed.
If your biggest beef with the waste of your tax dollars is a couple of coaches going to Hooters, then you really don't have much beef at all. We're paying actual teachers who are failing miserably without ever setting foot into Hooters - doesn't that strike you as a much bigger waste of tax dollars?
just got an e-mail from my friend Arizona says Obama is going to sign our soverign rights away in Dec. well who cares they took my previous 250 dollars of bail out money and will very likely take the xmas 250 dollars. i'm sitting here in sub standard housing and it looks like another hard winter. and so let the north wind blow.
It's been my expereience that children who score low on the achievement tests are those who come to school on 1 or 2 days a week. I can't teach your child if it isn't here to teach.
"I can't teach your child if it isn't here to teach."
If this was truly posted by a teacher who calls a child "it," then you should have stopped typing at "I can't teach your child."
Which is the root of the problem.
Some teachers are capable, but bound by "guidelines" that make success impossible. Others couldn't teach a child to breathe in & out without screwing it up.
That's a good motto that's served me well in many aspects of my life - squishing into a pair of jeans, having just one more, picking up the phone at 2 a.m. ... more people should live by this motto when choosing a career.
JoeJoe Manchin allowed mountain top removal protestors to rant & chant & whatnot at his office yesterday until the office closed at 5. Then he had them arrested when they wouldn't leave. I understand protesting; what I don't understand is why they all think it's so much more effective when they break the law.
hey ya'll did you read AWs confused explanation of his problems. wonder what he said. no wonder hes incorrect so often. he doesn't know what he's saying and no one else does either.
Football's not really my favorite passtime & I don't know Reggie Brogan, but he deserves a great big KUDOS for publicly taking a stance & having the cojones to state his opinion in the one place everybody in the county is sure to see it.
I don't know Reggie's son, either, but I do know (first hand experience, many times over) that when parents stand up for their kids, those kids suffer. Far too many parents let that stand in their way & just keep their mouths shut (or belly ache to the wrong people).
If all you Anonymouses who are so outraged by the coaching situation at CCHS would throw your NAMES behind Mr. Brogan, something might actually change.
... on a totally unrelated note, JoeJoe Manchin has requested a sit-down with Obama to discuss coal mining. I think Uncle JoeJoe can take him.
Wait ... I also meant to say this. Mr. Brogan's son will get over it. There will be teachers, coaches & members of the general public who will try to make his life miserable, but he *will* rise above it. Children of parents who are willing to stand up for what they believe in will always rise to the top.
I guess I will never know what goes on if I have to go to AW's site to get it as I don't like the viruses lurking there. The last time I visited I had 95 viruses detected. Oh well guess I can buy the paper and take a chance on getting Swine Flu.
By the way if you walk into a place and holler Sooooeeeeeyyyyyy wathc the swine move over or is that howwwwwggggggssssss.
Why is everyone upset with Klemons he is not the first coach look at Mary Ramsey she has lost state championships for years but nothing is done. She washed all her clothers from home at the school because husband did not work so he could be baseball coach. Her family all six of them came to the high school every morning to take showers on our dollar then they all six ate breakfast and lunch at the high school. The four kids even did their homework on the computers in her office at school. So how many thousands of dollars did that cost the county. When they stayed after school they helped themselves to the food left over in the cafeteria and milk in the cooler and came in the gym or ball field and ate it in front of my sons who stayed after school and rode the activity bus home and got home at 6:30 and had nothing to eat since 11 am. Mary and Larry have been leaches of the school system for 20 years but noting is said or done there.
I thought all the school teachers were just well paid welfare receipients. Just like the welfare leaches they just wait on the payday to get here and do nothing to get it.
Sure sports is just an activity for kids to do. but because of poor coaching, or negative comments to kids, or favortism How many kids have not got scholarships to go to college, how many kids quit sports had nothing better to do than drugs or get pregnant. How many of the great athletes that these coaches have helped failed out of college or did not even make the college team. Lets look at it from the standpoint of negativity breeds negativity.
got a call from BBC today. wanted to know if I was interested in gold and silver[precious metals] I saaid how much you gonna send me. She said, ha ha. and then, are you liquid? I said no ma'am, ain't touched hooch for several years. She said you're funny. I said yes ma'am. she hung up.
