You know winter has over stayed its welcome when a 2-day window of rain instead of snow is enough to make you smile.
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The beauty of small town living...
- Bomont, West Virginia, United States
- When you have no idea what you're doing, somebody else will ... or at least make something up & run with it.
Tuesday, January 18, 2011
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As for the murder mountain situation I suggest they look a little closer into the lives of Lindsey Nottingham and "whopper". I would imagine they are leaving tracks.
Spring? It seems a long time coming.
kinda dull round here. I been accused of caresssing my homemakers breast. would have been a disappointment. dun over the hill. shame, such a let down.
Who or what is "Whopper"?
A whopper is anything over a 8 inch quarter pounder.
Whopper is a lil Screwy dude from over grannyscreek way.
She bring up charges against you for T molestation? You grab her by the Donkey, by chance?
Hi ho let the good times ro.
see they arressted BRENT BOGGS, Clay county on a felony charge.
1/2 a mil. bond for try,n to get some one to murder his former business assoc.
WE are on the map again.
do you believe in omens. seen a black eagle tother day. flew over peered to be heading for its mt. home, carrying a dead mule. it wuz. shame bout all them munis collapsing. chain reaction I guess.
see greenspan says stocks underpriced, better buy some. I gots green river whitskey lucky spin coin. take $I00,000 FOR IT . need bail out munis.
watch that mule its got a kick.
didn't know Brent Boggs even had a business or anything else in Clay co. , much less a business associate, who?????????????? could be so nasty as this cept ls.
Who is Athena Samples? Can you say EXTREME MAKEOVER?????
Charleston business partner
Read the story.
read it. not much there.
wasn't that the area where the murphy mobile home burned?
also the stabbing of the fields woman found in a van headed for charleston?
what is going on at murder mtn? godfather still running things from jail?
maybe someone came tosee their sexual partner.
done some interesting research recently. fellow by the name Brent Boggs has three addresses in Ivydale area. two with home nos. has same ph no. one has no house no. and no. ph. no. all have interesting locations.
Spring won't be here for at least three months.
AARRRGGHHH!! Who said that?! You stop talking such filth on my blog! LOL OMG, I'm so sick of winter. Yeah, I'm getting old. >;]
What are you squawking about winter just got here and January isn't even over yet.
Them cold winter nights makes one respect their better 1/2 a whole lot more.
Sun Jan 23, 05:59:00 PM
Only if shes keeping the stove filled with wood.
I use an electric blanket. It don't eat much and never talks back.
LOL Y'all make me laugh.
thought you was in Arizona or Haiti or some such warmer place, Rose. Americorps fire you?
The streets of two run are covered with effluent from Elmer Fudd.
thought Mr. Ed was doing that.
Anon, in my mind, I AM in a warmer place! Unfortunately, my mind ... I don't think we need to finish that statement. >;)
AmeriCorps fire me?? Lord, I hope not, 'cause I do so love my job!
Some say all you do is sit on your BUTT and check people coming and going.
Actually, what they say is that I sit on my FAT BUTT & watch people coming & going. & yeah, that is part of what I do ... I'm pretty good at it.
Coming & going huh?
Rose teaches sex ed & cleans toilets
Some say Rose can mann a bad broom stick.
I would say it would have to be the economy size, short.
LOL Hey! I'm not short!! ... ok, so maybe some would see it that way.
Ya know, I have been known to clean a toilet if necessary, but sex ed? I work at an elementary school - they already know more than I do & believe me, they'll tell you all about it!! LOL
I know your awful cute
Pleeeeese don't ever go away.
Rose, you have a great aptitude and a great attitude. That just rolled right off your back.
If I let everything (anything) people say about me bother me, I'd have curled up in a ball & drooled myself a drowning pool a long time ago. Nah, I just jump down off my broom, sweep the nasties out the door & keep on flyin'. >;]
Now that was a slam dunk if you ever threw a ball.
I've seen her take down a 250 lb man without ever lifting a finger. She's tough!
But that was just putting you in place, by way of her keyboard.
It was good to see the old skutter out and about today.
Had a little spring in his step to.
most everything went wrong today.
plenty dogs out and about. pretty hard to tell a clay co. dog and a goat apart.
Look for the tattoo. They don't want to lose any of their members
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