The beauty of small town living...

My photo
Bomont, West Virginia, United States
When you have no idea what you're doing, somebody else will ... or at least make something up & run with it.

Tuesday, March 01, 2011


March showers bring April flowers.
April flowers bring May flowers.
May flowers bring Pilgrims named JUNE!!



Anonymous said...

Just 284 days until Christmas.

Anonymous said...

And June brings bugs.

ROSE said...

Speaking of bugs ... the ladybugs are back in full force & I've killed at least a couple of wasps every day this week!

Bring on JUNE!! & June bugs!

ROSE said...

Woke up to 27 degrees this morning ... that's not exactly June-like.

... remind me to revisit this thread when it IS June & we're all gasping for air in the stifling humidity ... >;D

Anonymous said...

Don't want to burst your bubble Ms Rose but if it gets to 100 by then it can warm up, just peel off another layer of clothes and keep on keepin on.

Anonymous said...

Don't want to burst your bubble Ms Rose but if it gets to 100 by then it can warm up, just peel off another layer of clothes and keep on keepin on.

Anonymous said...

Looks like our mentally void lawmakers are about to make it more expensive for good citizens to get a bottle of nyquil.If the good lawmakers pass it that means we will have to pay a doctors office call just to get some cold medecine.So for lawbiding citizens what you are getting for six dollars it will cost about eighty.Why do they think they have to penalize the good people,their heads are apparently stuck where the sun doesn't shine.I believe that oxycodone requires a doctors visit and prescription and they can be found on the street.What needs to be done is to pass more criminal laws and make the wrongdoers pay and not the people who are obeying the law,but I guess that would be rational thinking which in this case it does not apply to WV lawmakers.

Anonymous said...

Should have put that speech on the gripe page.

Anonymous said...

This has got to be the best American Idol season ever.

ROSE said...

The proposed bill is to make all OTC cold medicines that contain meth-making materials be available by prescription only - does that include Nyquil? 'scuse my ignorance, but I don't have any idea what goes into the making of meth. I do, however, know a lot of people who have prescription meds that are highly desirable by drug addicts & they live in fear of those addicts breaking into their homes & robbing them blind.

Maybe the legislators who wrote the new bill own stock in Remington - if it passes, it's certainly going to lead to a huge increase in ammunition.

Anonymous said...

All the laws that have been passed this year is to increase the greedy state government an extra boost inside your pockets. If you feel a little poke each time you get a paycheck you will know who is doing the poking.

As for Remington stocks goin up Dr. Ruger has the cure for thieves and it last forever, no second chance fixes just one long term effect for finger itch and WSS loves your business.

Anonymous said...

Ain't it purty out there?

Anonymous said...

I see where those two idiot jerks who beat the old lady were arrested, lets now watch and see what our judical system thinks of the elderly.

Anonymous said...

Who beat an ole lady? More details for the nosey works wonders.

Anonymous said...

79 yr old woman robbed and beaten up by teenagers

ROSE said...

Anybody who takes a friend, breaks into an elderly lady's house, ties her up & beats her ... it takes a *special* kind of person to do something like that - they deserve a *special* kind of judicial system. I hope they get everything they deserve.

I've said it before & I'll say it again - when I rule the world, things will be much, much different.

Anonymous said...

Another great reason to keep dr ruger in your house and always ready for sniveling punks dropping in. Saves the taxpayers lots of time and money when you have the judge and jury at the ready.

Sooht first and ask questions when they use that last breath.

Anonymous said...

Better hurry up and take over Rose. Here's another home invasion in Milton.
Home invasion in Milton

Anonymous said...

Poor old Brent Boggs broke home confinement.

Anonymous said...

DUKE BLOOM is a great guy for setting those two clowns bail at 5 million dollars great job!

Anonymous said...

That's an old trick. Get them out of sight. Something unforeseen might just happen to them.

Anonymous said...

Murder mountain's on fire again.
How many trailers did Tommy have?

Anonymous said...

Investgators searching Clendenin for home invasion suspects

Anonymous said...

Roane County home invasion team bagged in Boone

Anonymous said...

Just think now the taxpayers of Wv can keep these to for the rest of their lives. After committing a felony they will be able to get food stamps and welfare for the rest of their lives. See how smart our legislators are?

They won't pass the law that makes teachers and welfare leaches pass a drug test before they can teach or get welfare. Kinda sux that the taxpayers who support them have to take the test anytime they deem it necessary to keep a job.

Anonymous said...

Clay men get time for stealing $600,000 worth of stuff

Anonymous said...

No aphids around these parts. I have the doors and window open to let the lady bugs out.

Anonymous said...

Lets all join the peace corp and with Obamas blessing, go and rebuild Japan.

Anonymous said...

Let the Japs rebuild on their own we have been supporting them since WW1 and WW2 along with the rest of the world and I for one am getting tired of my tax dollars being spent on foreign soil while America erodes away. Worry about our own borders and let the rest of the world take care of itself for a change.

Anonymous said...


That Japan situation is a tragedy, but they are probably a better off nation financially and socially than we will ever hope to reacquire.

We need to get our own house in order before we go meddling in anybody elses.

Anonymous said...

Thats not the way Obama looks at it.

Anonymous said...

Oblunderer looks at everthing the same way, its all free just like the 20 billion he stole off of BP. Not one red penny has been paid to those who were at a loss in the gulf coast and not a dime has been spent to get the oil out of the ocean. Oh well alls well that ends well and hopefully 2012 elections will prove Americans are not all brain dead.

Anonymous said...

Wigger wages sure have went up since this country was founded.
Back then it was a cot and a couple of hots. Now it's $400 grand a year and a big white house to live in.
Head wigger got it made, now days.

Anonymous said...

I'd say te pendulum of tolerance, diversity, and racial equality has swung about as far as it can in the wrong direction.
Maybe we can start it back to the right way with the next election.
Now if we can just get the kissing queers off the prime time TV.

Anonymous said...

Best way to do that, make it illegal to be a kissin queer in the first place.

Anonymous said...

Congrats to Ms Rose for answering the 64 million dollar question on channel 3. She also live at a new location called Bormont Wv. You didn't think I was paying attention now did ya!

ROSE said...

LOL THANKS!!! Ironically enough, the question was, "What is McDonald's teaching it's employees to boost customer service?" (or something like that) & the answer, of course, was ENGLISH!!! >;}

The typo was THEIRS (I know how to spell Bomont!) - all they really had to do was copy & paste, but ... obviously, they didn't! LOL