Have you ever been to the Trans-Allegheny Lunatic Asylum? If not, I highly suggest you visit & take the historic tour. If you're really feeling jiggy, go through the haunted house. Fair warning - you WILL be scared!!!
It sure has been a beautiful day.
Anybody know when trick or treat is in Clay? With 2 local papers onine, looks like you wouldn't have to get ALL your info from this blog.
Saturday October 31 from 6 to 8 in the county
but only 6 to 7 in town
Coyotes kill woman on hike in Canadian park AP
Two coyotes attacked a promising young musician as she was hiking alone in a national park in eastern Canada, and authorities said she died Wednesday of her injuries.
Coming soon to Clayberry also
Just the name Trans-Allegheny Lunatic Asylum is enough to scare you.
We stood out on the porch the other night, listening to coyotes howling. That was pretty eerie.
They renamed the Asylum the Weston Hospital once upon a time, but when the new owners bought it at auction, they reverted to the old name. That'd only work for historical purposes, though - in today's oh-so-politically correct world, sending your spouse off to the lunatic asylum doesn't sound nearly as helpful as sending them off to detox.
Speaking of politically correct ...
Have you heard about the new "fat tax" that insurance companies want to impose? JoeJoe Manchin is now trying to back away from such an option.
They've taxed the crap out of tobacco, they want to tax the crap out of sugary soft drinks, they tax alcohol - all things we CHOOSE to indulge in - but we're to show "compassion" to those who choose fried over grilled & processed over fresh (no, that's not the first (or the 10th) thing I typed - that line took some serious editing ... LOL).
Being overweight is a lifestyle choice. I never used to think it was, but it is. They should tax the tubbies, just like they do the smokers. Why not?
Realistically, those of us who have insurance & don't file many claims are footing the bill(s) for those who *are* filing claims.
It's a proven fact that obesity contributes to heart disease, diabetes, hip/knee replacements, high cholesterol, high blood pressure - all things that are long-term, expensive issues.
Just like smokers have to pay extra for their lifestyle choices, so should people who continue to choose to be overweight.
Don't forget the lard a**es that we're paying disability for. Them and their handicap rites.
Hey, you talking about me, doe doe?
LOL I think we all get the picture. It's painfully apparent that the people making decisions on "health care reform" don't actually have insurance. They're the people who decided that insurance wouldn't cover birth control, but would cover as many abortions as you'd care to have. Insurance that doesn't cover smoking cessation or weight loss programs, but does cover all the medical issues that both can lead to. ... Oh & my own personal hell, doesn't cover ER visits unless you follow ALL the ER docs recommendations, including spending the night in the hospital.
Speaking of hospital ... have any of you parents heard anything about the H1N1 info that was on Channel 1? I don't know about other schools, but I know my high schooler came home convinced that if he got the vaccine, he'd end up paralyzed, brain dead or worse.
Remember the govt told us we were all going to die from the bird flu too.
This entire country has became a welfare state. Once upon a time before John F.Kennedy came to town you worked or you didn't eat. If you were to lazy to work and got caught stealing, you were horse whipped out of the community.
Just like honey bees if you are a drone you get packed out to the edge of the hive, stung a few times and dropped over the edge to die. It irks me to go to Wally World and watch these extra large drones jump in an electric cart and buzz around the store pushing a cart full of potato chips, cookies, snack packs of all kinds. Stuff in their carts I would not afford if I could. Garbage for a human garbage disposal.
How can they even stand to walk around with their thighs rubbing together squeaking like a sow pig rubbing on a splinter on a chestnut rail fence. Music to their ears. Share the wealth America take it from the poor and give it to the rich. The Obama plan.
So thats why you voted for JFK?
Rich Rockefellers and Kennedys understand politics at the basic level:
Give the slackers more - more - more.
That's how we got welfare, SSI, and all those other social leech life support systems.
