The beauty of small town living...

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Bomont, West Virginia, United States
When you have no idea what you're doing, somebody else will ... or at least make something up & run with it.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010


Hard to believe the Christmas season is already upon us again!
No matter what you celebrate this time of year, here's hoping you & yours are warm, safe, happy & healthy.



ROSE said...

The countdown is on!

I haven't yet begun to shop, I haven't sent the first Christmas card, I have no idea what's on the dinner menu. Hope y'all are doing better than I am this Christmas season!

ls said...

well hello; MERRY XMAS
ls her, it's been a good year.
XMAS score here,
i xmas card
sent, none
debts owed, none [gov. says I owe them] corn starch bill. they owe me for services in three wars.
received, money due, none.
health, improving, applied for nursing home. hee haw baaaaaaaaaaa

Anonymous said...

Now that's something to bragg about, and a Christmas present for one and all.
And now you'll get your wish, someone to wash your canastas' and daily. Yo Ho Ho and gitty up goooo.

ROSE said...

Yay! I've started Christmas shopping!! Ok, so it's only 1 thing & I don't know who's getting it, but a start's a start, right?! ;)

Hunker down - more snow's on the way & this time, it's bringing its evil friend, ice!

Anybody gotta U-Haul? We'll split the gas & go somewhere warm & sunny!

I said...

What you been drinkin, girl?
As far as the move to warmer places, if your leaving the hubby behind, I'll rent a bus.

I said...

Yesterday it was warmer in Bangor Maine than it was in Miami Florida.

ROSE said...

It's not really looking like there's anywhere in the US where it's warm & sunny - may have to cross the border.

Anonymous said...

I bet with an inch of new snow on the ground today, that if the teachers had to lose a days pay there would be school in Clayberry.

And before the argument starts that junior won't get back home if it snows every bus on the lot has tire chains. The only problem is they would have to hire someone to put chains on the bus because the 'todays' driver wouldn't have a clue as to what chains are for.

Anonymous said...

Copied from AW's website

Dec 16 a For those in town, Rite Aid is now a distributor of Clay County's locally owned and operated newspaper, The Communicator.

You mean they have the Free Press for sale there now.

Anonymous said...

Is the Free Press still in business?

Anonymous said...

When I was in school, the only decision about school on a snowy day was where or not the buses would put chains on.

Anonymous said...

Thu Dec 16, 12:37:00 PM

I would say you didn't have a Winter and spring break and go to school until the middle of June either. May 7 used to be the last day of school so kids could help farmers get the first cut of hay in. Guess they are still helping but the Grass is different now as they smoke it instead of baling it.

ROSE said...

I had a winter & spring break & went to school through June & *still* didn't have the snow days kids today have. In fact, the bus drivers just lit up another cigarette & stepped on the gas. At home, we just threw another bag of kitty litter in the trunk & away we went.

Four out of 5 school days this week canceled & frankly, I'm GLAD!! Though the missed Christmas dinner saddens me ...

Anonymous said...

All they have to do is go to school all next week to make up for the snow...

Anonymous said...

Dec 17 p Roads have been so bad, the garbage trucks have been unable to serve their customers. Waste Management will have trucks parked at the Rt16 / Rt 4 intersection Saturday morning from 6:30 am to 10:30am. Bring your garbage over for disposal Saturday morning only.

No when you pay the bill this time around deduct one weeks pay and let them know the contract you have with them is for weekly pick up not once a month or whenever they feel like getting around to doing what they are paid to do. PSC will back you on that also.

Anonymous said...

It looks like Saint Nicholas doesn't want y'all to celebrate the legend of his life this year only from home maybe. Due to the weather created by the powers that be.

I said...


Anonymous said...

What does that mean? Weather Turns Foul?

anon DB said...

into each life some snow must fall those who have no faith can sit at home and bawl.

my cheeks are red
my feet are sore
from trying to open
that outhouse door.

VA too said...

BAIL ME OUT G'Dama bail me out.

ls said...

things gonna slow to a crawl, way I read the handwriting on the wall.

O'BAMA he say cut taxes will help, tax cuts always go to someone else.

