Y'all mark your calendars -
Haunted Carnival/Trail
H.E. White Elementary, Saturday, October 23, 6-9 p.m.
Warning: This site is chock full of rumors, innuendo, personal opinions & downright lies. Prolonged visits here could be detrimental to your health. If this happens, you're taking life way too seriously. There is a language barrier on this site - comments containing language that cannot be used on prime time network television will be removed. Try to play nice and act like you've got some sense (even if you have to fake it).
See? I'm not dead - I'm just lazy!! LOL
Doesn't look like much going on, so we'll go back to our old stand-bys:
Frost in the forecast! You know what follows frost - WINTER!! NONONONONONONO!!
What have I been missing??
_________ ME _________?
Ms Rose go strait to the kitchen and fill hand with dishwashing liquid, use tooth brush to vigorously to wash your mouth out for using that nasty word. Ya know the W word, shame on you!!!!
Could be i'm on a different planet. But, I ran into a computer question. Don't know the answer.
Am installing a [MS][I think] paretologic health advisor on my computer. Fixs registry, driver and other various, corrupted file problems. At one point it says the computer needs to be rebooted. Don't really know what rebooting is. What do you do to reboot?
Now ain't that a bunch of CR#P?
rebooting just means to restart your computer
I thought there was more to it than that like having to reinstall some programs from software discs. anyway my computer works better and I hav'nt had the nerve to try to reboot.
got trhree programs downloaded and confused. one installed and working. rebooted OK duh hot dog for breakfast. bologna
You poor child,why don't you call in a pro?
are there any females on call.
boo says boo you all
whooo booooo me.
Good grief. LOL
LS, I use a couple of free programs on my home computer that clean the registry, defrag the hard drive, remove any viruses ... just generally keep everything clean. Let me know if you're still having problems & I'll email ya the website to download them!
I'm off to the Breast Cancer Awareness Walk this morning in Clay & then the Haunted House/Carnival this evening at H.E. White!
Y'all come on down to H.E. White this evening from 6-9 - all sorts of fun & excitement!! Haunted House, Haunted Trail, Carnival, Cake Walk (I think) ... all sorts of good clean fun!!
Thank you Rose; but, got my problems under control, some of them. am cleaning my computer, am down to 1 to 1000 errors problems or whatever. some I got with this 2nd hand computer about 6/7 yrs ago. progress comes slowly.
AW wanted to know why I havn't complained about my guns being taken and not returned. told him the sheriff didn't take them, the state police did when they robbed me back in 83.
signed up for a computer job. am waiting now for instructions. gonna make a fortune.
HEY HEY good looking
whatcha got cookin
a new day and a new deal is comin'.
heaaaah git up mule!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It's getting hard to keep this blog alive. must be the election. The election is so dull the media is reduced to looking for slips of the tongue by the candidates to have something to write about. Ihen, I hear, there's a new song coming out for displaced candidates. The title is;
Way up, the clean green river!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
no paddle to take me home.
take me up the mighty ELK
to the place I call home
back to my corn cobs
and corn pone. home, home
LS your a poet and don't know it.
corn cob
Go back to Rose's old stuff
Click on Sept. 2006
Good reading
This blog does not revolve around you, Mr.lone stranger, though you have tried to make it that way.
It's far from dead, and
Have a southern day.
Nice to hear from you again southern boy. thought smiley had gotten the best of you or did you trade for a goat?
Morning Rose; starting to be a lovely day. awoke to the sound of rain pounding on the roof. lovely sound. they say its so dry in arentine that when a horse farts they think a dust storm is brewing. true, came straight from the horses mouth.
Let's see now, the southern boy has waked, wonder does he know the hatchet man and the Sizemore clan. election coming up. wonder what wondrous revelations will emerge 'tween now an' election day.
gonna stay home. hear there's a national clique forming opposed to China, another hate group, I suppose.
We've just sold a white elephant. wonder who got the up front money. By george, Jerry is the KKK president haint he.
wonder who that woman was that got burned in the old seneca grill bldg. was. does she still live on no.
hear theys gonna name the old state rd. bldg. Caseys casino when the deal is complete and the tables are set.
HI YO Silver awayyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
No school for Clay High today due to power outage,
but no problem,the sheriff's son,AKA Master electrician, will fix the problem pronto??
Yep, $110.00 goes a long long ways these days. Hi Ho Silver.
A look back at 2005 in Dec.