"Lets look at it from the standpoint of negativity breeds negativity..." Yes, let's.
How about teachers who can't teach kids who don't meet the text book examples? How about parents who'd rather drink/shoot up/smoke/snort the milk money & let kids fend for themselves? How about an educational system that cares more about numbers than kids? How about friends/neighbors/family members who let kids fall through the cracks because they don't want to get involved?
Once upon a time, a coach could be a kid's salvation. Coach was the one who made the other miseries in a kid's life a little more bearable. Coach was the one who saw the potential in a kid, despite the hurdles in his/her way. Coach was the one who cheered that kid on, no matter what.
These days, though ... coaches are are just another tier in the overall short-changing of our children.
Does everyone on this site really think that 100% of the Clay teachers are worthless? Some students graduate from Clay and become very successful and get accepted into solid post-secondary schools. So, at least some of the teachers must be doing something right. I am not a teacher, but it just seems like this site never praises anything or anyone and is always the hardest on the teachers. But, didn't you EVER have or hasn't your child EVER had a single Clay County teacher that was rather good?
I could not care less about a coach. Coaches are known nationwide to be ineffective teachers. Plus, Clay coaches are always crap because if there were truly good coaches then they wouldn't be in Clay as every coach wants to go "big time" to a larger place than Clay. But I do think there have surely been some good classroom teachers along the way for some of you. Those of us who communicate on here in complete sentences should be able to give a little credit to some teacher(s) from our past.
No, Anon, not 100% of them. It only takes ONE teacher - not even enough to qualify for a percentage - to fail an entire generation of kids.
Our elementary schools (with the exception of Clay) have ONE teacher per grade. ONE teacher to teach our kids to read, write & speak like English is their first language. When that ONE teacher isn't worthy of being a boil on the butt of a GOOD teacher, the entire system fails.
THAT's my personal gripe with teachers. Not all of them, certainly, because there are some excellent teachers in Clay. I personally will forever worship at the grammar alter of Joanne Excline & Connie Davis tapped something in me that eventually led to my creative musings in print.
But when teachers can't act any more mature than the kids they're teaching, they speak like they learned English from a Pig Latin comic book & their level of self-control is equivalent to a 4-year-old freebasing Mountain Dew, yeah, we're going to gripe about them.
I have 2 children in the public school system. One of them cares about his grades, sees the Big Picture & puts a lot of effort into buidling a foundation for his future. Teachers tell me all the time what a great student he is. The other doesn't give a rip about his grades, has already decided he doesn't need college & teachers most assuredly aren't telling me what a great student he is. Which of these kids do you think needs the most guidance from his teachers? The one who doesn't need it or the one who could use a mentor in the school system who could see past his "I don't care" attitude & give him a reason to actually *like* school & appreciate the education he's getting? Now what do you think the reality is?
Yeah, we're hard on teachers here. Not because we're all negative hateful people, but because ... well, mostly because we're so much smarter than the teachers we're hacking on.
I AM a teacher in Clay County and I agree. When the 1st, 2nd and 3rd grade teachers fail to do their jobs, it is almost impossible to catch those kids up. The first 4 years of school are the most important. Fail a kid there and you have failed him for life. It is heartbreaking. Especially for the kids who have so much potential that is not appreciated by the teachers who really do not care.
We are not all bad. The ones that are bad, though, are very, very bad.
"In my own life, in my own small way, I have tried to give back to this country that has given me so much," she said. "See, that's why I left a job at a big law firm for a career in public service, " Michelle Obama
No, Michele Obama does not get paid to serve as the First Lady and she doesn't perform any official duties. But this hasn't deterred her from hiring an unprecedented number of staffers to cater to her every whim and to satisfy her every request in the midst of the Great Recession. Just think Mary Lincoln was taken to task for purchasing china for the White House during the Civil War. And Mamie Eisenhower had to shell out the salary for her personal secretary.
