The beauty of small town living...

My photo
Bomont, West Virginia, United States
When you have no idea what you're doing, somebody else will ... or at least make something up & run with it.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010


I, for one, had a great time at the Apple Festival.
... & the 25-year reunion of the Class of '85 was a blast!
Life is grand, ain't it?


Booo said...


Anonymous said...

Ms Rose there is a mud race at Loftis construction Saturday Sept.25 if you are interested. Its close to home and lots of fun as you know. Here is some directions for ya.

At 79-77 split take 77 towards Sissionville, Get off at Edens Fork Rd. going towards Sissionville, turn onto old 21 North to Sissionville about 3/4 mile on the left at Loftis Construction Company.

ROSE said...

Hey, thanks for the info! Sounds like it might be fun!

Finally made it to O'Brien this weekend - definitely going back. I did so love the grit in my teeth!! LOL

I can't believe September 25 is this weekend already. Good grief!!

Anonymous said...

I- 77 Exit 106 (Edens Fork)
Left @ the exit if north bound
Right @ the exit if south bound
Go 2 miles to Rt 21, there is as stoplight here
turn right go 1/4 mile event is on left cant miss it!!

Rodney Loftis Senior Memorial Race Sept 25,2010

ROSE said...

Doesn't get much better than FREE!!

Today's the first day of Fall!! Did y'all catch that moon last night?? Unless you were blind or have some heavy-duty black-out curtains, don't think you could've missed it!! LOL

Anonymous said...

waal now don't reckon I want to play patty cake. think i'll hunt a big foot.

Anonymous said...

S#IT, say something ,women.
Oh I forgot I was on here, how ya doing Rose Marie?

Anonymous said...

we wander around without class, just waiting for a little time to pass. not much to not much to do but I've still got three fingers on which to chew.
the festivals over, andy says everythings fine and we have a coordinator with a cute behind.

Anonymous said...

we wander around without class, just waiting for a little time to pass. not much to not much to do but I've still got three fingers on which to chew.
the festivals over, andy says everythings fine and we have a coordinator with a cute behind.

Anonymous said...

Dam bursted in his head, he came up with a thought. 3 cheers for the river dweller.

Anonymous said...

Seems i'm more advanced than most of you repeaters who cannot comment unless someone else gives them an idea to comment about.

Anonymous said...

Shame on you Dip Stick.
I think I will give you the Bird.

ROSE said...

LOL Y'all make me laugh .. but I'm an easy laugher. >;]

Nothing - & I mean nothing! - going on up on the mountain. Boring, boring, boring!!

Maybe I should start some juicy rumors about myself & liven things up a bit. ....

Anonymous said...

Glad I cheered you up, Ms.Rose.
And I'd also be glad to pester the self proclaimed,smartest man in the county,anytime, if it cheers you up.

Anonymous said...

Hey Rose,you wanta know a secret?

ROSE said...

LOL Of course I wanna know a secret! What kind of no-brainer question is that?? LOL

I think the smartest man in the county is ME! >;)

Anonymous said...

so do I. who are you. andy says mike is back on the street but is a changed man.

Anonymous said...

I wouldn't think I am so intelligent if your ignorance wasn't so obvious.

Anonymous said...

??? 32 yr old female DOA at Maysle Maner ???

Anonymous said...

What are you doing in that picture Rose, a cartwheel?

ls said...

boring, have sat heretill my rear is tired trying to think of something worth saying, No go. my coffee is cold, my snack crackers gone. the bed is not enticing, what to do. go back to the civil war. reminisce I guess. My grandmothers uncle[CSA] was shot by his brother in law[union] while laying his arm around his shoulders. drew his pistol and "blooeyt" blew a hole in his neck. then escaped after being convicted for murder. returned to get his brother. that is my grandmothers father, who beat him to the punch and shot him through the leg as the union man rounded the hen. fellow died in a few days. my grandmothers father lived out his days on the home place. Called Moorefork or Butlers fork of Big Otter now. digging into somes genes. interesting Much history in that area. an area once walked by NANCY HART and the "moccasin rangers" of Calhoun
adam o'brien too once trod the forests of this area. called O'briens low gap. have researched the area for indian relics. found remains of trading post and indian camp ground. By golly maybe I've found a pastime three fingers ancestors once wandered these woods. next installment duh don't know.

