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The beauty of small town living...

- Bomont, West Virginia, United States
- When you have no idea what you're doing, somebody else will ... or at least make something up & run with it.
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AND ... I don't live in Haiti. So far, the estimate remains at 50,000 dead. But realistically, nobody will ever know for sure.
I just got a text from Sears saying Happy Founders Day so......Happy Founders Day. I'll bet there are some people in Haiti who'd like to be "found". I can't stop watching on CNN.
You got that rite Ms Rose because its all a part of the bilking system. Have you seen on the news where they are blocking the roads with bodies so they can loot? Is that the way all them porch monkeys think? Happened the same way with New Orleans, if they wanted it they stole it whether they could use it or not it was there for the taking same a Haiti.
Definitely the most ungrateful race of people in the world and now they are grumbling for the slow help. Can you see the pattern here? Next they will all get new NIKES to wear and a $2000.00 debit card at the expense of the taxpayers again.Even saw where they were having a cell phone donating thing and charge to your phone bill. We had to go for days without anything and lost everything we had to eat, all the PSC services across the state and all we got was a bunch of idiots from Texas to help repair AEP's wires.
By the way we nee to get a petition going so we can force the trees to be cut from power and phone wires along with getting some trees from hanging over the highway. Of course with the rain coming in and the thaw it the trees may not hang for long but will still need to be cut from the roadways.
Looks like our sheriff has seriously dropped the ball on the treasury department.
Instead of running all the expensive SUVs all over the place for food, he should stay in his office and get the work done.
How many employees are up there now? And they can't manage to keep the money in order?
Notice on the Clayberry Website about the inmates taking Clay County jobs and burning illegally. It's very well known that all of those who WANT to work in the county are doing so....And the Courthouse scuttlebutt says they had a special burn permit. Thank you County Commissioners for saving my TAX dollars!!!
I think I can safely say - without hesitation, shame or qualms - that if I was a victim of a catastrophic disaster & was watching my children, family & people all around me die for want of food, water & a band-aid & those things were available somewhere, I'd loot like there's no tomorrow. Yep, I would. I'd be a looter.
I'd leave the TVs & all that crap for the *real* criminals, but the necessities? I'd loot like nobody's ever looted before.
I don't think its looting for survival Ms Rose its just stealing because they can get by with it. Our soldiers are there providing the necessities to live on. Like our druggies here break into homes of the old people or whoever they can steal from. They take it just because you have it as they are to dumb and lazy to work for it.
Pockets of looting flared across the capital. Small bands of young men and teenagers with machetes roaming downtown streets helped themselves to whatever they could find in wrecked homes.
"They are scavenging everything. What can you do?" said Michel Legros, 53, as he waited for help to search for seven relatives buried in his collapsed house. A Russian search-and-rescue team said the general insecurity was forcing them to suspend their efforts after nightfall.
see that a ms Daniels of Ivydale was incarcerated in CRJ yesterday. rumor says she along with Mr Burnside are the church bandits.
Well they are bringing out Slick Willy and GW Bush to appeal to the American people to give more to the Haiti disaster. You would think after NOBAMA gave them a 100 miilion tax dollars you could buy the entire island with it.
Nope I won't donate anything to them. But I intend to help vote the dummys out of office along with other incumbant slimballs.
Even if the aid Obama's promised is in the form of prepackaged food, medical supplies, personnel, etc. ... do we not have severe need RIGHT HERE AT HOME for those same things?
I guess being homeless & hungry & dying just because you're poor isn't as worth $100,000,000 as being an earthquake victim.
It was not important enough to give the people that built this nation and now on social security a cost of living rasise since nothing cost you more to buy now.
Where do the leaders in government live? Evidently not in the real world and thats a fact.
OUT with incumbents in all government jobs!!!!!! Register and vote again these idiots people. No matter what excuse you had before to not vote. do it now because your last voting years are very close to becoming HISTORY. They whittle away our rights every day.
Everytime i read the rants from the anonymous racist on this site it makes me laugh harder than the last time he/she wrote something. What a miserable person he/she must be. lus, for someone who seems so proud of their racist views i wonder why he/she chooses to be anonymous. I assume it is because he/she is bilking our own government out of welfare funds which is, in itself, it's own form of looting. This uneducated person needs to get a life and realize that the world is so much bigger than his/her cramped home in Clay County were he/she survives on food stamps and his/her monthly "disability" check.