How things have changed! If you're one of the tens of millions of Americans facing certain destitution, earning less than subsistence wages stocking the shelves at Wal-Mart or serving up McDonald cheeseburgers, prepare to scream and then come to realize that the benefit package for these servants of Miz Michelle are the same as members of the national security and defense departments and the bill for these assorted lackeys is paid by John Q. Public:
1. $172,2000 - Sher, Susan (Chief Of Staff) 2. $140,000 - Frye, Jocelyn C. (Deputy Assistant to the President and Director of Policy And Projects For The First Lady) 3. $113,000 - Rogers, Desiree G. (Special Assistant to the President and White House Social Secretary) 4. $102,000 - Johnston, Camille Y. (Special Assistant to the President and Director of Communications for the First Lady) 5. $100,000 - Winter, Melissa E. (Special Assistant to the President and Deputy Chief Of Staff to the First Lady) 6. $90,000 - Medina , David S. (Deputy Chief Of Staff to the First Lady) 7. $84,000 - Lelyveld, Catherine M. (Director and Press Secretary to the First Lady) 8. $75,000 - Starkey, Frances M. (Director of Scheduling and Advance for the First Lady) 9. $70,000 - Sanders, Trooper (Deputy Director of Policy and Projects for the First Lady) 10. $65,000 - Burnough, Erinn J. (Deputy Director and Deputy Social Secretary) 11. $64,000 - Reinstein, Joseph B. (Deputy Director and Deputy Social Secretary) 12. $62,000 - Goodman, Jennifer R. (Deputy Director of Scheduling and Events Coordinator For The First Lady) 13. $60,000 - Fitts, Alan O. (Deputy Director of Advance and Trip Director for the First Lady) 14. $57,500 - Lewis, Dana M. (Special Assistant and Personal Aide to the First Lady) 15. $52,500 - Mustaphi, Semonti M. (Associate Director and Deputy Press Secretary To The First Lady) 16. $50,000 - Jarvis, Kristen E. (Special Assistant for Scheduling and Traveling Aide To The First Lady) 17. $45,000 - Lechtenberg, Tyler A. (Associate Director of Correspondence For The First Lady) 18. $43,000 - Tubman, Samantha (Deputy Associate Director, Social Office) 19. $40,000 - Boswell, Joseph J. (Executive Assistant to the Chief Of Staff to the First Lady) 20. $36,000 - Armbruster, Sally M. (Staff Assistant to the Social Secretary) 21. $35,000 - Bookey, Natalie (Staff Assistant) 22. $35,000 - Jackson, Deilia A. (Deputy Associate Director of Correspondence for the First Lady)
There has NEVER been anyone in the White House at any time who has created such an army of staffers whose sole duties are the facilitation of the First Lady's social life. One wonders why she needs so much help, at taxpayer expense, when even Hillary, only had three; Jackie Kennedy one; Laura Bush one; and prior to Mamie Eisenhower social help came from the President's own pocket.
Note: This does not include makeup artist Ingrid Grimes-Miles, 49, and "First Hairstylist" Johnny Wright, 31, both of whom traveled aboard Air Force One to Europe .
wow! lost my cool there for a moment. almost said something.
LOL If I'm not mistaken (& I don't think I am), this is *the* premier forum for saying things when you really have nothing to say.
For instance ...
I couldn't care less who David Letterman is boinking. Is he really the moral standard for anybody??
Speaking of which, I honestly don't see how anybody gets away with anything in this town. I can't even pick my kid up from school without somebody reporting back to my husband that he "saw your wife in Clay the other day ..." Good grief!
Bring your chairs and canopy to the mud race saturday. Helps to have a sitdown and roof when it rains or the suns to bright.
Funny how everyone knows more about your business then you know yourself.
Someone has a small obession wih mud races.
