All gripes, all the time.
Gotta gripe?
Just wanna bellyache?
Gotta gripe?
Just wanna bellyache?
Joe Manchin visits this site, as does Earl Ray Tomblin, as does Barrack Obama, as does ... never mind. None of those people matter - ANDY WADDELL visits this site. 'nuf said - People With Power will hear your voice. >;-}
Gripe on!
(keep it clean)
(keep it clean)
It's ashamed that Hillary didn't win. As you would say, tee hee hee
I sure hope the republicans get their way and cut my social security and medicare.They must know I don't need the money,after all it is a fixed income....but many parts are broken,or are about to be.I sure love those republicans......
I thought SS was self sustaining and an insurance policy for the aging funded by working individuals not for the general fund or anything else by the Government. why do they have to fool with it. The working people increase every year contributing more and more to their insurance policy. I resent this crap even THINKING it needs fixing. They need fixing. Just like the oil we have two years surplus in this country. Yet they are predicting $4.00 a gallon and up.
hmmmm looks like everybody is happy.
The only problem with social security in America is we have a dim witted congress who likes to steal it to fund some other country so they can come here and vote for the dim wits.
Yeah and give it to illegal aliens who haven't put a penny into it. I guess they will just have to print some more useless money. "Stop the world I want to get off".
I just can't believe nobody's mentioned AEP yet. Am I the only one who's gotten a $300 electric bill???? Of course, I was talking w/ a coupla people the other day who were saying they got breaks on their bills - maybe I'm just the only one still paying the whole thing??
Every time I flip a switch I have made a conscience decision to spend money.
What about the 7.5% rate still pending,and the 8% increase their asking for the first of march?
Go solar, I did and many more will.
Most folks who vote republican are dim wit's. Why do the rest of us have to pay for their the imbecilic Bush era?
Sat Feb 19, 03:45:00 PM
Since republicans are out numbered 3 to 1 by the democrat party you tell me who elected Bush and who were the dim wits?
Bush was elected by a few good dim wits looks like. Can't say that for whos in office now though.
Didn't say there wasn't a bunch of Dem. dim wit's around, Smokin Joe leads the pack in WV.
George W. was a mistake even most republicans admit to.
Oh I never thought he would do that to us, second term same thing.
You can't live in the future, You can't live in the past, you have to live in the now. That's why they call it the present. Because it's a present!
Way to finally picked up the right book.
Speaking of books you must be a friend of Bill too.
Small amount of raw gold discovered in the northern part of Braxton Co.
Found it in and old coal mine, further details coming.
That's nothing to gripe about?
Roses grape vine huh.
Roses gripe vine.
Ok, so if you have a little ray of sunshine to impart upon us, Rose's Gripe Line is open to that, too. >;)
Willie Nelson for President!! ... if Willie ever makes it into the Oval Office & totally screws it up, I will personally shoulder every speck of the blame. >;D
Willie would have to smoke a pound of weed to get any worse then whats in office today.
If Americans had any backbone they would be in DC throwing the bums out of the country. We have 535 leaches in DC that are more crippling then welfare leaches.
Boy the Republicans are really fighting for the working man in Wisconsin.All in all the people voted for the republicans and they are getting just what they voted for.
Its coming soon to Wv as getting rid of unions and bargaining powers are obsolete in this economy. Government workers are the only ones with pension plans and the taxpayers are footing the bill on them.
Oh quit bytching, this is a gripe vine line.
Sir Henry 60
Answer to the Government job? Get one.
Jack Sprat could eat no fat
His wife could eat no lean
And so betwixt the two of them
They licked the platter clean
Pennsylvania Ave.
Why do people think state workers shouldn't have good medical coverage and good retirement?Everyone says it is at the taxpayers expense.Well guess what if I work at some factory or plant and have good benefits it is passed on to the consumer and you pay for that.I think they should have a good package.Or we could let republicans take it all,and then make them eligble for food stamps and then someone would say ...feeding the state workers at the taxpayers expense.I like to see the working man get far as the republicans will allow.
Somebody is cloaking their love for Democrats.
I guess everybody said to heck with this and chartered Willie's bus and went to sunny Florida
There up in Braxton searching for gold.
OH you're back. I was thinking you might be eating jail food. For grabbing that home health aid.
The only gold found in coal mines are sulfur deposits as they will find out when they try selling their gold.
Oh it felt so good and she had the nicest little b............
Another beautiful sunny day, and can't you just feel spring in the air?
Now back to reality,does every one still have their roofs?
Can anyone name the Genius that put sand, gravel and salt mix in pot holes from Dundon Bridge to Go Mart two weeks in a row spending two days each time to put it in and traffic taking it out in one day.
Guess now it was done two times costing taxpayers thousands of dollars each time. If you guess a rocket scientist you are on the wrong track.
This is a new improved secret formula for patching pot holes what it does is etch the hole so the actual patching material will stick in the hole forever. The only downside is do not get wet after the application of the new improved secret formula.
I asked the flag man today who's bright idea it was fixing them pot holes with cream a wheat,
answer Samples.
Yep it was Clary Poo's idea. Since it ate the holes out even deeper and made the road even rougher does it mean they will pave it as soon as the weather bereaks? Doubful but Clary has suction ya know. Afterall they do call him hoover in secret drag.
That ain't the way I heard it. He became a preacher so he could tend to widers and others.
That boondoggle can be saved. Pick a time near the end of the month when there's very little traffic in and out of Clay. Do both sides at the same time. Scarify the whole thing. Run a heavy roller up and down a few times. Oil it then sand it. Or just bank run gravel and oil. Otherwise known as mix and place.
The Gripe Line is now closing ...
Bring on Spring!!
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