The beauty of small town living...

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Bomont, West Virginia, United States
When you have no idea what you're doing, somebody else will ... or at least make something up & run with it.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009


Freedom isn't free.
Thank a vet.


ROSE said...

If you are one, if you sacrificed one, if you will someday be one,


Anonymous said...

Vets and there families pay the ultmate sacrfice, I would like to Thank them both....Men and Woman in the military are my hero's. Thanks for my freedom

Anonymous said...

Closer to home you can thank Poopy for putting Tommy Young Jr. back in jail yesterday. Guess he shouldn't have tried to move a stolen dozer in daylight!

Gosh after all these years of crime and he hasn't learned any tricks of the trade?

Anonymous said...

That outfit has no damn sense.

Somebody should call in an airstrike on Murder Mtn.

Anonymous said...

Whats the use in wasting time arresting them when the two judges we have in Clay are absolutely worthless. They draw a paycheck and could care less if they put anyone in jail to keep them there.
Also if you are going to steal something the best time to move it around is in daylight. Who would ever suspect you moving a dozer in day time. Move it at night and everyone knows something is up.
Until the people living around murder mountain take things into their own hands, use double 00 buckshot and a few gallons of gas for igniter Murder Mountain Crooks will rule the roost.

HAPPY VETERANS DAY to all you VETS And Thank you for the hardships you have been through and the sacrifices you made for the United States of America and all people everywhere.

Anonymous said...

Moving stolen goods in daylight is a great idea, unless you are going to murder mtn., where everything is stolen.

Anonymous said...

I grew up with an Army Man, my dad. He taught me that if you have to give up your life so freedom can rein, then it was a small price to pay. I agree that those who serve are to be HONORED, however I never agreed it was a small price to pay. To all that have, had, or will, serve you have given us the HIGHEST price paid. THANK YOU! And to all of your families, THANK YOU TOO, for you too have given us the HIGHEST price and a part of your loved ones. God Bless you all and God Bless America! I miss you dad! And Let Freedom Ring!!! Lisa H

Anonymous said...

wonder what RT is being honored for. It's true he didn't get caught selling whiskey for food stamps like his father, what else?

Anonymous said...

Let's see now, does RT belong to the goatsuckers or the chicken pluckers. we now have descendants of criminals being honored as outstanding citizens. wonders never cease in CLAYBERRY.

Anonymous said...

Yep, AW even posted a rats a'' standing beside our delegate.

Anonymous said...

"Gosh after all these years of crime and he hasn't learned any tricks of the trade?"

The trick he has learned is how not to go to or not stay in jail for any length of time for any kind of crime.

ROSE said...

Well. I hope all you fellow Verizon customers are back in business. Not only was our phone dead, calls to numbers in The Dead Zone rang in homes of people who never heard of us. To further annoy those of us stuck with dial-up, Verizon's customer service number puts you through 4+ minutes of touting their "self-help internet" before giving you the option to press 1. GRRRRRRRRRRR.

C'mon, now, Anon - just because somebody is a descendant of a criminal, that doesn't mean he can't rise above his roots & overcome his ancestors' mistakes ... & raise stellar children of his own ... & live long enough for most people to forget ... & pay off those who remember ...

Anonymous said...

A headline in today's Gazette:

"Verizon says complaints down; consumer advocate disagrees"

>; D

ROSE said...

Because customers don't even bother to complain to Verizon anymore - straight to the PSC if you really want results. LOL

Anonymous said...

Rise above their roots? Sizemores are chicken thieves from way back and come from a long line of chicken thieves. RT used to trade wine for the commodity cheese from the wineo's in Clayberry, sell horse meat for ground beef in the IGA. Thats why it smelled like a wet stinking dog when you cooked it. He done other unmentionables and got by also but when you control the county purse strings, sheriffs office and have other political "buds" that you gamble with you pretty much get by with anything you want.

Anonymous said...

Rose, this is for you. Let us know if this site helps you get to a human sooner when trying to reach someone in customer service.

Anonymous said...



It's CRAZY how accurate this is!

No peeking!

