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The beauty of small town living...

- Bomont, West Virginia, United States
- When you have no idea what you're doing, somebody else will ... or at least make something up & run with it.
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I realize this isn't a site for MENSA members. However, I'm relatively certain that if you can operate a computer, you likely possess enough intelligence to fake an IQ slightly higher than your shoe size.
If not, click here Get Your Own Blog - It's Free!. I'll be more than happy to include a link to your new blog on the homepage of this one.
sorry Rose but it seems someone can't stand for an intelligent discussion to be started.
What should mean something to you folks is 'probable cause' and 'subpeona'. Just because you think you are anonymous here does not mean you will stay that way.
i wonder is Rose planning on being a candidate next election? maybe as delagate?
David Walker is doing just fine.
if david walker isdoing just fine why is the hatchet man taking up with him? what's up folks?
implied threats by trooper X. wowee
dave walker is a total waste of air and a self-absorbed jerk. if he makes it to the pearly gates, then the rest of us surely have nothing to worry about.
Well, I see the IQ hasn't risen any.
LOL Well. At least the names have changed ...
No, Rose isn't planning on ever becoming a candidate for any sort of public office - delegate or otherwise. When I go, I'm going to go big - it's RULER OF THE WORLD or nothing .......
in the meantime what happened to the explanation of the bond issue. it was all sidetracked of course so we still have an ignorant public . SO WHO PAYS FOR THE BOND ISSUE.
I gots proof of my IQ. bet they haint to many of you can match it.
So what happens to punk Morton with the white carpets and the video games and the high living from welfare.
I thought that was a Threat Also, I am sure glad it wasn't me that put it on here, I feel sorry for whoever typed that.
" Sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never harm me".
A ball bat round side of your head might work too,
But, Rose said we to play nice, So lets do.
Almost 9 a.m. on Opening Day & the scanner's quiet - all those Hunter Safety Courses must be paying off.
What bond issue?
Threats? There are threats here all the time. Usually, the only ones who construe them to be threats are the ones who have the most to feel threatened by.
the bond issue was mentioned in the advisory section by DAVID WALKER. very confusing, as being hard to pin anything definite down.
Do you mean American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA?
O.K. ladies time to get over to Wally World while hubbys out playing deerslayer. Get you a real two legged dear that will leave you wondering why you are still with a real he man deer hunter.
From Wally World? Have you seen the 2 legged dears at Wally World????
From Frontier telephone services, if your phone bill has gone up this month check to see if you have an ILD Teleservices charge on your bill. This is done by a popup on the internet with charges running from $12.95 and up.
It falls under other charges and credits on your bill. Mine had a $25.10 charge that I never authorized. When will PSC step in and stop this kind of billing as it is done without your permission or with you even knowing it was done. Check your bills folks, with a million customers contributing that gives them a good bit of interest for the two months it takes to get your money back.......
I had the same problem with Verizon - there was "Third Party Charge" on my bill for $13. Apparently, something I'd ordered online came with a "free trial period!" that I knew nothing about. Verizon immediately removed the charge & credited my account for the previous months' charge, that I didn't even realize was there.
Well I think it sux that you have to watch every move made by utility companys. They know good and well you don't authorize that crap but yet they go along with whatever anyone wants to scam you out of. I don't know if it will help but I told them today not to allow any charges of anykind unless I call them and ask them to charge something. This is BS from the word go when you have to watchdog every months bill but I advise everyone to do so each month.
Well, given all the additional charges on your phone bill anyway, it's sometimes hard to figure out what's "legit" & what's not.
I wonder why we've never stormed the Amish in our quest to "liberate"?
What about this thing they call High Speed Lite on the phone bill?
Call the freaking phone company and make them explain the bill to your satisfaction
I haven't seen my baby boy since Saturday or my husband since Sunday ... the house has been clean for 4 days, the laundry is done, I've finished 2.5 books, stayed up late & slept in, no blaring TV, no picking up after anybody, no sibling arguments, my fondest wish of "peace & quiet" has come true ... in a few short hours, they'll be home & it's back to reality. WOOOOO HOOOOOOOO!!!
