Two days to go!! Hallalujah!!
Have you gotten the endless calls? I've gotten recordings from Darrel McGraw, John McCain, Shelly Moore Capito, Anne Barth ... even invites to meet Hillary & Bill Clinton!
I will miss the pollsters who call constantly. I've lied to every single one of them. I've lied about my age, I've lied about my income level, I've lied about who I'm voting for. Right now, there's an NBC poll that has Obama winning with 52%, McCain trailing at just 48%. I wonder how many of those polled people lied?
Have you gotten the endless calls? I've gotten recordings from Darrel McGraw, John McCain, Shelly Moore Capito, Anne Barth ... even invites to meet Hillary & Bill Clinton!
I will miss the pollsters who call constantly. I've lied to every single one of them. I've lied about my age, I've lied about my income level, I've lied about who I'm voting for. Right now, there's an NBC poll that has Obama winning with 52%, McCain trailing at just 48%. I wonder how many of those polled people lied?
only calls i got were from nm unknown, no unknown. ha ha i already voted. guess who for Peter we want re-peter.
Christmas just around the corner.
Yo Ho Ho and a bottle of rum?
Peter Peter Peter
We gota have our Peter!
A bottle of rum's a heap site cheaper than our heating bills are going to be this winter ... throw in a little cola or a shot of OJ or ... a shot of cranberry juice would be good the kidneys!
A football player life-flighted out of a game? That's a scary thing. What happened to him? Hope all is well.
Rose, is that you, long time no see.
"class of 77"
morning Rose, morning all, is everyone hap hap happy. a new week, payday, election tomorrow, new politicos to line their pockets, old greedy ones wanting more, a few that were honest before being elected. back to the ring, no holds barred
and it's Burley Bragg again again and yet again.
Repent my son and the truth will set you free!
and now we have a pretend to be preacher , good morning mule
"Vote for change" does this mean if Nobama wins it will be called the black house now?
does a la bama mean with ice cream?
We have a tie today!!
You choose:
Warm up that voting hand!
hey i'll take the blonde
Anthony Joey Belt in CRJ at 4:00, out before 5. Any relation to everybody's favorite deputy?
had a moth sitting on my door all day. chocolate brown with white dots on each outer wing, maybe 2/2 1/4 inch wingspread. wonder whut it is.
gnophaela clappiana?
Nobody knows Clay County like Andy Waddell.
Had a lovely conversation with a true Obama supporter today. Shewee!! While that's the kind of unwavering faith I'd love to have in a political candidate, I can't imagine how exhausting it must be to be that fanatical.
Here's a funny little ditty. Ever since I let my opinion be known regarding the library, people have been sharing their personal Tim Hopkins stories with me. I hope he doesn't have political aspirations.
my news says if you have a retirement plan it is in danger of confiscation to fund more bailouts.
I remember in the late 80s, a boss telling me to save my money because social security would be gone in 10 years.
It's all always been in jeopardy. The stock market crashes, social security gets cut ...
If I hear "this is the most important election in history" one more time, I might just scream. They're all important. Changing presidents now isn't going to miraculously turn our economy around. Just like keeping George W. back in '04 didn't turn the war around.
"History making election" ... did anybody make this much to-do about the "African Americans" who run for mayor? Congress? Senate? For a country that prides itself on equality & denies any racist tendencies, we sure harp on how "historical" it is that a black man is finally running for president.
If McCain wins, it'll be because we're racist. If Obama wins, it'll be because Palin was a joke. Either candidate is going to bring "change" by the very fact that neither is Bush. Anybody who's thinking that "change" is going to be immediate and/or life altering is in for a rude awakening.
Yeah, I'm a little fed up with the whole election/campaign thing. Two years of campaigning is far, far too long.
Less than 12 hours before the polls close & it's all over but the cryin'! WOOOO HOOOOO!!
The biggest Muslim country in the world Jakarta Indonesia is waiting to see if their HOMETOWN BOY, Barack Obama, is going to be president of the U. S. of A.
Be careful who you vote for.
When you go out to vote today remember this, and vote McCain.
George Bush has been in office for 7 1/2 years. The first six the economy was fine. A little over one year ago:
1) Consumer confidence stood at a 2 1/2 year high;
2) Regular gasoline sold for $2.19 a gallon;
3) the unemployment rate was 4.5%.