What is there to do for those of us who'd rather eat glass than watch that stuff?
Fall colors are peaking all over WV - get in your car & take a drive. I can't believe colors have already peaked in many counties & I missed it.
This weekend in Charleston, there's a book festival that may (or may not) be fun, the corn maze is still open in Milton, have you ever been to the game farm in Buckhannon? These are all things on my own personal List of Things To Do ... I'll probably just put my List away until next year, just like always. Seems like I miss this stuff every year. LOL
HE White Closed water.
Clay Elem Swine flu cases
Barrack Obama wins the Nobel Peace Prize.
The world has gone insane & there's no turning back from here.
clay elem isn't closed.
With wind blowing and rain again you may see the fall colors on the highway and ground all around you. Colder temps forecast and one to two inches of rain looks like another nasty day out.
Saw on the news yesterday they had free flu shots at some locations but were out of the shots. No wonder they are free.......
Swine flu shots are free. Your (and my) tax dollars have already paid for them. All the doctors and clinics can charge you for is a fee for administering the shot.
read it again it dose not say clay elem closed
Heard on the scanner -
Unit A?
This Unit A, go ahead.
This is Unit B. Give me a call at the office.
Why do they do this? How come Unit A doesn't just call in the first place? Hear this all the time.
Did you not know that the first requirement for the ambulances is to be 200 lbs overweight and the next is to be as near braindead as you can get. Thats why you hear that crap all the time. Also if you listen alot you will hear certain ones hide when they are paged until someone else is making the run and then they call in " back in county and in service".
I don't know about the ambulance workers, but I've heard law enforcement do that a lot.
Did Clay come back at the last minute & win the game last night?
Surely You Jest!
I jest now got up outen bed. iffn this is what the day's gonna be like might as well get another nap.
anybody need a bald fat carpenter house trained very friendly
Just after the CCHS/ Independence football game, Kleamans left in his own car and the other four coaches went to the Beckly Hooters for three hours. If that isn't bad enough, that means the football players and cheerleaders rode home on the bus without a male coach chaperone
It's time for head coach Kleamns to resign.
I need a fat, bald carpenter!! Shewee, man alive, do I ever need a carpenter!! & an electrician, too. & oh, a plumber would come in handy also.
Cheerleaders?? I realize I'm an old lady, but when I was a cheerleader, we CHEERED during football games. Rain, snow, mud, sleet, whatever, we were out there, cheering our little hearts out & freezing our butts off. I didn't see not one cheerleader Friday night. What's the deal with that??
Don't the cheerleaders also have a coach? Why couldn't *she* be the chaperone on the bus? All it takes is 1 chaperone to keep the girls away from the boys & another to keep the boys from being hoodlums.
In the overall scheme of things, though, it does sound like there's a serious morale problem with the whole program. A morale problem AND a "what exactly is it I'm supposed to be doing?" problem.
This is Kleamans kids last year to play. Once his kid is gone, so is he. Pity for the other players taht the old boys club works that way but at least it will be better next year.
Are you serious that the coaches did not ride the bus with the players? Cheerleaders or not, I have never ever heard of the coaches not riding the bus with their players. This is appalling if none of them, particularly the HEAD coach.
Seems to me the ones who should be most appalled are the parents. If they're not, why should you be?
Parents, Can we say LAW SUIT...
For what?
LOL Law Suit?? How many sue-happy parents volunteered to be chaperones? They're YOUR kids. you can't sue a coach because your not taking proper care of your kid.
Uh, the appalled person IS a parent! Don't be so quick to judge. Moreover, how can trusting that the school system will take care of your kids on a school-supported and transported activity be considered bad parenting? This trust is supposed to ensure proper chaperoning for the activity. Also, parents are not always permitted on the bus, so the volunteering argument doesn't work. Moreover, if every parent volunteered to ride the bus then who would take their OTHER children to the away games? It just seems that, in this instance, there is no real concern from the coaches for the well-being of these young kids.