I am sorry to say that not all "fat people" are fat by choice. I walk, work out, eat right and work hard however my wonderful genes still make me a bigger woman. If I had a choice believe me I would love to lose the weight, it sucks that I see myself as a healthy woman and you all see as you put it, a fat a** lazy person. I am willing to bet though I could beat most of you swimming, walking and riding a bike hands down, I am just a big woman from bad genes, so don't assume(remember what assuming does) that all big people are as you label them!!!!!!!!!!!
You might be 'healthy' but the more fat you have ON your body the more fat your going to have IN your body. Around your heart and in your arterys.
No such thing as a big woman with bad jeans. A man needs some cushin for his pushin
don't know about Clay primary but Big otter primary are all wearing masks. patients and nurses. if you enter you wear a mask.
Another Halloween come & gone ... hope y'all had a scary good one!!
Swine flu is bad. Bird flu is bad. Seasonal flu is bad. If, however, you let all the hype rule your world, you'll forget that LIFE IS GOOD.
and our money is flying the coop with Obama.
I hear welfare, so good, been trying to get on. best way I unnerstand is to get elected to congress, voted themselves a welfare check. call it a pension. Even with a welfare check , iffin you ain't gotta be baled out in four years , youse a slouch and aint worth a bonus cause you aint contributing to the immorality of the masses.
This blog needs a dumass filter.
dumasses are a dime a dozen. most write as anonymous.
Children, children ... *language*.
If you see Alfred Cantrell today, wish him a BIG FAT HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!
What we need is not a filter, its a better class of loser.
or dumass
Knotts gets 1 to 5 on each count
Gota do a manditory two years
Gota check into CRJ in 10 days
Nota happy camper
Bubbas waiting
didn't he have 129 counts?
Plea bargined down to two
that's bull sh*t, if he pled then HE IS GUITY!!!!!!!Sick sick sick, well like the other poster stated bubba is waiting on him they do a lot of things to child molesters. I am willing to bet he does himself in before turning himself in any takers?He knows he cant make it in there.Wonder how the Mrs is dealing with the fact HE did it?
we do have different opinions, based on our degree of experience.
first Mr. Knotts is not a maximum security prisoner. second the inmates don't always know why another is confined. third outside know it alls don't always know it all.
Well ... it's a pretty safe assumption that if someone cops a plea, they're doing it to avoid all the details of everything they've done being made public. Innocent people very, very rarely say they're guilty when they're lilly-white innocent. Sadly, it's also a pretty safe assumption that for every documented charge, there's at least 1 undocumented crime.
It's also a pretty safe bet that inmates know the crimes of their fellow inmates. People visit, friends & family talk, repeat offenders get out, come back & spread the word.
Our justice system is in place & structured the way it is for a reason. One has to assume that justice has been served in this case. One can't help but hope, though, that what goes around comes around & that there will, indeed, be a Bubba in Mr. Knotts' future.
As for doing himself in ... I for one won't be taking that bet, Anon. Over 120 counts of child molestation, copped a plea instead of going through the whole process & facing all counts ... regardless of the "true facts," these aren't the actions of a manly man. Nor are they the actions of a man who wants to "protect his family," so don't even try that defense.
He did it, he said he did it, he took the easiest punishment he could get. The language barrier here prevents me from using the words that truly describe a twisted sicko pervert like him.
benney what is it that you THINK you know opinions are like ***holes and unless you are a family member you are an outside know it all and really know nothing
sounds like benney's a molester his self
plea bargained down to two? That's insane!!!!
benney has been inside. also is stating what the system looks like to him not defending mr. knotts actions. from the news he, knotts , will pull two consecutive terms of 1yr that means no good time. 2 full yrs. in CRJ. not as good as federal conditions. AS I SEE IT. the truth may turn out to be different.
Will he have to register as a sex offender? or did he plea out of that too?
Heck, by the time he gets out
He'd probably rather hear a small boy fart than a perty woman sing.
yes he has to register as a sex offender and cannot be around anyone less than 16
Well if I was the father of the kid he molested they would not have to worry bout him serving, reporting or wasting the taxpayers money to save his A**. They would find him loaded to the guills with double 00 buckshot. Facedown in a ditch somewhere with the front blown off. That would be JUSTICE served.
strange i thought if you have to serve more than a year and a day dont you go to the pen not crj
and believe me there are inmates who already know why he will be serving
Given the fact that he was charged with 129 counts & only sentenced for 2, he obviously got a killer bargain on that plea.