4) the DOW JONES hit a record high--14,000
5) American's were buying new cars,taking cruises,vacations overseas, living large!...
But American's wanted 'CHANGE'! So, in 2006 we voted in a Democratic Congress and yes--we got 'CHANGE' all right. In the PAST YEAR:
1) Consumer confidence has plummeted;
2) Gasoline is now over $4 a gallon!;
3) Unemployment is up to 5.5% (a 10% increase);
4) Americans have seen their home equity drop by $12 TRILLION DOLLARS and prices still dropping;
5) 2% of American homes are in foreclosure.
I'd like to make a comment about something over on AW's site. I would like to tell Boardster Gene King that he might be tired of hearing about "all that s***" but turning a deaf ear to it certainly won't make it go away.
Gene has been used to, when the BOE[freemnasons] said sh*t everyone squatted. must be irritating when they don't.
Praise the Lord & pass the oats! It's over!!
The AP is already calling McCain, Manchin & Rockefeller winners in WV.
I stood in line for the first time ever. Everybody wanted in on the action this time!
Big party tomorrow:
Chicken an ribs for everyone!
No White Riots?
ise wonders,do i know any darkies.ise predicts black cats will become popular maybe even replace goats and mules. whoeeeeeeeeeee what next?
guess i'm the only one up. predictions are in. ice cream for breakfast. emancipation proclamination now in effect. Big Tony, farmer Jones where are you? course there's always Hope and Tammy parties. Chitlins and cornbread and ice cream. yum yummmmmmmmmm
i liked the comment on andy's web page about Glenn Sutton gonna eat those there dogs iffin the owner didn't come get em. He looks like he has eaten a few dogs in his time. I am proud of West Virginia... We didn't vote him in for President. I think the rest of the USA had some sort of shakin Baby syndrome and they just were not thinking clearly...
Good morning, all you rays of sunshine!
Well. History's been made. The newspeople are all in a tizzy. There will be children in the White House again. Sarah Palin can go home until it's time to start her campaign against Hillary in 2012. McCain can go back to mavericking. Jesse Jackson can bask in the knowledge that he's going to be getting a lot more airtime. Saturday Night Live can go back to not being funny.
Most importantly, if you didn't vote, you can't gripe.
Prepare for things to change. From here on out, it's nothing but history, history, history.
John Mccain- 1748
Official Tally for vote in Clay County but Liberal WSAZtv3 is still announcing Clay voting for Obama and making it a Blue County.
From the numbers and ballots it just doesn't show. Bomont Precinct tally was 203 Mccain to Obamas 120
Wouldn't it be nice if MSNBC and CNN could get the truth to viewers.
John Mccain- 1748
Official Tally for vote in Clay County but Liberal WSAZtv3 is still announcing Clay voting for Obama and making it a Blue County.
From the numbers and ballots it just doesn't show. Bomont Precinct tally was 203 Mccain to Obamas 120
Wouldn't it be nice if MSNBC and CNN could get the truth to viewers.
If you have ever been to D.C., you'll agree that more black is exactly what they need there.
I have been to DC and all you see after dark are the whites of their eyes right before they stick that 9mm in your ribs to rob you. I don't know of but one thing thats black thats useful and thats COAL.
With Obama taking office in Jan. 2009 that to will be a thing in history making. A civil war is on the horizon now and like a runaway locomotive the office of the president and congress are at the wheel driving this country also into destruction and HISTORY making.
One term Pete and No term AW is history also.
Funny how nobody cares that Obama's Momma is WHITE.
well now we will have a black leader of the USA and goatsuckers in control of the county. you reckon we might wind up with some black sheep in the elite. what were they called in India when the upper class got so far ouy of touch with the common people SANSKRIT i believe didn't even use the same language.
now iffn you was to hoe corn you must leave your ho at the house. Shut upo you dumb hillbilly.
Look who's the dumb hillbilly!
"Ahm pledda leedin
2 da flay
ob de yoo 9 stay duh AmAfrika
N 2 de publie fo whichhy stan
in de....caint pronouns dat- WORD!
wit liberdie injustis
eekwuh oppatoonie
an a fer muh tiv akshun.
Sep Whitey.
Let the Affirmative Blackshun Roll!
The white riots have been cancelled due to so many white folks having to go to work.
