Warning: This site is chock full of rumors, innuendo, personal opinions & downright lies. Prolonged visits here could be detrimental to your health. If this happens, you're taking life way too seriously. There is a language barrier on this site - comments containing language that cannot be used on prime time network television will be removed. Try to play nice and act like you've got some sense (even if you have to fake it).
Nice pictures of the youngsters playing ball on Claberry.org. I was particularly impressed by the young man taking his hat off while saying the pledge.
Hey Lookalike there is a guy down in Elkview on the way to K-Mart make a right turn at PVB he has sign out for $2.00 for ramps I don't know how much you get for that but let us know.
Hello there, Fellow blogger I see! I have created a blog to take whoever follows and enjoys with me on the journey of my life. I post daily and enjoy your blog very much. So I was wondering if you could check out my blog for me and if you like it enough share it with your friends. I’m a writer with a very interesting life. I consider that to be a powerful tool in this world!
Good to see Frosty back.
Frosty's like the evil monster in a bad horror movie - he just won't die!! LOL
Maybe in another twenty years, give or take a few.
Sure don't look like Willie gona make it for President.
If Willie doesn't make it for President, it's not for lack of trying on MY part!!
This thread is moving bout a slow as that snow man is melting.
Well it's moving faster now that you have said something...
In other words the faster I go the behind-er I get.
And you my dear sir must be a Obama supporter.
Are you saying he's a behinder bandit?
Nice pictures of the youngsters playing ball on Claberry.org. I was particularly impressed by the young man taking his hat off while saying the pledge.
Hey nice blog:):) do check out mine and follow me at http://Sehrishzanwerz.blogspot.com
Holy ship, the suns finally out.
Hey Lookalike there is a guy down in Elkview on the way to K-Mart make a right turn at PVB he has sign out for $2.00 for ramps I don't know how much you get for that but let us know.
I was just down in Elkview and went to K-Mart I asked about the 40% discount on Wednesdays. It's bogus so all the others are probably bogus too!
Hello there, Fellow blogger I see! I have created a blog to take whoever follows and enjoys with me on the journey of my life. I post daily and enjoy your blog very much. So I was wondering if you could check out my blog for me and if you like it enough share it with your friends. I’m a writer with a very interesting life. I consider that to be a powerful tool in this world!
Willie Nelson's old tour bus is for sale. At least he won't need it for his presidential campaign tour, from the looks of that pole.
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