The beauty of small town living...

My photo
Bomont, West Virginia, United States
When you have no idea what you're doing, somebody else will ... or at least make something up & run with it.

Friday, November 14, 2008


November 14 ...

1851 - Herman Melville’s book Moby-Dick ("The Whale") was first published in New York City by Harper & Brothers.

1943 - Ernie Nevers of the St. Louis Cardinals became the first professional football player to score six touchdowns in a single game.

1961 - The Elvis Presley film "Blue Hawaii" premiered.

1967 - The Monkees received a gold record for Daydream Believer.

1969 - Apollo 12 blasted off for the moon from Cape Kennedy, FL.

1969 - Number 1 on the music charts - To See My Angel Cry (Conway Twitty)

1972 - The Dow Jones Industrial Average closed above the 1,000 (1,003.16) level for the first time.

1979 - U.S. President Carter froze all Iranian assets in the United States and U.S. banks abroad in response to the taking of 63 American hostages at the U.S. embassy in Tehran, Iran.

1991 - U.S. and British authorities announced indictments against two Libyan intelligence officials in connection with the bombing of Pan Am Flight 103.

1991 - Thomas McIlvane fatally shot four workers at the Royal Oak, MI, Post Office before killing himself. He had been fired from the location.


Anonymous said...

We finally got us a 1/2 Black President Elect!

Anonymous said...

And he is a Free Mason
But of a different lodge than a white man!

Anonymous said...

And Hillary will be the new suckitary of state!

Anonymous said...

I voted for the white half of Obama

Anonymous said...

Yes we got him for the elect but they are saying he has more threats as of today then any other Prez elect in history.
Don't know why they are worrying about him everyone knows after 6 months the black will come out and he will quit and go back on Welfare anyway.

Anonymous said...

Earlier this week, the Secret Service looked into the case of a sign posted on a tree in Vay, Idaho, with Obama's name and the offer of a "free public hanging." In North Carolina, civil rights officials complained of threatening racist graffiti targeting Obama found in a tunnel near the North Carolina State University campus.

Anonymous said...

see where NASA has taken up moonlighting. sent a shuttle to the space station by moonlight to build living quarters for a la bama. reckon this means we're gonna have a heavenly ruler giving orders from on high. just think, new quarters in times of economic housing distress, while there are veterans and citizens living in sub standard housing, people, US citizens, still living in poverty while our present and our future prez are living in luxury. never can tell though, one black ball and you're in trouble.

Anonymous said...

One black ball & Joe Biden takes over, with Nancy Pelosi next in line.

ROSE said...


I predict Obama will fill his administration with those he thinks would pose the stiffest competition in a reelection campaign, figuring they won't risk their positions to run against him in 2012. I also predict he'll choose a lot of minorities & those born in countries other than the US. I believe George W. would call this "strategery."

I also predict it's gonna be cold, cold, COLD this weekend!

Now if I could just hone my psychic powers toward predicting Lotto numbers ....

ROSE said...

Oops! I almost forgot Oprah!! I also predict Oprah will play a role in the Obama administration.

But not Uncle Remus. I predict Br'er Rabbit's career going down the tubes.

Anonymous said...

maybe ,Ophrah, in her financial condition will be able to bare it all and show us what she's really worth. representing the US as a capitalist pig, but but we had one didn't we miss---ssss oh yes Condolezza Rice. huhhhhh seemed to do all right.

Anonymous said...

YOu can put lipstick on a pig, but it's still a pig.

Anonymous said...

OPRA is a pig

Anonymous said...

I'm for bailing out all the rich people in this country along with the big three auto makers. Lets get a few billion gathered up and bale out all the Electric, gas, and coal companies.
Lets not forget the stores like Wal Mart and Krogers either. I think a few billion will get all these companies back up and running or at least they can raise the prices up so high noone but the rich can buy there.
A few billion should go to the phone and water companys as God only knows they are not making enough to stay afloat. Now after all the billions paid out lets just give those who pay taxes another $600.00 per person so the IRS can steal $300.00 of it. The Taxpayers don't need any help because if we help them the banks might not get richer by throwing them out on the street and resaling everything they own or are paying on for a tenth of what the stuff cost new. After all the banks are whats keeping the rest of us alive. let er snow

Anonymous said...