Moreover, if the APPALLED person IS a parent, I'm APPALLED that you're just now finding this out on this blog. That's what's APPALLING.
Who ever was doing the stalking of the coaches had to have been in Hooters for 3 hours too.
So maybe while he's pointing the finger he should check the other three.
I was at Southern Exposure, so I dont know.
Maybe it wasn't stalking, Maybe it is one of their family members that is telling this or possibly a pissed off wife that is pissed because they went to Hooters. Oe never knows about the going ons in Clay Schools.
Isiah Murphy (high speed chasee) ---> son of Sam Murphy (already in jail)?????
I heard he was a brother to Russ & Crystal Murphy.
He is not Russ' brother, that is Shawn. Sam is he is father.
He is nothing but a thief and dopehead. Sold pot in maysel for years now.
Why was the fight at the courthouse between a legal assistant and another person never brought up? Is someone trying to keep it quite to hold someone's job? I think a lot of things at the courthouse are kept quite. What do you think?
Uh, do you mean QUIET????
Not quite???????????
Reckon what is happening at that court house.I heard that there were to but when I called and checked the site ONLY Murphy was arrested.Its about time to cause he has been breaken in to places again.No the old saying about the apple not falling far from the tree and look at his parents one in jail and the other a biggest doper than her son.Maybe they can have family reunion there.
Sometimes, things aren't brought up simply because despite this being Clay County, people don't really know *everything*.
Of course, usually, what they don't know, they'll just make up. Because this is, after all, Clay County.
Oh yes a lot does happen at those courthouses that know one knows about. Take for instance the two that are "playing together" during office hours.
If you have the balls to insinuate then either give names or initials the rest of us need to know
The word is COJONES. Good lord. Will I never teach you crass, crude people any fetchin' up? Even circus monkeys can be trained - why can some of you posters??
Everybody knows about the "hanky panky" going on at the courthouse. There's *always* hanky panky going on there. The names given today could very well change by tomorrow.
Congratulations to the middle school football team on their homecoming win last night!!
How many other CRPSD customers are having water problems? Ours was off yesterday afternoon & again early this morning. I sincerely hope this is a fluke & not a "here we go again."
Gona SNOW tomorrow
Happy days are here again!
And to think when the water or power is off the bills go up and up. AEP's last rate increase cost me $40.00 and five weekends without power. Wonder how much the water will increase?
If you travel Rt. 36 when it is raining look out its slicker then grease from Crossroads to Newton and beyond. No you don't have to be flying to slide around in the curves. I have never seen so much oil spill on the highway as the past three weeks.
Mt.Olive mountain going towards Montgomery is also slickery. The bottom and top curve on the Dixie side had numerous wrecks last week. Seems like the oil on the road is worse then black ice and with winter time coming I would say there will be more wrecks this year then in the past just due to oil on the roadway.
Between the oil & the leaves & the MUD, I think we all need skate blades on our tires.
I just hope this winter offers some SUN. Cold & wet's okay, but life without sunshine? The world needs more sunshine.
Well this is one summer gone I wish the sun would have came more often. All this rain sux to say the least. I hope its not an indication of winter time to come. If so forget your job and stay home with the kids couse you are going to get plenty of time.
Mr AW has the HOOTERS info in print now. When are we going to take charge of our taxdollars?
Nuthin. We don't pay them when they are off the clock. Or their tongues are hanging out.
see dey's a pool of erle unnnre the awful tower. gonna make me an dem frogs rich. guvermen gonna raise taxes on gas so dey can buy greese for them birds in tyhbanks. dam birds always singin bail me out uncle sam bail me out. dam birds need shot not greesaed.
If your biggest beef with the waste of your tax dollars is a couple of coaches going to Hooters, then you really don't have much beef at all. We're paying actual teachers who are failing miserably without ever setting foot into Hooters - doesn't that strike you as a much bigger waste of tax dollars?
just got an e-mail from my friend Arizona says Obama is going to sign our soverign rights away in Dec. well who cares they took my previous 250 dollars of bail out money and will very likely take the xmas 250 dollars. i'm sitting here in sub standard housing and it looks like another hard winter. and so let the north wind blow.