Anonymous said...

Yeah Jesus doesn't like the way his (not real)birthday is being celebrated. Too many merchants going to Florida for the winter. And that ain't no handwriting on the wall.

Anonymous said...

If you don't think all the above is true then why is California predicted to get 15 FEET of snow. The wages of sin is death.

Anonymous said...

15 ft, when, I own some utilities out there, I'SE GONNA GET RICH. WOWEEEEEEEEEEEE

Anonymous said...

"The wages of sin is death." Nobody lives forever - might as well go out sinning.

Anonymous said...

Damn atheistic thinking,
It'll send you to hell, every time.

Anonymous said...

Damn religious thinking believing in places that don't even exist. Hell wasn't even invented until the 3rd or 4th century.

I said...

4 days and counting
Then it's Ho Ho Ho!

just me said...

for some it's hee haw, others baa baa black sheep, others tweety bird or the trilobite, sow belly, for me its tater chips and sow belly.

ROSE said...

5:30 p.m. on Christmas Eve ... I'm just sure the Christmas spirit is gonna consume me any minute now. Innnnnnnyyyyyyyyyyyyy mmmmiiiiinnnnniiiiiiiit now ....

MERRY CHRISTMAS TO YOU & YOURS! May it be the best the season has to offer.

I said...

Good luck on a fast recovery.

southern__boy said...



Anonymous said...

eat it

sherlock said...

little action tonight, stranger, Posey, walking, knocked asked to make phone call. from Maysel area, car broke down, called help, phone no. doesn't check out. phone to T, Rhodes no. very nervous when SP were mentioned. Posey in jail recently. ID doesn't fit. who why wherefore art thou, don't know,

Anonymous said...

was it the same person that was in jail that came to your house?

Description please?

sherlock said...

no, seems to have been hunter having auto trouble, still seems odd though,but story seems legit, from VARNEYTOWN apparently.

Anonymous said...

Hunting at night? where did u come up with posey?
Still sounds strange to me. But who am I?

Anonymous said...

Bet you wouldn't swear that story to be true, on a stack of Bible's.
Oh, I forgot, you don't believe in God and the Bible.

sherlock said...

wonder where that last weirdo came from. what are you suggesting. Ihave more info , didn't see the need to go farther. if you are a police officer and want info, it's available. have a name the man gave me and a ph. no that doesn't match his story. a neighbors ,I think. if something is going on let me know.

Anonymous said...

Not to worry the January thaw is coming right on time.

Anonymous said...

with 18 inches of snow on the ground it won't get here a minute to soon.

Anonymous said...

Sherlock. U got the name wrong. Just so you know. And the number was right he just didn't get an answer. I used to have a lot of faith in your comments. LOL

Anonymous said...

so, things go bump in the night

Anonymous said...

Wonder who the crooks really are?

sherlock said...

seems the hunter might have been Cpl. Bailey. got the name for the ph. no off the white pages. so the name goes with the no. and the address. the name given me was very likely false. havn't checked yet. so the plot thickens. and as SOUTHERN BOY says WTF.

ls said...

and we never know. Dr. Kevorkian might be lurking in the bushes.

Anonymous said...

If your proven to be crazy/ border line nut case or what ever, they won't admit you in the nursing homes.

Anonymous said...

don't have any teeth so a wet nurse will be fine.

Anonymous said...

Who shot him self in the head this morning on Flat Fork?

Anonymous said...

did he/she die?

sherlock said...

to err is human, not to err is divine. at present am not sure who has erred.

Anonymous said...

To err is human

To forgive is not my policy.

Anonymous said...

are you and your policy worth a s___t_ to anyone.

Anonymous said...

news says municipal bonds wii go to 0% income. many will default. no federal FDIC protection.

forgivness feels wonderful but if it has not been your policy forgivness will be slow coming to you also.

Anonymous said...

why do you all jump on a joke and start tearin your own ass over it?

Anonymous said...

what joke. who's donkey? what's going on?

Anonymous said...

It's a wonderful thing when he's clueless.
Eat pasta
Get smart.