"anythind sound familiar"
Yeah that's a racist term. "You people"
You should have gone to Wally World and got you a dear hunter and then you would need no piece or quiet either. Remember make it look like you really missed hubby when he gets home as I am sure he will you. Most of em have a dear camp when away from home in hunting season...
No, it might've been racist if I'd said, "You ignorant white people" or "you dumb black people" or "you backwoods redneck people" ... I didn't say any of those things.
Wally World Lover, it sounds like you need to find yourself a new significant other - the one you have may not be the right one for you.
You get lots of significant others this time of year when hubbys away and wifey can play. Wally world her I come.
OK all you turkeys in Clayberry and surrounding areas have a great,safe and Happy TGday. Shop til you drop tomorrow as it will be Stupid day when stores double the price of the China made JUNK and put it on sale for half prices which is twice what its worth. Oh I forgot to mention all the Mexican made garbage also will be on sale also. So make sure you got hubbys credit card maxed out by dark tomorrow so he has to bust his hiney all year to pay for it all. Funny how the bills last longer then the JUNK you get nowdays.
Don't forget to eat enuff to gain at least 15 extra pounds today and save all the trimmings to fonder on for the next few days also.
Some of us have a lot to be thankful for - our families, the food on our tables, the roof over our heads, the clothes on our backs, our continued good health ...
a few added bonuses I personally am thankful for - 1) hubby has no credit cards, 2) Black Friday at our house means yet another turkey & 3) that I'm not married to any of the Negative Nellies who frequent this site ... >;D
I'm thankful, Ijust got on welfare, foodstamps, utilities reductions, state pays medicare premmmium, WHEN DO I GET MY BAIL OUT MONEYY, MY BONUS, MY EXTENDED VACATION, MY EASY CHAIR?
I hope you're joking.
hey folks i'm gonna run for congress with all the benefits of welfare after one term in office. thanksgiving vote for me.
Man these national events are killers::
Disney gets its first SPOOK princess.
National Idiots day begins Offically at 4 A.M.
You can suck one now in Va but you can't SMOKE one
Main SPOOK not in danger of dinner crashers
Someone who has the balls to say out loud what everybody else is thinking.
I am not a racist I hate them one and all the same and you would also if you had been forced to live with the stinking, greasy, nasty things during the Viet Nam war and know every day that you were being discriminated against and it was worse when you came back to the USA and tried to get a job. The most discriminated group in America today is the middle aged white man or Native American.
It was the middle aged white man who thought slavery was a good idea in this country. It was the middle aged white man who thought it was a good idea to herd all the Native Americans up & march them off to reservations (killing half their population in the process) so the middle aged white man could have their land. It was a middle aged white man who thought it was a good idea to send white teenagers into VietNam, destroying any chance most of them ever had at becoming middle aged white men.
Middle aged white men screwed their karma a long, long time ago.
if you didn't want to go to vietnam then you should have had the courage to say no and go AWOL. hats off to all draft dodgers!!
When it takes more courage to dodge the draft than it does to fight the war, the country isn't worth fighting for.
well then maybe it's not
Then maybe you should save your welfare checks & sell your food stamps & get out.
Too bad you are married to one.
I would hate to see what would happen in the USA if everyone turned into a coward and rolled over everytime someone told them to roll. I bet you one thing the druggies would have a field day on you. There was more then one way to dodge the draft just ask any of the retiring school teachers how they got out of it. The ones that were rich enough to go to college anyway. You didn't see any of the well to do kids off to war then, now or will you ever.
I believe Elvis was drafted & he was pretty well off at the time. Yeah, I know - he didn't do much. But he still didn't dodge the draft.