Not when she's dieting.

Anonymous said...

Which brings to mind the story of Rastis an Lisas--
Who were going to jump off a bridge one day an go swimming--
Rastis says to Lisas, we can't jump right now, there's a canoe going under the bridge--
Lisas says to Rastis, no problem,it's just my reflection--

Anonymous said...

Obama is not a joking matter. Read the Book of Revelation. Read Hal Lindsey's "The Late Great Planet Earth." Google the Mayan calendar.

The Antichrist will be charasmatic. A true "world leader." He will quote scripture and end all wars. Everyone will love him.

Three years after the Antichrist gains power, he will show his true colors and rule the world with an iron fist, killing millions.

The Mayan calendar says the Earth will end in 2012. Obama takes office in 2009.

Do your homework, people. You all better start living better. Laugh now, but none of us will be laughing for long.

Anonymous said...

I can't live any better. I AINT GOT ANY MONEY LEFT TO LIVE BETTER ON. they done tooken it away from me. but i still got food in my belly clothes on my back and a leaky roof over my head. the gas and electric is still on and i found a new book on natural healing today. let'er snow.

Anonymous said...

Sounds like were all going to hell if we don't change our ways!

Anonymous said...

I guess thats better then the ones that changed their ways and are going to beat you there. Their ways only change when inside the church but once outside the doors its every man for himself. Screw unto others before they screw you.

I think its called Hypocrites

Anonymous said...

Yeah, and the preachers tell you to send your money to the Lord and then they give you THEIR address.

Anonymous said...

Just saw on You Tube
They got a new dance now called
The Barack Obama Boogy
Gona be the latest dance craze!

Anonymous said...

Your Lord doesn't have any use for money.It's not used where He comes from. So forget it. You can't buy your way into Heaven.
Now if you want to keep some slacker from getting a job go for it.

Anonymous said...

as usual some of these comments just don't make sense to me. when I come home I always back in the front gate so's people will think i'm leaving. don't know that ,that's important but someone else sides me might think so. to dark yet to see if it snowed last night.

good morning, happy day, sleep tight.

ROSE said...

LOL Sometimes, there's very little here that makes sense.

I don't know if there's any snow on the ground, but it's colder'n ... well, you know ... outside! Definitely gonna be snow on the ground tomorrow. Or so they say. We'll see.

Anonymous said...

Wonder if black Free Masons like goat meat?

Anonymous said...

Nobody gives a sh*t about free masons or goat meat.

ROSE said...

Let's change the subject altogether & talk about something simple - IT'S SNOWING!!

And ... this blog turns 3 tomorrow. THREE YEARS! Talk about some staying power ... teeheehee

AND ... while I'm at it, I'd like to say something nice about our new President-Elect. He speaks like he actually *got* the education he paid for. Maybe, just maybe, other black people will follow his lead & say ASK instead of AX.

Anonymous said...

Thats boofer talk Ms Rose to say AX and all that other crap that comes out of them I don't have a clue. We all know boofers won't work and can't talk but they sure like crack and shooting each other.

Lets hang the cops and turn them loose on each other maybe they will wipe themselves out and all we will have is white Snow that is.

Anonymous said...

sorry folks but i didn't do to good in english. but i could read before i started school. now putting them little marks in the right place does help some and proper spelling does too but some times i drop back into that depression linguistics. is that proper. i say corncob for terlite paper. i say tortle fot terrapin. unless Rose bans me guess you'll just/must put up with me. horra and howdy mean good morning. hello means o-he** another boring day. night you'll

ROSE said...