Pull it out, your talking like your plugged up, speak in Americano please
from Eyewitness News Online
Gun Dealer Says Obama Causing Rise in SalesUpdated: November 3, 2008 11:39pm
Nationwide gun sales are going up. Some say they're going up because it's hunting season. Some say it's due to the bad economy. Others say, it's Barack Obama.
Gun dealer, Jeff Beane says his gun sales have gone up dramatically for one key reason.
Beane says, "This year after the Democrats had made their announcement for the President and I think according to the NRA, Mr. Obama doesn't like guns."
Beane, a registered Democrat, and owner of St. Albans Gun and Archery says his customers, and gun businesses are looking down the barrel of a loaded gun if Obama is elected.
"According to the NRA Obama is wanting to put a 500% tax on ammunition and guns. People want to get guns before this election." says Beane.
The Obama camp says this just isn't so.
Tom Vogel, head of Obama for America in West Virginia, says, "Obama's not gonna take anybody's guns."
West Virginians working for Barack Obama say their candidate completely supports the second amendment. Vogel also points to other reasons gun sales are increasing nationwide.
Vogel says, "You'll see people buying more ammunition, more guns, just because it's deer season."
But whether it's economy, hunting, or Obama, Beane says for now, he's glad to see business is thriving and hopes the second amendment stays intact.
Beane says, "I think it's never been messed with and I don't think it should be messed with now."
Beane says he's not sure if the boost can be attributed to hunting season, since the largest increase has come in handgun sales. He also says he's seeing a record number of first time female customers.
The people that post on this board really have no friggin clue about any of the issues. You only see what has been put on CNN and do not follow through. I have an idea why don't you get a job or go help your community in some way to get better, but I guess it is easier to sit here and talk about other people to make your own existence seem worthwhile.
Andy Waddell doesn't know Clay, he only knows what crap falls out of some peoples mouth.
A Clay County High School football players is recovering after taking a hard hit Friday night during a football game.
Clay was playing Tyler Consolidated High School.
"He was making a tackle and made initial contact and a player came in, one of our own players, to assist in the tackle and he was hit in the head," according to Clay Principal Phillip Dobbins.
"The Coach said it didn't look like a vicious hit, but it just must have hit him in the right spot," said Dobbins.
Dobbins identified the student as Luke Kleman, the son of Head Coach Frank Kleman.
The youth was unconscious for a while on the field but regained consciousness before being taken to the hospital.
At this point it does not appear that Kleman is paralyzed, but doctors say he suffered a serious concussion.
"The prognosis is much better than it was Friday night," said the principal. The youth is being treated at Ruby Memorial Hospital.
Politics is over, Andy. Report on the NEWS!
Please keep Luke in your prayers.
Well listen I am here and I STILL have the right to voice my opinion that is a right that I have, Now it might be taken when Obama takes office but for now I can still voice it.....I am here and don't have to work my husband works and takes care of me, I didn't vote for the black/white man I voted McCain!!! Mark my words you people will regret putting him in office. You think times are hard now just wait!!! I can not believe that America would allow this to happen it saddens me to no end. Do they not care for what he stands for? Sick Sick
Where does the line start for the handouts?
well usta be if you got blackballed in a certain lodge you was out the door now unless you got black ballls you can't get in.
It is distusting how racist and ignorant this board is. You need to drive out of Clay and experience the real world. I am not saying Obama is not to liberal, but something had to change.
Probably the people saying this stuff go to church every Sunday and Wednesday....that is why people don't want to come to church
Oh, believe you me, racism & ignorance isn't confined to the boundaries of Clay County! I *did* drive out of Clay County today (as I do regularly) & I *did* experience the "real world" (as I do regularly) & trust me, the over-educated, white-collar, gainfully employed, making well above minimum wage people are saying the same things.
Promises, promises, promises frequently lead to disappointment, disappointment, disappointment.
That $250,000 has already been lowered to $120,000 & he hasn't even been President-Elect for 24 hours. Did you hear what his "supporters" were chanting last night?
"Unite us" ?? "Unity" might soon have as many definitions as "is."
Because other people say ignorant remarks, that makes it okay for everyone to say them? What ever happened to morals?
Au contraire. Maybe the previous posters are simply "uniting." United in their ignorance. We're bitter & cling to our guns & religion, remember? Ignorance can be fixed; stupid is forever.
Oh because we voice our opinions we are a racist, No I do not think I am a racist, I don't say the N word nor do I like to hear anyone else say it. I do not believe in mixing the 2 together but again that is my opinion and I still have the right to voice it.
