2010 is less than 24 hours away. What do we call the decade that's closing?
The Zeroes? The Aughts? The Pre-teens??
Any resolutions?
Warning: This site is chock full of rumors, innuendo, personal opinions & downright lies. Prolonged visits here could be detrimental to your health. If this happens, you're taking life way too seriously. There is a language barrier on this site - comments containing language that cannot be used on prime time network television will be removed. Try to play nice and act like you've got some sense (even if you have to fake it).
This year, I resolve to change nothing but my clothes & my lipstick.
Goody Goody Goody
Ya couldn't look no better
hey Rose I'm not much with the blarney, but if you dance with the Leprechaun we'll meet sooner or later.
I think I danced with a leprechaun once, but those Irish coffees tend to skew your memories sometimes ...
It Happened This Christmas ...
This year, we put up a pre-lit, artificial Christmas tree & then tricked it out with additional multi-colored blinking lights (the pre-lit ones that came w/the tree were clear & non-blinking). Then we covered the tree with years' worth of ornaments, all with their own little memories attached (yes, I retold the story of every single one). One night, MawMaw's name was mentioned & I looked at her picture on the fridge & included her in the conversation. Maybe 5 minutes later, the non-blinking lights started to blink. Not all of them, just a little chunk. Later that evening, I texted my BFF to tell her Mama "was here." Immediately thereafter, the door to the room Mama shared while she was here opened & closed. I was the only one up at the time. I got up, checked the door to make sure everybody was asleep & there weren't any major drafts & as soon as I sat down & said, "Merry Christmas, Mama," the door opened & closed again.
This was our 4th Christmas without Mama - obviously, we're not "without her" at all. (Those of you who chalk this up to malfunctioning lights simply didn't know my mom ... LOL)
That's my Little Christmas Story. I sincerely hope each and every one of you who misses a loved one has a story like this to tell at some point in your lives.
My resolution is to not pass any more gas in the court house elevator. Unless Walter is in there.
"Any MORE gas"?? Does that mean you'll not be passing any LESS, either? >;]
Everybody have a great New Years Eve time? We rang the new year in, but in such a way that proved it would've come with or without us. LOL
2K9 last year.
By Obama it's a winter wonder land. wonder what happened to FENA. A no show for our disastrous storm. all I see is white so don't reckon we rate assistance. Anyone like to come and cook my breakfast. I'm thinking cavalry, can't spell that fishy stuff, and lobster and ramps with hot fried tater bugs. Got a fifth of ROCKING CHAIR from my bootleg days 25 yrs. ago. Must be careful or HOT TODDY might warm things up.
See the CALPATTY press says that a fred haas IS MISSING IN C
ALHOUN. Says he useed to be worshipful master of the GRAND LODGE of WV but was expeled and then filed a suit against the lodge. poor fellow committed a no no. wonder if they've thought to look in that coffin they keep in the lodge for him.
Hooray we're off to a rollicking NEW YEAR.
see where NORTH KOREA says it'll end its nuclear program if the US will agree to keep them.
might as well. then we could threaten to cut off their welfare if they don't behave.
Coldern a witchs mammaries
or a mother in law's kiss
looks like everybody is tucked in for a long winters nap.
Sleep a little, tuck a little
Good for the soul.
Clay County Schools = 2 hour delay for Monday!
Where's that *%@&! global warming Al Gore's always harping about?? I'm way past ready for it to kick in!
Clay Co. Schools closed due to lack of state road attention.
It's COLD out there - some of those state road dudes are OLD, man! Their poor ol' joints just can't take that kind of cold anymore. >;)
hey them poor ole dudes gotta keep the economy going. can't let the gov'ment down. gotta have money to bail out the fat cats.
Those guys do a good job.
In the middle of the night, too.
Try gettin around in Nicholas county.
That last comment must be from a shovel propin state road suck.
Anybody got a tricked-out 4WD bus they'd like to rent me? It'll be a long-term rental - once I get off this mountain, I'm not coming back 'til everybody's complaining about the heat & humidity!!
It's not pretty anymore, it's not cool anymore, it's surpassed the PITA stage.
State road truck went by my house somewhere around 4:30 or so this morning. Evidently, it's not going to be sufficient for the bus - I see schools are closed again today.
Five snow days & it's barely January. AAARRRRGGGHHHHH!!!
Clay Co Schools website doesn't have any closing updates since 12/21/09. I guess the technology budget doesn't include remote access ...