I don't know if I'm old or just unhip, but I don't know what a boofer is. LOL Is that like brotha?

I just don't for the life of me understand how the color of one's skin dictates one's dialect, regardless of one's education, environment, upbringing, etc. etc. etc.

LS, you just keep on talkin'. I ain't never banned nobody in my life! Well, there was that one time, but it was a long time ago, doesn't have anything to do with anybody here & is best forgotten ... teeheehee

Anonymous said...

Ah Rose, ya got me teary eyed now!

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Anonymous said...

AS fair and open minded as Rose is..
Someone must of really wrote a bad bad!

ROSE said...

LOL Not really - somebody just overstepped the language boundaries.

It's the first SNOW DAY!! of the season!! WOOOO HOOOO!! It's a good thing I got my milk & bread yesterday! As Fate would have it, I also got all the makin's for fudge & I think I might even bake a cake.

Ain't life grand?!

Anonymous said...

apparently Clay co. has no emergency policy in adverse weather conditions. I live alone. 80 yrs old, beside the highway, no one checked to see what my conditions were this morn, either by telephone or by knocking at my door. I must get a goat and tie it next my door, I suppose. the goat could mow my lawn of the summer also. suppose I could train it to say mamaaaaaaaaa if it's not fed.

Anonymous said...

hahahah Ms Rose if ya go over to Montgomery and listen to them talk you will soon find out what a "Big Bad Boofer from Bogomery is".Theys ain't white like snow either. Theys brown like P**p.

Almost as bad as Gul lips ie hiding this morning and the Sheriff having to call off school for Clayberry. Glad at least someone can step up to the plate when the ones being paid to do the job is laying down.

What we have here is (A failure to communicate). And the snow blows on....... la da da de

Anonymous said...

Oh happy 3rd B-day to the site Ms Rose

ROSE said...

Montgomery?? I never venture out in that direction. LOL

Who, exactly, has the responsiblity of calling off school? Irritates the crap out of me when they wait & wait & wait. Honestly, if there's 3 inches of snow in the forecast & temps aren't expected to be above freezing, do they really expect a tropical heatwave to magically roll through? Apparently so.

By the time they actually called it off this morning, how many kids were already standing outside, in the frigid weather, waiting on their bus? I think every single parent who sent a kid out to the bus stop this morning should file a lawsuit against the Bored of Education. Not because they'd have a leg to stand on, but just because it'd give the Bored a little taste of what it's like to suffer through a huge PITA for no reason whatsoever.

Hey! Thanks for the b-day wishes! Let's all tip a mug o' cocoa to another 3 years!

Anonymous said...

I agree something needs to be done about calling off school. I was listening to the scanner this morning and any idiot (even Larry Gillespie) could hear how bad it was. If the Larrys aren't capable of doing their jobs, put Tim Hopkins in charge of finding replacements for them!!!!

Anonymous said...

It would take Hopkins till this time next year to make up his mind,
Leave it in the hands of the sheriff.

Anonymous said...

I for one love the way they do things here in Clay county. Waiting until the last minutes to call off school knowing full well the DOH ran up and down the roads all day yesterday and into late night.
Did they do anything to the roads? Yes they ran up and down them with lights flashing, snow plows up in the air or sat by the highway drinking coffee or taking a snooze. Beats the heck out of them running around with somebodys wife don't it?
What should I do what should I do? Now tomorrow morning it will be to do all over again only this time it will be to cold, and the roads will be ice covered but you better have them curtain climbing crumb snatchers ready at the bus stop on time no chance of calling school off when its that dangerous. Happy skatering.

Anonymous said...

Anybody been in the courthouse lately. Yesterday at the big sale attitudes were showin Assessors office were all hateful and County Clerks office looked like they had ate persimmons.Election in couple years could heal these attitudes.

Anonymous said...

Clayberry news said they had only lost off the bottom line, 2.5 "BILLION" dollars so far this year, at Charleston. No big deal. only the publics money.