Why not mix the 2? The argument used to be it was hard on the kids. We now have an inter-racial president.
Change, change, change.
Someone with the nerve to say out loud what everybody else is thnking.
Saying the N word isn't what makes you a racist. How could it? Black people use it all the time.
i'm a hillbilly with myopinions about what other people are. the US peoples were not the first slavers. i have been associating with other races since 1952. some are good some are bad just like whitey. it is not the race that causes problems, its usually the religion. i'm pretty much generic on relgion. shame though the other fellow is different and takes offense when they cannot dominate. so are we gonna talk about race till next election.
this Corn COB ASS. IS MORE INTERESTING. Did you ever about when Moses took the people out of Egypt in the exodus, where did they get their toilet paper?
They probably just used their bare hands, then washed up in the holy water!
LOL LS, your mind works in mysterious ways. How about diapers for all those babies?
Any predictions on the role Oprah's gonna play in an Obama administration?
Get out & enjoy today - we're heading toward real November weather!
"Unite us" really means "Do things MY way or else" and no 2 people will really agree on being "united" until after the fighting stops. And even then, it's "Me first!"
I'm just gonna watch.
A racist is someone who thinks they're superior to someone else because of their race.
What we have more of an abundance of is bigots. A bigot is one who is "intolerantly devoted to his own opinions and prejudices."
Prejudice is an irrational attitude of hostility directed against an individual, group or race; a preconceived judgement formed without just grounds or sufficient knowledge.
Patriotism is the devotion to one's country and supporting it's authority and interests.
Our new president is half black. He's also half white. He's *all* American ... as American as anybody else born in this country.
Our Constitution doesn't say anything about presidents not being Muslims or Jews or Atheists or Catholics or Wiccans. It doesn't say you have to be a certain color, a certain creed, a certain gender. It says you have to be at least 35 years old & be a natural born citizen. Period.
Put away the bigotry, prejudice, racism, ignorance & plain stupidity. If you don't like his policies, let your congressman & senators know about it. They're your link to the President's ear. If you don't like his ideas, fine. This is America. We're allowed to disagree.
But if you're just going to hate him because he's black and/or you think he's a Muslim, *he* isn't the problem; *you* are.
If you have one of these in your yard.
And you live up weed fork, you might be a racist.
Oh that's so cute! where can I get one?
good morning yo'all up and at'em lazy bones. we've survived, going on three days now. not much cussing, bad language, growling or slurring. whee an abnormal day coming up maybe. everything going Rosys way today. batten down the hatches matey, must be a storm coming.
You said "But if you're just going to hate him because ... *he* isn't the problem; *you* are."
Amy said "I agree," and Emily said, "God bless Rose."
Me too.
Does anyone know the Kate Whittaker that lost their home to a fire? I don't know them or where they live but would be more than happy to go and help them out, if I had some info.
Thanks a bunch.
Kate lives in Amma, she used to run Aid For Families In Need AFFIN out of her home. They were the home with all the wooden pallets as a dock in the back of the house. Just head down the main road about 7 miles and look to the right.
Thank you for the information.
I'll see if we can find it.
LOL Amy & Emily have some pretty solid moral values. Somebody musta raised 'em right. Ya know, they should really reproduce to keep that DNA in the gene pool.
Incidentally, the intelligencer of those words came from my dad. Seems we share some of the same opinions. >;)
Speaking of my dad ... I ain't sayin' nuthin ... there's a new Sarah Palin impersonator. She's a porn star ...
Sounds like a family affair going on here, Rose,Emily, Amy and Daddy......
had four moths on my wall this morn. musta got their antifreeze early. got one more seed pod to pull of the turtlehead flower.
Well you should look to the left, Kate and Bill lived on the left side of the main road if coming from I-79, and the right side if using the Amma cutoff by the school. Kate would do anything for anyone. She and her family have had a lot of trying times and she never fails to smile and try to put a good spin on life. She lost her mom earlier this year and she has overcome many health problems. I know when I first moved here to Clay, if not for her and her family's help I would not have made it. It saddens me that they have suffered another loss. I will be forever grateful for the many kindnesses they showed me and my son as well as many of the families AFFIN helped. I wish them peace and may they receive blessings three fold for all they have done for the community and families. Lisa H.