Visit an impoverished country and you will realize how lucky you are and why, like Rose, looting in these circumstances is the least of the government's worries. Doesn't this person know how stupid they sound?
Thanks Rose for standing up for the looters.
Absolutely anon (Sun Jan 17, 10:16:00 AM.)
Someones always gotta start with the hate.
Ms. Rose.
Me thinks you have a troll.
Give peas a chance.
hey racist what are you surviving on crack?
Nowhere have I seen any racist remarks here except for yours.
What does anybody expect from a starving person? Now to loot that is a different story.
hey racist what are you surviving on crack?
I'm a cracker and a racists according to you wigging lovers but I will die standing up for what I believe in and its not doling out taxpayers money to crackheads. By the way when I watch the news its not the crackers on crack doing time. You can kiss them blue gums all you want but I will remain the anonymus cracker. What is the problem with you people are you so ugly the blue gums are all you can get to sleep with you. NASTY
Above: 100 miilion tax dollars you could buy the entire island with it...
In 1935 when the USA invaded and took over the place, we sold the island to American business greedsters. Haven't they done a nice job with the place?
Someone who has the courage to say out loud what everone else is thinking.
Good bye White America.
Can I take the above to mean you are leaving? Praise all that is good.
You must have been pretty close to notice the blue gum thing.
Get a one way ticket and have a safe trip.
You don't have to get close to notice the blue gum thing it sticks rite out there just like the blonde bimbo on there arm.
As for the phrase "goodbye white America" noone has to leave or go anywhere. Whites are becoming extinct and will do so around 2023 as a white race.
I consider myself a fairly well-rounded, open-minded, intelligent person with a pretty good grip on human nature. But I will never, ever understand racism.
I will never understand "hating" an entire race of people based solely on their skin color.
I understand not liking crack heads, meth heads, thieves, wife-beaters, child molesters, animal abusers, system suckers, deadbeats, politicians. But to base any of that on the color of a person's skin? That has never - will never - make sense to me.
European Union nations pledged over euro400 million ($575 million) Monday to help quake survivors and rebuilding efforts in Haiti after last week's massive earthquake.
The European Union Commission said it would contribute euro330 million ($474 million) in emergency and long-term aid to Haiti. EU member states also poured euro92 million ($132 million) in emergency aid alone.
In addition, the EU was moving toward sending 150 people to be part of a police force to beef up security in the quake-hit Caribbean nation.
We send in help to Haiti and heres the result from them.
"White guys, get the hell out!" some survivors shouted in the city's Bel-Air slum, apparently frustrated at the sight of foreigners who were not delivering help.
If not mistakin, don't the Haitians vote in our presidental election?
Just heard an American in Haiti say he was ashamed to be American because our aid was so slow. Also saw a video took by a Haitian on his video cell phone. Poorest nation in the western world and they got video cell phones.
Everybody on WELFARE gets a phone now and its free. Everything is free to them as hey don't know what work is and I am sure they will tell you they are not afraid of work just like their daddy and his daddy and his dad and his daddy before him they lay right down by it every day and go to sleep. It called scamming the system.
Well I have work to do so I am going to lay down again.
At a collapsed and burning shop in the market area, youths used broken bottles, machetes and razors to battle for bottles of rum and police fired shots to break up the crowd.
"I am drinking as much as I can. It gives courage," said Jean-Pierre Junior, wielding a broken wooden plank with nails to protect his bottle of rum.
Even so, the U.S. Army's on-the-ground commander, Lt. Gen. Ken Keen, said the city is seeing less violence than before the earthquake. "Is there gang violence? Yes. Was there gang violence before the earthquake? Absolutely."
That sounds like they are into partying more then needing help.
Haiti took longer, but it's looking more & more like New Orleans every day.
Can't beat one of them hot brown momma's.
We used to.
Used to burn the cross in their yards to but we elected a bunch of bleeding hearts that make it a hate crime now.
And no before you start calling me prejudice or a racist just remember one thing. I dont descriminate I hate them all the same.
Now call your legislator and tell him to support the bill to drug test welfare recipents, black, white,green or purple test them all and if they don't pass kick them off the roll. 5 Generations is enuff to support.
tried to send an e-mail but don't have any friends with email addresses. pappy in law came to see me today.