ROSE said...

Good morning, all you rays of sunshine!

The public's money has been played with for years; lost, gained, lost, gained ... once your tax dollars are out of your hands, that money is gone, gone, gone anyway.

Remember the big cigarette lawsuit payout WV got several years ago? That was "the public's money" - call Darrell McGraw & ask him where your cut is.

The thermometer on my front porch reads 16 (I think - I'm not going out there to get a close-up look!!).

And ... this just in. I signed up for WSAZ's "school alert" - they'll send you an email when there are closings or delays in the county of your choosing. This morning, I had 4 notices in my mailbox - 2 for a 2-hour delay, 2 for a closing. Both took place yesterday; all 4 showed up after midnight last night. In the interest of giving the benefit of the doubt, I'm assuming all were sent yesterday morning & got lost in Internet Hell. Maybe Clay uses the same internet router to communicate.

Anonymous said...

hahahha Ms Rose Clay County officials don't use the internet for anything they finally found out what telephones were for."Talk to their Girlfriends".
Our Sheriff grew up talking on a CB radio and theirfore knows how to use the radio. School officials use them to find out where John Brown or Andy Haynes is at all times. Then there's one Larry directing the bus drivers into Schools early of the morning and back home late evening. Bus drivers use them to then find the bus garage or play some "redneck" music that went out in early 70's. Don't think the rest have figured out how to dial any number on the phone except to their Girlfriends or Boyfriends so far, at least yesterday since the claim was communications didn't work. Or should I have said "POOR COMMUNICATIONS" just what we have always had in Clay anyway. Like you said they are waiting for a heatwave and sandy beaches to blow in on wintery days like yesterday and it won't hit until the kids are dressed and walk to the bus stops.

Anonymous said...

did anyone else hear the somber super give his apologies on the scanner this morning. i think he did a fairly nice job of eating humble pie.

i also think he did it because he got called out on it, by the sheriff having to tell them to shut it down. either way larry promised it would NEVER happen again. lets hope and pray that it doesn't!!!

Anonymous said...

Somebody say something!!!

Anonymous said...

Bet if he hadn't been in bed with somebodys wife he woulda been on the ball. Well since hes on the ball maybe he can duck down and kiss our A** for his apology a day late and a dollar or two short. Should have been called off before 5 a.m. PERIOD>

Anonymous said...

Give us word for word what he said - some of us had to work today. Who was he apologizing to?

ROSE said...

LOL Ya gotta love that scanner.

Good morning, one & all! The temperature's up to almost 35 this morning! More snow in the forecast, though ...

My children came home yesterday & informed me that there's school on Monday. Putting on my pointy Great Predictor dunce cap, I'm guessing that if that's the case, Monday will be a collosal waste of money - having school in session with no students in sight. Yeah, yeah, I know ... it doesn't matter who shows up - as long as school's in session, it counts. That ranks right up there with having school, but not running any buses.

Hope everybody's got enough groceries stockpiled for the next few days - with hunting season, Thanksgiving & snow in the forecast, those of us who just need a loaf of bread are probably SOL ...

Anonymous said...

Has the Clay County Free Press fallen victim to the economic downturn? In the past we used to get a free paper delivered via USPS with a sample ballot. Not this time. Their site with breaking news as the heading hasn't been updated since early October. However there is an ad on there for a computer skilled person wanted for hire.

Anonymous said...

The Free Press fell victim to the younger generation.

Anonymous said...

OMG they must be ready to close the doors then. Where is the welfare office at now. I got to try to beat the lines and get there so I can get my, Wheel Chair accessable ramps, sign up for heat assistance, new Air Conditioner,new colored tin for the roof, plastic to cover my windows with, medical card, check, food stamps, and also information on how to get wifey to divorce me and get SSI check. Also while I am at it go to the clerks office and get a new physical address so I can say I am living in a shack out back that has a newly installed meter base and power line so if they check on me I can say I live out there and just visit wifey during the day.