Yeah, I am married to a middle aged man. The joke's on us both - he was a *young* man when I married him & part of his screwed up karma is still being stuck with me, all these many years later. ;P
i totally agree with the draft dodger supporter! socio economic status is just one of the reasons war is wrong. it is completely discriminatory against the poor -- discriminatory against both those who serve and discriminatory against the innocent civilians who are killed on their own homeland. it amazes me how americans who choose to sign up and fight ridiculous wars in places where they have no business always want glory from US citizens when they return. soldiers never want to hear that there are people who do not approve of their jobs and do not idolize any violence committed in some supposed name of freedom. i dont care how someone got out of the draft. i will always admire their courage.
That's the beauty of being an American - we can all have different opinions.
I don't agree with war, I don't even understand it. I don't think the wars we're currently fighting keep me any safer than those paper toilet seat covers provided by the management for my protection.
However, in my personal opinion, draft dodgers are right up there with tax evaders, system suckers, deadbeat dads & anybody else who shirks their responsibilities.
We haven't utilized the draft for 30+ years, which says to me there are enough men & women who feel it's their civic duty to "protect our country" that those who don't can stay home. Realistically, that might just mean there are a bunch of people who want to go to college on the GI Bill & retire at age 40. Whatever their reasons, they're signing up so others can stay home & keep the country running.
I *do* think those people are to be commended. If they didn't volunteer, the draft would be reimplemented & I think we all know how that'd go over.
The cold, harsh reality is - every developed nation has a military. That's never going to change. If we didn't have armed forces willing to go to war on command, we'd be annihilated by those countries that do.
So, you see, even those of you who think draft dodging is courageous should be thanking those who volunteer so you can sit home & gripe about all the things that suck in your life.
God bless America.
You left out the opportunists and that all they want is three hots and a flop.
I wonder what belief system you buy into that says a friend's forgiveness is more important than God's?
"Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away, behold, all things have become new." (2 Corinthians 5:17)
"He that is without sin among you, let him cast the first stone ... " (John 8:7)
"Therefore you have no excuse, everyone of you who passes judgment, for in that which you judge another, you condemn yourself; for you who judge practice the same things." (Romans 2:1)
Shall I continue?
Nothing says "Shut your stupid mouth" like the bible.
I am to busy piling up stones to leave much here today on these comments. Typical Clayberry though........
What for?
To keep anyone else from having any ammo?
"God helps those who help themselves" is probably the most often quoted phrase that is NOT found in the Bible. This saying is usually attributed to Ben Franklin, quoted in Poor Richard's Almanac in 1757. In actuality, it originated from Algernon Sydney in 1698 in an article titled Discourses Concerning Government. Whatever the original source of this saying, the Bible teaches the opposite. God helps the helpless! Isaiah 25:4 declares, "For You have been a defense for the helpless, a defense for the needy in his distress, a refuge from the storm, a shade from the heat..." Romans 5:6 tells us, "For while we were still helpless, at the right time Christ died for the ungodly."
Hey will you quit quoting those words of wisdom from that dusty 2,000 year old tome you refer to? And get Current? Just trying to bring you up to speed. I don't see how dazed, crazed individuals scribbling stuff on animal skins has any relevance today. Get a gun. Now that's current. Quit living in the past.
Wow.... I feel for Crystal Coulter for writting that about Shawna's sister Laurabeth.
Hello...I have not been to this blog in a few years but I felt a friendly visit was called for when my name was recently posted. Since it seems that most innocent sounding comments can reap many criticizms from whoever the heck wants to hide behind "Anonymous" at the moment, I'm going to try hard not to annoy, irritate, antagonize, threaten, or berate here goes....
I recieved a very angry sounding message on my machine when I got home this evening. It was vague but definetly got the message across: my friend was P.O'd. Now, since I havent talked to that person in several days, I cant think of too many reasons they'd have to be soooo upset...? I try for the next 2 hours to reach them by phone to no avail, the line is busy!!! So, I decide to check out the avenue of last resort: facebook & myspace...o....k....they have deleted me as a friend on both. NOW I KNOW ITS SERIOUS! You go deleting your goodest best friend from your friends list and YOU'VE GOT A PROBLEM!