Proof of this blogs influence ,,, the school websites been updated now
When ya see one of the king cab, state road trucks sitting long side of the road with an average of 6 people, waiting for it to rain, your looking at around $85.00 plus an hour wages=tax payer money
-----Fix it Joe-----
Thats 14.00/hr.
Not enuf for me to spend a day that close 5 of those guys.
There's no amount of money I'd go out on those roads in that frigid cold for. Though I would like to have a salt truck with a plow on it ...
Hey Rose is that an invitation? I won't be able to stay too long though.
LOL Whatever it takes to get off this *$#@! mountain!
hey Rose, what's holding you up. get some gov. bail out money and move JEANIE GOT SOME NICE PLACES GOING LIKE HOT CAKES. sell you mine cheep. got an out house, with a new set of steps, genuine, built by the welfare. know where there's a double wide I would like to have. not enough moola though. come trade with me and you'll have an outhouse in which to pee.
Sorry I couldn't make it threw a chain on the way up the hill.
I didn't know you had such a burning desire to be a flatlander.
One of my young'ns and I shoveled a path down the drive and got the Calamity Jane mobile warmin' up. If I can keep it out of the river we're headin' to Elkview for "milk and bread". Sure Smiths is closer, but I've been aggravated enough these last few days without havin' to spend the rest of the day smellin' like fried chicken! >; D
While you're out, would you mind to swing by the Chinese place & pick us up some lunch? We're down to the dregs of the freezer. LOL
Pike Co, KY has called off school for the rest of the week - ATTENTION CLAY COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION - take notes!! What on earth is the point of putting it off? It's not like there's going to be a miraculous heat wave or anything.
They must be thinking the global warming will kick in and warm everyone up.
2 hour delay called before 4 in the afternoon. Keep it up, Rose, you got em on the run!
LOL Yeah, whatever.
The road that was cleared yesterday is still clear today! WOOO HOOOOO!!
Y'all be careful out there!
AAARRRGGGGHHH!! I was thisclose to following the bus off the mountain & now there's not going to be a bus! But it's looking good for me to win the bet that there won't be any school at all this week!
How on earth am I supposed to throw a big 75th birthday bash in honor of Elvis if I can't even get to the grocery store?! Of course, I doubt the grocery store is going to be the ideal place to be today ... LOL
Last night there was no bread at Foodland, or GoMart or Bullard's. I got the last carton of eggs at Foodland. It was slim pickens at all of the stores!
Kroger's was pretty well stocked BEFORE I got there - we pretty much wiped them out, though. >;)
did you know that bread[country] is baked with flour or meal. fritters they're for me.
It's 8 p.m. & every surrounding county has already called school. I know Clay is ever-optimistic, but by the authority vested in me as a parent, I hereby declare Clay County schools to be closed tomorrow.
School Closings BOE
Clay isn't even mentioned when I looked.
Good morning all. fine day. 12 degrees, my computer says. White Xmas hangover. too cold to BS, BYE
Good grief! It's a shame all these snow days didn't take place while it was warm - I've been home since December 18th & I've accomplished NOTHING around my house! Well, one closet got cleaned, but that was only because I couldn't find what I was looking for. It's hard to get motivated when it's frigid degrees below zero.
Morning Rose,
Now that's something to look forward to, a warm snowy day on the 4th of July. I'd settle for a good hot bath and a heated toilet and a fur lined commode. Xmas was pretty good to me though.
think i'll buy a few shares of NV desert Monday. hear there's a gold mine out there. M an, I's gonna be rich, got an interest in NV desert, in amish pasta, in SA gold mines, and an oil well in gay Paree. gonna buy me a little kitty when I get rich. YIPPEEEE I AY YIPPEEE I O U. Bye now
LOL At the rate we're going, the kids will still be in school in July, so a snow day would be welcome for many reasons!
I've got zero sense of time now. Christmas came & went, New Years came & went ... here it is the 9th & I don't even know what Santa brought anybody outside my own home!
Did anyone read this story on wsaz? Is that the same Sherry Butcher that is from Clay County? Can't find a pic of her in jail.
Don't know about that, but Lorenza Carte from Clay Co. is being held on murder charges in Webster Co.
Accoeding to HUR-HEARLD article a Clay co. man [LORENZA CARTE] is charged with the murder of [JASON LAWSON] in an incident in the vicinity of Cowen recently.