Thats the way its done now so if you need further information on how to beat the system, then just check at the Welfare Office. Wonder when the 5 year deal is going to get over and welfare to jobs begin. Ahhhhhhhh only in Clayberry or New York can you do all the above and live like a king. Free everything just for the taking of it. Oh I forgot any of you younguns out there over 18 can get a job watching ur elderly mom or dad at Clay Developement and get paid for it on top of all the other things.

la da da de de and the beat goes on

Anonymous said...

No doubt about it-

In Clay County-

You're a fool if your work.

The previous post is dead on.

Other than a decent vehicle, you can live like a king.

As a matter of fact,

As long as you have that "Physical Address" you dont need a vehicle-

Just a mialbox big enough to hold all the Welfare, SSI, and Social Security checks you can get for yourself and all your famnily members.

As AW likes to say-


ROSE said...

There's no reason you can't have a decent vehicle, too!

If you're gonna milk it, milk it like you mean it.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

Somber super said, something to the effect of:

To everyone listening on the radios I'd like to apologize for yesterdays problems. It was my fault. I ...I .. I dropped the ball.

I didn't have a radio and I apologize for that. I want to thank all the bus drivers for using good judgement and not running and endangering the kids.

It bothered me all day and all night and I just want you to know that I'm sorry and I can garuantee that it will NEVER happen again.

That is pretty much what he said. Seemed to be sincere too. But he got called out on his lack of follow thru. And for the record not ALL the drivers used good judgement!! Stormin' Norman was NOT gonna turn back even after the sheriff told him it was slick and dangerous.

Anonymous said...

Also, one of the drivers was heard to say that "if we don't go today that means we'll have to make it up next week and you know we don't want to do that!"

So he too was willing to jepordize our kids just so he wouldn't have to miss opening day of gun season. Insane if you ask me.

Rain, snow, sleet or hail... doesn't just apply to the postal service anymore!!

Anonymous said...

Well, What I would tell those Buck Fever guys and Gals...Get your Damn gun and go, I am sure that a substitute will gladly drive for you on Monday. My goodness they get all summer off and all holidays they act like the County owes them something. I sure as the hell don't owe them anything; they are paid to do a job and paid well. Let them do it and not complain about it. Should be glad they have a job.

Anonymous said...

I am more concerned about the childrens' safety. I could care less who is driving as long as they are thinking of the safety of picking up and delivering my kids.

Speaking of which, yesterday FBLA middle school kids went on a trip to Marshall University and the toyota plant. My kid was terrified because the driver was FLYING! They made it to the buffalo plant 40 minutes early. From Wallback interstate to Charleston was less than 35 mintues. I don't care if the speed limit is 70, he still couldn't have made it in that time doing only 70.

They think they are invincible. Which is all well and good I guess on their own time. BUT, when they are in a position of caring for kids driving/teaching etc....they had better be doing everything that is within them to see that the kids are taken care of. And 80 mph isn't it.

ROSE said...

Did I ever tell you about the bus driver who took off half my rearview mirror? He's lucky my children were with me & I was on my best behavior. Even so, he was pretty sure I was gonna turn his anus into a 3rd nostril.

Clay is one of the (very) few counties that take off all of next week anyway. In the overall scheme of things, it's 3 days - have school & count the kids who don't show up absent. Let the deputies & substitutes drive the buses. Make the teachers & staff take vacation/sick days. It's ridiculous that hunting season has to be a week-long holiday in the first place.

Anonymous said...

Rose, you better wash out your mouth with that kind of talk! A week for deer hunting, indeed.

ROSE said...

LOL Hey!! Way to kick that hurricane's bee-hind!

Ssshhh ... don't tell anybody, but I just said that for appearances' sake - it's a week long vacation for all us wives & moms, too. My kids would be among the ones counted absent 'cause Dad's takin' 'em huntin' whether they wanna go or not! I've got PLANS that don't include cooking, laundry, cleaning up after anybody ... oh, the peace & quiet!!