Now that's a lie
Ain't no one around that old.
Just had one of the candidates at my house and did not realize their son is an out of the closet gay male with an official partner and wants to introduce Clay County to Gay rights. NO WAY
Moooorrgy did file why don't u file chicken
Don't think the courthouse or anyone had a burn permit or the ok to do it. I guess they worry more about that then Ambulance service going broke under their leadership with not a word from Fran about it or to raise questions in meetings I have heard her say that she tried but been to 95% of commissions meeting in 2009 and not a word about it. So she blowing smoke and a lot of it. But but no wounder it her family that runs it just like her 911 director.
New's alert!!!!!! Sheriff can't run his own office is now going to run for County clerk and run that office in the ground. He says he cant be beat if he runs........
Was pappy-in-law's visit successful?
In today's oh-so-politically-correct society, as long as you're an equal-opportunity racist & don't discriminate against anybody & call everybody by their politically-correct label, it's borderline acceptable to be racist.
Remember - a bad politician can always be replaced by a "badder" one. I think we've all lived this phenomenon first hand.
Y'all have a great day out there in the wilderness today!
Ain't no one around that old.
Hate to be the one to say it but since welfare leeches breed like flies you don't have to be very old at all to know some families have been on welfare since the onset of it. Ask anyone who has lived in the community very long at all and they can tell you who has worked all their lives and who has had the (Kennedy) rocking chair and front porch scenario.
pappy in law very successful, very energetic. am running on four burners now and getting bread from the oven. coming up in the world, got medicare, got medicaid, got soc. sec., got a home maker, need a secretary to baby sit me, poor pay, much worldly knowledge. many new ideas. need energetic person to decide if they're worthwhile. have learned anyone can set up private nonprofit org. such as clay development. have friend in AZ teaches computer business. whats next?
Clay Developement and a few others around that set up as not profit organizations are flurishing in Clayberry. Some have a used clothing store set up tax free, never have to buy any groceries as they live on food banks for poor people. They have eat so much commodity cheese they had to nail screen wire over their butts and that of their friends to keep the rats from eating them alive.
Glad I don't live in California as they are getting up to 10 feet of snow and we thought 30 inches was a lot. I just hope it stays west of the Big Muddy Mississippi River. I have had a gut full of snow and hope I never see another drop.
I am glad to see that Michelle Deyton is running against Ms Stick it in ur ear now that I got elected Workman. It is bewildering how she thinks after being elected that noone in the county is up on her level.
I thinks its time to rock the boat in Claybery just like the people of Massachusetts done yesterday. Vote out all incumbants and start with a clean slate.
other church under Legg watch faling Trenity now has one family renewing vows and selling howse after bit afair in church fondout. Bee like Fareview prety soon.
LS, if you're getting Medicare & Medicaid & SS, you ARE livin' high on the hog! That kind of combo is rare, rare, rare. Especially for people who need it!
I'm with Anon - let's all vote for the underdog next election. No matter the elected office, no matter the experience of the candidate, no matter who it is. I'm not going to say "it couldn't get much worse" (because we all know that's just a written invitation for Karma to kick our butts!) but ... if it's going to be bad, let's at least make the badness come from a new face.
Vote them out one by one and a new face in everyplace. Not one incumbant in this county should get reelected this election.
Its time for a real change, change that we can all see when we walk into a courthouse or BOE meeting.
Vote them out one by one and a new face in everyplace. Not one incumbant in this county should get reelected this election.
Its time for a real change, change that we can all see when we walk into a courthouse or BOE meeting.
A new face in every place,
a new orifice in every office.
I kill me.
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To the above, are you from Nigeria?
Did y'all watch the debate between Don Blankenship & Robert Kennedy?
I was so hoping Kennedy would offer something concrete that would counter Blankenship's personal, first-hand experience. My hopes were dashed within the first 5 minutes of Kennedy's droning on & on, spouting off statistics he's been fed by like-minded fanatics-in-training.
Kennedy came across as fidgety, argumentative & seemed to a blue million statistics, but no real concept of life in WV. Blankenship, on the other hand, came across as a laid-back, calm, intelligent good ol' boy.
Which is a cryin' shame, because if this debate was any indication of how our future is being decided, we're all doomed.