Anon who thinks he should be found in a ditch - the gratification from that would be fleeting & you, as the parent, would end up serving way more time than he ever will. There's no justice in that.
It's way better for him to live a long, miserable life full of shame & guilt & stigma that's ongoing, never-ending & frequently brought to the public's eye.
As a convicted felon, he won't be able to get a decent job (a far drop from a business owner), everybody will know what he is, his picture will be on the registered sex offender site forever, he can't have contact with children ... the list goes on & his life will be one of misery. Misery of his own making. Isn't that more satisfying than wasting good ammo on an already stinking carcass?
As for his family ... none of us is responsible for another's actions. HE is the one who did what he did. He & he alone. Sure, he had aiders & abetters & cover-uppers, but he's the one who dropped his drawers & waved his talliwacker around.
Talliwacker: never knew it was called that, and I got one.
Learn something new every day.
I think I'll just Stick with with Fred!
Mine is Sir Richard.
November 3, 2009
Suspicious track at Dolly Sods has group on watch for Sasquatch
CHARLESTON, W.Va. -- As one search for Bigfoot wound up with a suspicious footprint but no sightings in West Virginia's Dolly Sods area, another is set to begin in the vicinity of Kanawha State Forest.
Why was the woman on andy's site so worried about mrs knotts unless she was related or something. Everybody knows that the mrs first husband was convicted of child molestation also. seems to be a pattern for her
she also knew of the rumors going into the relationship when it first began after all she is his first wife's cousin should have been some flags somewhere for her before now
Hmmm I think I know what a wacker is as in weed wacker but what is a talli? Is the i in that word misplaced?
Yup it's a tail wacker.
I'll still stick with Fred.
A woman went up to the bar in a quiet rural pub. She gestured alluringly to the bartender who approached her immediately. She seductively signaled that he should bring his face closer to hers. As he did, she gently caressed his full beard. "Are you the manager?" she asked, softly stroking his face with both hands. "Actually, no," he replied. "Can you get him for me? I need to speak to him," she said, running her hands beyond his beard and into his hair. "I'm afraid I can't," breathed the bartender.. "Is there anything I can do?" "Yes. I need you to give him a message," she continued, running her forefinger across the bartender's lip and slyly popping a couple of her fingers into his mouth and allowing him to suck them gently. "What should I tell him?" the bartender managed to say. "Tell him," she whispered, "There's no toilet paper, hand soap, or paper towels in the ladies room."
If you want to say something about Jim, then say somethiing about Jim. Don't take it out on his family. They are victims too.
If you want to warn others of registered sex offenders in their area, then let's start at the top of the list for Clay, Andy Adkins, Jr. He is a convicted felon, molested countless children and is now walking around free.
He is a felon, yet carries a handgun everywhere he goes because he gets the shit kicked out of him so much for raping children.
His wife lets him stay with her and her teenage daughter, knowing what he did and that he isn't supposed to be around children.
His mom and dad pretend like nothing ever happened and their son is innocent.
The next one on the listed has ran away and can't be found. Ok who's next?
Oh wait, I just read the disclaimer:
This information is provided in the interest of public safety and should be used only in order to take appropriate precautions. The information accessed through the use of this website may not be used to threaten, intimidate or harass registered sex offenders and violations of law will be investigated by the West Virginia State Police.
Well we will probably all go to jail cause we don't like people that hurt children. But since we are just using the information to warn others, we might be safe.
Can't imagine our dear sheriff would allow that
He's also a good friend of JK
Whoda thunk he's gona be a judge
Isn't the plea bargain up to the prosecutor? Why would he agree to such a light sentence for 129 counts?
"threaten, intimidate or harass..." Looks like we're well within the law so far ... Isn't that rich, though, that we can't "threaten, intimidate or harass," yet they're free to do what they do until they get caught again & honestly, what are the odds?