ROSE said...


Looks like the peace & quiet has already begun ... where is everybody? LOL

Snow on the ground, snow on the way. Global warming is definitely not knocking on our doors this morning!

Anonymous said...

Miss Rose, you little tater bug
Maybe their all hesitant of makin a comment this morn. due to your comment on a certain anus replant.

Anonymous said...

oh yeah like anyone would be skeerd of Rose......Ha I am so sure.

Anonymous said...

some slick roads out there people.

Badge #1 is getting DOH out on some of the worse roads.

EARLY OUT TODAY. Don't forget your kids!

ROSE said...

LOL There are a few people on this planet who are skeerd of me. With good reason 'cause they know they'll get little notice.

Slick roads don't bother those of us who preplanned our full day of sweatpants, fuzzy slippers & zero outdoor time!! I just hope the power stays on, the food holds out & everybody I care about comes home safe (not necessarily in that order ... LOL).

Anonymous said...

I wish I had millions of dollars, I'd buy everyone in clay county a scanner. Pertty interesting stuff on there from time to time.

ROSE said...

Oh, forget everybody else - just buy *me* a newer, better, higher-tech one!!

Or, if your house is anything like ours, just trade the old one, along with a shotgun, a coupla tires & pair of used boots for a slightly-less-crappy one.

Anonymous said...

Ah now Rose, I've seen your house I'm sure the shotgun, tires and used boots wouldn't be necessary in the trade.

Anonymous said...

It gripes me that the bus drivers in Clay County work 2 hours of a morning and 2 hours of an evening and get paid for 8 hours. If during the day they drive anywhere they are paid extra. They take 1/2 day sick leave or annual leave to drive the extra evening ballplayers and such. Do you think that is double dipping?

Anonymous said...

I don't know about double dipping but why not use the drivers as Janitors, trash pickup, painters, mechanics or whatever around the schools thus cutting the county school budjet in half at least.
But I guess as long as the taxpayers pay for sloppy systems thats exactly what we are going to have. And to think everytime you pay insurance in Wv a percentage goes into their retirement. Who pays your retirement if you work outside the school system? Thanks to fag Caperton the insurance wizard we will pay thru the nose as long as we have insurances.

Anonymous said...

You all might say a little prayer for Ol Burly, they took him to the hospital last night up Braxton way!!!

ROSE said...

Wow. If anybody talks to him, tell him we're keeping him in our prayes & keeping a spot open for him here! We'll also keep an eye out for bigfoot while he can't ...

Don't bus drivers bid on their routes & just get paid a flat annual fee? Isn't that how that works? With extra pay for extra cirricular runs? In the overall scheme of things, that's ... what ... let's see ... 180 days of school, times 2 runs per day ... that's 360 runs ... what's an average run? An hour? What's a bus driver make? Divide that by 360.

I wouldn't put up with those screamy-meamy kids on a bus for any amount of money ... LOL

Anonymous said...

Whats wrong with Burly?

Anonymous said...

Stomach pains of some sort, but could be blocked up like AW, a time or two, while the wifey's away!!

Anonymous said...

hate to spoil everyones hopes but ol' burley didn't die. he tok a running off at the bowels same as he'as got at the mouth.

hey did you ever have diaharae[you spell it] with an outhouse in below freezing weather. had to use a piano stool with a removable top. had to place two boards on the stool making a crack, did you ever try to hit a crack with two movable boards and an ice cream bucket sitting under neath.
turned out i had an acute bacterial kidney infection..well i'm back. still using the stool though sorry folks, but i think i'm going to live.

Anonymous said...

seen , what looked like a St. Bernard trudgeing into Clay down Rt. 4 this after noon. don't know whether it is local or a discard.

Anonymous said...

Praise be
It's a miracle
And no big foots spotted

ROSE said...