1) Pick your favorite number between 1-9

2) Multiply by 3, then

3) Add 3

4) Then again Multiply by 3 (I'll wait while you get the calculator....)

5) You'll get a 2 or 3 digit number....

6) Add the digits together

Now Scroll down ...............

With that number, see who your ROLE MODEL is from the list below:

1. Einstein
2. Oprah Winfrey
3. Snoopy
4. Bill Clinton
5. Bill Gates
6. Gandhi
7. Ronald Reagan
8. Babe Ruth
9. Rose Cantrell :):):)
10. John F. Kennedy


One day, you too can be like me :-)

P.S. Stop picking different numbers!

ROSE said...

LOL Given the other options, I'll take Rose Cantrell ...

A couple of weeks ago, we lost a neighbor here on The Mountain. Before he passed on, he made arrangements to donate the body he left behind to science. Someday, someone else might live because Buck Coleman continued to give long after he was gone. That someone might be me. Or you. I admire his family for carrying out his final wishes, even though it meant postponing his final memorial.

My deepest condolences to the entire Coleman family.

Anonymous said...

9:00 am and no Jim Knotts in jail
Wonder if they will send out a bench warrant

Anonymous said...

He's in CRJ now. How cute, Lester for a middle name. James Lester the child molester!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Jail House Hottie for the year
James Lester Knotts Crisco

Anonymous said...

ROFL Jimmy Lester, child molester! Good one!

Jimmy Knotts - B*tch on a Cot

Jimmy Knotts - Giving felons the hots
Jimmy Knotts - should'nt have touched the tots.

sherlock said...

Reading between the lines Mr, Knotts didn't make his appointment and so they sent someone after him. Since he is listed as a correctional offender trhat will be another charge to face later.

Anonymous said...

Don't make any difference if he showed up or not, he still wears the ring. Same one the judges, lawyers, troopers and sheriff wears. Its a shame TG got more time for looking at pictures then that creep got for molesting a child. Don't want to wish him any bad luck but I hope he gets dry popped when he gets bent over the first few times.

ROSE said...

It'So ... AW's hog-tied to his new couch? Surely if he wasn't, he'd be all over the Jim Knotts thing.

Another sick day at our house ... I hope y'all are faring better.

Anonymous said...

I thot he was tied to his commode.

I cannot believe his "running commentary" on his diarrhea

I think he has some kind of fetish about it.

Like most fetishes, he should keep it to himself.

Anonymous said...

I wouldn't have told it if my feces smelled so bad the dog vomited when it smelle the stuff.

ROSE said...

Andy just loses his focus sometimes. He needs a FaceBook page so he can leave the Communicator site open for ... news we can use.

So whatever happened with the Murder Mountain indictments??

Anonymous said...

The murder mountain thingy is over with until they decide to waste some more taxpayer money and go arrest them again.

You know after you work a job for awhile it becomes routine so in order to break that you do whatever is easiest to do, therefore go to murder mountain and make an arrest. It does look good in the papers ever once in awhile and keeps the people paying your salary happy thinking you are still on the job and doing what you are paid to do.

How long has it been since the sheriffs office was seen doing their job? Back before the last election? 4 years of a little work and 4 years vacation makes up for the sheriffs term.

Like AW he has to be heard of once in awhile.......

Anonymous said...

when's the next election and who's running for what. has Arlene committed herself yet. who's for sheriff and who else is up for election this time?

Anonymous said...

County Clerk Connie Workman
Circuit Clerk Mike Asbury
Commissioner Fran King

These three are up.

Anonymous said...

All three needs to be put out of their positions. Their work ethics sux.

Anonymous said...

I dont know about Connie and Mike but I bet there are a lot of people who thot Frans work ethic was just fine when she was gettin the gas on in Iveydale a couple of years ago.

Anonymous said...

I think all three are doing a good job. what have I missed?

Anonymous said...

Fumes from the bucket are clouding your train of thought.

Anonymous said...

that wasn't much of an answer. you suppose thats what troubles AW OR IS that he can't bark as loud anymore due to labor problems and needing a destinkifier for his commode.