Don Blankenship is one of the smartest modern day criminals going. Yes I said criminal and I will mince no words with this crook and how he is destroying our state with the mountain top removal system, valley fill stream destroying coal mining. Lets just take the Twenty Mile and Leatherwood area of Clay and Nicholas counties, which should have been by all rights a National Forest or wildlife reserve but is now completely destroyed beyond any imagination. The streams there will not support any type of fish life, lizard, crawfish or water organism.
Yet this had the ones destroying the land, watersheds and the wildlife believing its the only way to abstract coal from that land. We have done without it here for well over 500 years and should have done without it permanantly.
More jobs and more economical resources could have been had with alternate sources besides the Mountaintop Removal System. As they were ran out of Kentucky for their destruction of invironmental issues. But being the dumb state, and the greedy politician state we have it shoved down our throats that this is the way here in the state of WV.
Our politicos back them 100% against the people and let them run us off our lands, steal from us what should have never been sold or given to them by creating the economy of the 30's and that of today also. Big Coal,Oil and Gas Companys rule our econonmy and to gain what they want they will do anything it takes to get it.
It's easy to sit back and say "STOP MOUNTAINTOP REMOVAL NOW!" but the reality is, there are currently 3,000,000+ people in this country who are unemployed. Do we really want to add to that by shutting down an entire industry when we have NOTHING to replace it with? Especially in WV - do we really want to add 20,000 (or however many coal miners we have) people to the unemployment/welfare/free lunch roster?
Yes, it needs to be changed. Perhaps even eliminated. But what happens in the interim? What do we use for energy? Who feeds the unemployed? Who insures them? Who makes up the loss of their tax dollars?
Instead of b*tching about the problem, be part of the solution.
Today's JailHouse Hottie:
I'm gonna post her bail myself!!
Mountains have been stripped for years in Wv but not like they have in the past 20 or so years. Utter devastation to get the coal out is no excuse and noone has to be layed off or lose tax dollars to do so. Deep mining of coal has been going on for a 100 years or more with only a few acres destroyed and not thousands.
Hundreds of thousands deep mine jobs were lost to mountain top removal. Ask any laid off deep miner where his job went and he will tell you MTR took it.
What irks me most is none of the money taken from MTR goes back into the local economy and billions leave the state every day.
Maybe people in Clayberry can get NOBAMA to fix it or at least get one of the worthless reps in DC to fix it. After all thats what they got elected to do over 50 years ago. But of course NOBAMA pumped ga zillions into the DOH and they hired two guys in Clay to work and fix all the roads. The rest that was already working can hold up signs and traffic while those two repair pot holes on a day when its raining.
Waddell's newest news is what I mentioned here 2 months ago.
A little slow but he is finally reporting on it.
did AW have something new. I surely didn't sleep through a day.
a comment on AWs news. in my travels within the US prison transportation system. I was informed by my guards that on an airplane the guards had parachutes, the prisoners didn't. the inmates also were handcuffed. if there had been an accident there was no chance of survival by an inmate. why should other prisoners be pampered?
When you say all politicians need to be voted out of office Why! Do they all need lumped into the same pile or have you looked at each politicians history, what he or she has done for the county or state, or are you just listening to another uninformed individual. Delegates and senators run every 2 years a politicians first term they have hardly learned the ropes and what to do before it is time for them to run again. Have you went to the courthouse or capital and researched their pros and cons or is that just your idea. Why vote someone out if they have been doing a good job. On Board of Education and COmmission they are a board but the individual members that you vote on may have voted or done what you think is right but because of the majority vote it appeared in the paper or on record as they all voted that way. We have in the past and could in the future vote out a friend to our state or county. We could do worse. Please research before you voice a unresearched opinion and have others follow you. THey will not please all of us all the time. but several of them have stood up for the cooks, bus drivers, laborers, miners, truck drivers, and the little man. They need to stay to fight for us again.
unresearched opinion and have others follow
I think my research of politicians has been done over the past forty or so years and yes I know all about getting to know the ropes and also to abstain from voting. To "abstain" from voting is counted as a YES vote.