ROSE said...

It is! It is a cartwheel I'm doing in that picture!! & that was the 2nd one of the night!! LOL

You know, a buncha friends reunion'ing after 25 years & talk turns to cheerleading. Just had to prove I could still do it! I wasn't the only one, but ... I'm the only one with photo proof!! LOL

LS, you need to get yourself a tape recorder to tell those kinds of stories to & then have them transcribed, typed & published! I love that kinda thing.

Rain's on the way - batten down the hatches!!

Anonymous said...

yer right Rose, three days rain starting 6 pm today. glad I GOT A NEW ROOF. No more leaks. WHoooooooeeeeeeeeeeeee life don't get no better than this. course a poop pot with running water would help.

ROSE said...

Our old roof didn't leak, so we put a new one on & it does. Go figger. >;)

That's a cold *%&! rain out there, too! BRRRRRRRRRR

Anonymous said...

Maybe it's karma?
Keep your powder dry and your women wet.

Anonymous said...

Ms Rose needs to get a job she's ramblin as bas as LS in his second childhood now!!!!OMG did I say that

Anonymous said...

Whata talkin about, he never grew out of his first one.

Anonymous said...

would still play with dolls if they would hold still and I was able. at least I give you'll something to talk about. your mind is so shallow doesn't reach very far,

Anonymous said...

Now youall be nice to the old skutter. He's human with a heart.
He ain't got no sence, but he's got a heart. Let up for you give him a coranary.

Anonymous said...

now I got a jackass braying in my favor. now you'll be nice or us mules will kick yo donkeys. the idjits will have their say.
did you know social security is broke. did you know the minority religious sects do not pay social security. did you know illegal immigrants do not pay social security. did you know congressmen do not pay social security.

Anonymous said...

How bout congress women Shelly Moore
She was a nice squeeze, but I didn't vote for her.DAM gop's

ROSE said...

LOL Rose has a job - I ramble when I'm working, I ramble when I'm not ... heck, I probably ramble in my sleep.

Ramble. That's an odd word.

Anonymous said...

Morning Rose; I think my whole family rambled at night. can't seem to match parents and children.

Anonymous said...

I wonder if DNA is short for Daaaa?

ls said...

Morning Rose etc.
something new has been added. learned to read and interpret census reports. much info there, learned much about my ancestors. plenty left though.
culture and arets of clay educational has a branch that dabbles in genealogy if I am not mistaken. have never used it. not learning many secrets lately. bad publicity from the dogs oh well , social sec starts downhill Friday the 1st. Oct.

Anonymous said...

What's going to happen to SS Oct 1st? I'll bite.

Anonymous said...

It seems he said it was going down hill.
Sometimes a person needs to read it twice.

ls said...

to explain; social security will have more expenses than income beginning with the month of October.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for explaining LS. I reread it a number of times but still didn't get it. Thanks for the non explanatory answer whoever contributed it. I see now with the planned destruction of the US economy by the 44th how this would be so.

Anonymous said...

Yep, we are not living in the days of the hippy and the flower child forever more.

Anonymous said...

Damn shame.
The world could use a little more peace and love right now.

Anonymous said...

hey we got greed and selfishness. just take a look at our politcians, our government workers, if you're not a lodge brother, you're screwed.

Anonymous said...

Everybody got their wood in?
Keep your powder dry. And yer partner damp.

Anonymous said...

Still wet from gitin the wood in.
Sure ain't gitin no younger.

Anonymous said...

Wayne King finally made it to jail over in the eastern panhandle.
Fare likeness of him, they take better mug shots there.

Anonymous said...

Hey that's not the real Wayne King. Must be some relation.

Anonymous said...