As many assault rifles that have been sold since election day it looks as if the KKK is going to open coon season soon.
Over $100,000.00 worth sold every day since Nov. 4,2008 and more on order. Sounds like the militia is getting ready also.
The good ole USA gonna split right down the middle again.
Looks like I Might be coming back into style.
I said it before:
Hang on to your Confederate money-
Because -
but he aint from da south. he a diff'ren kinda darky alta'getha.
but dat don mean da south caint rise agin. it jist da south a chicago dis time.
Good morning, all you rays of sunshine!
It's 35 degrees outside, I haven't unpacked my winter clothes yet, my keyboard is dying key by key & the horn went out on my car.
But ...! The coffee's hot, the alarm went off on time & the furnace is still chugging.
All things considered, life is grand!
What I want to know is if Rick Burdette won the race for sheriff.
he only got one vote.
I think Andy Waddell should run for sheriff next time around. He would make a dandy sheriff and could keep Crispy Creme in business for another four years on the county budget. Now how is that for supporting the failing economy? Support your Local Sheriff
Rick Burdette, That is freakin funny, He is a joke, Lazy enough to be the Sheriff..... I wouldn't vote for him if....Oh just forget it. Worthless he is.
Wow. If Andy or Rick actually *ran* for sheriff, what a dilemma I'd face.
I think Andy'd make a dandy candidate for the Bored of Edukashun. Whatever he runs for, I'll vote for him. Actually, it doesn't matter if he's running or not. I always write in him & Rick anyway.
It's my right as an Amurikan.
with Joe MORRIS out of the running that'll be 40 more votes for the other candidates to divide.
There is definetly to much fat in the courthouse. Its a wonder the place don't fall in when they all go upstairs. Guess thats one building in Clayberry that was up to standard. Built before the Cluck of Works came around. I bet it actually had to be built by code and was inspected by the state building authority.
Just think now by the time Gullispy gets ready to retire we will have to have a new high school built so he can be Cluck of Works.
What a freakin joke that is to hire someone who couldn't turn a door knob let alone install it and then pay them more then ten familys make in Clay County to drink coffee and eat do nots with the boys.
just think how many years we've been kept in the dark about the arrogance of this man. he does the bidding of the bosses. just like G King.
I personally resent anything bad said about g. king. he has done more for the kids in clay county then anybody else combined. and he did it because he cared about them. futhermore he has the respect of 98% of the kids and teenagers in clay county even when Gene had to call them on the carpet for doing something they shouldn`t be doing.
if you think so much of G. King why do you hide behind anonymous. if he's so fine. he's just kept his dirt under cover a little better. remember G. King hired D. Moore and D. Moore hired G. King was that not two lodge brothers taking care of each other at the publics expense? thats when the county was so corrupt.
I don't know anything about all the dirt, but here's my Gene King story.
When my son, Adam, was ... probably 3 ... we were watching the Apple Festival parade & he was too little to see. We inched our way closer & closer to the street, Adam just a few steps ahead of me. Gene King - dressed in his officer finery - reached down & gently put his hand on Adam's chest to keep him from going any futher. Adam reached up, took Gene's hand, they smiled at each other & watched the parade together, holding hands. Neither of them knew each other & I'm not at all sure Gene knew I was standing right behind them. Adam knew the hand in his felt comforting; Gene knew there was a little boy who needed protecting.
Sometimes, it's important to weigh ones deeds against each other. Some things far outweigh others.
well now, i agree Gene has a nice side but, i believe i read a while back that Gene is the longest serving BOE member in WV. that means he has served through all the drug pushing that has gone on in the schools. havn't heard Gene saying too mnuch about it or objecting. you hire me i'll hire you policy. BOE member and ass't superintendent. don't know that Gene's guilty of anything but he certainly hasn't objected much if any.
The Clintons never objected to anything either. They're as innocent as new born babes.
what is that you think they did, other than Bill being a draft dodger and using the oval desk for sexual encounters.
There's not room on this page for a quarter of their crimes. Here's the ones that come to mind immediately.
Castle Grande
Billy Dale
Paula Jones
William Kennedy
The McDougals
Vince Foster
Gennifer Flowers
Monica Lewinsky
Linda Tripp
Rose Law Firm
Dan Lasater
AND all our jobs got sent overseas
I wasn't aware of some of those names as I also not aware of many of Gene Kings more private[not public] affairs. There must be many of doubful legality having been in office through the complete drug era. My daughter once wrote an essay on drugs in Clay high[a class assignment] and the subsequent suicide of her half sister at Spencer due to drugs. The true story was completely ignored.