I think we also know what perks or "KICKBACK" can be had by voting in unison. Yes in the legislative body there are some that have to learn to do the job but usually it is not done satisfactory to the people they are representing. It is usually the kickbacks from crooks representing Insurance companys, teachers, cooks, bus drivers, mechanics and other workers that I have to pay a pension plan from kickbacks of insurance companys that whorawed everybody to pass the legislation in the first place. Whos fault is it that I have to not only contribute my $.72 cents on the dollar of taxes to the BOE plus pay an addional 8 to 10 dollars every three months so somebody that hasn't paid into a pension plan like the one I had to pay into to earn a pension. I never agreed to such a legislation and I do not agree with such garbage, if you don't work for it you should not get it.
Our Delagates and Senators are so good at doing their jobs "turning their backs on the voter" they don't have time for the little man. If you talk to one of them they act as if they listen but it goes in one ear and out the other. No I do not agree to let them stay but I will agree to wipe the slate clean with new faces as its the only way the people are going to take government from the few and give it back to many, where the people have the say. We have the most corrupt government in the world right now and its all because of voting the same idiots in time after time until no matter how you vote they are still in there robbing the taxpayers blind, passing laws that only a few benefit from, mainly them.
Yes I will vote against all incumbants and hope you will wake up to whats going on around you before you are living under a cardboard box just because you voted the way you have. I will say it again VOTE NO TO INCUMBANTS with new faces in all places.
I have found once you elect your "FRIENDS" they no longer know who you are after election is over.
Look to see the DNR and Mayor Brown have the illegal burn in Clay covered up,gone by nightfall.
Do you remember Christian Seabolt -
Remains of 18-Year-Old Found 7 Years Later
as I suggested earlier nothing was mentioned about any parts being missing, so, seems the "bitch burger" comment was inaccurate.
Cal Patty said it Chump
I read cal-patty and hur-hearld, said what?
I've found that not all my friends are cut out for pulic service. Hence, most of them who'd ever run for office would be the last people I'd vote for (nothing personal, you understand).
53 more days 'til Spring!!
10 more days below freezing
?- 5 more days to throw your hat in.
when will the CLAYBERRY implosion begin already.
Clayberry exodus soon. no prospects here.
where's the jobs.
raise corn on MTR. PLENTY CORNCOBS for corncob county.
the easter bunny is coming.
Clayberry exodus soon. no prospects here.
where's the jobs.
Taken by some of the politicians family members, cousins, bf, or payback deals from the last election.
You know I am just amazed that how in this county called Clay that there is never a job listed for working in the courthouse. I don't ever recall seeing one job opening listed anywhere. Is this leagal to fill local government jobs without ever announcing the job openings?
Do the people in Clay county not have any say over this?
LOL Surely you jest!
See, everybody thinks courthouse employees waste a lot of money. Not so. It takes time, money & a loose grip on language skills to place an ad in a newspaper. It takes ink & paper & tape & penmanship skills to make a "Help Wanted" sign & post it on a door/window. Picking up the phone & calling your brother/niece/neighbor's first cousin is free & virtually effortless. Sometimes, it even leads to a free dinner or a good deal on a used truck.
It's all about economics, you know.
You have definitely summed The Courthouse Squad, BOE, Town Council and all the local government agencies or tax funded jobs into one ball of wax. Only thing you left off was the actual Resume and job applications. Just think of all the tax money saved and cost cuts, and paper saved by not advertising a job around Clayberry.
Hope everyone is ready for Nobama and the dumtaxacrats next move on the economy since they want to scale back all domestic spending. Once again the American Taxpayer/Workers get it broke off in them again. Why is it you never hear of cutting aid to foriegn countries? They give out money like there is no tomorrow when it comes to foriegn aid but when it comes to helping the taxpayer, foriegn aid gets the goldmine and we get the shaft.
They raise taxes to support every Tom, Dick and Harry and the ones here struggling are supporting the entire world.
Well, you know, nailing down Obama’s various tax proposals is like nailing Jell-O to the wall. There has been five or six of them and if you wait long enough, there will probably be another one.
How about a spending freeze on everything but defense, veteran affairs and entitlement programs.
Anybody know who said those famous words?
Paste in your browser and watch the democrats jump off a cliff
Let's try this - next election, let's all vote for whoever the Republican candidate is. If there's no Republican candidate but there is space to write in somebody, let's write in our own names.
Y'all pay close attention to what Obama says tonight so you can tell me what he says.