Before anybody statts in about libel & slander & all such like that - 1) if it's true (documented), you can say it; 2) if it's your opinion, you can say it. If you're just making stuff up to ruin somebody's reputation, you can't say it. Simple, huh?
There are many, many people walking the streets who have molested & gotten away with it. There are many who have been convicted, but not nearly to the extent they deserve. There are many who get away with a lot of stuff they shouldn't be getting away with.
There are some sick,twisted people in this world & they walk among us every single day. There's no way all of us can know about all of them. If this blog can be used to bring some of those people to the attention of the rest of us, so be it. Sorry for their trouble, but them's the breaks.
Yeah, there's a typo in my previous comment. If you can find it, give yourself a medal ... >;-P
"yet they're free to do what they do until they get caught again & honestly, what are the odds?"
Indeed they are and often even after they get caught. There is a story in Oregon now about a kidnapper, who so far, is successfully suing one of his hostages. There are no constitutional rights for victims only offenders. God bless America!
Check out not guilty yet J.Huett
Charged with 700 counts of sexual abuse against' a 3 year old baby girl.
Probably the biggest hit at the Raleigh Co. Reg. Jail?
Sorry that was Pruett
Let me get this straight............
We're going to pass a health care plan
*written by a committee whose head says he doesn't understand it,
*passed by a Congress that hasn't read it, but exempts themselves from it,
*signed by a President who also hasn't read it, and who smokes,
*with funding administered by a treasury chief who didn't pay his taxes,
*overseen by a Surgeon General who is obese, and
*financed by a country that's already broke.
What could possibly go wrong?
Its called "reach down, grap your ankles and kiss your a** good bye" so God bless America.
Have you seen the photos of our fine senators in the health care bill discussion? Some playing solitaire, some checking baseball scores, some viewing porn sites but none of them listening to what is being said or reading what they are voting on and we continue to vote these Democrat suckers back into office for over 50 years and wonder why the country is being turned into a left wing socialist state.
Can we get back to talking about Clay's sex offenders, pls? Who else is on the list?
700 counts and he made bail?
How about how many that's not on the list that should be.
Forget a list just talk about sex
Heard on good authority today that Clay Co Health Dept got a shipment of H1N1 vaccine. You didn't hear anything about it? Know why? They vaccinated themselves AND THEIR FAMILIES. That's right, pregnant women, children & all you people at high risk. You're what's commonly known as SOL.
Have you heard about the faulty refigerator they refuse to fix? The one they store all their vaccines in. Don't put your milk in it or you'll end up with cottage cheese.
Don't blink ... there's more.
Do tell.
Who oversees that health dept?
Yesterday at Ft. Hood, Texas, a US solider - a medical doctor & licensed psychiatrist - opened fire on his fellow US soliders, killing 11. He was then killed by police. This morning, a 12th victim has died. All because he didn't want to go where his patients had already been.
Wait .. the shooter didn't die.
The shooter was Major Nidal Malik Hasan & they're reporting that he was shot 4 times & is on a ventilator in stable condition.
Who's over the health dept?
Clay Co. Commissioners
You got the link,call Fran.
She's up for re-election, no problem there.
The fridge at the health dept has been broke for a long time. They won't fix it until there lunches start to rot.
But they can put up a 20 thousand dollar sign out front the CCC owen building.
vaccines arent the only drugs their stealing there.
If you think you are going to get that nest of worms in trouble you can forget it. Primary care, Clay developement, and the Clay ambulance service are all on the family plan. You have to be family to work there and your family reaps all the benefits once you are in. As for pregnant women and kids getting the H1N1 shot first it sure didn't apply to Wall Street executives when they got their shots either. H1N1 is the pig flu so only the pigs are getting the shots. Maybe the ones getting the shot will take the Mad Cow Disease and have to be shot. We can only hope.
Can't be true because AW isn't reporting it.
My sister was up there the other day and heard a lot of bickering. Troulbe in paradise?
Subject: Are you male or female?
This just proves that we have become too dependent on our computers.
Are you male or female?
To find out the answer, look down...
Look down, not scroll down you idiot
i looked down and saw a talliwacker i never saw before.