I believe Lorenza was the one who swiped King Arthors (the x mayor)s bronco a year our two back.
And they think they have found the 8itch burgers bones.
there's no mention of any parts of the skeleton being missing so it seems to me the "bitch" burger part was likely fabricated.
Tasty Tasty? Not
and we have survived. now to look forward to the green green grass of spring.
ah the green green grasses of spring and the lassies of old kilgarnie. aye, how Ilong to see the isle of Hibernia once again.
I wonder, was Jason Lawson related to Kelli Lawson, was Kelli Lawson the Kelly of the Flanagans. something outta whack in these stories. Who is the anonymous that says Christian Starcher was tasty? Where are the investigators? under the bed as usuial?
Who is running this police blotter? Some ten year old?
what police blotter? what's wrong with what's being said? what's wrong with questioning the authorities. sometimes there are sensible answers not like yours.
Once again, I'm so out of touch, I'm totally lost.
Is this new info on an old case? Lots of those old cases that were seemingly forgotten were all tied together somehow, weren't they?
Wasn't the b*tch burger the Richard Cummings/Murder Moutain tie-in?
yes and no. thats what i'm trying to find out. if there is a connection in all this mess of drugs murders and shooting, suicides to. us amateurs stick our heads in where police offficers fear to tread.
I see on Andy's news page they took some street walkers off the street. That's not good for the economy...
LOL Are there honestly people who'd pay for a Clay Co street-walker? Or were they just taken off the streets because it's too #%^! cold to be wasting your time out there trying to peddle something nobody wants?
Good day, sun shines!
There have been times of troubles when I felt unhappy missing knowledge about opportunities of getting high yields on investments. I was a dump and downright stupid person.
I have never imagined that there weren't any need in big starting capital.
Nowadays, I feel good, I started take up real income.
It's all about how to choose a correct companion who utilizes your money in a right way - that is incorporate it in real deals, and shares the income with me.
You can get interested, if there are such firms? I'm obliged to tell the truth, YES, there are. Please be informed of one of them:
I wonder why Jesse Starcher has three warrants listed against him in the Calhoun magistrates report. I wonder, is this Jesse Starcher, the father of CHRISTIAN STARCHER SEABOLT? WHY, WHAT FOR? apparently for lying to an attorney. why?
maybe it's the beginning of an attempt to improve the quality of the merchandise.
Yeah but how do they get rid of the coal dust?
well as I remember when the miners came out of the mine after a shift they had pink lips. now we've probably got people in clay co. who would be glad to make sure their lips were pink.
As long as something else was pink it would be ok.
And that's the hole story, and i'm stickin to it.
see where they have a new program for the do-nothing hobby farmers. seems they now guarantee the hobby farmers a profit even if they do nothing. BAIL THEM OUT UNCLE SAM BAIL THEM OUT. Mostly congressmen I suspect who have already voted themselves guaranteed welfare after 4 yrs. of wondering what their job in washington really consists of.
anyone interested enough to find out who has filed for election. guess the candidates don't care either.
Moooorrgy filed for School Board.
Good morning, all you little rays of sunshine!
Day 4 of no school closings, no delays & holy cow, the sun's supposed to shine today!!
Whatever happened to George's blog?
That bald head looks like Benjamin Franklin alias AW.
What is going on now at BOVFD?
I hope all that wanted a white Christmas for 09 has gotten a gut full of the white garbage. Just hope for sunshine and 85 degress for 2010. After losing about all my appliances, computers and everything that had a clock on it I was well sick to death of white Christmas, New Year, and will still be sick of it in the middle of the month of January 2010. I am slowly getting back to normal but still afraid to buy any meats because of all the stuff lost in the storm.
By the way this global warming crap is getting pretty bad around here as we have only found one day above 32 degrees.
Guess everyone is so proud of NOBAMA's $100 million going to Haiti now. After all he did save us a bunch of money by not giving the elderly and disabled a cost of living allowance for two years. He couldn't hardly do that with Congress getting a $10,000.00 raise. No money in the coffers for the people that actually worked for it.
Yeah no COLA due to no inflation. If no inflation then why $4.00 for a gallon of milk and $2.50 for a loaf of bread also the price of gas. Well who voted for him has got what you asked for.
Benjamin Franklin had a little newspaper too but I think it was free.
Y think it was called Poor Andy's Almanac
new topic listed already
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