Yes check the record on them voting or not voting it will suprise you what the vote for and tell you they were against it but the VOTE say different
Sheriff paying back and for help in his next election hired David Pierson daughter in his office I guess the hell with Mike King's daughter-in-law she out.
Just in case some of you young whippersnappers (& some older ones) didn't know this. It's easy to check out, if you don't believe it. Be sure and show it to your kids. They need a little history lesson on what's what and it doesn't matter whether you are Democrat or Republican.
Facts are Facts!!!
Our Social Security
Franklin Roosevelt, a Democrat, introduced the Social Security (FICA) Program. He promised:
1.) That participation in the Program would be completely voluntary. No longer Voluntary
2.) That the participants would only have to pay 1% of the first $1,400 of their annual Incomes into the Program. Now 7.65% on the first $90,000.
3.) That the money the participants elected to put into the Program would be deductible from their income for tax purposes each year. No longer tax deductible
4.) That the money the participants put into the independent 'Trust Fund' rather than into the general operating fund, and therefore, would only be used to fund the Social Security Retirement Program, and no other Government program. Under Johnson the money was moved to The General Fund and Spent.
5.) That the annuity payments to the retirees would never be taxed as income. Under Clinton & Gore, up to 85% of your Social Security can be Taxed.
Since many of us have paid into FICA for years and are now receiving a Social Security check every month -- and then finding that we are getting taxed on 85% of the money we paid to the Federal government to 'put
away' -- you may be interested in the following:
------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- ----
Q: Which Political Party took Social Security from the independent 'Trust Fund' and put it into the general fund so that Congress could spend it?
A: It was Lyndon Johnson and the democratically controlled House and Senate.
------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --
Q: Which Political Party eliminated the income tax deduction for Social Security (FICA) withholding?
A: The Democratic Party.
------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- -----
Q: Which Political Party started taxing Social Security annuities?
A: The Democratic Party, with Al Gore casting the 'tie-breaking' deciding vote as President of the Senate, while he was Vice President of the US.
------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- -
Q: Which Political Party decided to start giving annuity payments to immigrants?
A: That's right!
Jimmy Carter and the Democratic Party. Immigrants moved into this country, and at age 65, began to receive Social Security payments! The Democratic Party gave these payments to them, even though they never paid a dime into it!
------------ -- ------------ --------- ----- ------------ --------- ---------
Then, after violating the original contract (FICA), the Democrats turn around and tell you that the Republicans want to take your Social Security away! And the worst part about it is uninformed citizens believe it!
The Senior Citizens of this country deserve an award or at least a letter of recognition for saving this country from financial ruin by doing their part. By not receiving their COLA (Cost Of Living Allowance), for two years by the statement that there is no inflation. Even though milk is $4.00 a gallon and bread is $2.50 a loaf.
A vague statement was made about receiving a one time payment of $250.00 to offset that. It hasn't arrived yet. God bless America.
CC; Glenn Beck
It is not uninformed citizens that believe it its the ones with CRS (can't remember sh*t) disease or better known as registered dumocrats. I have found they can't remember anything when it concerns what they have done was wrong. Famous last words:::: I don't recall. Heard over and over in court room proceedings when asked about any questions pertaining to their political careers.
Another comment, why is it when you reelect, lets say a sheriff after four years of getting criminals locked up, Why is it they do nothing at all after being elected for a second term? VOTE OUT INCOMBANTS 2010
The $250 stimulus checks are are pure hocus pocus. Sure, you get the $$ and then tax time you have to claim it as income. It's not just $$ that they hope you invest in the "consumer market" somewhere. You get the 250, spend it and get taxed on everything you buy, and then get taxed again from the IRS!! Does it really benefit anyone? Same goes for the $8000 first time homebuyer credit. Tax payers beware!!
How do you spell incumbents?
Is anynody sick and tired of hearing about Nobama all the time?
Looks like dumbacrats ain't the only ones with poor memory.
Where the hell were you? (yes you anon and your fellow rethugnicans/DINO's) when Shrub was POTUS?
Instaed of bitchin, why don't you try doing or saying something nice for a change?
It might make someones day.
Maybe even yours.
If you forget history you are destined to repeat it.
If you ain't part of the solution, you're part of the problem.
Give peas a chance.