Wow. A kindred Clinton spirit. I thought I was the only one. teeheehee
A lot of things get ignored, especially here in Clay. We've all seen fine examples of what happens to people who try to change things or buck the system. Sometimes, a paycheck becomes more important than morals. God knows the high road is a tough one to navigate sometimes.
More importantly ... THANK A VET.
Good news for everybody who's at least 3 payments behind on their mortgage! You're gonna get a bailout!
Oh ... for everybody else - those who have scrimped & budgeted & cut back & mortgaged responsibly & only bought what they could afford - those people are what's commonly known as SOL.
But wait! There's more good news! Another bailout is in the works for the top 3 auto makers. The last time I went to look at new cars, the new truck I had my eye on was $49,000. I guess those upper management types gotta put food on the table, too.
I certainly am not hiding behind anonymous. I said it once and I`ll say it again. No matter what other things you may think Gene has done(your opinion) he has been a godsend to the teenagers of clay county and most of the teenagers know it.
Wanda let me recount, I believe the last time Andy published an accounting there was 41 teenagers pregant at the highschool that was a Godsend through Gene I suppose. and Gene made 41 boys happy or maybe it was one boy happy 41 times. I DON'T KNOW only that you say they're God sent through Gene. My complaint is that other people have to pay for Genes God sent happiness. While most of these teenagers get gov. subsidies of one kind or another. wish Gene would send me some happiness, make it money, can't afford pu**y. too old anyway.
Gene king is a good person to talk too, if you always agree with what he has to say!
Believe the number is around 60 now, can't ya feel the love?
Ain't it just Marvelous what democratic congress can do for this country and people blame Bush for it.
Lets see now under Jimmy Carter administration he sent Kissinger over to the desert sands to negotiate a new oil market for us. Told them Arabs to park them camels and ride our Cadillacs and they would make them rich. Well this past year at above $4.00 a gallon gas and diesel seems they got RICHER and Bush got the Blame.
Everything I bought came with an extra fuel charge because of high fuel prices. My grocerys (peanut butter and jelly) soared to enormous prices. My THANKS to the OIL companys and OPEC
Wall Street Glutons created a complete collaspe of the market so our congress bailed them out and also gave us a $600.00 per person subsidy payment which I only got $300.00 of and I guess the people at the IRS stuffed the other 3 in their pocket.
Congress passed a $700 billion bailout for banks whos glutons stuffed their pockets and spent hundreds of thousands of dollars partying on and also with a 2 1/2 million dollar bonus for higher ups. Now they want to bail out a failing Auto industry for countless billions of dollars to a greedy bunch of people who have priced theirselves out of a job. Whats next, bail out all the strip mine jobs because coal is not prosperous anymore.(yea rite) The Taxpayers in this country have about all the load they can carry but come Jan. 2009 once again our Democratic Congress will raise taxes, cut health care protection, and give each one of us a thorough screwing and all we can do is bend over once more grab both cheeks and smile like we like it. And we still vote in Byrd, Rockefellow, and Rahall each time they come up for a vote.
U.S. crude for December delivery hit a low of $57.04, down $2.29 and its lowest point since March 20, 2007, before rallying to around $57.59 by 10 a.m. EST.
Now why is gas and diesel so high yet? OPEC trying to cut production still further to get the price back up. This is $80 a barrel less then it was this summer. Stay home drive less and let them suffer.
Why are you bashing Gene King? He is a good person, It isn't his fault that the parents let the girls/boys run wild and have sex and get pregnant!!! It needs to start at home. You can not blame Gene King for the parants not teaching them to keep the pants on or letting them run wild and have sex with whomever. Sounds to me like you just don't like the man and are looking for a excuse to blame him get over it LS Whomever you are, He is a good person. Looks like more people like him than not considering he keeps getting elected!!!
he keeps getting elected because the BOE has 300 employees who are afraid to vote wrong. and the previous chairman of the democratic party was being hired by him as ass't super. of schools for many years.
Didn't over 3,000 people in Clay vote in the last election? Even if all 300 of those people have spouses who are also "afraid to vote wrong," that's only 600 votes. Not quite enough to make a majority.
did you count the freemasons and their families? and unless you were a democrat for many years you were an untouchable and were discrimated against.