It's been my expereience that children who score low on the achievement tests are those who come to school on 1 or 2 days a week. I can't teach your child if it isn't here to teach.
Elvis's hair sells for $15,000 at auction. Can you say DUMB!!!
"I can't teach your child if it isn't here to teach."
If this was truly posted by a teacher who calls a child "it," then you should have stopped typing at "I can't teach your child."
Which is the root of the problem.
Some teachers are capable, but bound by "guidelines" that make success impossible. Others couldn't teach a child to breathe in & out without screwing it up.
A few kids skipping school here and there won't bring down the scores of the whole school. That would be you, Ms. (Mr.) IT.
Clay Middle School hasn't had good test scores since before my kid graduated 4 years ago.
If the kids are IT, just add SH to the front of that and you have the teachers.
Those who can DO Those who can't Teach..... And life in Clayberry rolls right along with those who can't....
"Just because you can, doesn't mean you should."
That's a good motto that's served me well in many aspects of my life - squishing into a pair of jeans, having just one more, picking up the phone at 2 a.m. ... more people should live by this motto when choosing a career.
JoeJoe Manchin allowed mountain top removal protestors to rant & chant & whatnot at his office yesterday until the office closed at 5. Then he had them arrested when they wouldn't leave. I understand protesting; what I don't understand is why they all think it's so much more effective when they break the law.
hey ya'll did you read AWs confused explanation of his problems. wonder what he said. no wonder hes incorrect so often. he doesn't know what he's saying and no one else does either.
Which reminds me of someone else!
Football's not really my favorite passtime & I don't know Reggie Brogan, but he deserves a great big KUDOS for publicly taking a stance & having the cojones to state his opinion in the one place everybody in the county is sure to see it.
I don't know Reggie's son, either, but I do know (first hand experience, many times over) that when parents stand up for their kids, those kids suffer. Far too many parents let that stand in their way & just keep their mouths shut (or belly ache to the wrong people).
If all you Anonymouses who are so outraged by the coaching situation at CCHS would throw your NAMES behind Mr. Brogan, something might actually change.
... on a totally unrelated note, JoeJoe Manchin has requested a sit-down with Obama to discuss coal mining. I think Uncle JoeJoe can take him.
Wait ... I also meant to say this. Mr. Brogan's son will get over it. There will be teachers, coaches & members of the general public who will try to make his life miserable, but he *will* rise above it. Children of parents who are willing to stand up for what they believe in will always rise to the top.
I guess I will never know what goes on if I have to go to AW's site to get it as I don't like the viruses lurking there. The last time I visited I had 95 viruses detected. Oh well guess I can buy the paper and take a chance on getting Swine Flu.
By the way if you walk into a place and holler Sooooeeeeeyyyyyy wathc the swine move over or is that howwwwwggggggssssss.
Go down to Clendenin and there are two papers both free. The whole papers are online too. I thought gossip was free.
"boinking"? ha ha. I've heard doing the nasty called many things but never that.
Clendenin Newspapers
Why is everyone upset with Klemons he is not the first coach look at Mary Ramsey she has lost state championships for years but nothing is done. She washed all her clothers from home at the school because husband did not work so he could be baseball coach. Her family all six of them came to the high school every morning to take showers on our dollar then they all six ate breakfast and lunch at the high school. The four kids even did their homework on the computers in her office at school. So how many thousands of dollars did that cost the county. When they stayed after school they helped themselves to the food left over in the cafeteria and milk in the cooler and came in the gym or ball field and ate it in front of my sons who stayed after school and rode the activity bus home and got home at 6:30 and had nothing to eat since 11 am. Mary and Larry have been leaches of the school system for 20 years but noting is said or done there.
I thought all the school teachers were just well paid welfare receipients. Just like the welfare leaches they just wait on the payday to get here and do nothing to get it.
Don't forget the Mullins family.