Yes I can remember when the Shrub took over where slick willy and Al the green Gore left office. And I can also say for a registered dumocrat I actually felt sorry for him having to take over such a mess. The only other pitiful president who ever left a mess like it was Carter or Hoover. Nobama has done exactly nothing for this country except destroy it. We are so far in debt now if the world stands and you live to be 150 years old you will still be paying for the first year of NOBAMA and the DEMOCRAT TAX & SPENDTHRIFT congress. Just remember these famous words for Dumocrat Liberals::::: its ok to suck one but not to smoke one.... Also remember I became a part of the solution the first day I went to WORK....I served this country so I have the rigth to gripe, b*tch or bellyache about politicians destroying the FREEDOMS I was supposingly fighting for.
I'd like to forget history, specifically American History to 1877. I doubt if I'll be repeating any of that; it's the more recent history of my own that I need to not forget!
Like I said, poor memory.
Can you say surplus, as opposed to deficit?
Oh yeah. poor shrub, he had it tough.
Country was in far worse shape with shrub's departure, than when the cheatin dog left office.
Um, who put the TARP/Bank Bailout in motion?
If I remember correctly it was shrub.
Nobama wasn't POTUS then. WTF?
Guess you're gonna say this is all Nobama's fault.
At least he tried to stimulate the economy by fixing the long neglected infrastructure.
BTW, how much do you get paid to be a troll?
Im going to the Farm Store and buy a pitchfork so I'll be in style when this country gets to Hell.
It's definitely on its way there.
Nice hair.
Don't forget to buy a handbasket while your buying. As far as a stimulous check goes this time last year we were all getting a $600.00 a person check. Well like all things coming out of DC we got $300. and lots of BS to go with that also. Big deal my COLA would have fare exceeded that over a few months but again thanks to DC and Nobama lost out on that for two years already that would have paid me the rest of my life also. So Yes I got it in for the DUMOCRAT CLUB runing things in the ground.
I think even Rose said one time Hillery C. was the best pick for Pres.
I haven't heard her say that for a while. But I'm certain she still thinks it.
"I think even Rose said one time Hillery C. was the best pick for Pres." ... You make sure you quantify statements like that before you just throw them out at random!! LOL
Given the choice between Obama & Hillary? Yeah, Hillary would've been the better choice. I'll even go so far as to say this - between Hillary & Robert Kennedy, Jr.? Also Hillary. Between Hillary & ... say Lassie? I'd vote for Lassie (yes, I know Lassie is long dead). Hillary & anybody who's ever been through Celebrity Rehab? The celebrity every time.
Don't forget, though, it could always be worse. If Obama falls over dead, Biden rules the world.
If Obama falls over dead, Biden rules the world.
God forbid that ever happening as Biden would fall over dead leaving that dyke queen Pelosi and the evil prince Reid in charge. EWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW just gets worse as you go along don't it?
by: Charles Swindoll
The longer I live, the more I realize the impact of attitude on life.
Attitude, to me, is more important than facts. It is more important than the past, than education, than money, than circumstances, than failures, than successes, than what other people think or say or do. It is more important than appearance, giftedness or skill. It will make or break a company... a church... a home.
The remarkable thing is we have a choice every day regarding the attitude we will embrace for that day. We cannot change our past... we cannot change the fact that people will act in a certain way. We cannot change the inevitable. The only thing we can do is play on the one thring we have, and that is our attitude... I am convinced that life is 10% what happens to me and 90% how I react to it.
And so it is with you... we are in charge of our attitudes.
Words to live by.
A friend sent this to me. I can't think of a reason to disagree, can you? It is short and to the point! The only thing it omits is HOW to accomplish it.
Promote a "Congressional Reform Act of 2010."
It would contain eight provisions, all of which would probably be strongly endorsed by those who drafted the Constitution and the Bill of Rights.
I know many of you will say, "this is impossible". Let me remind you, Congress has the lowest approval of any entity in Government, now is the time when Americans can join together to reform Congress - the entity that "represents" US the citizens of the USA.
Congressional Reform Act of 2010
1. Term Limits: 12 years only, one of the possible options below.
A. Two Six year Senate terms
B. Six Two year House terms
C. One Six year Senate term and three Two Year House terms
2. No Tenure / No Pension:
A congressman collects a salary while in office and receives no pay when they are out of office.
3. Congress (past, present & future) participates in Social Security:
All funds in the Congressional retirement fund moves to the Social Security system immediately.