Sounds like a bad wreck over at Bentree. What happened?
Just think now with a democrat back in as prez we can bail out OPEC to, after all the last quarterof 2008 they probably won't have more then 40 or 50 billion dollars profit.
Dyke Nancy Pelosi wants to rush a bill through now to bail out the auto industry but no help for the steel mills with them shutting down everywhere or anything to help the people losing their jobs.
5 ambulances, 1 en route CAMC 2 on board, HealthNet can't fly, road completely shut down. Trooper vs. deer at Maysel en route to scene, airbags deployed, vehicle toast, trooper ok but out of commission.
911 call from Valley View. No ambulances available in Clay, Kanawha or Roane counties.
Clay & Lizemore ambulances both doubled up with patients en route to hospital.
M.E. en route from Burnsville.
At least 3 cars being towed plus the truck (coal? 18 wheeler?).
Have to assume JanCare 2-3 units also transporting.
This one's really bad.
In route to Wilsons Funeral home and supposed to be at least two fatal. Bad Bad Bad
Sounds horrific. Didn't Clay used to have it's own M.E.? Why do we have to wait for one from Braxton County?
It's pouring down rain ... 20 degrees colder & it'd be snow. Which is what's in the forcast for next week ...
Anyone know who it was that got killed?
Clays medical examiner was Mary Hanshaw. Mary had medical problems of her own and then the underground hatchet men got to work and started publishing that Mary had mental problems. very effective whispering campaigns usually set in motion by the fremason mob in order to accomplish some of their nefarious purposes. like blasting someone who is causing them trouble with their drug trade or their drag on money transfers as in the Ivydale school deal. 50,000 dollars where did it go. common sense says it went to the BOE.
One of the deputies is also qualified M.E. But I heard that he was leaving for Iraq or something.
Nice work Sherlock, but the question was who got killed?
if you will reread Roses comment she asked if Clay co. didn't have its own M.E. , that is the question thaty I answered, i'm sorry that your mind is not broad enough to encompass more than one thought.
had three light brown, mottled moths on my door this morn. never occured to me that moths were still active in weather this cold.
Hearsay has it that one lady down sycamore ck was killed and one up upper sycamore. I don't know that a name would be adviseable to put on here yet due to family circumstances. So thats as close as I would come to saying who it is until others notify you on the site or in the newspapers.
The road was still blocked and supposingly one vehicle was still under the crane part that fell off the 18 wheeler at 11 P.M...... BJ construction at Elkview was the trucking company. Also a lot of people werer in critical conditions and taken to the hospitals at CAMC. Still no names to release due to liability.
Channel 3 News is reporting that only one was killed and the road reopened at 2 a.m.
WTF kind of word is that?
I have found out who was killed. It was the woman from Sycamore. And until it is publicly announced, I won't say any names either.
At least 2 of the injured are from Maysel. The others I don't know any information on.
What a tragedy!!
from Eyewitness News Online
Truck Crushes Several Vehicles Killing One Person
Reported by: Rachel Tarr
Videographer: Chad Hypes
Web Producer: Rachel Tarr
Updated: November 13, 2008 10:36am
Police say Constance Tanner died in the accident. Six other people were injured.
A truck hauling a heavy crane came apart slamming into four vehicles.
It happened Wednesday evening on Route 16 in Bellva.
Police say the driver of the rig was speeding. The counterweight holding onto the boom snapped swinging the arm around crushing the cars.
Police say they will issue several citations
By the way this happened at the Clay&Nicholas county line at Bentree and not at Belva. Connie Tanner was the one killed. As it happened about the time of work traffic a lot of communitys in Clay co were involved also.
Look the word up in websters dictionary and see what kind of word it is.
uhhh... look WHAT word up?
Sorry, I guess I didn't follow that one.
Looked it up, it ain't there. Must be one a them made up redneck words.
Must have a dictionary older then dirt by two days. Oh well if you don't know what it means then it is of no use to you and I am proud to be a redneck. A self edumacated one at that. Probably smarter then the average bear also.
If a mental disability keeps you from working, call Shaffer & Shaffer, Attorneys at Law. They may be able to help.
I have to agree with the person who is questioning the strange made-up word. If something isn't a word, then it has no meaning. "Supposingly" is NOT A WORD. I don't know why someone would be proud of bad grammar.