Hey Rose; tell everyone, new week new month, Xmas is coming, We don't have the baaaaaaaaad men running things now. The King is taking over. Next month we vote for her supporters. Will she and Randy wear galluses or belts. Just think, JL, Arlene, the dear. and and Mr.Pearson, a new bunch of comeeeeeesheners. WHOOOOOEEEEE!!!!! each an expert in their field. theres JL, GOOD WITH ACQUIRING MONIES, Arlene good with taxes, money, Pearson, good at bldg. spending money. Whoooooeeeee!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Somebody tell Andy to tie a string on it for two reasons. 1. so he can find it and 2. so he doesn't contaminate it.

Anonymous said...

Someone seems awful concerned about Mr. one eye.

Anonymous said...

It seems we are out of time. hard to tell who is talking about who. some people are very shy, don't want their identity known.

Anonymous said...

Yeah including yourself.

I said...

Just remember to keep your wood dry, your women warm and your gun oiled.

Anonymous said...

Clay Co. BoLo----------
Mrs. C. has been missing on here for a week.

ROSE said...

She's been spotted elsewhere, though!! Keep your eyes peeled! Ya never know where she'll show up!!! >;)

sherlock said...

Morning Rose everyone; Rose must have found something more fascinating to do than referee community dog fights.
law enforcement was all over yesterday. landed 24 in CRJ. mostly bond and parole violators. south central got 18. better keep yo head down and yo donkey out o' sight.
Rose and de debbil dey's running wild.

Anonymous said...

run for the hils the zombies are taking over.

Anonymous said...

Where are the services going to be held for this blog? It was really good while it lasted. Or is LS's computer broke down?

Anonymous said...

Figurein on the law of averages, this blog will be here long after windy is gone.
Now bow your heads in a moment of silence for that thought.

ls said...

sorry folks but my last comment got cut. don't know why, unless something was said aboutv the wrong people. seems like allegiances have changed. new cliques have formed. the clay county cluckers are out to whip the clay county corncobbers. but the corncobbers don't give a cluck. where's them chickees gonna get their feed. why the amish gonna raise it on them mt. top removal sites. wheat an corn sure as you're born. buy pasta, eat spaghetti.

Anonymous said...

Understand the billy Fsher shooter was Chris Legg with Justin Holcomb also in attendance

ROSE said...

Nah, this blog's not dead, it's just ... on Sabbatical. >;-]

Any suggestions for the next thread?

I said...

We could talk about the moon an stars or those little darlings at H.E.W..
Whata ya gona be next, a bus driver?

ROSE said...

LOL I so love the little darlings at HEW!!

& no, there's no way on this planet I'd ever drive a bus!! & they've only let me in the kitchen once, so I don't reckon I'll be a cook, either.

Nope, I'm good right where I am!

Anonymous said...

where's that?

I said...

The best part of wakin in up is folgers in your cup, or two.

Anonymous said...

done my folgers, on V8 and pills now.

Anonymous said...

Doesn't V8 have too much salt?

Anonymous said...

see we're starting to be softened up for a new levy and for transfering the high school out to widen ridge. BOE will make a haul on this one also the rakeoff from the Ivydale and Valley fork schoool will be penny ante stuff.

Anonymous said...

Heading for the polls this morning to cast my vote against Joe "braindead" Mansion and Nick Rahall. Want to meet me at the ballot box?

Anonymous said...

So who else is there? Let me know so I can vote for them too.

Anonymous said...

I don't know who else there is but these two have been in office long enough and have stolen enough already. It was a hard decsion but I voted against Shelly Moore Capito also.

Anonymous said...

And that was the best thing you ever done.

Anonymous said...

You should have wrote in Andy, now your non vote is wasted.

I said...

Mrs. Rose, I gota question for ya.Can you put animation in that cartwheel to humor us old poor souls while your on your down time?

ROSE said...

LOL If I knew how to do that,I would. I really, really would. LOL

Anonymous said...

Morning Rose, duh what cartwheel. better leave them Carts alone , sum of them is wheels. there's Nona and joan andy linda thems all sisters, really then they's Eastern stars too. maybe a new clique is whuts needed.

I said...

Heres a cheerful thought, the last two days of this month will be 25 an 24 warm degrees at night.
Find ya a big women an wrap that baby around ya.

Anonymous said...

Yeah shade in the summer and warmth in the winter.

Anonymous said...

Hi, very interesting post, greetings from Greece!

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