LOL BBB, that's the funniest ... but not ... story I ever heard! LOL I'm truly sorry for your troubles, but a piano stool?? How ingenious!! As cold as it was, though, um ... never mind. Glad to hear you're feeling better!

My firstborn turns 15 today. My, how time does fly.

Anonymous said...

seems I do sense a disappointment there. must be a goat reading these comments.

Anonymous said...

night all

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Josh! From Savannah & Melody~

Anonymous said...

happy birthday, and a good day to Rose and family.

ROSE said...

Josh says THANKS!!

Yesterday, he was rich, rich, RICH! Today, he's busted. LOL

Looks like all you hunters are gonna first get soaked, then freeze your godinkyberries off!!

I reckon I'll just keep the home fires burnin' ... LOL

ROSE said...

Happy Opening Day!!

Just came from AWs site ... exactly what everybody fears, nobody wants to hear.

Y'all be careful out there!!

Anonymous said...

Now that deer season is over I can go back to my normal hunting routine. Keeping the ladies company while hubbys out killing time.

So get on out there early and hunt until late I need all the time I can have ya know............Dear meat is soooooooo gooooood!!!!!!!

ROSE said...

LOL I'm no Luv Doctor, but it might be in your best interest to pick the wife of a traveling salesman or something. A dude with a gun - especially one that's been looking forward to using it for a year - might not be the one to mess with.

Anonymous said...

Glad to see Rose is so happy this morn. I couldn't have been classed as rich but Bush sure busted me.

ROSE said...

I posted that comment last night ... I am NOT a morning person. LOL

Can I be rich, too? I don't live on "Main Street" & nobody'll tell me what "middle class" is ... if I'm ever gonna be talked about in Main Stream Media, I reckon I'd settle for being rich. I hope that means never having to do laundry again ...

Anonymous said...

howdy do!

Anonymous said...

well, couldn't go deer hunting, hunt moths anyway,still alive and crapping in the ice cream bucket. is this the bottom, maybe mine, the economy don't think so. guess that's all the news you don't want to hear.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

good morning, you'll
cant believe no one has a nasty comment. is the war of the worlds still on. kinda behind on the goings on in ol' Clay co. some one said Andy was full of farts though. Bunch of good people in the co. though. some even have hearts. Had my Thanksgiving dinner. courtesy the new church in Ivydale. good for three meals. have a good day

ROSE said...

Top o' the mornin' to y'all!!

Ah, the peace & quiet is almost over. The clean house - that's been clean since The Guys left on Saturday - is soon to be piled high with dirty hunting clothes & bodies that haven't bathed for days.

Let the lying begin!! LOL

Anonymous said...

LS maybe if you would quit asking for nasty comments they would quit posting them.

Anonymous said...

what else is news? how else do we learn our neighbors dirt? who wanted to know that i had a Thanksgiving dinner sent to me? how could we talk about the politicians? how could we talk about taxes?what about the criminals, the sex offenders, and the drug users, should we ignore them. THIS HAS BEEN THE POLICY OF THE PAST. HAS IT WORKED? THE GOOD OLD BOYS LIKE IT THAT WAY. AN IGNORANT PUBLIC.

Anonymous said...

Whew Ms Rose made it away by the skin of my teeth and you are so right I don't need to be messing where big guns are concerned. Glad I remembered turkey day and early retreats just pryor. Dear meat sure was good though.
Hunt on hubby!!!!! I'll be Back

Anonymous said...

Went to Atlanta yesterday and it was 70+ and while driving around on 7 lanes of traffic and all them cars pulling up beside you with dark tented windows and two white spots looking at you, man was that a scary ordeal. Made me want my uzi real bad. No place for a KKK member to wonder around by theirselves and thats a fact.

Nice weather and gas at $1.55 was ever nicer. Going to $1.25 or less in December they say. Just think we still have to fight $2.00+ here and wonder if it will drop anymore or go upwards again. Do we live on a different planet in West Virginia or does GREED rule here?