Sure sports is just an activity for kids to do. but because of poor coaching, or negative comments to kids, or favortism How many kids have not got scholarships to go to college, how many kids quit sports had nothing better to do than drugs or get pregnant. How many of the great athletes that these coaches have helped failed out of college or did not even make the college team. Lets look at it from the standpoint of negativity breeds negativity.
got a call from BBC today. wanted to know if I was interested in gold and silver[precious metals] I saaid how much you gonna send me. She said, ha ha. and then, are you liquid? I said no ma'am, ain't touched hooch for several years. She said you're funny. I said yes ma'am. she hung up.
"Lets look at it from the standpoint of negativity breeds negativity..." Yes, let's.
How about teachers who can't teach kids who don't meet the text book examples? How about parents who'd rather drink/shoot up/smoke/snort the milk money & let kids fend for themselves? How about an educational system that cares more about numbers than kids? How about friends/neighbors/family members who let kids fall through the cracks because they don't want to get involved?
Once upon a time, a coach could be a kid's salvation. Coach was the one who made the other miseries in a kid's life a little more bearable. Coach was the one who saw the potential in a kid, despite the hurdles in his/her way. Coach was the one who cheered that kid on, no matter what.
These days, though ... coaches are are just another tier in the overall short-changing of our children.
Does everyone on this site really think that 100% of the Clay teachers are worthless? Some students graduate from Clay and become very successful and get accepted into solid post-secondary schools. So, at least some of the teachers must be doing something right. I am not a teacher, but it just seems like this site never praises anything or anyone and is always the hardest on the teachers. But, didn't you EVER have or hasn't your child EVER had a single Clay County teacher that was rather good?
I could not care less about a coach. Coaches are known nationwide to be ineffective teachers. Plus, Clay coaches are always crap because if there were truly good coaches then they wouldn't be in Clay as every coach wants to go "big time" to a larger place than Clay. But I do think there have surely been some good classroom teachers along the way for some of you. Those of us who communicate on here in complete sentences should be able to give a little credit to some teacher(s) from our past.
No, Anon, not 100% of them. It only takes ONE teacher - not even enough to qualify for a percentage - to fail an entire generation of kids.
Our elementary schools (with the exception of Clay) have ONE teacher per grade. ONE teacher to teach our kids to read, write & speak like English is their first language. When that ONE teacher isn't worthy of being a boil on the butt of a GOOD teacher, the entire system fails.
THAT's my personal gripe with teachers. Not all of them, certainly, because there are some excellent teachers in Clay. I personally will forever worship at the grammar alter of Joanne Excline & Connie Davis tapped something in me that eventually led to my creative musings in print.
But when teachers can't act any more mature than the kids they're teaching, they speak like they learned English from a Pig Latin comic book & their level of self-control is equivalent to a 4-year-old freebasing Mountain Dew, yeah, we're going to gripe about them.
I have 2 children in the public school system. One of them cares about his grades, sees the Big Picture & puts a lot of effort into buidling a foundation for his future. Teachers tell me all the time what a great student he is. The other doesn't give a rip about his grades, has already decided he doesn't need college & teachers most assuredly aren't telling me what a great student he is. Which of these kids do you think needs the most guidance from his teachers? The one who doesn't need it or the one who could use a mentor in the school system who could see past his "I don't care" attitude & give him a reason to actually *like* school & appreciate the education he's getting? Now what do you think the reality is?
Yeah, we're hard on teachers here. Not because we're all negative hateful people, but because ... well, mostly because we're so much smarter than the teachers we're hacking on.
I AM a teacher in Clay County and I agree. When the 1st, 2nd and 3rd grade teachers fail to do their jobs, it is almost impossible to catch those kids up. The first 4 years of school are the most important. Fail a kid there and you have failed him for life. It is heartbreaking. Especially for the kids who have so much potential that is not appreciated by the teachers who really do not care.
We are not all bad. The ones that are bad, though, are very, very bad.
How do you explain this?