Problingly one of those Freemason ritual words.
LOL I hate it when I miss out on the grammar wars.
Supposingly is one of those classic words (like misfortunate) that sound like big, intelligent words, but only when you're conversing with people who don't know any better.
Here's a sad observation - last night's wreck left how many people fighting for their lives? How many lost (or may lose) theirs? How many people were injured? All 3 local news stations have reports on the wreck, but they're very sketchy. The majority of the news is about who got shot, who got stabbed & whose house got broken into.
Well, SUPPOSINGLY, it's touch & go with the 2 critical patients. Remember them & their families in your prayers.
Also, while you're praying, remember the EMTs, paramedics, first responders, witnesses, etc. There are also several other victims that could use your prayers.
Ya know I am not the smartest person in the world I do from time to time mispell words and it really pi**es me of when I am made fun of you guys here think you are so freakin smart. Guess that is Good ole Clay County though!!! Guess the linkster did good his good deeds with Gary Patterson in the court trial, His son is going to work for Fola Coal, Wow isn't that amazing Good Ole Clay County!!! Another one of those jobs, not what you know it is who you know and who you DO!!! Makes me sick.
"Probably smarter then the average bear also."
"I am not the smartest person in the world"
But you're funny.
hey sherlock i have no beef with you but i disagree about mary hanshaw. she has medical problems but she is mental to. she has changed since her brain disease or disorder. not to mention her son and all she did to keep him out of crj. i was there a few times when she was yelling and making threats at people in the apartments. if my mind is right she even went after a few to. her coworkers really dont like her and she thought her position made her untouchable. i know if she showed up to take me to the hospital i would refuse to go with her. who wants the person who has your life in her hands and she might just zone out. mary used to be a nice person but she has changed. so i for one am happy she is off duty. if the fremasons did it then thanks.
don't know where you get your information but Mary was on the job yesterday but she is no longer a licensed coroner. you and other people are jealous of Mary as they were of VICKI AT THE LIBRARY. before CAEZ came along to help Mary fought to keep the ambulance service going when people like you were off kissing a**. I was there when the ambulance fee fight was going on. when the CCC said they didn't have any money, when the revenue sharing program was shut down.
LOL I don't mean to be morbid, but if Mary showed up at your house in the capacity her name was being discussed, (medical examiner), you wouldn't really be in a position to "refuse to go with her."
Hillary Clinton's on the short list of Obama's potentials for secretary of state. Didn't we predict this already??
Get out & enjoy today - temperature plunge is on the way!! (how poetic I am this morning!)
Wounder why AWs not weighting in on what happened at Bentree. Isn't that "news"?
It has nothing to do with nasty, filthy dogs, to him it must not be news.
AW went with the bashers of Vicki at the library. AW knows which side his bread is buttered on anymore. how many relatives has he got working for the BOE now. hard to tell who is in cahoots around here, anymore. you take them lying freemasons they will tell anything on any one if they can take their good job or stick some money in their bank account. CAEZ is what's keeping CLAY CO. TICKING RIGHT NOW even though no in county jobs have been produced. the rich are getting richer. Oh well, i feel better now, let'er snow.
Let's start a new thread, shall we?
last thing i would ever be is jealous of vickie at the library. she has many menatl problems and her old man is gross. mary should be off the job with her troubles to. i am a happy person who works and has friends. dont know any freemasons and dont really want to either. if vickie did her job and didnt allow her old man to sell drugs at the library and she didnt keep her pot pipe in a basket under her desk and she tried to be nice to others she might still be there. the girl who worked with her and i believe even ended up living with her told everyone she could just how messed up vickie was. maybe that is why vickie is no longer at the library. having an ex who is well known as a dealer and a son who is a dealer and meth head didnt help her either. vickie was so lazy she wouldnt even throw away her food containers for days and the smell in the office was disgusting. took shelia three days to clean the office and she found many things that proved vickie has some habits and addictions to. so before you say it was the freemasons maybe you should think vickie should have been fired years ago and then the library might not be in the trouble it is in now. lol to rose i agree about the comment about mary i was saying i would not trust her with any life since she is no longer right in the head.
I think there is several individuals in Clay that aren't right in the head, The list could go on for days. Drugs are everywhere.....Cops need to go to go-mart and set back and watch for awhile and they will see. Of course they can't go in uniform. I have seen it why can't they!!!
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