I finally got a ringing phone and they answer. I said, "I got your message and you sounded mad, are you upset with me?" They calmly said Yes, because of what you wrote on Rose's blog."
I replied, "do wha...huh?!"
I'm far from perfect and have been known to have my occasional rant when I'm upset, but from the sounds of the last post and one angry friend, I'm getting "credit" for bad mouthing Laurabeth on here and that's untrue. I said my peace with Laura(no, not on a blog or facebook or myspace, an actual voice conversation) and have nothing to post on here about her, her family or situation. If I do feel the need to share in the future, I will, at the very least, sign my name. I explained to "the angry one" that I DID NOT write the post, but that any info in it that was deemed priviledged information that ONLY I would know, I probably ranted about (in a public place) not caring who heard, because at the time, I was the one P.O'd and upset. But, I would like to point out the fact: the rant was IN PERSON and NOT anonymous, knowing full well that at least one individual out of the 3 or 4 present would gossip word back.
Well, I hope that I get new invites on Facebook & Myspace from the angry one, but, I caution you: dont be upset if it takes me 2 or 3 months to accept, because I dont get online much at all, except to check my bank balance (by&by: who the h-e double hockeysticks is and why did they charge me $79 TODAY!??) and to check my regular ole email.
I hope that my friend believes that I'm being honest & did not say hurtful things on here & I'm very thankful that we had a calm discussion about this rather than posting mean things at various places on the net because I think that's plain retarded! Well, that's it folks, now, I've had my really (for real) say.
Comments are not requested, but as I'm sure you will, Anonymous, you may spew as much hateful ignorance as you like my way, cuz my Momma told me "sticks n stones may break my bones, but your ignorant words will never hurt me" (Put THAT in your pipe & smoke it!) :)
Merry Christmas & Happy New Year, one and all(except Anonymous, I hope you get a big ole lump of coal in your Christmas stocking and your isobar has a power surge and burns up your hard drive!) Thank you--and good night! the way, I couldn't resist adding one more thing: big c.l.u.e. #1 that I didnt write the previous "Anonymous Post" is that it was posted at 3:26 AM. I work from daybreak til past dark on a daily basis and dont have the energy (or time)to be up at that hour. As a matter of fact, I'm up way past my bedtime just responding to this, so GOODNIGHT! :)
Well. It's nice to see something both coherenet and mature here for a change.
Boy Ms Rose you deleted my post twice, even before I typed it so it must have been bad thinking. Looks like the gossip page is out again though.
Looks like Andy is lining himself up in Joe's sights again.
This comment should have been removed by a blog administrator,
so I'll just do it myself.
Look at the time on the deleted comments. She deleted the onse about Laurabeth. Hmm. Wounder why?
MAybe she couldn't tolerate the spelling errors.
No-apparently she can.
Maybe we will get lucky and old Joe will knock the stuffings out of Andy again.
I have never seen such an half butt reporter in all my life. You don't report your opinion, you report the facts. With Andy, he barely checks the facts and makes up crap to sell his paper.
I ain't saying Joe didn't do those things, for all I know, he probably did. He definately has the temper for it. Andy should stick to the facts though and not add his opinion into it.
This is on the Communicator's website - "The Communicator is Clay County's top source for news and views and a whole lot more." Andy's spin on things would be the "views and a whole lot more."
Nobody buys the Communicator for it's historical accuracy & every time somebody comes on this site to put it down, that's just more free publicity for them ... which in turn gets more hits on their website, which causes more curiosity about whatever's going on, which leads to more sales. I swear, I really should be getting commission.
Thank you, self-deleter. Several others should follow your lead. ;)
Well he don't get any hits on his website from me nor do I contribute to buying his "paper".
Haven't bought one since 2007 and I haven't been to his website since 2008.
This comment has been deleted by the author.
would have written this comment, but Rose wouldn't like it ,so I won't write it.
I love the Communicator and the website.
And I miss the baboons...just sayin'
Is "Jr Lee" a dog?
The baboons were certainly ... um ... interesting.
I think now would be a good time to start a new thread ...
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