First Lady Requires More Than Twenty Attendants
Dr. Paul L. Williams
"In my own life, in my own small way, I have tried to give back to this country that has given me so much," she said. "See, that's why I left a job at a big law firm for a career in public service, " Michelle Obama
No, Michele Obama does not get paid to serve as the First Lady and she doesn't perform any official duties. But this hasn't deterred her from hiring an unprecedented number of staffers to cater to her every whim and to satisfy her every request in the midst of the Great Recession. Just think Mary Lincoln was taken to task for purchasing china for the White House during the Civil War. And Mamie Eisenhower had to shell out the salary for her personal secretary.
How things have changed! If you're one of the tens of millions of Americans facing certain destitution, earning less than subsistence wages stocking the shelves at Wal-Mart or serving up McDonald cheeseburgers, prepare to scream and then come to realize that the benefit package for these servants of Miz Michelle are the same as members of the national security and defense departments and the bill for these assorted lackeys is paid by John Q. Public:
1. $172,2000 - Sher, Susan (Chief Of Staff)
2. $140,000 - Frye, Jocelyn C. (Deputy Assistant to the President and Director of Policy And Projects For The First Lady)
3. $113,000 - Rogers, Desiree G. (Special Assistant to the President and White House Social Secretary)
4. $102,000 - Johnston, Camille Y. (Special Assistant to the President and Director of Communications for the First Lady)
5. $100,000 - Winter, Melissa E. (Special Assistant to the President and Deputy Chief Of Staff to the First Lady)
6. $90,000 - Medina , David S. (Deputy Chief Of Staff to the First Lady)
7. $84,000 - Lelyveld, Catherine M. (Director and Press Secretary to the First Lady)
8. $75,000 - Starkey, Frances M. (Director of Scheduling and Advance for the First Lady)
9. $70,000 - Sanders, Trooper (Deputy Director of Policy and Projects for the First Lady)
10. $65,000 - Burnough, Erinn J. (Deputy Director and Deputy Social Secretary)
11. $64,000 - Reinstein, Joseph B. (Deputy Director and Deputy Social Secretary)
12. $62,000 - Goodman, Jennifer R. (Deputy Director of Scheduling and Events Coordinator For The First Lady)
13. $60,000 - Fitts, Alan O. (Deputy Director of Advance and Trip Director for the First Lady)
14. $57,500 - Lewis, Dana M. (Special Assistant and Personal Aide to the First Lady)
15. $52,500 - Mustaphi, Semonti M. (Associate Director and Deputy Press Secretary To The First Lady)
16. $50,000 - Jarvis, Kristen E. (Special Assistant for Scheduling and Traveling Aide To The First Lady)
17. $45,000 - Lechtenberg, Tyler A. (Associate Director of Correspondence For The First Lady)
18. $43,000 - Tubman, Samantha (Deputy Associate Director, Social Office)
19. $40,000 - Boswell, Joseph J. (Executive Assistant to the Chief Of Staff to the First Lady)
20. $36,000 - Armbruster, Sally M. (Staff Assistant to the Social Secretary)
21. $35,000 - Bookey, Natalie (Staff Assistant)
22. $35,000 - Jackson, Deilia A. (Deputy Associate Director of Correspondence for the First Lady)
There has NEVER been anyone in the White House at any time who has created such an army of staffers whose sole duties are the facilitation of the First Lady's social life. One wonders why she needs so much help, at taxpayer expense, when even Hillary, only had three; Jackie Kennedy one; Laura Bush one; and prior to Mamie Eisenhower social help came from the President's own pocket.
Note: This does not include makeup artist Ingrid Grimes-Miles, 49, and "First Hairstylist" Johnny Wright, 31, both of whom traveled aboard Air Force One to Europe .
Copyright 2009 Canada Free Press.Com
Todays better jailhouse hottie
Michelle Ruberto
Anybody know whose house burnt to the ground or what size the mom and kids are?
Trailer two doors up from Country Feed.
Call the No. on Waddles site.
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