Anonymous said...

And I would bet that people throughout the county would know the camera was on Frannie all the time also. I bet if you ask the old people who's gas bill is tripled since will tell you thanks but no thanks as a hungry gut overrides higher then H8ll bills. I wonder how much kickback she really got from Mountaineer Gas for pushing for their takeover of the cheapest gas in the Nation to the highest?

As for the other two both are the snobiest people I have ever ran into since being in office. They were cold hearted before but Ice has no comparison to them now. One is just plain NASTY and the other is to high up for the normal folks. Time for new faces in all places in the court house no matter what sob story they have to give to get reelected.

Anonymous said...

we must not be talking about the same people. or maybe it's you that needs an attitude adjustment. what is it that you want that they won't give. Fran is the most snobbish one of the three. hey maybe I deserve it. I haint got much to bragg about. only been in 35 countries and 48 states. traveled a little you might say. been both hemisphers, 6 continents. you been out of clay co. yet?

Anonymous said...

You got a world of experience, and a lack of common sence
Your right, thats not much worth bragging about.

ROSE said...

Alrighty then ...

So whaddaya think about the "masterminds behind the World Trade Center attacks" being tried in NY?

Anonymous said...

some fools never learn, they continue to verbalize garbage and act as if they are intelligent. go git your mule boy.

Anonymous said...

Why try them somewhere else? That's where the atrocious crime occurred. Does NY still have the death penalty?

Anonymous said...

It takes one to know one--Sucka--

Anonymous said...

man we has them in Clay co. we got us a mule man, we'uns has goatsuckers and we has chicken-pluckers and a hatchet man and one of them,who says they are an elected official, says the other officials are all fools and don't deserve to be reelected. this person must be a fool indeed.

Anonymous said...

Some of you are fools. Fran has did a damn good job. She has got more money for this county than any commissioner in the past. The new town cop is paid by a grant she wrote and got for over a $120,000 for free cop for 3 years. She just got $250,000 to do new sidewalks and lights for Clay. SHe also is the one that did the water samples for the bickmore, lizemore water extension and wrote every senator and delegate with no help form Jimmy and Pete. She was the only one over here when the gas was off up Sycamore at 2 in the morning so if seh got her picture took good for her.

Anonymous said...

I agree she done a good job. I never seen hre rude or mean. She work just like a joe blow get dirty, work on trucks, mow grass, and help her boys do everything always been good to me and my family even help my kid apply for money for college. the people bad mouthing her do not no her or are jealous.

Anonymous said...

CLay countians think different. not long ago I applied for assistance in procuring a cooking stove. last week a reply came from Clay DHHR it suggested that if i make application for eyeglasses and dentures through the Clay lions club it might help me getting a cooking stove. Don't follow their logic but it might work. have gotten a good home assistance helper though.

Anonymous said...

I clicked on the Clayberry site about 1500 times today looking for some news. I guess he quit or been run out of town.

Anonymous said...

Must be the Beets bragging on Frannie Pooh. What did people do before gas going off? Why did you get so dependant on somebody else taking care of you instead of you taking care of yourself?

How come when one of the elected officials come up at the end of their term they make claims of doing such great work, bringing in all the money, writing all the Grants and mostly having the big I little u syndrone. Been voting for along time and its always the same ole story at the end of a term. Yes I know there was only one CCC on the job and only one of them ever done anything to help the county also. The other two we just pay to sit there and look stupid and pat that fat a$$.

Anonymous said...

Go here to request a stove.
Clay Free Cycle

Anonymous said...

Hope Belt gets nailed. He likes to thump up on people because he's got so much pent up frustration from all the lying he does on his job. He's dirty just like all the rest.

ROSE said...

It's interesting that AW's never hesitated to ramble on & on about something, based on little more than rumors, gossip & innuendo, until now. Funny how he thrives on "he said/she said" until it comes to a "black shirt" with a well-known short fuse & now he needs documentation. Then again, Deputy Belt is a pretty big dude.

Anonymous said...

The bigger they are the harder they fall.