It's not the resolutions page,
Second to last comment, very interesting.
Who da thunk?
Frosty the snow man, what a happy...................
To quiet around here on this blog so lets stir things up and get a few votes for Smokin Joe for Senator Byrds seat. OMG now wouldn't that be the final touches to Wv. Joe loves to sing along with the Oblunderer in DC because it gets Wv no more money from the stimulous package. Love the add he has with his 30-06 as its to get the hunters to vote for him now ain't that a hoot!!!!You go Joe "down in history as one of Wv worst governors". Vote agains Shelley Moore Capito and vote for the G raf woman
better rewash and save your corncobs, no new corn shipments next spring. no rain, no crop SA, NO CROP china, reduced crop RUSSIA, NO EXPORTS, India can't feed their own, our own western states a reduced crop due to wet weather. And you will hear it often said, Give me this day my daily bread.
It's starting to look a lot like Christmas,
snow SNOW snow in the forcast Nov.6.
The sky is falling, the sky is falling! "The cluckers of Clay"
Slick Willy Clinton will be at Tamarack today at one o'clock to tell folks what a fine fellow Oblunderers puppet Joe Mansion is. 23 1/2 hours until take out the trash time Washington. Vote out the incumbants Nov 2,2010.
Thank's for the info.
I always wanted to see Uncle Bill in person.
Let's see ... Let's all write in somebody totally outlandish for Senator 'cause nobody's gonna vote for poor ol' Uncle Joe Joe.
Who's the most outlandish of 'em all??
Can't say or it will be removed by the blog administator.
It seems the purpose of the veterans memorial at the new courthouse has been shifted to being called a war memorial by AW. How soon we forget the veterans but remember the war of the politicians.
It would be a great day in America if the dim wits who are ruining this country took blite and died today. VOTE people if you haven't already get out there and make sure grandma gets to the polls also.
This was not a paid political announcement but was given freely and Joe Manchin won't approve this message.
I give up, who won?
a veterans memorial would list all that served. Our's don't Thus, it's a war memorial
Well we gona have a party or a pitty party?
you's right, who won the election. republicans, democrats, or independents, or mountaineers.
As you head out to work this morning and you pass by your welfare leaching neighbors and you voted yesterday, pat yourself on the back and say "Once again welfare has overruled workfare in Wv". Why was that and how did it happen? We gave welfare workers a new cell phone and 250 free minutes each month this time around and they needed that worse then the working people who have to pay for theirs and the leaches also. In Clayberry we always vote that way.
that's because there's more of us leaches and we're smarter than you stupid workers.
You tell'm LS.
Hey Rose, good morning;
Got a couple little mysteries this morn. woman hasn't been seen at her home for three days. fellow has key says he entered home. no one there. may be legitimate may be foul play. CA has been seen hanging with CK. Both of Ivydale.
AW published some pictures on the "puter" Monday week ago. the 11th I think. showed what appeared to be gold lumps. asked AW about location. located at KING SHOALS. AW immediately checked to see if true. denied that there was any gold items there. either lost or natural. went to see myself before talking to AW the second time. leg problems, couldn't get to the river. home maker took a look , didn't find anything. appears to be worked gold in the pictures published by AW. could it be that Johnathon Swift visited ELK river many years ago.
Asked Ms Moore to accompany me to the location. NO response so far. Hi Yo silver awayyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!??????
Over 300 people panning for gold at king shoals on tuesday. The gold was actually found in Buffalo Creek by the shed waters cleanup people.
So we ( might ) know about the gold,
But, who's the fool?
The little kiddy's must be keepin Rose wore out, or maybe theres another little kiddy in the future?
If you was to have a girl, call her Violet, sounds nice don't it?
Gold went up by $200.00 an ounce. Better spend your money while you can still get something for it.
Good God women, don't you like us any more, is the thrill gone by the way side?
Rose died along with her brother.
Now that was mean and uncalled for.
hello stupid. don't get your point, you made the first, worst comment.
Who you calling stupid, stupid?
Who you calling stupid? Stupid!
Some people are heartless and sensless 0% humor.
sometimes I wonder what these conversations are about. Oh well, gold is where you find it.
Cue "Dragnet" theme without the "de"
To whomever said, "Rose died along with her brother," despite the fact that you're nasty, petty & hateful, you're right. Part of Rose *did* die along with her brother. His name was Alan. Your filthy mouth is not worthy of his name - continue to refer to him as merely my brother.
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