All future funds flow into the Social Security system, Congress participates with the American people.
4. Congress can purchase their own retirement plan just as all Americans.
5. Congress will no longer vote themselves a pay raise. Congressional pay will rise by the lower of CPI or 3%.
6. Congress looses their current health care system and participates in the same health care system as the American people.
7. Congress must equally abide by all laws they impose on the American people.
8. All contracts with past and present congressmen are void effective 1/1/2011.
The American people did not make this contract with congressmen, congressmen made all these contracts for themselves.
Serving in Congress is an honor, not a career. The Founding Fathers envisioned citizen legislators, serve your term(s), then go home and back to work.
Sounds good to me, or at least it's a start.
The whole point is, it's not Dumbocrat against Rethugnican.
That's what they want, it's the old divide and conquer thing.
It's us against them, and we out number them.
Let's look for real solutions instead of this two sided slam fest all the time.
Write your representatives, tell them how you think things could be better.
There is strength in numbers.
Threaten them with a large enough block of votes and they will sit up and take notice.
Bitchin on Rose's blog ain't gonna make it better.
It just makes you look bitter and stupid.
And for God's sake, THINK FOR YOURSELF, instead of parroting what you hear.
I'm Anonymous. How bitter & stupid could I look when you don't have any idea what I look like.
Fri Jan 29, 07:40:00 AM
How many letters did you get from Rocky or Byrd this week??
You want to read the ones I have in case you didn't write them lately.
TODAYS JAILHOUSE HOTTIE:http://www.wvrja.com/offimage/imagedownload.asp?bookid=2874037&oname=BrittanyOstlund
Well finally scared to death Nick Rahall moved over to the side of Shelly Moore Capito to insure jobs in Wv coal fields. You can skip over his name on the ballot when you vote and vote for the dog with rabies or whoever else thats runing against him. After months and months of loosing jobs he is scared he will be voted out now. Maybe people in southern Wv will have a memory when it comes time to vote.
Watch out for the Clayberry site the things that go bump in the night are back again.
Who woulda thunk the court house had Walter S. bagging up all the illegal trash burned behind the court house. And he looked nun to happy.Probably the hardest he's worked in 10 years.
Fri Jan 29, 05:20:00 PM
If he has worked at all since he's been there I would sure like to have taken a picture of it.
tim for a ambulance audit see where the money has gone
That ain't gonna happen might cause trouble for Frannie's family and you know how that goes.
Embezzeled money buys lots of things. Any other county there would be some arrest going on and jail time passed out plus paybacks. Saw that on the news awhile back.
Send this one to your representatives.
Good video both times.
What a bunch of tripe.
Damn communist.
Bunch of naggers on there.
Dang naggers.
Damn capitalist.
Took a drive to Beckley today and it looks as though the salt they use in Clay County has no effect on the roads at all. Snow and ice covered all the way to the county line. Nicholas county road from Bentree to Dixie to the Fayette couty line snow packed with ice also. Fayette county line at Dixie to Gauley Bridge has a very few places with little snow packed in shady places. From Gauley over to Fayetteville, two places on Gauley Mountain with snow packed but tracks down to pavement. Cotton hill also had a couple shady spots with a little snow. From the top of Cotton hill to Beckley 90% Clear and dry with wet spots here and there. Ain't it amazing what runing a snow plow and using a little salt and cinders mix will do for a roadway. Matter of fact where is the Clay County Slow Road Crews at this weekend.
Two hour delay in for school tomorrow because DOH can't work in Clay County on weekends to clear the roads? Makes perfect sense to me.
Bull Snot, my road is cleared.
What you been doing, dreamin?
Mines not been touched.
Still snow coverd here too.
Well they ran the snow plow around 7 this morning to absolutely no prgress at all. If your road is clear its because you live north of Hartland bridge because from there going south on rt 16 it was slicker then goose poop on green grass yesterday. All the secondary roads are still that way and still have no salt on them even after the plow ran. Guess they are trying to keep it to themselves for a rainy day.
Our road was plowed yesterday. No idea if they salted or not, but salt has no effect once the temperature gets so slow.
However, I heard lots of complaints about Twistabout & surrounding areas in Procious. What ever happened to the cinders they used to use? Even sawdust would be an improvement.
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