Never heard you call him Deputy Belt before Ms. Rose. ;)

Anonymous said...

Maybe just Maybe Deputy Belt is tired of Stump Morton dealing all the drugs that he deals, I would love to see him get the Shit beat out of him and it would be 1 less dealer in Clay, Everone knows he has been dealing pills for years. He looks like death warmed over. Get him again Belt.

Anonymous said...

Somebody besides the law has to keep the drugs coming in. May as well be Stump making a buck. All the dopers know the cops has more dope to sell then the dealers.

Still haven't heard anything about the $20,000.00 taken off Oggie Phillips when he got arrested at Go Mart. Do you think thats how Poopy got a new roof for his house at Bickmore?

Anonymous said...

He (Morton) is a useless f**k.

Anonymous said...

Heard Arlene Tucker is running for CCC?????

Anonymous said...

No Sheat!

Anonymous said...

Arlene Tucker is running for the CCC and she deserves the job. I think she would make a good commissioner and since she don't have a bf who needs to ride the payroll, or is she lazy and will give it her best go to help Clay County move forward she will get my vote, my support and any help I can give her. We need her to represent us, the people, all the people of Clay County not just our friends or family members. YOU go ARLENE...........

Anonymous said...

Some say Bruce Cunningham is thinking of running for the job.

That will put 3 from the school board on the ccc.

Anonymous said...

great if Bruce runs we will have to worry what he will give away for favors under the table
it seems that we have too many of the same people on different boards
and Fran got her sister in law and her boyfriend to lock up the CCHA
seems all is NOT well at Anderson Heights and there is talk of a law suit sue Encore sue lets see Fran fix that

Anonymous said...

Who the heck is Arlene Tucker?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I know why I do not live in Clay County any more. You bitch is Fran is in the paper or on TV then you bitch if you do not know what she done. All the politicians could have did something about the gas issue but nobody did but Fran. She took my parents an electric heater one night at midnight. They do not vote so she had nothing to gain. If it is jealousy or greed because you talk trash shame on you. I read the papers and my parents tell me whats going on. It takes just as much to praise someone as to lie and criticise. PS My aunt lives at the Old Maysel Manor Joyce (Frans X sister in law) is wonderful she is a LPN(NURSE) helps my aunt and the other people with small medical problems and their medicine and she makes a hugh salary of 9 an hour and can only work 20 hours a week. I called her today to check on my aunt and asked her, feel free the number is 304-587-2011

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Tue Nov 17, 07:28:00 PM

I bet your lips get tired of being puckered waiting to kiss Frans A**. Does she wipe before you kiss or do you just go for it.

Anonymous said...

Just jealous you are not big enough person to kiss Franny;s ankle

Anonymous said...

Not all Masel Manor feels like you so unless you live there dont be thinking Joyce is such a goody goody she might have nursing skills but she is not smart enough to work in a hospital and she hasnt taken a class in years so she isnt a certified lpn like you claim she is rude and only if you are willing to turn your back on all of her short comings is she nice to you but she cant even use a fax machine return calls or even no the rules maybe if she spent more time doing what she is paid for and less time doing health checks she isnt supposed to do the place wouldnt have all the issues it has and dont forget she is never at the other apartment complex at all and living near that one we all have to put up with the violence drugs and drunks

Anonymous said...

Lisa Hidelbrook you moved out not us. It is a much better place since you left with your live in Viagra man from Ohio. We know that is you that complains. So you and your special ed son and your viagra sugardaddy just live across the street and leave us alone, You know it is better than it has been in 10 years and Joyce cannot control what slumlords put in their houses and apartments close to us. So just shut up and go dye all of your hair instead of just the middle

Anonymous said...

Lisa Hidelbrook you moved out not us. It is a much better place since you left with your live in Viagra man from Ohio. We know that is you that complains. So you and your special ed son and your viagra sugardaddy just live across the street and leave us alone, You know it is better than it has been in 10 years and Joyce cannot control what slumlords put in their houses and apartments close to us. So just shut up and go dye all of your hair instead of just the middle

Anonymous said...