I wouldn't have told that on my self had I been you.
Oh goody now tell us what a talliwacker looks like...
According to a news release from court officials, Telford Cruikshank Jr., 42, of Clay, was sentenced Thursday in Federal Court to 24 months in prison, followed by a 15 year term of supervised release. Cruikshank previously pleaded guilty on May 18 and admitted that he possessed child pornography.
According to court records, Cruikshank searched for and downloaded child pornography from the internet using a computer located at his business in Clay. In March 2006, Cruikshank paid for access to two illegal Web sites hosting child pornography.
During the course of his subscription to the child pornography Web sites, Cruikshank knowingly received and possessed hundreds of images of child pornography. These images were later found on Cruikshank’s computer during the execution of a search warrant at his business. Many of the images, depicting prepubescent children engaged in sexually explicit conduct, contain known children who have been identified by the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children, according to the news release
So Cruickshank gets 24 months for looking at child porn and Knotts gets 24 months for molesting a child(ren)?????
Somewhere in the mix, do you think telford was a freemason?
I didn't capitolize telford or freemason cause neither one are worth it!
Another one that likes to look at kiddo porn just came from the grand jury. Is it me, or is the druggies decreasing and the sickos increasing?
being a sicko doesn't show up in a UA like being a druggie does
Men who like to look at prepubscent children should be returned to their own prepubscent states - a good start would be plucking out every single solitary body hair.
Have y'all marked your calendars for tomorrow's gold party?? I've gathered up everything I didn't take in before 'cause I thought it was a rip-off. NOT SO!! Don't forget the men's jewelry - there's a lot of gold in those big ol' honkin' rings!!
Also, don't forget that you don't have to attend the party to get CASH for your gold. You can either bag it up & send it with a friend or you can drop it off & they'll hold your money for you. Eazy peezy!!
From the lack of comments in the last 23+ hours
Could there be an aire of guilt in the county
Boys young an old, playing with their putters in secret
(The Man)is always watching
buy the insurance or pay the fine.
If ya ain't got the money to buy the insurance, how ya gonna pay the fine??
don't recall that being mentioned. but they said if you didn't have the money that the gov.[usuns] would pay it for you.
wonder how the gold market did today.
seen where a couple ,Ivydalians had warrants sworn for them. rumor says they were caught preying on the church.
Good morning, all you little rays of sunshine!
The gold market was fantabulous for a brief moment in time yesterday ... after a trip to Charleston, I'm just as broke as I was before the market soared. Easy come, easy go ... VERY easy go. LOL
Anybody been to AWs site lately?? Is it safe?
I been to AW. No problem here. Don't understand your and AWs problems. what's the scoop?
ls if you had a good antivirus you would know what the problem is on AW's site. Its virus infested.
I bet the couple in the Dale fleecing the church is not the only case in Clayberry as some have made a living for years doing the same thing and calling it Christian Center.
Talking about a nightmare read the Yahoo News today where there is a computer virus out that is Framing people for child porn. I know it has nothing to do with cases in our neighborhood but just think what that could do to you around Clayberry or anywhere you live actually.
i must have a good anti-virus since i'm not having virus problems.
running MS XP here with self contained antivirus, I think, tried others only got confused. got rid of the clutter. working fine now.
the clay co schools daily flu report for 11-06-09 ----->
number of flu-reported absent -35
total number of absent for all reasons- 19
must be that funny math again
The Veterans Day Dinner at Big Otter Fire Department is really a Campaign Dinner for Arlene Tucker for County Commissioner per Holly Cunningham. Holly is inviting people to come and support Arlene Tucker. Have they already filed the papers for next years election. Holly and her Mom Marni are mad because Uncle ELvis got in trouble.
I'm voting for Arlene!!!
Anybody hear if Andy took a dump today? Wouldn't want him to get all choked up.
number of flu-reported absent -35
total number of absent for all reasons- 19
must be that funny math again
Mon Nov 09, 12:29:00 PM
They walk among us and vote Democrat,wear the Masons Ring and are goatsexers. Don't get any better then that in Clayberry.
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