May 2011 bring all of us
all things grand and glorious.
Short of that, may we all at least survive to say it all again next year.
Warning: This site is chock full of rumors, innuendo, personal opinions & downright lies. Prolonged visits here could be detrimental to your health. If this happens, you're taking life way too seriously. There is a language barrier on this site - comments containing language that cannot be used on prime time network television will be removed. Try to play nice and act like you've got some sense (even if you have to fake it).
Y'all stay safe out there!
we aint got no hila monsters nor scorpios here. jist druggies welfarers and pimply hos.
happy NEW YEAR, another merry berry year to go. huh what say
Butter my ass
& call me Biscuit -
this year's 'bout over
& I won't miss it.
Cover your Ass and be a man
But that's probably something
you can't stand.
the major problem of CLAYBERRY is people can't get their minds off each others sexual apparatus. the good book says help your neighbor with his ass but leave his wifes alone. HAPPY NEW YEAR
False prof'it bringing in the new year.
a real jackass commenting as usual.
Happy 2011 everyone!!!! Since its a new year starting up lets all write our represenatives and let them know that $3.20 per gallonn of gas is not acceptable and they should step up to the plate and stop $50 billion dollar a quarter profits for gas and oil profiteers at the expense of the American economy. If you remember it was $4.00 a gallon gas that started the down spiral of America and the layoffs that followed.
Now don't say it can't be helped by anything you can do until you review all options and that includes a letter to Capito, Jay (the queer loving) Rockefeller and of course (smokin) Joe Mansion. Write them a letter today and see what they have to say about stopping their billion dollar profits.
Having eatin all that pasta, and still only has Sheit for brains.
Hey, if I make you mad enough, will you be sending me a bomb or the likes?
no DB you got enough gas you'll blow yourself to h---.
Did I hear you say Hee Haw?
well those who watch and worry about me seem to be worried, worried. their spys are falling out of favor and being sent packing. who's next? come one come all hear the FREEMASONS bawl.
pack your duds and move to the hills. don't forget your pills.
Fishworms and grobs, grasshoppers to, will furnish food on which to chew. ho ho heeeeeeeeeeeee haw
I'd say Sheit head has a rare form of Autisum, which means he has the potential for medium to low learning.
boy you're way above your learning. who has been coaching you. your mother couldn't have taught you all that, let's face it she let a man father something like you.
So, your sayin I'm right.
I figered it was either that or border line retardation, or should of I said, mentally set back.
yep you're right. you're the one.
hey there dodo bird have you quit clucking?
Intellectually challenged.
Why don't you people get your heads out of the gutter.
When I'm speaking about being mentally set back, I'm referring to Obama.
You should be talking about the loopy liberals that put him in there.
ain't much difference in political talk and Freemason talk where some thing is said but has another meaning.
mentally set back?
that's great!
The ones that is mentally set back has brillo for brains.
Being mentally set back is not a bad thing.
Being intellectually challenged is not a bad thing.
The insistence of living with your head in the ground, with only your hind end getting fresh air, is a crime to your self and a waste to the ones around you.
Hey Y'all!
see where Obama is ordering surveillance of all potential leakers.
I guess that means no more taking a whiz out in the yard, for me.
Big Brothers watching.
To the above poster. The one with his head not in the ground. You must be the only one around with a stinky posterior.
LOL & once again, I've totally lost track of the conversation.
Uh ... happy new year??
i, too, have lost track of it and iread it every day at least one time, usually more. oh well what's the difference. who cares?
Once again Clayberry makes the top of the list for schools across the state. We have the highest paid educational system in the world and they learn early on "how to make a baby and be on welfare" for the rest of their lives. Word is we now have 52 more leaches riding the system on taxpayers money. Oh I forgot its that S#!+ywater they drink at school.
It's not the water, and they arent drinking it.
Maybe they should.
Have blowjobs gone out of style?
Is that article about the 52 talking about the teachers or the students?
Thu Jan 06, 11:51:00 AM
Since the good news was released from the Welfare office its the students. Thats just the start though as there are many more that have the itcy crotch syndrone as they are paying for their little intrusion theirselves so there may be that many more with watermelon bellys.
Parents should be proud of their little darlings now that they know what goes on at school. Wonder if the teachers were holding class when this was taking place?
Since this epidemic is so prevalent in our schools could it be they are getting this way from toilet seats?
That 52 number now on Welfare at an early age should have been 134
Take note these are girls from 12 to 17 years old so that sex education in the classroom surely shows its working. Abstenance is not taught so now they will be teaching how to keep your mom or dad from killing you when you bring that snotty nosed kid home screaming all the day and night through.
Fri Jan 07, 12:30:00 PM
The shame of it all.
No shame. The creator has hard wired that activity into every living thing on this planet. To ensure the continuation of all living things. For the bible reading among us remember the saying "Go forth and multiply"
On a totally unrelated note ...
Does anybody know of anything for rent in the Procious or Bomont area (relatively convenient to HE White Elementary)? Single mom with 3 kids.
Yeah-Go forth and multiply-
But not until you know how to do it on paper.
You'd think it said "Go to the fourth grade and then start to multiply."
Have y'all heard about the law Eric Wells is trying to get passed? If a student misses more than 10 days of school, his/her parents will lose their license. ... Yeah, that'll work - it's not like people in WV would ever drive without a licence.
Yes take away the parents drivers license especially in Clayberry as they still get to the station and get their beer on their 4 wheelers. They also get to the post office and get their food stamp cards and welfare checks, free phones and clothing vouchers. What would they need a drivers license for in the first place?
Screw goin to the Post office. Just put up a mailbox and let ol Uncle Sam take care of that responsibiity for em too.
will they not send it to your bank account?
Yep, and you can get z pill's delivered to your home, homey.
Ain't it purty out there?
Observation; After over 2,000 years of religion and gods and Christianity nothing much has changed in the way of man's inhumanity to man. Time to try something different. Any suggestions?
Willie Nelson for President!! No, it won't really change the world, but ... it might. >;)
sure change my opinion of wailing willie.
Taking away their driving license is a silly idea.That takes a lifeline from someone who is not responsible to begin with.How are they supposed to get the kids food,go to the doctor,driving without a license and getting caught will only take more from the children.Surely Something else could be done maybe some counseling. Mr.Wells apparently isn't the brightest light bulb in the package.Compounding a problem is not the answer....Mom I am cold and hungry,..sorry son I had to pay a ticket when I got caught taking you to the emergency room when you cut your foot half off. We couldn't pay the electric bill and buy food.You can't legislate common sense and responsibility to people....Son we will just sit here in the dark,cold and hungry and wait for election time so I can vote for this semi- genius again.
Thats that higher education these politicians get elected on in Wv and the other sure fired way is to run your yap about better roads. Since our road taxes are so high why can't we drive on pure gold roads we are paying for them.
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